< Proverbs 30 >

1 [the] words of - Agur [the] son of Jakeh the oracle [the] utterance of the man to Ithiel to Ithiel and Ukal.
雅基的儿子亚古珥的言语就是真言。 这人对以铁和乌甲说:
2 That [am] stupid I more than anyone and not [the] understanding of a person [belongs] to me.
我比众人更蠢笨, 也没有人的聪明。
3 And not I have learned wisdom and knowledge of [the] holy [one] I know.
我没有学好智慧, 也不认识至圣者。
4 Who? has he gone up heaven - and has he come down? who? has he gathered [the] wind - in hands his who? has he wrapped [the] waters - in cloak who? has he set up all [the] ends of [the] earth what? [is] name his and what? [is] [the] name of son his for you know.
谁升天又降下来? 谁聚风在掌握中? 谁包水在衣服里? 谁立定地的四极? 他名叫什么? 他儿子名叫什么? 你知道吗?
5 Every word of God [is] refined [is] a shield he for [those who] take refuge in him.
神的言语句句都是炼净的; 投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。
6 May not you add to words his lest he should rebuke you and you will be proved a liar.
他的言语,你不可加添, 恐怕他责备你,你就显为说谎言的。
7 Two [things] I ask from with you may not you withhold [them] from me before I will die.
我求你两件事, 在我未死之先,不要不赐给我:
8 Deceitfulness - and a word of falsehood put far away from me poverty and wealth may not you give to me let devour me [the] food of allotment my.
求你使虚假和谎言远离我; 使我也不贫穷也不富足; 赐给我需用的饮食,
9 Lest I should be satisfied - and I will deny and I will say who? [is] Yahweh and lest I should become impoverished and I will steal and I will seize [the] name of God my.
恐怕我饱足不认你,说: 耶和华是谁呢? 又恐怕我贫穷就偷窃, 以致亵渎我 神的名。
10 May not you slander a slave to (master his *QK) lest he should curse you and you will be held guilty.
你不要向主人谗谤仆人, 恐怕他咒诅你,你便算为有罪。
11 A generation father its it curses and mother its not it blesses.
有一宗人,咒诅父亲, 不给母亲祝福。
12 A generation [is] pure in own eyes its and from excrement its not it has been washed.
有一宗人,自以为清洁, 却没有洗去自己的污秽。
13 A generation how! they are raised eyes its and eyelids its they are lifted up.
有一宗人,眼目何其高傲, 眼皮也是高举。
14 A generation - [are] swords teeth its and [are] knives jaw bones its to devour afflicted [people] from [the] earth and needy [people] from humankind.
有一宗人,牙如剑,齿如刀, 要吞灭地上的困苦人和世间的穷乏人。
15 [belong] to A leech - two daughters give - give three [things] they not they are satisfied four [things] not they say enough.
蚂蟥有两个女儿, 常说:给呀,给呀! 有三样不知足的, 连不说“够的”共有四样:
16 Sheol and barrenness of a womb land [which] not it is satisfied water and fire [which] not it says enough. (Sheol h7585)
就是阴间和石胎, 浸水不足的地,并火。 (Sheol h7585)
17 An eye - [which] it mocks a father so it may despise obedience of a mother they will pluck out it [the] ravens of [the] wadi and they will eat it [the] young of an eagle.
戏笑父亲、藐视而不听从母亲的, 他的眼睛必为谷中的乌鸦啄出来,为鹰雏所吃。
18 Three [things] they they are [too] wonderful for me (and four [things] *Qk) not I know them.
我所测不透的奇妙有三样, 连我所不知道的共有四样:
19 [the] way of The eagle - in the heavens [the] way of a snake on a rock [the] way of a ship in [the] heart of [the] sea and [the] way of a man with a young woman.
就是鹰在空中飞的道; 蛇在磐石上爬的道; 船在海中行的道; 男与女交合的道。
20 [is] thus - [the] way of A woman adulterous she eats and she wipes clean mouth her and she says not I have done wickedness.
淫妇的道也是这样: 她吃了,把嘴一擦就说: 我没有行恶。
21 Under three [things] it quakes [the] earth and under four [things] not it is able to bear up.
使地震动的有三样, 连地担不起的共有四样:
22 Under a slave for he will become king and a fool for he will be satisfied food.
就是仆人作王; 愚顽人吃饱;
23 Under a hated [woman] for she will be married and a female servant for she will dispossess mistress her.
丑恶的女子出嫁; 婢女接续主母。
24 Four [things] they [are] small [things] of [the] earth and they [are] wise [things] made wise.
25 The ants [are] a people not strong and they prepared in the summer food their.
蚂蚁是无力之类, 却在夏天预备粮食。
26 Rock badgers [are] a people not mighty and they made in the rock[s] home their.
沙番是软弱之类, 却在磐石中造房。
27 A king not [belongs] to the locust and it went out dividing all of it.
蝗虫没有君王, 却分队而出。
28 A lizard in [two] hands you will grasp and it [is] in [the] palaces of a king.
守宫用爪抓墙, 却住在王宫。
29 Three [things] they [are] doing well of step and four [things] [are] doing well to walk.
步行威武的有三样, 连行走威武的共有四样:
30 A lion [is] mighty among the animal[s] and not it turns back from before anything.
31 A rooster of loins or a male goat and a king a band of soldiers with him.
32 If you have been foolish by exalting yourself and if you have plotted hand to a mouth.
你若行事愚顽,自高自傲, 或是怀了恶念,就当用手捂口。
33 For squeezing of milk it brings forth butter and squeezing of a nose it brings forth blood and squeezing of anger it brings forth strife.
摇牛奶必成奶油; 扭鼻子必出血。 照样,激动怒气必起争端。

< Proverbs 30 >