< Proverbs 22 >

1 [is to be] chosen A name more than wealth great more than silver and more than gold favor good. 2 [the] rich And [the] poor they meet together [is the] maker of all of them Yahweh. 3 A sensible [person] - he sees trouble (and he hides himself *Q(K)*) and naive people they pass on and they are punished. 4 [the] consequence of Humility [the] fear of Yahweh [is] wealth and honor and life. 5 Thorns snares [are] in [the] path of a perverse [person] [one who] guards self his he will be far from them. 6 Train the youth on [the] mouth of way his also if he will be old not he will turn aside from it. 7 A rich [person] over poor [people] he rules and [is] a servant a borrower of a person a lender. 8 [one who] sows Unrighteousness (he will reap *Q(k)*) trouble and [the] rod of fury his it will end. 9 A [person] good of eye he he will be blessed for he gives some of food his to poor [person]. 10 Drive out a mocker so may go out strife so may cease dispute and shame. 11 [one who] loves (Pure of *Q(K)*) heart [the] grace of lips his [is] friend his a king. 12 [the] eyes of Yahweh they preserve knowledge and he has subverted [the] words of [one who] acts treacherously. 13 He says a sluggard a lion [is] in the street in [the] midst of [the] open places I will be killed. 14 [is] a pit Deep [the] mouth of strange [women] [one who] is cursed of Yahweh (he will fall *Q(k)*) there. 15 Foolishness [is] bound in [the] heart of a youth a rod of discipline it will put far away it from him. 16 [one who] oppresses [the] poor To increase for himself [one who] gives to a rich [person] only to poverty. 17 Incline ear your and hear [the] words of wise [people] and heart your you will set to knowledge my. 18 For [will be] pleasant that you will keep them in belly your they will be prepared together on lips your. 19 To be in Yahweh trust your I teach you this day even you. 20 ¿ Not have I written for you (officers *Q(K)*) counsels and knowledge. 21 To make known to you [the] truth of words of faithfulness to bring back words faithfulness to [those who] sent you. 22 May not you rob a poor [person] for [is] poor he and may not you crush a poor [person] at the gate. 23 For Yahweh he will conduct case their and he will rob [those who] rob them life. 24 May not you associate with a master of anger and with a person of rage not you must go. 25 Lest you should learn (ways his *Q(K)*) and you will take a snare for self your. 26 May not you be among [those who] strike a palm among [those who] stand surety for debts. 27 If not [belongs] to you to pay why? will anyone take bed your from under you. 28 May not you displace a boundary of antiquity which they made ancestors your. 29 You see a person - skilled in work his before kings he will take his stand not he will take his stand before insignificant [people].

< Proverbs 22 >