< Numbers 28 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti,
2 Command [the] people of Israel and you will say to them offering my food my for fire offerings my [the] odor of soothing my you will take care to bring near to me at appointed time its.
“Lagira abaana ba Isirayiri ng’obagamba nti, ‘Mutegekenga ekiweebwayo kyange mu biseera bye nnyini, ye mmere ey’ebiweebwayo byange ebyokye, nga bivaamu akawoowo akalungi akansanyusa.’
3 And you will say to them this [is] the fire offering which you will bring near to Yahweh lambs sons of a year unblemished two for the day a burnt offering continually.
Bagambe nti, ‘Ekiweebwayo ekyokye ky’ojjanga okuwaayo eri Mukama, kinaabanga bwe kiti: endiga ennume bbiri ezitaliiko kamogo nga buli emu ya mwaka gumu ogw’obukulu: zaakuweebwangayo nga njokye buli lunaku.
4 The lamb one you will offer in the morning and the lamb second you will offer between the evenings.
Endiga emu munaagiwangayo mu makya, n’endiga eyookubiri munaagiwangayo akawungeezi;
5 And [the] tenth of ephah fine flour to a grain offering mixed with oil pressed fourth of hin.
nga muteekeddeko ne kilo emu n’ekitundu ez’obuwunga obulungi nga butabuddwamu lita ng’emu ey’amafuta ge zeyituuni.
6 A burnt offering of continuity which was instituted at [the] mountain of Sinai to an odor of soothing a fire offering to Yahweh.
Ekyo ky’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya buli kiseera nga bwe kyalagirwa ku lusozi Sinaayi, nga ke kawoowo akasanyusa ak’ekiweebwayo ekyokye eri Mukama.
7 And drink offering its [will be] [the] fourth of hin for the lamb one in the holy place pour out a drink offering of strong drink to Yahweh.
Ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako kinaabanga kya lita ng’emu ku buli ndiga. Ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa eri Mukama Katonda munaakifukiranga mu watukuvu.
8 And the lamb second you will offer between the evenings like [the] grain offering of the morning and like drink offering its you will offer [it] a fire offering of an odor of soothing to Yahweh.
Endiga eyookubiri mugiteekateekanga kawungeezi, mu ngeri y’emu n’eyo ey’omu makya. Ekyo kinaabanga ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, omuva akawoowo akalungi akasanyusa Mukama Katonda.’
9 And on [the] day of the sabbath two lambs sons of a year unblemished and two tenths [of an ephah] fine flour a grain offering mixed with oil and drink offering its.
“Ku lunaku lwa Ssabbiiti munaaleetanga ekiweebwayo eky’endiga ennume ez’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu, ezitaliiko kamogo, wamu n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako, n’ekiweebwayo eky’obuwunga obulungi ekiweza nga kilo ssatu n’obutundu bubiri n’ekitundu nga butabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni.
10 [the] burnt offering of [the] sabbath On sabbath its [is] to [the] burnt offering of continuity and drink offering its.
Kino kye kinaabanga ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya buli Ssabbiiti, nga kyongerwa ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya buli kiseera awamu n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako.
11 And at [the] beginnings of months your you will bring near a burnt offering to Yahweh young bulls young ones of cattle two and a ram one lambs sons of a year seven unblemished.
“Ku buli lunaku olw’olubereberye olwa buli mwezi onooleetanga eri Mukama ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eky’ente ennume ento bbiri, n’endiga ento ennume emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume musanvu abawezezza omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu; byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
12 And three tenths [of an ephah] fine flour a grain offering mixed with oil for the young bull one and two tenths [of an ephah] fine flour a grain offering mixed with oil for the ram one.
Ku buli nte nnume ento munaaleeterangako kilo ttaano ez’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni; ku ndiga ento ennume munaaleeterangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke epima kilo ssatu n’obutundutundu bubiri n’ekitundu ez’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni;
13 And a tenth [of an ephah] a tenth [of an ephah] fine flour a grain offering mixed with oil for the lamb one a burnt offering an odor of soothing a fire offering to Yahweh.
ku buli mwana gw’endiga ennume munaaleeterangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke eky’obuwunga obulungi obupima kilo emu n’ekitundu obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni. Ebyo byonna bye by’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, ekivaamu akawoowo akalungi ak’ekiweebwayo ekiri ku muliro, ekiweereddwayo eri Mukama Katonda.
14 And drink offerings their half of hin it will belong for the young bull and [the] third of hin for the ram and [the] fourth of hin for the lamb wine this [is the] burnt offering of a month in month its for [the] months of the year.
Ku buli nte ennume ento kunaaleeterwangako ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekya lita emu n’obutundu munaana eza wayini; ku ndiga ennume ento ekya wayini apima lita emu n’obutundu bubiri, ne ku buli mwana gw’endiga ennume ekyokunywa ekya lita emu n’obutundu bubiri eza wayini. Ekyo kye kinaabanga ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya buli mwezi nga gwakaboneka mu mwaka.
15 And a male goat of goats one to a sin offering to Yahweh to [the] burnt offering of continuity it will be offered and drink offering its.
Ng’oggyeko ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo awamu n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako, munaaleetanga embuzi ennume nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi eri Mukama Katonda.
16 And [will be] in the month first on [the] four-teen day of the month a passover to Yahweh.
“Olunaku olw’ekkumi n’ennya mu mwezi ogw’olubereberye kwe kunaabanga Embaga ey’Okuyitako kwa Mukama Katonda.
17 And [will be] on [the] fif-teen day of the month this a festival seven days unleavened bread it will be eaten.
Ku lunaku olw’ekkumi n’ettaano olw’omwezi ogwo kwe kunaabeeranga embaga; munaalyanga emigaati egitali mizimbulukuse okumala ennaku musanvu.
18 [will be] on the Day first a convocation of holiness any work of servitude not you will do.
Ku lunaku olw’olubereberye munaabeeranga n’okukuŋŋaana okutukuvu; era temulukolerangako mirimu gyonna egy’okukakaalukana.
19 And you will bring near a fire offering a burnt offering to Yahweh young bulls young ones of cattle two and a ram one and seven lambs sons of a year unblemished they will be to you.
Munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eri Mukama Katonda, ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eky’ente eza sseddume ento bbiri, n’endiga ento ennume emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume abawezezza omwaka gumu ogw’obukulu; nga byonna tebiriiko kamogo.
20 And grain offering their fine flour mixed with oil three tenths [of an ephah] for the young bull and two tenths [of an ephah] for the ram you will offer.
Ku buli nte ento ennume munaaleeterangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke ng’eweza kilo ssatu ez’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni; ku ndiga ennume ento munaaleeterangako kilo bbiri;
21 A tenth a tenth you will offer for the lamb one for [the] seven the lambs.
ne ku buli emu ku baana b’endiga ennume omusanvu, kilo emu.
22 And a male goat of a sin offering one to make atonement on you.
Munaaleeterangako embuzi ennume emu ey’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi olw’okwetangiririza.
23 Besides [the] burnt offering of the morning which [is] for [the] burnt offering of continuity you will offer these [things].
Ebyo byonna munaabiteekateekanga nga mwongereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo ekya buli makya.
24 Like these [things] you will offer for the day seven days food of a fire offering of an odor of soothing to Yahweh to [the] burnt offering of continuity it will be offered and drink offering its.
Munaategekanga mu ngeri eyo, buli lunaku, emmere ey’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, okumala ennaku musanvu, nga ke kawoowo akasanyusa Mukama Katonda; ekyo kinaateekebwateekebwanga okwongereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo awamu n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako.
25 And on the day seventh a convocation of holiness it will be to you any work of servitude not you will do.
Ku lunaku olw’omusanvu munaakubangawo olukuŋŋaana olutukuvu, era temuukolerengako mirimu gyonna egya bulijjo egy’okukakaalukana.
26 And on [the] day of the first-fruits when bring near you a grain offering new to Yahweh at weeks your a convocation of holiness it will be to you any work of servitude not you will do.
“Ku lunaku olw’ebibala ebibereberye, kwe munaaleeteranga ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke ey’obuwunga, eri Mukama Katonda, ku Mbaga ya Wiiki, munaakubanga olukuŋŋaana olutukuvu; era temuukolerengako mirimu gyonna egya bulijjo egy’okukakaalukana.
27 And you will bring near a burnt offering to an odor of soothing to Yahweh young bulls young ones of cattle two a ram one seven lambs sons of a year.
Munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eky’ente ento eza sseddume bbiri, n’endiga ento ennume emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume abawezezza omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu musanvu, nga ke kawoowo akasanyusa Mukama Katonda.
28 And grain offering their fine flour mixed with oil three tenths [of an ephah] for the young bull one two tenths [of an ephah] for the ram one.
Ku buli nte ya sseddume kunaaleeterwangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke ey’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni obupima kilo ttaano; ne ku ndiga ennume ento, obupima kilo ssatu n’obutundu bubiri n’ekitundu;
29 A tenth a tenth for the lamb one for [the] seven the lambs.
ne ku buli emu ku baana b’endiga ennume omusanvu, obupima kilo emu n’ekitundu.
30 A male goat of goats one to make atonement on you.
Munaagattangako n’embuzi ennume emu ento olw’okwetangiririza.
31 Besides [the] burnt offering of continuity and grain offering its you will offer [them] unblemished they will be to you and drink offerings their.
Ebyo byonna munaabiwangayo awamu n’ekiweebwayo kyabyo ekyokunywa; okwo kwe munaagattanga ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere ey’empeke. Mwegenderezenga okulaba ng’ensolo ezo zonna teziriiko kamogo.”

< Numbers 28 >