< Numbers 26 >

1 And it was after the plague. And he said Yahweh to Moses and to Eleazar [the] son of Aaron the priest saying.
Postquam noxiorum sanguis effusus est, dixit Dominus ad Moysen et Eleazarum filium Aaron sacerdotem:
2 Lift up [the] head of - all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel from a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards to [the] house of ancestors their every [one who] goes forth warfare in Israel.
Numerate omnem summam filiorum Israel a viginti annis et supra, per domos et cognationes suas, cunctos, qui possunt ad bella procedere.
3 And he spoke Moses and Eleazar the priest with them in [the] plains of Moab at [the] Jordan of Jericho saying.
Locuti sunt itaque Moyses et Eleazar sacerdos, in campestribus Moab super Iordanem contra Iericho, ad eos, qui erant
4 From a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards just as he commanded Yahweh Moses and [the] people of Israel who came out from [the] land of Egypt.
a viginti annis et supra, sicut Dominus imperaverat, quorum iste est numerus:
5 Reuben [the] firstborn of Israel [the] descendants of Reuben Hanoch [the] clan of the Hanochite[s] of Pallu [the] clan of the Palluite[s].
Ruben primogenitus Israel. huius filius, Henoch, a quo familia Henochitarum: et Phallu, a quo familia Phalluitarum:
6 Of Hezron [the] clan of the Hezronite[s] of Carmi [the] clan of the Carmite[s].
et Hesron, a quo familia Hesronitarum: et Charmi, a quo familia Charmitarum.
7 These [were] [the] clans of the Reubenite[s] and they were enrolled [men] their three and forty thousand and seven hundred and thirty.
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Ruben: quarum numerus inventus est quadraginta tria millia, et septingenti triginta.
8 And [the] sons of Pallu Eliab.
Filius Phallu, Eliab.
9 And [the] sons of Eliab Nemuel and Dathan and Abiram that [was the] Dathan and Abiram ([the] [people] called of *Q(K)*) the congregation who they struggled on Moses and on Aaron in [the] company of Korah when struggled they on Yahweh.
huius filii, Namuel et Dathan et Abiron. isti sunt Dathan et Abiron principes populi, qui surrexerunt contra Moysen et Aaron in seditione Core, quando adversus Dominum rebellaverunt:
10 And it opened the earth mouth its and it swallowed them and Korah when died the company when consumed the fire fifty and two hundred man and they became a warning sign.
et aperiens terra os suum devoravit Core, morientibus plurimis, quando combussit ignis ducentos quinquaginta viros. Et factum est grande miraculum,
11 And [the] sons of Korah not they died.
ut, Core pereunte, filii illius non perirent.
12 [the] descendants of Simeon to clans their of Nemuel [the] clan of the Nemuelite[s] of Jamin [the] clan of the Jaminite[s] of Jakin [the] clan of the Jakinite[s].
Filii Simeon per cognationes suas: Namuel, ab hoc familia Namuelitarum: et Iamin, ab hoc familia Iaminitarum: Iachin, ab hoc familia Iachinitarum:
13 Of Zerah [the] clan of the Zerahite[s] of Shaul [the] clan of the Shaulite[s].
Zare, ab hoc familia Zareitarum: Saul, ab hoc familia Saulitarum.
14 These [were] [the] clans of the Simeonite[s] two and twenty thousand and two hundred.
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Simeon, quarum omnis numerus fuit viginti duo millia ducenti.
15 [the] descendants of Gad to clans their of Zephon [the] clan of the Zephonite[s] of Haggi [the] clan of the Haggite[s] of Shuni [the] clan of the Shunite[s].
Filii Gad per cognationes suas: Sephon, ab hoc familia Sephonitarum: Aggi, ab hoc familia Aggitarum: Suni, ab hoc familia Sunitarum:
16 Of Ozni [the] clan of the Oznite[s] of Eri [the] clan of the Erite[s].
Ozni, ab hoc familia Oznitarum: Her, ab hoc familia Heritarum:
17 Of Arod [the] clan of the Arodite[s] of Areli [the] clan of the Arelite[s].
Arod, ab hoc familia Aroditarum: Ariel, ab hoc familia Arielitarum.
18 These [were] [the] clans of [the] descendants of Gad to enrolled [men] their forty thousand and five hundred.
istae sunt familiae Gad, quarum omnis numerus fuit quadraginta millia quingenti.
19 [the] sons of Judah [were] Er and Onan and he died Er and Onan in [the] land of Canaan.
Filii Iuda, Her et Onan, qui ambo mortui sunt in Terra Chanaan.
20 And they were [the] descendants of Judah to clans their of Shelah [the] clan of the Shelahite[s] of Perez [the] clan of the Perezite[s] of Zerah [the] clan of the Zerahite[s].
Fueruntque filii Iuda, per cognationes suas: Sela, a quo familia Selaitarum: Phares, a quo familia Pharesitarum: Zare, a quo familia Zareitarum.
21 And they were [the] descendants of Perez of Hezron [the] clan of the Hezronite[s] of Hamul [the] clan of the Hamulite[s].
Porro filii Phares: Hesron, a quo familia Hesronitarum: et Hamul, a quo familia Hamulitarum.
22 These [were] [the] clans of Judah to enrolled [men] their six and seventy thousand and five hundred.
Istae sunt familiae Iuda, quarum omnis numerus fuit septuaginta sex millia quingenti.
23 [the] descendants of Issachar to clans their Tola [the] clan of the Tolaite[s] of Puah [the] clan of the Punite[s].
Filii Issachar, per cognationes suas: Thola, a quo familia Tholaitarum: Phua, a quo familia Phuaitarum:
24 Of Jashub [the] clan of the Jashubite[s] of Shimron [the] clan of the Shimronite[s].
Iasub, a quo familia Iasubitarum: Semran, a quo familia Semranitarum.
25 These [were] [the] clans of Issachar to enrolled [men] their four and sixty thousand and three hundred.
hae sunt cognationes Issachar, quarum numerus fuit sexaginta quattuor millia trecenti.
26 [the] descendants of Zebulun to clans their of Sered [the] clan of the Sardite[s] of Elon [the] clan of the Elonite[s] of Jahleel [the] clan of the Jahleelite[s].
Filii Zabulon per cognationes suas: Sared, a quo familia Sareditarum: Elon, a quo familia Elonitarum: Ialel, a quo familia Ialelitarum.
27 These [were] [the] clans of the Zebulunite[s] to enrolled [men] their sixty thousand and five hundred.
hae sunt cognationes Zabulon, quarum numerus fuit sexaginta millia quingenti.
28 [the] sons of Joseph to clans their Manasseh and Ephraim.
Filii Ioseph per cognationes suas, Manasse et Ephraim.
29 [the] descendants of Manasseh of Makir [the] clan of the Makirite[s] and Makir he fathered Gilead of Gilead [the] clan of the Gileadite[s].
De Manasse ortus est Machir, a quo familia Machiritarum. Machir genuit Galaad, a quo familia Galaaditarum.
30 These [were] [the] descendants of Gilead Iezer [the] clan of the Iezerite[s] of Helek [the] clan of the Helekite[s].
Galaad habuit filios: Iezer, a quo familia Iezeritarum: et Helec, a quo familia Helecitarum:
31 And Asriel [the] clan of the Asrielite[s] and Shechem [the] clan of the Shechemite[s].
et Asriel, a quo familia Asrielitarum: et Sechem, a quo familia Sechemitarum:
32 And Shemida [the] clan of the Shemidaite[s] and Hepher [the] clan of the Hepherite[s].
et Semida, a quo familia Semidaitarum: et Hepher, a quo familia Hepheritarum.
33 And Zelophehad [the] son of Hepher not they belonged to him sons that except daughters and [the] name of [the] daughters of Zelophehad [was] Mahlah and Noah Hoglah Milcah and Tirzah.
Fuit autem Hepher pater Salphaad, qui filios non habebat, sed tantum filias, quarum ista sunt nomina: Maala, et Noa, et Hegla, et Melcha, et Thersa.
34 These [were] [the] clans of Manasseh and enrolled [men] their [were] two and fifty thousand and seven hundred.
hae sunt familiae Manasse, et numerus earum, quinquaginta duo millia septingenti.
35 These [were] [the] descendants of Ephraim to clans their of Shuthelah [the] clan of the Shuthelahite[s] of Beker [the] clan of the Bakrite[s] of Tahan [the] clan of the Tahanite[s].
Filii autem Ephraim per cognationes suas fuerunt hi: Suthala, a quo familia Suthalaitarum: Becher, a quo familia Becheritarum: Thehen, a quo familia Thehenitarum.
36 And these [were] [the] descendants of Shuthelah of Eran [the] clan of the Eranite[s].
porro filius Suthala fuit Heran, a quo familia Heranitarum.
37 These [were] [the] clans of [the] descendants of Ephraim to enrolled [men] their two and thirty thousand and five hundred these [were] [the] descendants of Joseph to clans their.
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Ephraim, quarum numerus fuit triginta duo millia quingenti.
38 [the] descendants of Benjamin to clans their of Bela [the] clan of the Belaite[s] of Ashbel [the] clan of the Ashbelite[s] of Ahiram [the] clan of the Ahiramite[s].
Isti sunt filii Ioseph per familias suas. Filii Beniamin in cognationibus suis: Bela, a quo familia Belaitarum: Asbel, a quo familia Asbelitarum: Ahiram, a quo familia Ahiramitarum:
39 Of Shupham [the] clan of the Shuphamite[s] of Hupham [the] clan of the Huphamite[s].
Supham, a quo familia Suphamitarum: Hupham, a quo familia Huphamitarum.
40 And they were [the] descendants of Bela Ard and Naaman (to Ard *X*) [the] clan of the Ardite[s] to Naaman [the] clan of the Naamanite[s].
Filii Bela: Hered, et Noeman. De Hered, familia Hereditarum: de Noeman, familia Noemanitarum.
41 These [were] [the] descendants of Benjamin to clans their and enrolled [men] their [were] five and forty thousand and six hundred.
hi sunt filii Beniamin per cognationes suas, quorum numerus fuit quadragintaquinque millia sexcenti.
42 These [were] [the] descendants of Dan to clans their of Shuham [the] clan of the Shuhamite[s] these [were] [the] clans of Dan to clans their.
Filii Dan per cognationes suas: Suham, a quo familia Suhamitarum. hae sunt cognationes Dan per familias suas.
43 All [the] clans of the Shuhamite[s] to enrolled [men] their [were] four and sixty thousand and four hundred.
omnes fuere Suhamitae, quorum numerus erat sexaginta quattuor millia quadringenti.
44 [the] descendants of Asher to clans their of Imnah [the] clan of the Imnahite[s] of Ishvi [the] clan of the Ishvite[s] of Beriah [the] clan of the Beriahite[s].
Filii Aser per cognationes suas: Iemna, a quo familia Iemnaitarum: Iessui, a quo familia Iessuitarum: Brie, a quo familia Brieitarum.
45 Of [the] descendants of Beriah of Heber [the] clan of the Heberite[s] of Malkiel [the] clan of the Malchielite[s].
Filii Brie: Heber, a quo familia Heberitarum: et Melchiel, a quo familia Melchielitarum.
46 And [the] name of [the] daughter of Asher [was] Serah.
Nomen autem filiae Aser, fuit Sara.
47 These [were] [the] clans of [the] descendants of Asher to enrolled [men] their three and fifty thousand and four hundred.
hae cognationes filiorum Aser, et numerus eorum quinquaginta tria millia quadringenti.
48 [the] descendants of Naphtali to clans their of Jahzeel [the] clan of the Jahzeelite[s] of Guni [the] clan of the Gunite[s].
Filii Nephthali per cognationes suas: Iesiel, a quo familia Iesielitarum: Guni, a quo familia Gunitarum:
49 Of Jezer [the] clan of the Jezerite[s] of Shillem [the] clan of the Shillemite[s].
Ieser, a quo familia Ieseritarum: Sellem, a quo familia Sellemitarum.
50 These [were] [the] clans of Naphtali to clans their and enrolled [men] their [were] five and forty thousand and four hundred.
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Nephthali per familias suas: quorum numerus quadraginta quinque millia quadringenti.
51 These [were] [the] enrolled [men] of [the] people of Israel six hundred thousand and one thousand seven hundred and thirty.
Ista est summa filiorum Israel, qui recensiti sunt, sexcenta millia, et mille septingenti triginta.
52 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
53 To these it will be divided the land an inheritance by [the] number of names.
Istis dividetur terra iuxta numerum vocabulorum in possessiones suas.
54 For the many you will make great inheritance its and for the few you will make small inheritance its each to [the] mouth of enrolled [men] his it will be given inheritance its.
Pluribus maiorem partem dabis, et paucioribus minorem: singulis, sicut nunc recensiti sunt, tradetur possessio:
55 Only by lot it will be divided the land to [the] names of [the] tribes of ancestors their they will inherit.
ita dumtaxat ut sors Terram tribubus dividat et familiis.
56 On [the] mouth of the lot it will be divided inheritance its between [the] many and [the] few.
Quidquid sorte contigerit, hoc vel plures accipiant, vel pauciores.
57 And these [were] [the] enrolled [men] of the Levite[s] to clans their of Gershon [the] clan of the Gershonite[s] of Kohath [the] clan of the Kohathite[s] of Merari [the] clan of the Merarite[s].
Hic quoque est numerus filiorum Levi per familias suas: Gerson, a quo familia Gersonitarum: Caath, a quo familia Caathitarum: Merari, a quo familia Meraritarum.
58 These - [were] [the] clans of Levi [the] clan of the Libnite[s] [the] clan of the Hebronite[s] [the] clan of the Mahlite[s] [the] clan of the Mushite[s] [the] clan of the Korahite[s] and Kohath he fathered Amram.
hae sunt familiae Levi: Familia Lobni, familia Hebroni, familia Moholi, familia Musi, familia Core. At vero Caath genuit Amram:
59 And [the] name of - [the] wife of Amram [was] Jochebed [the] daughter of Levi whom someone bore her to Levi in Egypt and she bore to Amram Aaron and Moses and Miriam sister their.
qui habuit uxorem Iochabed filiam Levi, quae nata est ei in Aegypto. haec genuit Amram viro suo filios, Aaron et Moysen, et Mariam sororem eorum:
60 And it was born to Aaron Nadab and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar.
De Aaron orti sunt Nadab et Abiu, et Eleazar et Ithamar:
61 And he died Nadab and Abihu when brought near they fire strange before Yahweh.
quorum Nadab et Abiu mortui sunt, cum obtulissent ignem alienum coram Domino.
62 And they were enrolled [men] their three and twenty thousand every male from a son of a month and up-wards for - not they were enrolled in among [the] people of Israel for not it was given to them an inheritance in among [the] people of Israel.
Fueruntque omnes, qui numerati sunt, viginti tria millia generis masculini ab uno mense et supra: qui non sunt recensiti inter filios Israel, nec eis cum ceteris data possessio est.
63 These [were] [the] enrolled [men] of Moses and Eleazar the priest who they enrolled [the] people of Israel in [the] plains of Moab at [the] Jordan of Jericho.
Hic est numerus filiorum Israel, qui descripti sunt a Moyse et Eleazaro sacerdote, in campestribus Moab supra Iordanem contra Iericho.
64 And among these not he was anyone from [the] enrolled [men] of Moses and Aaron the priest who they had enrolled [the] people of Israel in [the] wilderness of Sinai.
inter quos nullus fuit eorum, qui ante numerati sunt a Moyse et Aaron in deserto Sinai:
65 For he had said Yahweh of them certainly they will die in the wilderness and not he was left of them anyone that except Caleb [the] son of Jephunneh and Joshua [the] son of Nun.
Praedixerat enim Dominus quod omnes morerentur in solitudine. Nullusque remansit ex eis, nisi Caleb filius Iephone, et Iosue filius Nun.

< Numbers 26 >