< Numbers 22 >

1 And they set out [the] people of Israel and they encamped in [the] plains of Moab from [the] other side of [the] Jordan of Jericho.
Odatle se podigoše sinovi Izrailjevi, i stadoše u oko u polju Moavskom s onu stranu Jordana prema Jerihonu.
2 And he saw Balak [the] son of Zippor all that it had done Israel to the Amorite[s].
I vidje Valak sin Seforov sve što uèini Izrailj Amoreju,
3 And it was afraid Moab because of the people exceedingly for [was] numerous it and it felt dread Moab because of [the] people of Israel.
I uplaši se Moav od naroda veoma; jer ga bješe mnogo, i prituži Moavu od sinova Izrailjevijeh.
4 And it said Moab to [the] elders of Midian now they will lick up the company all around us as licks up the ox [the] greenery of the field and Balak [the] son of Zippor [was] king of Moab at the time that.
Pa reèe Moav starješinama Madijanskim: sada æe ova množina pojesti sve što je oko nas kao vo travu u polju. A Valak sin Seforov bješe u ono vrijeme car Moavski.
5 And he sent messengers to Balaam [the] son of Beor Pethor towards which [was] at the river [the] land of [the] sons of people his to summon him saying here! a people it has come out from Egypt here! it has covered [the] eye of the land and it [is] dwelling from in front of me.
I posla poslanike k Valamu sinu Veorovu u Faturu, koja je na rijeci u zemlji naroda njegova, govoreæi: evo narod izide iz Misira, evo prekrilio je zemlju, i stoji prema meni.
6 And therefore come! please curse! for me the people this for [is too] mighty it for me perhaps I will be able to strike it and I will drive out it from the land for I know [the one] whom you bless [is] blessed and [the one] whom you curse he is cursed.
Nego hodi, prokuni mi ovaj narod, jer je jaèi od mene, eda bih mu odolio i pobio ga ili istjerao iz zemlje ove; jer znam, koga blagosloviš biæe blagosloven, a koga prokuneš biæe proklet.
7 And they went [the] elders of Moab and [the] elders of Midian and divinations [were] in hand their and they came to Balaam and they spoke to him [the] words of Balak.
I otidoše starješine Moavske i starješine Madijanske noseæi darove za vraèanje; i doðoše k Valamu, i kazaše mu rijeèi Valakove.
8 And he said to them lodge here this night and I will bring back you word just as he will speak Yahweh to me and they remained [the] leaders of Moab with Balaam.
A on im reèe: ostanite ovdje ovu noæ, i odgovoriæu vam kako mi Gospod kaže. I ostaše knezovi Moavski kod Valama.
9 And he came God to Balaam and he said who? [are] the men these with you.
A Bog doðe k Valamu i reèe mu: kakvi su to ljudi kod tebe?
10 And he said Balaam to God Balak [the] son of Zippor [the] king of Moab he sent to me.
I reèe Valam Bogu: Valak sin Seforov, car Moavski, posla ih k meni govoreæi:
11 Here! the people which has come out from Egypt and it has covered [the] eye of the land now come! curse! for me it perhaps I will be able to engage in battle against it and I will drive out it.
Evo narod izide iz Misira i prekrili zemlju; nego hodi, prokuni mi ga, eda bih ga nadbio i otjerao ga.
12 And he said God to Balaam not you will go with them not you will curse the people for [is] blessed it.
A Bog reèe Valamu: ne idi s njima, niti kuni toga naroda, jer je blagosloven.
13 And he arose Balaam in the morning and he said to [the] leaders of Balak go to land your for he has refused Yahweh to permit me to go with you.
I ujutru ustavši Valam reèe knezovima Valakovijem: vratite se u svoju zemlju, jer mi ne da Bog da idem s vama.
14 And they arose [the] leaders of Moab and they went to Balak and they said he has refused Balaam to come with us.
I ustavši knezovi Moavski doðoše k Valaku, i rekoše: ne htje Valam poæi s nama.
15 And he repeated again Balak to send leaders many and honored more than these.
Tada opet posla Valak više knezova i veæe od prvijeh.
16 And they came to Balaam and they said to him thus he says Balak [the] son of Zippor do not please let yourself be restrained from coming to me.
I oni došavši k Valamu rekoše mu: ovako veli Valak sin Seforov: nemoj se zatezati, molim te, nego doði k meni.
17 For surely I will honor you exceedingly and all that you will say to me I will do and come! please curse! for me the people this.
Jer æu te dobro darivati, i što mi god reèeš èiniæu; zato doði, molim te, prokuni mi ovaj narod.
18 And he answered Balaam and he said to [the] servants of Balak if he will give to me Balak [the] fullness of house his silver and gold not I will be able to transgress [the] mouth of Yahweh God my by doing a small [thing] or a large [thing].
A Valam odgovori i reèe slugama Valakovijem: da mi da Valak kuæu svoju punu srebra i zlata, ne bih mogao prestupiti rijeèi Gospoda Boga svojega da uèinim što malo ili veliko.
19 And now remain please in this [place] also you this night so let me know what? will he increase Yahweh to speak with me.
Ali opet ostanite ovdje i vi ovu noæ, da vidim što æe mi sada kazati Gospod.
20 And he came God - to Balaam night and he said to him if to summon you they have come the men arise go with them and only the word which I will speak to you it you will do.
I doðe Bog noæu k Valamu i reèe mu: kad su došli ti ljudi da te zovu, ustani, idi s njima, ali što ti kažem ono da èiniš.
21 And he arose Balaam in the morning and he saddled donkey his and he went with [the] leaders of Moab.
I ujutru ustavši Valam osamari magaricu svoju, i poðe s knezovima Moavskim.
22 And it burned [the] anger of God for [was] going he and he stood [the] angel of Yahweh in the road to an adversary to him and he [was] riding on donkey his and two of servants his [were] with him.
Ali se razgnjevi Bog što on poðe; i stade anðeo Gospodnji na put da mu ne da; a on sjeðaše na magarici svojoj i imaše sa sobom dva momka svoja.
23 And it saw the donkey [the] angel of Yahweh standing in the road and sword his [was] drawn in hand his and it turned aside the donkey from the road and it went in the field and he struck Balaam the donkey to turn it the road.
A kad magarica vidje anðela Gospodnjega gdje stoji na putu s golijem maèem u ruci, svrnu magarica s puta i poðe preko polja. A Valam je stade biti da je vrati na put.
24 And he stood [the] angel of Yahweh in [the] narrow way of the vineyards a wall from this and a wall from this.
A anðeo Gospodnji stade na stazu meðu vinogradima, a bijaše zid i odovud i odonud.
25 And it saw the donkey [the] angel of Yahweh and it squeezed itself to the wall and it squeezed [the] foot of Balaam to the wall and he repeated to strike it.
I magarica videæi anðela Gospodnjega pribi se uz drugi zid, i pritište nogu Valamovu o zid; a on je stade opet biti.
26 And he increased [the] angel of Yahweh to pass on and he stood in a place narrow where there not [was] a way to turn aside right [hand] and left [hand].
Potom anðeo Gospodnji otide dalje, i stade u tjesnacu, gdje ne bješe mjesta da se svrne ni nadesno ni nalijevo.
27 And it saw the donkey [the] angel of Yahweh and it lay down under Balaam and it burned [the] anger of Balaam and he struck the donkey with the stick.
I magarica videæi anðela Gospodnjega pade pod Valamom, a Valam se vrlo razljuti, i stade biti magaricu svojim štapom.
28 And he opened Yahweh [the] mouth of the donkey and it said to Balaam what? have I done to you that you have struck me this three feet.
Tada Gospod otvori usta magarici, te ona reèe Valamu: šta sam ti uèinila, te me biješ veæ treæi put?
29 And he said Balaam to the donkey that you have dealt wantonly with me if there [were] a sword in hand my that now I killed you.
A Valam reèe magarici: što mi prkosiš? da imam maè u ruci, sad bih te ubio.
30 And it said the donkey to Balaam ¿ not [am] I donkey your which you have ridden on me from duration your until the day this ¿ really have I had [the] habit to do to you thus and he said no.
A magarica reèe Valamu: nijesam li tvoja magarica? jašeš me otkako sam postala tvoja do danas; jesam li ti kad tako uèinila? A on reèe: nijesi.
31 And he uncovered Yahweh [the] eyes of Balaam and he saw [the] angel of Yahweh standing in the road and sword his [was] drawn in hand his and he bowed low and he bowed down to face his.
Tada Gospod otvori oèi Valamu, koji ugleda anðela Gospodnjega gdje stoji na putu s golijem maèem u ruci. I on savi glavu i pokloni se licem svojim.
32 And he said to him [the] angel of Yahweh concerning what? did you strike female donkey your this three feet here! I I came out to an adversary for it is precipitate the way to before me.
I reèe mu anðeo Gospodnji: zašto si bio magaricu svoju veæ tri puta? evo ja izidoh da ti ne dam, jer tvoj put nije meni po volji.
33 And it saw me the donkey and it turned aside before me this three feet perhaps it had turned aside from before me if now also you I killed and it I preserved alive.
Kad me ugleda magarica, ona se ukloni ispred mene veæ tri puta; a da se nije uklonila ispred mene, tebe bih veæ ubio a nju bih ostavio u životu.
34 And he said Balaam to [the] angel of Yahweh I have sinned for not I knew that you [were] standing to meet me in the road and therefore if [it is] displeasing in view your I will turn back for myself.
A Valam reèe anðelu Gospodnjemu: zgriješio sam, jer nijesam znao da ti stojiš preda mnom na putu; ako tebi nije po volji, ja æu se vratiti.
35 And he said [the] angel of Yahweh to Balaam go with the men and only the word which I will speak to you it you will speak and he went Balaam with [the] leaders of Balak.
A anðeo Gospodnji reèe Valamu: idi s tijem ljudima, ali samo ono govori što ti ja kažem. Tada Valam otide s knezovima Valakovim.
36 And he heard Balak that he had come Balaam and he went out to meet him to [the] city of Moab which [is] on [the] border of Arnon which [is] at [the] end of the territory.
A kad èu Valak da ide Valam, izide mu na susret u grad Moavski na meði Arnonskoj nakraj meðe.
37 And he said Balak to Balaam ¿ not certainly did I send to you to summon you why? not did you come to me ¿ really not am I able to honor you.
I reèe Valak Valamu: nijesam li slao k tebi i zvao te? zašto mi ne doðe? eda li te ne mogu darivati?
38 And he said Balaam to Balak here! I have come to you now ¿ certainly am I able to speak anything the word which he will put God in mouth my it I will speak.
A Valam reèe Valaku: evo sam došao k tebi; ali hoæu li moæi što govoriti? Što mi Bog metne u usta, ono æu govoriti.
39 And he went Balaam with Balak and they came Kiriath-huzoth.
I otide Valam s Valakom, i doðoše u grad Uzot.
40 And he sacrificed Balak cattle and sheep and he sent to Balaam and to the leaders who [were] with him.
I nakla Valak volova i ovaca, i posla Valamu i knezovima, koji bijahu s njim.
41 And it was in the morning and he took Balak Balaam and he brought up him Bamoth Baal and he saw from there [the] outskirt[s] of the people.
A ujutru uze Valak Valama i odvede ga na visinu Valovu, i odande mu pokaza jedan kraj naroda.

< Numbers 22 >