< Numbers 19 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses and to Aaron saying.
Još reèe Gospod Mojsiju i Aronu govoreæi:
2 This [is] [the] statute of the law which he has commanded Yahweh saying speak - to [the] people of Israel so they may bring to you a heifer red unblemished which there not in it [is] a blemish which not it has gone up on it a yoke.
Ovo je uredba i zakon što zapovjedi Gospod govoreæi: reci sinovima Izrailjevijem neka ti dovedu junicu crvenu zdravu, na kojoj nema mane, i koja još nije bila u jarmu;
3 And you will give it to Eleazar the priest and he will take out it to from [the] outside of the camp and someone will slaughter it before him.
I podajte je Eleazaru svešteniku, a on neka je izvede napolje iz okola da je zakolju pred njim.
4 And he will take Eleazar the priest some of blood its with finger his and he will spatter to before [the] face of [the] tent of meeting some of blood its seven times.
I uzevši Eleazar krvi njezine na prst svoj neka pokropi krvlju prema šatoru od sastanka sedam puta.
5 And he will burn the heifer to eyes his skin its and flesh its and blood its with offal its he will burn.
Potom neka zapovjedi da se spali junica pred njegovijem oèima; kožu njezinu i meso njezino i krv njezinu s balegom neka spale.
6 And he will take the priest wood of cedar and hyssop and scarlet of scarlet stuff and he will throw [them] into [the] middle of [the] burning of the heifer.
I sveštenik uzevši drveta kedrova, isopa i crvca, neka baci u oganj gdje gori junica.
7 And he will wash clothes his the priest and he will wash body his with water and after he will come into the camp and he will be unclean the priest until the evening.
Potom neka opere haljine svoje i opere tijelo svoje vodom, pa onda neka uðe u oko, i neka bude sveštenik neèist do veèera.
8 And the [one who] burns it he will wash clothes his with water and he will wash body his with water and he will be unclean until the evening.
Tako i ko je spali, neka opere haljine svoje vodom, i tijelo svoje neka opere vodom, i neka bude neèist do veèera.
9 And he will gather - a man clean [the] ash[es] of the heifer and he will deposit [them] from [the] outside of the camp in a place clean and it will become for [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel something kept to water of impurity [is] a sin offering it.
A èist èovjek neka pokupi pepeo od junice i izruèi ga iza okola na èisto mjesto, da se èuva zboru sinova Izrailjevijeh za vodu oèišæenja; to je žrtva za grijeh.
10 And he will wash the [one who] gathers [the] ash[es] of the heifer clothes his and he will be unclean until the evening and it will become for [the] people of Israel and for the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them a statute of perpetuity.
I onaj koji pokupi pepeo od junice neka opere haljine svoje, i neka bude neèist do veèera. To neka je sinovima Izrailjevijem i došljaku koji se bavi meðu njima vjeèan zakon.
11 The [one who] touches a dead [body] of every corpse of a person and he will be unclean seven days.
Ko se dotakne mrtva tijela èovjeèijega, da je neèist sedam dana.
12 He he will purify himself with it on the day third and on the day seventh he will be pure and if not he will purify himself on the day third and on the day seventh not he will be pure.
On neka se oèisti onom vodom treæi dan i sedmi dan, i biæe èist; ako li se ne oèisti treæi dan i sedmi, neæe biti èist.
13 Every [one who] touches a dead [body] [the] corpse of person who he will die and not he will purify himself [the] tabernacle of Yahweh he has made unclean and it will be cut off the person that from Israel for [the] water of impurity not it was sprinkled on him unclean he will be still uncleanness his [will be] on him.
Ko se dotakne mrtva tijela èovjeèijega pa se ne oèisti, onaj je oskvrnio šator Gospodnji; zato da se istrijebi ona duša iz Izrailja; jer nije pokropljen vodom oèišæenja, zato je neèist, i neèistota je njegova na njemu.
14 This [is] the law anyone if he will die in a tent every [one who] goes into the tent and every [one] who [is] in the tent he will be unclean seven days.
Ovo je zakon kad èovjek umre u šatoru: ko god uðe u onaj šator i ko god bude u šatoru, neèist da je sedam dana;
15 And every vessel open which there not [is] a cover of a cord on it [is] unclean it.
I svaki sud otkriven, koji ne bude dobro zaklopljen, neèist je.
16 And every [one] who he will touch on [the] face of the field [one] slain of a sword or a dead [body] or a bone of a human or a grave he will be unclean seven days.
I ko se god dotakne u polju posjeèenoga maèem ili umrloga ili kosti èovjeèije ili groba, neèist da je sedam dana.
17 And people will take for the unclean [person] some of [the] dust of [the] burning of the sin offering and he will put on it water living into a vessel.
I neka za neèistoga uzmu pepela od junice spaljene za grijeh, i neka naliju na nj vode žive u sud.
18 And he will take hyssop and he will dip [it] in the water a person clean and he will spatter [it] on the tent and on all the vessels and on the people who they were there and on the [one who] touched the bone or the [one] slain or the dead [body] or the grave.
Potom neka uzme èist èovjek isopa i zamoèi u onu vodu, i pokropi njom šator i sve sude i ljude koji su u njemu bili; tako i onoga koji bi se dotakao kosti ili èovjeka posjeèena ili umrla ili groba.
19 And he will spatter [it] the clean [person] on the unclean [person] on the day third and on the day seventh and he will cleanse from sin him on the day seventh and he will wash clothes his and he will wash with water and he will be pure in the evening.
Èisti neèistoga neka pokropi treæi i sedmi dan; i kad ga oèisti sedmi dan, neka opere haljine svoje i sebe neka opere vodom, i biæe èist uveèe.
20 And a person who he will be unclean and not he will purify himself and it will be cut off the person that from among the assembly for [the] sanctuary of Yahweh he has made unclean water of impurity not it has been sprinkled on him [is] unclean he.
A ko bude neèist pa se ne oèisti, da se istrijebi ona duša iz zbora; jer je svetinju Gospodnju oskvrnio, a nije pokropljen vodom oèišæenja; neèist je.
21 And it will become for them a statute of perpetuity and [the] [one who] spatters [the] water of impurity he will wash clothes his and the [one who] touches [the] water of impurity he will be unclean until the evening.
I ovo neka im je zakon vjeèan: i koji pokropi vodom oèišæenja, neka opere haljine svoje; i ko se god dotakne vode oèišæenja, da je neèist do veèera.
22 And all that he will touch it the unclean [person] it will be unclean and the person who touches [it] it will be unclean until the evening.
I èega se god dotakne ko je neèist, da je neèisto; i ko se njega dotakne, da je neèist do veèera.

< Numbers 19 >