< Nehemiah 7 >

1 And it was just when it had been rebuilt the wall and I had set up the doors and they had been appointed the gatekeepers and the singers and the Levites.
A kad se sazida zid i namjestih vrata, i postavljeni biše vratari i pjevaèi i Leviti,
2 And I appointed Hanani brother my and Hananiah [the] commander of the citadel over Jerusalem for he [was] like a man of faithfulness and fearing God more than many [people].
Zapovjedih Ananiju bratu svojemu i Ananiji zapovjedniku od grada Jerusalimskoga, jer bješe vjeran èovjek i bojaše se Boga više nego mnogi,
3 (And I said *Q(K)*) to them not they will be opened [the] gates of Jerusalem until is hot the sun and until they [are] standing guard let them shut the doors and bolt [them] and appoint guards of [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem someone at guard post his and someone before house his.
I rekoh im: da se ne otvoraju vrata Jerusalimska dokle sunce ne ogrije, i kad oni što stoje ondje zatvore vrata, ogledajte, i da se postave stražari izmeðu stanovnika Jerusalimskih, svaki na svoju stražu i svaki prema svojoj kuæi.
4 And the city [was] broad of both hands and large and the people [were] few in [the] midst of it and not houses [were] rebuilt.
A grad bijaše širok i velik, ali naroda bješe malo u njemu i kuæe ne bjehu pograðene.
5 And he put God my into heart my and I assembled! the nobles and the officials and the people to have themselves enrolled and I found [the] document of the genealogy the [ones who] came up at the first and I found [was] written in it.
I Bog moj dade mi u srce, te sabrah glavare i starješine i narod da se izbroje po plemenima. I naðoh knjigu, u kojoj bijaše prijepis onijeh koji se vratiše prvi put; i naðoh u njoj zapisano:
6 These - [are] [the] children of the province who came up from [the] captivity of the exile[s] whom he had taken into exile Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and they returned to Jerusalem and to Judah each one to own city his.
Ovo su ljudi iz ovoga kraja što se vratiše iz ropstva izmeðu onijeh koji biše preseljeni, koje preseli Navuhodonosor car Vavilonski, pa se vratiše u Jerusalim i u Judeju, svaki u svoj grad,
7 Who came with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Azariah Raamiah Nahamani Mordecai Bilshan Mispereth Bigvai Nehum Baanah [the] number of [the] men of [the] people of Israel.
Koji doðoše sa Zorovaveljem, Isusom, Nemijom, Azarijom, Ramijom, Namanijem, Mardohejem, Vilsanom, Misperetom, Vigvajem, Neumom, Vanom; na broj bješe ljudi naroda Izrailjeva:
8 [the] descendants of Parosh two thousand one hundred and seventy and two.
Sinova Farosovijeh dvije tisuæe i sto i sedamdeset i dva;
9 [the] descendants of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two.
Sinova Sefatijinih trista i sedamdeset i dva;
10 [the] descendants of Arah six hundred fifty and two.
Sinova Arahovijeh šest stotina i pedeset i dva;
11 [the] descendants of Pahath-Moab of [the] descendants of Jeshua and Joab two thousand and eight hundred eight-teen.
Sinova Fat-Moavovijeh, od sinova Isusovijeh i Joavovijeh dvije tisuæe i osam stotina i osamnaest;
12 [the] descendants of Elam one thousand two hundred fifty and four.
Sinova Elamovijeh tisuæa i dvjesta i pedeset i èetiri;
13 [the] descendants of Zattu eight hundred forty and five.
Sinova Zatujevih osam stotina i èetrdeset i pet;
14 [the] descendants of Zaccai seven hundred and sixty.
Sinova Zahajevih sedam stotina i šezdeset;
15 [the] descendants of Binnui six hundred forty and eight.
Sinova Vinujevih šest stotina i èetrdeset i osam;
16 [the] descendants of Bebai six hundred twenty and eight.
Sinova Vivajevih šest stotina i dvadeset i osam;
17 [the] descendants of Azgad two thousand three hundred twenty and two.
Sinova Azgadovijeh dvije tisuæe i tri stotine i dvadeset i dva;
18 [the] descendants of Adonikam six hundred sixty and seven.
Sinova Adonikamovijeh šest stotina i šezdeset i sedam;
19 [the] descendants of Bigvai two thousand sixty and seven.
Sinova Vigvajevijeh dvije tisuæe i šezdeset i sedam;
20 [the] descendants of Adin six hundred fifty and five.
Sinova Adinovijeh šest stotina i pedeset i pet;
21 [the] descendants of Ater of Hezekiah ninety and eight.
Sinova Atirovijeh od Jezekije devedeset i osam;
22 [the] descendants of Hashum three hundred twenty and eight.
Sinova Asumovijeh trista i dvadeset i osam;
23 [the] descendants of Bezai three hundred twenty and four.
Sinova Visajevijeh trista i dvadeset i èetiri;
24 [the] descendants of Hariph one hundred two [plus] ten.
Sinova Arifovijeh sto i dvanaest;
25 [the] descendants of Gibeon ninety and five.
Sinova Gavaonskih devedeset i pet;
26 [the] men of Beth-lehem and Netophah one hundred eighty and eight.
Ljudi iz Vitlejema i Netofata sto i osamdeset i osam;
27 [the] men of Anathoth one hundred twenty and eight.
Ljudi iz Anatota sto i dvadeset i osam;
28 [the] men of Beth Azmaveth forty and two.
Ljudi iz Vet-Asmaveta èetrdeset i dva;
29 [the] men of Kiriath Jearim Kephirah and Beeroth seven hundred forty and three.
Ljudi iz Kirijat-Jarima, Hefire i Virota sedam stotina i èetrdeset i tri;
30 [the] men of Ramah and Geba six hundred twenty and one.
Ljudi iz Rame i Gavaje šest stotina i dvadeset i jedan;
31 [the] men of Micmash one hundred and twenty and two.
Ljudi iz Mihmasa sto i dvadeset i dva;
32 [the] men of Beth-el and Ai one hundred twenty and three.
Ljudi iz Vetilja i Gaja sto i dvadeset i tri;
33 [the] men of Nebo [the] other fifty and two.
Ljudi iz drugoga Nevona pedeset i dva;
34 [the] descendants of Elam [the] other one thousand two hundred fifty and four.
Sinova Elama drugoga tisuæa i dvjesta i pedeset;
35 [the] descendants of Harim three hundred and twenty.
Sinova Harimovijeh trista i dvadeset;
36 [the] descendants of Jericho three hundred forty and five.
Sinova Jerihonskih trista i èetrdeset i pet;
37 [the] descendants of Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred and twenty and one.
Sinova Lodskih, Adidskih i Ononskih sedam stotina i dvadeset i jedan;
38 [the] descendants of Senaah three thousand nine hundred and thirty.
Sinova Senajskih tri tisuæe i devet stotina i trideset;
39 The priests [the] descendants of Jedaiah of [the] house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three.
Sveštenika: sinova Jedajinih od doma Isusova devet stotina i sedamdeset i tri;
40 [the] descendants of Immer one thousand fifty and two.
Sinova Imirovijeh tisuæa i pedeset i dva;
41 [the] descendants of Pashhur one thousand two hundred forty and seven.
Sinova Pashorovijeh tisuæa i dvjesta i èetrdeset i sedam;
42 [the] descendants of Harim one thousand seven-teen.
Sinova Harimovijeh tisuæa i sedamnaest;
43 The Levites [the] descendants of Jeshua of Kadmiel of [the] descendants of Hodaviah seventy and four.
Levita: sinova Isusovijeh i Kadmilovijeh izmeðu sinova Odavijinih sedamdeset i èetiri;
44 The singers [the] descendants of Asaph one hundred forty and eight.
Pjevaèa: sinova Asafovijeh sto i èetrdeset i osam;
45 The gatekeepers [the] descendants of Shallum [the] descendants of Ater [the] descendants of Talmon [the] descendants of Akkub [the] descendants of Hatita [the] descendants of Shobai one hundred thirty and eight.
Vratara: sinova Salumovijeh, sinova Atirovijeh, sinova Talmonovijeh, sinova Akuvovijeh, sinova Atitinijeh, sinova Sovajevijeh sto i trideset i osam;
46 The temple servants [the] descendants of Ziha [the] descendants of Hasupha [the] descendants of Tabbaoth.
Netineja: sinova Sišinijeh, sinova Asufinijeh, sinova Tavaotovijeh,
47 [the] descendants of Keros [the] descendants of Sia [the] descendants of Padon.
Sinova Kirosovijeh, sinova Sijajinih, sinova Fadanovijeh,
48 [the] descendants of Lebanah [the] descendants of Hagabah [the] descendants of Shalmai.
Sinova Levaninih, sinova Agavinih, sinova Salmajevih,
49 [the] descendants of Hanan [the] descendants of Giddel [the] descendants of Gahar.
Sinova Ananovijeh, sinova Gidilovijeh, sinova Garovijeh,
50 [the] descendants of Reaiah [the] descendants of Rezin [the] descendants of Nekoda.
Sinova Reajinih, sinova Resinovijeh, sinova Nekodinijeh,
51 [the] descendants of Gazzam [the] descendants of Uzzah [the] descendants of Paseah.
Sinova Gazamovijeh, sinova Uzinijeh, sinova Fasejinih,
52 [the] descendants of Besai [the] descendants of Meunim [the] descendants of (Nephissim. *Q(K)*)
Sinova Visajevih, sinova Meunimovijeh, sinova Nafusesimovijeh,
53 [the] descendants of Bakbuk [the] descendants of Hakupha [the] descendants of Harhur.
Sinova Vakvukovijeh, sinova Akufinijeh, sinova Arurovijeh,
54 [the] descendants of Bazluth [the] descendants of Mehida [the] descendants of Harsha.
Sinova Vaslitovijeh, sinova Meidinijeh, sinova Arsinijeh,
55 [the] descendants of Barkos [the] descendants of Sisera [the] descendants of Temah.
Sinova Varkosovijeh, sinova Sisarinijeh, sinova Taminijeh,
56 [the] descendants of Neziah [the] descendants of Hatipha.
Sinova Nesijinih, sinova Atifinih;
57 [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon [the] descendants of Sotai [the] descendants of Sophereth [the] descendants of Perida.
Sinova sluga Solomunovijeh: sinova Sotajevih, sinova Soferetovih, sinova Feridinijeh,
58 [the] descendants of Jaala [the] descendants of Darkon [the] descendants of Giddel.
Sinova Jalinijeh, sinova Darkonovijeh, sinova Gidilovijeh,
59 [the] descendants of Shephatiah [the] descendants of Hattil [the] descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim [the] descendants of Amon.
Sinova Sefatijinih, sinova Atilovijeh, sinova Fohereta od Sevajima, sinova Amonovijeh,
60 All the temple servants and [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon three hundred ninety and two.
Svega Netineja i sinova sluga Solomunovijeh, trista i devedeset i dva.
61 And these [are] the [ones who] came up from Tel Melah Tel Harsha Kerub Addon and Immer and not they were able to declare [the] house of ancestors their and offspring their if [were] from Israel they.
I ovi doðoše iz Tel-Meleha i Tel-Arise, Heruv, Adon i Imir, ali ne mogoše pokazati otaèkoga doma svojega i sjemena svojega, eda li su od Izrailja,
62 [the] descendants of Delaiah [the] descendants of Tobiah [the] descendants of Nekoda six hundred and forty and two.
I sinovi Delajini, sinovi Tovijini, sinovi Nekodini, njih šest stotina i èetrdeset i dva,
63 And of the priests [the] descendants of Hobaiah [the] descendants of Hakkoz [the] descendants of Barzillai who he had taken one of [the] daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite wife and he was called on name their.
I od sveštenika: sinovi Avajini, sinovi Akosovi, sinovi Varzelaja, koji se oženi izmeðu kæeri Varzelaja Galaðanina, te se prozva njihovijem imenom.
64 These they sought document their who had had themselves enrolled and not it was found and they were defiled from the priesthood.
Oni tražiše po knjigama da bi pokazali rod svoj, ali se ne naðe, zato biše odluèeni od sveštenstva.
65 And he said the governor to them that not they will eat any of [the] holy thing of the holy things until will arise the priest to Urim and Thummim.
I zaprijeti im Tirsata da ne jedu od svetinje nad svetinjama dokle ne nastane sveštenik s Urimom i Tumimom.
66 All the assembly as one four ten thousand two thousand three hundred and sixty.
Svega zbora skupa bješe èetrdeset i dvije tisuæe i tri stotine i šezdeset,
67 Besides male servants their and female servants their these [were] seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and [belonged] to them male singers and female singers two hundred
Osim sluga njihovijeh i sluškinja njihovijeh, kojih bješe sedam tisuæa i tri stotine i trideset i sedam; i meðu njima bješe pjevaèa i pjevaèica dvjesta i èetrdeset i pet;
68 (horses their seven hundred thirty and six mules their two hundred *R*) and forty and five.
Imahu sedam stotina i trideset i šest konja, dvije stotine i èetrdeset i pet masaka,
69 Camels four hundred thirty and five. Donkeys six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
Èetiri stotine i trideset i pet kamila, šest tisuæa i sedam stotina i dvadeset magaraca.
70 And some of [the] end of [the] leaders of the fathers they gave for the work the governor he gave to the treasury gold drachmas one thousand bowls fifty garments of priests thirty and five hundred.
Tada neki izmeðu glavara domova otaèkih priložiše na posao. Tirsata dade u riznicu tisuæu drama zlata, pedeset èaša, pet stotina i trideset haljina sveštenièkih.
71 And some of [the] leaders of the fathers they gave to [the] treasury of the work gold drachmas two ten thousands and silver minas two thousand and two hundred.
A glavari domova otaèkih dadoše u riznicu za posao dvadeset tisuæa drama zlata, i srebra dvije tisuæe i dvjesta mina.
72 And [that] which they gave [the] remainder of the people [was] gold drachmas two ten thousand and silver minas two thousand and tunics of priests sixty and seven.
A što dade ostali narod bješe dvadeset tisuæa drama zlata, i dvije tisuæe mina srebra, i šezdeset i sedam haljina sveštenièkih.
73 And they dwelt the priests and the Levites and the gatekeepers and the singers and some of the people and the temple servants and all Israel in own cities their and it arrived the month seventh and [the] people of Israel [were] in cities their.
I tako se naseliše sveštenici i Leviti i vratari i pjevaèi i ljudi iz naroda i Netineji i sav Izrailj u svojim gradovima; i kad doðe sedmi mjesec, sinovi Izrailjevi bijahu u svojim gradovima.

< Nehemiah 7 >