< Nehemiah 11 >

1 And they dwelt [the] leaders of the people in Jerusalem and [the] rest of the people they cast lots to bring - one of the ten to dwell in Jerusalem [the] city of holiness and nine the hands [were] in the cities.
Tada se nastaniše knezovi narodni u Jeruzalemu. Ostali je narod bacao ždrijeb da od svakih deset ljudi izađe jedan koji će stanovati u svetom gradu Jeruzalemu, dok će ostalih devet ostati u drugim gradovima.
2 And they blessed the people all the men who volunteered to dwell in Jerusalem.
I narod je blagoslovio sve ljude koji su dragovoljno htjeli živjeti u Jeruzalemu.
3 And these [are] [the] leaders of the province who they dwelt in Jerusalem and in [the] cities of Judah they dwelt each one on own property his in own cities their Israel the priests and the Levites and the temple servants and [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon.
A evo glavara pokrajinskih koji su se nastanili u Jeruzalemu i po gradovima Judeje. Izrael, svećenici, leviti, netinci i sinovi Salomonovih slugu nastanili su se u svojim gradovima, svaki na svome posjedu.
4 And in Jerusalem they dwelt some of [the] descendants of Judah and some of [the] descendants of Benjamin of [the] descendants of Judah Athaiah [the] son of Uzziah [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of Amariah [the] son of Shephatiah [the] son of Mahalalel of [the] descendants of Perez.
U Jeruzalemu se nastaniše sinovi Judini i sinovi Benjaminovi. Od sinova Judinih: Ataja, sin Uzije, sina Zaharijina, sina Amarjina, sina Šefatjina, sina Mahalalelova, od sinova Faresovih;
5 And Maaseiah [the] son of Baruch [the] son of Col-Hozeh [the] son of Hazaiah [the] son of Adaiah [the] son of Joiarib [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of the Shilonite.
Maaseja, sin Baruha, sina Kol-Hozea, sina Hazaje, sina Adaje, sina Jojariba, sina Zaharije, sina Šelina.
6 All [the] descendants of Perez who were dwelling in Jerusalem four hundred sixty and eight men of strength.
Svega je bilo Faresovih sinova u Jeruzalemu četiri stotine šezdeset i osam ljudi sposobnih za boj.
7 And these [are] [the] descendants of Benjamin Sallu [the] son of Meshullam [the] son of Joed [the] son of Pedaiah [the] son of Kolaiah [the] son of Maaseiah [the] son of Ithiel [the] son of Jeshaiah.
Evo Benjaminovih sinova: Salu, sin Mešulama, sina Joedova, sina Pedajina, sina Kolajina, sina Maasejina, sina Itielova, sina Ješajina,
8 And after him Gabbai Sallai nine hundred twenty and eight.
i braća njegova: sposobnih za boj devet stotina dvadeset i osam.
9 And Joel [the] son of Zikri [was] overseer over them and Judah [the] son of Senaah over the city [was] second in command.
Joel, sin Zikrijev, bio je njihov zapovjednik, i Juda, sin Hasenuin, drugi upravitelj grada.
10 Of the priests Jedaiah [the] son of Joiarib Jakin.
Od svećenika: Jedaja, Jojarib, Jakin,
11 Seraiah [the] son of Hilkiah [the] son of Meshullam [the] son of Zadok [the] son of Meraioth [the] son of Ahitub [the] supervisor of [the] house of God.
Seraja, sin Hilkije, sina Mešulama, sina Sadoka, sina Merajota, sina Ahituba, predstojnik Doma Božjega, i
12 And brothers their [who] did the work of the house eight hundred twenty and two and Adaiah [the] son of Jeroham [the] son of Pelaliah [the] son of Amzi [the] son of Zechariah [the] son of Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah.
njihova braća koja su vršila službu u Domu: osam stotina dvadeset i dvojica; i Adaja, sin Jerohama, sina Pelalije, sina Amsija, sina Zaharije, sina Pašhura, sina Malkijina,
13 And brothers his leaders of fathers two hundred forty and two and Amashsai [the] son of Azarel [the] son of Ahzai [the] son of Meshillemoth [the] son of Immer.
i njegova braća, glavari obitelji: dvjesta četrdeset i dvojica; i Amasaj, sin Azarela, sina Ahzaja, sina Mešilemota, sina Imerova,
14 And brothers their mighty [men] of strength one hundred twenty and eight and [was] overseer over them Zabdiel [the] son of (Haggedolim. *L(F)*)
i njihove braće, sposobnih za boj: stotinu dvadeset i osam. Zapovjednik nad njima bio je Zabdiel, sin Hagedolimov.
15 And of the Levites Shemaiah [the] son of Hasshub [the] son of Azrikam [the] son of Hashabiah [the] son of Bunni.
Od levita: Šemaja, sin Hašuba, sina Azrikama, sina Hašabje, sina Bunijeva;
16 And Shabbethai and Jozabad over the work external of [the] house of God [were] of [the] leaders of the Levites.
i Šabtaj i Jozabad, od glavara levitskih, za nadzor vanjskih poslova Doma Božjega;
17 And Mattaniah [the] son of Micah [the] son of Zabdi [the] son of Asaph [the] leader of the beginning he gave thanks to the prayer and Bakbukiah [the] second from brothers his and Abda [the] son of Shammua [the] son of Galal [the] son of (Jeduthun. *Q(K)*)
i Matanija, sin Miheja, sina Zabdijeva, sina Asafova, koji je ravnao psalmima, počinjao zahvale i molitve; i Bakbukja, drugi među svojom braćom; i Abda, sin Šamue, sina Galala, sina Jedutunova.
18 All the Levites in [the] city of holiness two hundred eighty and four.
Svega je levita bilo u Svetom gradu: dvjesta osamdeset i četiri.
19 And the gatekeepers Akkub Talmon and brothers their who kept watch at the gates one hundred seventy and two.
A vratari: Akub, Talmon i njihova braća koja su čuvala stražu na vratima: stotinu sedamdeset i dva.
20 And [the] rest of Israel the priests the Levites [were] in all [the] cities of Judah each one on own inheritance his.
A ostali Izraelci, svećenici i leviti, nastaniše se u svim gradovima Judeje, svaki na svojoj baštini i po naseljima u njihovim poljima.
21 And the temple servants [were] dwelling on Ophel and Ziha and Gishpa [were] over the temple servants.
Netinci su stanovali u Ofelu; Siha i Gišpa bijahu na čelu netinaca.
22 And [the] overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem [was] Uzzi [the] son of Bani [the] son of Hashabiah [the] son of Mattaniah [the] son of Mica one of [the] descendants of Asaph the singers to before [the] work of [the] house of God.
Predstojnik je levitima u Jeruzalemu bio Uzi, sin Banija, sina Hašabje, sina Matanije, sina Mihejina. On je bio od sinova Asafovih, koji su bili pjevači za službu Doma Božjega.
23 For [the] commandment of the king [was] on them and a firm ordinance [was] on the singers [the] matter of a day in day its.
Jer je za njih bila kraljeva zapovijed i uredba za svakodnevnu službu.
24 And Pethahiah [the] son of Meshezabel one of [the] descendants of Zerah [the] son of Judah [was] to [the] side of the king to every matter of the people.
Petahja, sin Mešezabelov, od sinova Zeraha, sina Judina, bio je kraljev povjerenik za sve poslove s narodom.
25 And to the villages with fields their some of [the] people of Judah they dwelt in Kiriath Arba and daughters its and in Dibon and daughters its and in Jekabzeel and villages its.
Od sinova Judinih nastanili su se u Kirjat Haarbi i njezinim zaseocima, u Dibonu i njegovim zaseocima, u Jekabseelu i njegovim naseljima,
26 And in Jeshua and in Moladah and in Beth Pelet.
u Jesui, u Moladi, u Bet Peletu,
27 And in Hazar Shual and in Beer Sheba and daughters its.
u Hasar Šualu, u Beer Šebi i u njenim zaseocima,
28 And in Ziklag and in Meconah and in daughters its.
u Siklagu, u Mekoni i njenim zaseocima,
29 And in En Rimmon and in Zorah and in Jarmuth.
u En Rimonu, u Sori, u Jarmutu,
30 Zanoah Adullam and villages their Lachish and fields its Azekah and daughters its and they encamped from Beer Sheba to [the] valley of [Ben] Hinnom.
Zanoahu, Adulamu i njihovim naseljima; u Lakišu i njegovim poljima, u Azeki i njenim zaseocima: tako su se naselili od Beer Šebe sve do Hinomske doline.
31 And [the] descendants of Benjamin [were] from Geba Micmash and Aija and Beth-el and daughters its.
Benjaminovi sinovi življahu u Gebi, Mikmasu, Aju i Betelu i u njihovim zaseocima,
32 Anathoth Nob Ananiah.
u Anatotu, Nobu, Ananiji,
33 Hazor - Ramah Gittaim.
Hasoru, Rami, Gitajimu,
34 Hadid Zeboim Neballat.
Hadidu, Seboimu, u Nebalatu,
35 Lod and Ono valley of the craftsmen.
Lodu, Ononu i u Dolini rukotvoraca.
36 And some of the Levites [the] divisions of Judah [belonged] to Benjamin.
Skupine levita nalazile su se u Judi i Benjaminu.

< Nehemiah 11 >