< Micah 1 >

1 [the] word of Yahweh - which it came to Micah the Morasthite in [the] days of Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah [the] kings of Judah which he saw on Samaria and Jerusalem.
Rijeè Gospodnja koja doðe Miheju Moreseæaninu za vremena Joatama, Ahaza i Jezekije, careva Judinijeh, što vidje za Samariju i za Jerusalim.
2 Hear O peoples all of them pay attention O earth and what fills it so may he become [the] Lord Yahweh in you a witness [the] Lord from [the] temple of holiness his.
Èujte, svi narodi, slušaj, zemljo i što je na njoj, i Gospod Bog da vam je svjedok, Gospod iz svete crkve svoje.
3 For here! Yahweh [is] about to go forth from place his and he will come down and he will tread on ([the] high places of *Q(k)*) [the] earth.
Jer, gle, Gospod izlazi iz mjesta svojega, i siæi æe, i hodiæe po visinama zemaljskim.
4 And they will melt the mountains under him and the valleys they will be cleft like wax from before the fire like water poured out on a slope.
I gore æe se rastopiti pred njim, i doline æe se rasjesti, kao vosak od ognja i kao voda što teèe niz strmen.
5 [is] for [the] transgression of Jacob all this and for [the] sins of [the] house of Israel who? [is] [the] transgression of Jacob ¿ not [is it] Samaria and who? [are] [the] high places of Judah ¿ not [is it] Jerusalem.
Sve je to za zloèinstvo Jakovljevo i za grijehe doma Izrailjeva. Koje je zloèinstvo Jakovljevo? nije li Samarija? koje su visine Judine? nije li Jerusalim?
6 And I will make Samaria into [the] heap of ruins of the field into a planting place of a vineyard and I will pour down to the valley stones its and foundations its I will uncover.
Zato æu uèiniti od Samarije gomilu u polju da se sade vinogradi, i pobacaæu kamenje njezino u dolinu i otkriæu joj temelje.
7 And all images its they will be crushed and all hire its they will be burned with fire and all idols its I will make a waste for from [the] hire of a prostitute it gathered [them] and to [the] hire of a prostitute they will return.
I svi rezani likovi njezini razbiæe se, i svi æe se darovi njezini sažeæi ognjem, i sve æu idole njezine potrti, jer od plate kurvarske nakupi, i opet æe biti plata kurvarska.
8 On this I will lament and I will wail I will go (barefoot *Q(K)*) and naked I will make a lament like jackals and a mourning like [the] daughters of an ostrich.
Zato æu plakati i ridati; hodiæu svuèen i go; plakaæu kao zmajevi i tužiæu kao sove.
9 For [is] incurable wounds its for it has come to Judah it has reached to [the] gate of people my to Jerusalem.
Jer joj se rane ne mogu iscijeliti, doðoše do Jude, dopriješe do vrata mojega naroda, do Jerusalima.
10 In Gath may not you tell at all may not you weep in Beth Leaphrah dust (roll yourself. *Q(K)*)
Ne javljajte u Gatu, ne plaèite; u Vit-Afri valjaj se po prahu.
11 Pass on yourselves O inhabitant[s] of Shaphir nakedness shame not she came forth [the] inhabitant[s] of Zaanan [the] lament of Beth Ezel it will take from you standing ground its.
Izidi, stanovnice Safirska, s golom sramotom; stanovnica Sananska neæe izaæi; žalost Vet-ezilska neæe vam dati stanka.
12 For she is in anguish for good [the] inhabitant[s] of Maroth for it has come down calamity from with Yahweh to [the] gate of Jerusalem.
Jer stanovnica Marotska tuži za svojim dobrom. Jer siðe zlo od Gospoda do vrata Jerusalimskih.
13 Harness the chariot to the steed O inhabitant[s] of Lachish [was the] beginning of sin it for [the] daughter of Zion for in you they were found [the] transgressions of Israel.
Upregni brze konje u kola, stanovnice Lahiska, koja si poèetak grijehu kæeri Sionskoj, jer se u tebi naðoše zloèinstva Izrailjeva.
14 Therefore you will give parting gifts to Moresheth Gath [the] houses of Aczib [will become] a deceitful thing to [the] kings of Israel.
Zato pošlji dare Moresetu Gatskom; domovi Ahsivski prevariæe careve Izrailjeve.
15 Again the [one who] dispossesses I will bring to you O inhabitant[s] of Mareshah to (Adullam *L(abh)*) he will come [the] glory of Israel.
Još æu ti dovesti našljednika, stanovnice Mariska; doæi æe do Odolama, slave Izrailjeve.
16 Make bald and shear on [the] children of delights your make large baldness your like eagle for they will go into exile from you.
Naèini se æelava i ostrizi se za milom djecom svojom; raširi æelu svoju kao orao, jer se vode od tebe u ropstvo.

< Micah 1 >