< Matthew 8 >

1 (When was coming down *N(k)O*) now (He *N(k)O*) from the mountain followed Him crowds great.
Ɛberɛ a Yesu sianee bepɔ no no, nnipadɔm bebree dii nʼakyi.
2 And behold a leper (having come near *N(k)O*) was worshipping Him saying; Lord, if You shall be willing, You are able me to cleanse.
Ɔkwatani bi baa Yesu nkyɛn bɛkotoo no, srɛɛ no sɛ, “Me wura, mesrɛ wo, sɛ ɛyɛ wo pɛ a, sa me yadeɛ.”
3 And having stretched out the hand He touched of him (*k*) (Jesus *K*) saying; I am willing, do be cleansed. And immediately was cleansed his leprosy.
Yesu tenee ne nsa de kaa ɔkwatani no kaa sɛ, “Mɛsa wo yadeɛ. Kwata, firi ne ho kɔ!” Amonom hɔ ara, kwata no firii ne ho.
4 And says to him Jesus; do see that to no one may you tell, But do go yourself do show to the priest and do offer the gift that commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
Yesu ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Wo ne obiara nni wʼayaresa yi ho nkɔmmɔ. Kɔ na fa wo ho kɔkyerɛ ɔsɔfoɔ, na bɔ afɔdeɛ a Mose hyɛɛ sɛ wɔmmɔ sɛ adansedie no.”
5 (When was entering *N(k)O*) now (He *n(o)*) (Jesus *k*) into Capernaum came to Him a centurion imploring Him
Yesu kɔɔ Kapernaum. Ɔduruu hɔ no, Roma asraafoɔ panin bi a ɛdɔm hyɛ nʼase baa ne kyɛn bɛbuu no nkotodwe kaa sɛ,
6 and saying; Lord, the servant of mine has been laid in the house paralyzed grievously being tormented.
“Awurade, mʼabɔfra abubu gu hɔ a ɔrehunu amane; mesrɛ wo, bɛsa no yadeɛ ma me.”
7 And He says to him (Jesus: *ko*) I myself having come will heal him.
Yesu ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Mɛba abɛsa no yadeɛ.”
8 And answering (now *o*) the centurion was saying; Lord, not I am worthy that my under the roof You may come, but only do speak (a word, *N(k)O*) and will be healed the servant of mine.
Asraafoɔ panin no tee Yesu asɛm a ɔkaeɛ no, ɔkaa sɛ, “Awurade, memfata sɛ woba me fie. Ka biribi na mʼabɔfra no ho bɛyɛ no den.
9 Also for I myself a man am under authority (appointed *O*) having under myself soldiers and I say to this [one]; do go, and he goes, and to another; do come, and he comes, and to the servant of mine; do enact this, and he enacts [it].
Meyɛ ɔsraani a mehyɛ tumi ase, na mesane wɔ asraafoɔ a wɔhyɛ mʼase. Meka kyerɛ wɔn mu bi sɛ ɔnkɔ a, ɔkɔ. Meka kyerɛ ɔfoforɔ sɛ ɔmmra a, ɔba. Saa ara nso na sɛ meka kyerɛ mʼabɔfra sɛ ɔnyɛ biribi a, ɔyɛ ara no no.”
10 Having heard now Jesus marveled and He said to those following; Amen I say to you; (such *no*) (no [one] *N(k)O*) so great faith in Israel have I found.
Yesu tee saa asɛm yi no, ɛyɛɛ no nwanwa. Ɔdanee nʼani, ka kyerɛɛ nnipadɔm a wɔdi nʼakyi no sɛ, “Israelman mu nyinaa, menhunuu gyidie a ɛte sei da.
11 I say now to you that many from east and west will come and they will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
Na mereka akyerɛ mo sɛ, nnipa pii bɛfiri apueeɛ ne atɔeɛ aba, na wɔne Abraham, Isak ne Yakob ato nsa adidi wɔ ɔsoro ahennie no mu.
12 the however sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the darkness the outer; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
Na Israelfoɔ a wɔsiesiee ɔsoro ahennie maa wɔn no mu pii wɔ hɔ a wɔbɛto wɔn agu esum kabii mu, na wɔde wɔn nsa bɛgu wɔn tiri atwa agyaadwoɔ.”
13 And said Jesus to the centurion; do go, (and *ko*) as you have believed it should be [done] to you. And was healed the servant of him in the hour that.
Yesu ka kyerɛ asraafoɔ panin no sɛ, “Kɔ efie. Deɛ wogye die no aba mu ama wo!” Saa ɛberɛ korɔ no ara mu, abɔfra no ho tɔɔ no!
14 And having come Jesus to the house of Peter He saw the mother-in-law of him lain down and fevering
Yesu kɔɔ Petro fie. Ɔkɔtoo sɛ huraeɛ akyere Petro ase baa ma ɔda hɔ.
15 And He touched the hand of her, and left her the fever. and she arose and was ministering (to him. *N(K)O*)
Yesu sɔɔ ne nsa na amonom, huraeɛ no tu firii ne so. Ɔsɔre noaa aduane maa wɔn.
16 When evening now having come they brought to Him being demonised many, and He cast out the spirits by a word, and all those sick being He healed,
Saa ɛda no anwummerɛ no, wɔde wɔn a wɔwɔ ahonhommɔne pii brɛɛ Yesu. Nʼanom asɛm a ɔkaeɛ no maa ahonhommɔne no nyinaa tu yeraeɛ, na wɔn a wɔyare no nyinaa nso ho tɔɔ wɔn.
17 so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through Isaiah the prophet saying; Himself the infirmities of us He took and [our] diseases bore.
Yei maa deɛ Odiyifoɔ Yesaia kaa sɛ, “Ɔfaa yɛn ahoɔmmerɛ, na ɔsoaa yɛn nyarewa nyinaa” no baa mu.
18 Having seen now Jesus (great *KO*) (crowd *N(k)O*) around Him He commanded to depart to the other side.
Yesu hunuu sɛ ɛdɔm no redɔɔso no, ɔka kyerɛɛ nʼasuafoɔ no sɛ, wɔntwa nkɔ asuogya nohoa.
19 And having come to [Him] one scribe said to Him; Teacher, I will follow You wherever if You shall go.
Ɛhɔ ara Yudani ɔkyerɛkyerɛfoɔ bi ka kyerɛɛ Yesu sɛ, “Ɔkyerɛkyerɛfoɔ, baabiara a wobɛkɔ no, mɛdi wʼakyiri!”
20 And says to him Jesus; Foxes holes have and the birds of the air nests, but the Son of Man no has [place] where the head He may lay.
Yesu buaa no sɛ, “Sakraman wɔ abɔn, ewiem nnomaa nso wɔ mpirebuo, nanso me, Onipa Ba no deɛ, menni baabi a mede me tiri to!”
21 Another now of the disciples of Him said to Him; Lord, do allow me first to go and to bury the father of mine.
Asuafoɔ no mu baako bɛka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Owura, ma me kwan na menkɔsie mʼagya ansa na mʼabɛdi wʼakyi.”
22 But Jesus (speaks *N(k)O*) to him; do follow Me, and do leave the dead to bury their own dead.
Nanso, Yesu ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ, “Di mʼakyi. Wɔn a wɔawu no nsie wɔn awufoɔ”.
23 And having climbed He into the boat followed Him the disciples of Him.
Yesu saa nyarewa no wieeɛ no, ɔkɔtenaa kodoɔ mu na nʼasuafoɔ no dii nʼakyi.
24 And behold a storm great arose in the sea so that the boat being swamped by the waves; He Himself however was sleeping.
Prɛko pɛ, ahum kɛseɛ bi tuiɛ maa asorɔkye bu bɛkataa kodoɔ no so. Nanso, na Yesu deɛ, wada.
25 And having come to [Him] (the disciples of Him *k*) they awoke Him saying; Lord, do save (us *k*) we are perishing!
Nʼasuafoɔ no de nteateamu kɔɔ ne nkyɛn, kɔnyanee no kaa sɛ, “Awurade! Gye yɛn na yɛreyɛ amem!”
26 And He says to them; Why fearful are you, O [you] of little faith? Then having arisen He rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a calm great.
Yesu nyaneeɛ no, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Mo a mo gyidie sua, adɛn na moabɔ hu saa?” Ɛhɔ ara, ɔsɔre teateaa ahum ne asorɔkye no ma ɛyɛɛ dinn.
27 And the men marveled saying; What kind [of man] is this that even the winds and the sea Him obey
Asuafoɔ no ho dwirii wɔn yie. Wɔbisabisaa wɔn ho wɔn ho sɛ, “Onipa bɛn mpo ni a ahum ne ɛpo tie no yi?”
28 And (when was coming He *N(k)O*) to the other side to the region of the (Gadarenes *N(K)O*) met Him two being demonised out of the tombs coming forth, violent extremely, so that not to be able anyone to pass through the way that.
Yesu ne nʼasuafoɔ no duruu asuogya wɔ Gadarafoɔ asase so no, nnipa baanu bi a ahonhommɔne wɔ wɔn so firi amusieeɛ bɛhyiaa no. Esiane sɛ na saa nnipa yi yɛ keka enti, na obiara ntumi mfa faako a wɔwɔ hɔ.
29 And behold they cried out saying; What to us and to you (Jesus *k*) Son of God? Are You come here before [the] time to torment us?
Wɔhunuu no pɛ, wɔhyɛɛ aseɛ teateaam sɛ, “Onyankopɔn Ba, ɛdeɛn na worehwehwɛ afiri yɛn nkyɛn? Woaba ha sɛ worebɛyɛ yɛn ayayadeɛ ɛberɛ a mmerɛ no nsoeɛ anaa?”
30 There was now far off from them a herd of pigs many feeding.
Saa ɛberɛ korɔ no ara mu na mprakokuo bi redidi wɔ nkyɛn baabi.
31 And the demons were begging Him saying; If You cast out us, (do allow *K*) (do send away *N(K)O*) (us *N(k)O*) into the herd of pigs.
Ahonhommɔne no srɛɛ Yesu sɛ, “Sɛ wotu yɛn a, fa yɛn kɔhyɛ mprakokuo yi mu.”
32 And He said to them; do go. And having gone out they went away into (herd *k*) (pigs, *N(k)O*) and behold rushed all the herd (of the of pigs *k*) down the steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters.
Yesu tiaa wɔn sɛ, “Momfiri!” Ɛhɔ ara ahonhommɔne no firii nnipa no mu, kɔwuraa mprako no mu. Mprakokuo no nyinaa de mmirika sianee bepɔ no, kɔguu ɛpo no mu ma ɛfaa wɔn.
33 Those now feeding [them] fled, and having gone away into the city they related everything including the [matter] of those being demonised.
Ntɛm ara, wɔn a wɔhwɛ mprako no so no tuu mmirika kɔɔ kurom, kɔkaa deɛ asie no kyerɛɛ nkurɔfoɔ.
34 And behold all the city went out to (meet *N(k)O*) Jesus, And having seen Him they begged [Him] that He may depart from the region of them.
Kurom hɔfoɔ no tee deɛ aba no, wɔbɔɔ twi, kɔɔ deɛ Yesu wɔ hɔ no. Wɔhunuu Yesu no, wɔsrɛɛ no sɛ ɔmfiri wɔn ɔman mu hɔ nkɔ.

< Matthew 8 >