< Matthew 8 >

1 (When was coming down *N(k)O*) now (He *N(k)O*) from the mountain followed Him crowds great.
yadaa sa parvvataad avaarohat tadaa bahavo maanavaastatpa"scaad vavraju. h|
2 And behold a leper (having come near *N(k)O*) was worshipping Him saying; Lord, if You shall be willing, You are able me to cleanse.
eka. h ku. s.thavaan aagatya ta. m pra. namya babhaa. se, he prabho, yadi bhavaan sa. mmanyate, tarhi maa. m niraamaya. m karttu. m "saknoti|
3 And having stretched out the hand He touched of him (*k*) (Jesus *K*) saying; I am willing, do be cleansed. And immediately was cleansed his leprosy.
tato yii"su. h kara. m prasaaryya tasyaa"nga. m sp. r"san vyaajahaara, sammanye. aha. m tva. m niraamayo bhava; tena sa tatk. sa. naat ku. s.thenaamoci|
4 And says to him Jesus; do see that to no one may you tell, But do go yourself do show to the priest and do offer the gift that commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
tato yii"susta. m jagaada, avadhehi kathaametaa. m ka"scidapi maa bruuhi, kintu yaajakasya sannidhi. m gatvaa svaatmaana. m dar"saya manujebhyo nijaniraamayatva. m pramaa. nayitu. m muusaaniruupita. m dravyam uts. rja ca|
5 (When was entering *N(k)O*) now (He *n(o)*) (Jesus *k*) into Capernaum came to Him a centurion imploring Him
tadanantara. m yii"sunaa kapharnaahuumnaamani nagare pravi. s.te ka"scit "satasenaapatistatsamiipam aagatya viniiya babhaa. se,
6 and saying; Lord, the servant of mine has been laid in the house paralyzed grievously being tormented.
he prabho, madiiya eko daasa. h pak. saaghaatavyaadhinaa bh. r"sa. m vyathita. h, satu "sayaniiya aaste|
7 And He says to him (Jesus: *ko*) I myself having come will heal him.
tadaanii. m yii"sustasmai kathitavaan, aha. m gatvaa ta. m niraamaya. m kari. syaami|
8 And answering (now *o*) the centurion was saying; Lord, not I am worthy that my under the roof You may come, but only do speak (a word, *N(k)O*) and will be healed the servant of mine.
tata. h sa "satasenaapati. h pratyavadat, he prabho, bhavaan yat mama gehamadhya. m yaati tadyogyabhaajana. m naahamasmi; vaa"nmaatram aadi"satu, tenaiva mama daaso niraamayo bhavi. syati|
9 Also for I myself a man am under authority (appointed *O*) having under myself soldiers and I say to this [one]; do go, and he goes, and to another; do come, and he comes, and to the servant of mine; do enact this, and he enacts [it].
yato mayi paranidhne. api mama nide"sava"syaa. h kati kati senaa. h santi, tata ekasmin yaahiityukte sa yaati, tadanyasmin ehiityukte sa aayaati, tathaa mama nijadaase karmmaitat kurvvityukte sa tat karoti|
10 Having heard now Jesus marveled and He said to those following; Amen I say to you; (such *no*) (no [one] *N(k)O*) so great faith in Israel have I found.
tadaanii. m yii"sustasyaitat vaco ni"samya vismayaapanno. abhuut; nijapa"scaadgaamino maanavaan avocca, yu. smaan tathya. m vacmi, israayeliiyalokaanaa. m madhye. api naitaad. r"so vi"svaaso mayaa praapta. h|
11 I say now to you that many from east and west will come and they will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
anyaccaaha. m yu. smaan vadaami, bahava. h puurvvasyaa. h pa"scimaayaa"sca di"sa aagatya ibraahiimaa ishaakaa yaakuubaa ca saakam militvaa samupavek. syanti;
12 the however sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the darkness the outer; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
kintu yatra sthaane rodanadantaghar. sa. ne bhavatastasmin bahirbhuutatamisre raajyasya santaanaa nik. sesyante|
13 And said Jesus to the centurion; do go, (and *ko*) as you have believed it should be [done] to you. And was healed the servant of him in the hour that.
tata. h para. m yii"susta. m "satasenaapati. m jagaada, yaahi, tava pratiityanusaarato ma"ngala. m bhuuyaat; tadaa tasminneva da. n.de tadiiyadaaso niraamayo babhuuva|
14 And having come Jesus to the house of Peter He saw the mother-in-law of him lain down and fevering
anantara. m yii"su. h pitarasya gehamupasthaaya jvare. na pii. ditaa. m "sayaniiyasthitaa. m tasya "sva"sruu. m viik. saa ncakre|
15 And He touched the hand of her, and left her the fever. and she arose and was ministering (to him. *N(K)O*)
tatastena tasyaa. h karasya sp. r.s. tatavaat jvarastaa. m tatyaaja, tadaa saa samutthaaya taan si. seve|
16 When evening now having come they brought to Him being demonised many, and He cast out the spirits by a word, and all those sick being He healed,
anantara. m sandhyaayaa. m satyaa. m bahu"so bhuutagrastamanujaan tasya samiipam aaninyu. h sa ca vaakyena bhuutaan tyaajayaamaasa, sarvvaprakaarapii. ditajanaa. m"sca niraamayaan cakaara;
17 so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through Isaiah the prophet saying; Himself the infirmities of us He took and [our] diseases bore.
tasmaat, sarvvaa durbbalataasmaaka. m tenaiva paridhaaritaa| asmaaka. m sakala. m vyaadhi. m saeva sa. mg. rhiitavaan| yadetadvacana. m yi"sayiyabhavi. syadvaadinoktamaasiit, tattadaa saphalamabhavat|
18 Having seen now Jesus (great *KO*) (crowd *N(k)O*) around Him He commanded to depart to the other side.
anantara. m yii"su"scaturdik. su jananivaha. m vilokya ta. tinyaa. h paara. m yaatu. m "si. syaan aadide"sa|
19 And having come to [Him] one scribe said to Him; Teacher, I will follow You wherever if You shall go.
tadaaniim eka upaadhyaaya aagatya kathitavaan, he guro, bhavaan yatra yaasyati tatraahamapi bhavata. h pa"scaad yaasyaami|
20 And says to him Jesus; Foxes holes have and the birds of the air nests, but the Son of Man no has [place] where the head He may lay.
tato yii"su rjagaada, kro. s.tu. h sthaatu. m sthaana. m vidyate, vihaayaso viha"ngamaanaa. m nii. daani ca santi; kintu manu. syaputrasya "sira. h sthaapayitu. m sthaana. m na vidyate|
21 Another now of the disciples of Him said to Him; Lord, do allow me first to go and to bury the father of mine.
anantaram apara eka. h "si. syasta. m babhaa. se, he prabho, prathamato mama pitara. m "sma"saane nidhaatu. m gamanaartha. m maam anumanyasva|
22 But Jesus (speaks *N(k)O*) to him; do follow Me, and do leave the dead to bury their own dead.
tato yii"suruktavaan m. rtaa m. rtaan "sma"saane nidadhatu, tva. m mama pa"scaad aagaccha|
23 And having climbed He into the boat followed Him the disciples of Him.
anantara. m tasmin naavamaaruu. dhe tasya "si. syaastatpa"scaat jagmu. h|
24 And behold a storm great arose in the sea so that the boat being swamped by the waves; He Himself however was sleeping.
pa"scaat saagarasya madhya. m te. su gate. su taad. r"sa. h prabalo jha nbh"sanila udati. s.that, yena mahaatara"nga utthaaya tara. ni. m chaaditavaan, kintu sa nidrita aasiit|
25 And having come to [Him] (the disciples of Him *k*) they awoke Him saying; Lord, do save (us *k*) we are perishing!
tadaa "si. syaa aagatya tasya nidraabha"nga. m k. rtvaa kathayaamaasu. h, he prabho, vaya. m mriyaamahe, bhavaan asmaaka. m praa. naan rak. satu|
26 And He says to them; Why fearful are you, O [you] of little faith? Then having arisen He rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a calm great.
tadaa sa taan uktavaan, he alpavi"svaasino yuuya. m kuto vibhiitha? tata. h sa utthaaya vaata. m saagara nca tarjayaamaasa, tato nirvvaatamabhavat|
27 And the men marveled saying; What kind [of man] is this that even the winds and the sea Him obey
apara. m manujaa vismaya. m vilokya kathayaamaasu. h, aho vaatasaritpatii asya kimaaj naagraahi. nau? kiid. r"so. aya. m maanava. h|
28 And (when was coming He *N(k)O*) to the other side to the region of the (Gadarenes *N(K)O*) met Him two being demonised out of the tombs coming forth, violent extremely, so that not to be able anyone to pass through the way that.
anantara. m sa paara. m gatvaa gideriiyade"sam upasthitavaan; tadaa dvau bhuutagrastamanujau "sma"saanasthaanaad bahi rbhuutvaa ta. m saak. saat k. rtavantau, taavetaad. r"sau praca. n.daavaastaa. m yat tena sthaanena kopi yaatu. m naa"saknot|
29 And behold they cried out saying; What to us and to you (Jesus *k*) Son of God? Are You come here before [the] time to torment us?
taavucai. h kathayaamaasatu. h, he ii"svarasya suuno yii"so, tvayaa saakam aavayo. h ka. h sambandha. h? niruupitakaalaat praageva kimaavaabhyaa. m yaatanaa. m daatum atraagatosi?
30 There was now far off from them a herd of pigs many feeding.
tadaanii. m taabhyaa. m ki ncid duure varaahaa. naam eko mahaavrajo. acarat|
31 And the demons were begging Him saying; If You cast out us, (do allow *K*) (do send away *N(K)O*) (us *N(k)O*) into the herd of pigs.
tato bhuutau tau tasyaantike viniiya kathayaamaasatu. h, yadyaavaa. m tyaajayasi, tarhi varaahaa. naa. m madhyevrajam aavaa. m preraya|
32 And He said to them; do go. And having gone out they went away into (herd *k*) (pigs, *N(k)O*) and behold rushed all the herd (of the of pigs *k*) down the steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters.
tadaa yii"suravadat yaata. m, anantara. m tau yadaa manujau vihaaya varaahaan aa"sritavantau, tadaa te sarvve varaahaa uccasthaanaat mahaajavena dhaavanta. h saagariiyatoye majjanto mamru. h|
33 Those now feeding [them] fled, and having gone away into the city they related everything including the [matter] of those being demonised.
tato varaaharak. sakaa. h palaayamaanaa madhyenagara. m tau bhuutagrastau prati yadyad agha. tata, taa. h sarvvavaarttaa avadan|
34 And behold all the city went out to (meet *N(k)O*) Jesus, And having seen Him they begged [Him] that He may depart from the region of them.
tato naagarikaa. h sarvve manujaa yii"su. m saak. saat karttu. m bahiraayaataa. h ta nca vilokya praarthayaa ncakrire bhavaan asmaaka. m siimaato yaatu|

< Matthew 8 >