< Matthew 8 >

1 (When was coming down *N(k)O*) now (He *N(k)O*) from the mountain followed Him crowds great.
Yesus onda nema mia leteꞌ a, ma atahori hetar nonggo-nonggo reu tungga E.
2 And behold a leper (having come near *N(k)O*) was worshipping Him saying; Lord, if You shall be willing, You are able me to cleanse.
Aibꞌoiꞌ ma, atahori hedꞌi kusta esa neu nisiꞌ E. Ana sendeꞌ lululanggan de noꞌe tulun Yesus nae, “Papa, e! Tulun au dei! Mete ma Papa nau, na, Papa bisa muꞌuhahaiꞌ hedꞌi ngga ia, naa fo atahori sudꞌi boe melumudꞌu au fai, ma au o bisa uu hule-oꞌe sia ume nggareiꞌ rala.”
3 And having stretched out the hand He touched of him (*k*) (Jesus *K*) saying; I am willing, do be cleansed. And immediately was cleansed his leprosy.
Rena onaꞌ naa, ma Yesus loo liman, kois atahori kusta, ma olaꞌ nae, “Au nau! Hai leon!” Aibꞌoiꞌ ma, atahori naa hedꞌis na mopo neuꞌ ena.
4 And says to him Jesus; do see that to no one may you tell, But do go yourself do show to the priest and do offer the gift that commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
De Yesus olaꞌ no e nae, “Musunedꞌa, e! Ho hai ena, te afiꞌ mufadꞌe esa boe. Musi tungga baꞌi Musa hohoro-lalanen dei. Dadꞌi muu sia malangga agama, fo ana paresaꞌ aom dei, naa fo ana nahine hedꞌis ma mopo tebꞌe ena, do feꞌe hokoꞌ. Basa na musi muu fee tutunu-hohotuꞌ dadꞌi tanda makasi, fo basa atahori bubꞌuluꞌ rae, ho hai tebꞌe ena.”
5 (When was entering *N(k)O*) now (He *n(o)*) (Jesus *k*) into Capernaum came to Him a centurion imploring Him
Basa naa ma, Yesus neu sia Kambo Kapernaum. Sia naa, malangga soldꞌadꞌu Roma esa nema noꞌe tulu-faliꞌ nae,
6 and saying; Lord, the servant of mine has been laid in the house paralyzed grievously being tormented.
“Papa, e! Au ana mana tao ues ngga esa namahedꞌi sia ume. Ana nda fela nala mia koi a sa, huu ana namahedꞌi nitaꞌ mamaten.”
7 And He says to him (Jesus: *ko*) I myself having come will heal him.
Yesus nataa nae, “Malole! Dei fo Au eti fo tao uhaiꞌ e.”
8 And answering (now *o*) the centurion was saying; Lord, not I am worthy that my under the roof You may come, but only do speak (a word, *N(k)O*) and will be healed the servant of mine.
Te malangga nae, “Papa afiꞌ bengge-bꞌengge muu fai, huu Au nda undandaa simbo Papa sia ume ngga sa. Sadꞌi Papa olaꞌ mia ia nema, na au ana mana tao ues ngga, hai neuꞌ ena.
9 Also for I myself a man am under authority (appointed *O*) having under myself soldiers and I say to this [one]; do go, and he goes, and to another; do come, and he comes, and to the servant of mine; do enact this, and he enacts [it].
Au uhine dalaꞌ ia, huu au malangga nggara raꞌena koasa parenda au. Ma au o uꞌena koasa fo parenda soldꞌadꞌu nggara boe. Mete ma au parenda soldꞌadꞌu ngga ae, ‘Muu sia naa!’ na, ana neu. Mete ma au ae, ‘Ia uma!’ na, ana nema. Ma mete ma au denu ana mana tao ues ra ae, ‘Ue-tao ia!’ na, ana tao taꞌo naa. Dadꞌi sadꞌi Papa olaꞌ, na, au ana mana tao ues ngga, hai neuꞌ ena.
10 Having heard now Jesus marveled and He said to those following; Amen I say to you; (such *no*) (no [one] *N(k)O*) so great faith in Israel have I found.
Yesus rena nala onaꞌ naa, ma Ana heran. Ana olaꞌ neu atahori hetar mana tungga Eni nae, “Heran, e! Doon basa ia te, Au nda feꞌe undaa o atahori Yahudi esa sa boe nemehere seli onaꞌ atahori Roma ia sa!
11 I say now to you that many from east and west will come and they will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
Rena, e! Te dei fo hambu atahori fuiꞌ hetar onaꞌ atahori Roma ia rema mia seriꞌ rulu ma mia seriꞌ muri, fo endoꞌ raa fefetas raꞌabꞌue ro baꞌi Abraham, baꞌi Isak, ma Yakob sia Lamatualain umen sia sorga.
12 the however sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the darkness the outer; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
Onaꞌ mae Lamatuaꞌ pili atahori Yahudi fo dadꞌi atahorin ena o, te hambu atahori hetar nda taoafiꞌ neu E sa. Dei fo Ana timba hendi se risiꞌ mamana maꞌahatu kibꞌu-kibꞌuꞌ a. Sia naa ara nggae eiei ma doidꞌoso ritaꞌ mamate nara.”
13 And said Jesus to the centurion; do go, (and *ko*) as you have believed it should be [done] to you. And was healed the servant of him in the hour that.
Olaꞌ basa onaꞌ naa ma, Yesus olaꞌ neu malangga soldꞌadꞌu a nae, “Pak baliꞌ leo. Te ana mana tao ues ma hai ena, onaꞌ Pak nemeheren.” Nandaa no leleꞌ naa o, anaꞌ naa hai neuꞌ ena boe.
14 And having come Jesus to the house of Peter He saw the mother-in-law of him lain down and fevering
Lao esa ma, Yesus neu nisiꞌ Petrus umen. Ana nita Petrus ina arin sungguꞌ sia koi a, mana mera mafeo-matobꞌiꞌ.
15 And He touched the hand of her, and left her the fever. and she arose and was ministering (to him. *N(K)O*)
Yesus toꞌu liman, ma mafeo-matobꞌiꞌ a mopo neuꞌ ena mia ina lasiꞌ a. Basa ma ana fela de neu lole-lau fee Yesus se.
16 When evening now having come they brought to Him being demonised many, and He cast out the spirits by a word, and all those sick being He healed,
Leleꞌ relo a soko ma, atahori ra rema rendi atahori nitu taoꞌ ra. Ma Yesus parenda nitu ra nae, “He, nitu! Dinggoꞌ hela atahori ia ra leo!” Boe ma nitu ra rela reuꞌ ena. Ana o tao nahaiꞌ basa atahori mamahedꞌiꞌ ra.
17 so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through Isaiah the prophet saying; Himself the infirmities of us He took and [our] diseases bore.
Ana tao basa ia ra, tungga saa fo Lamatualain mana ola-olan Yesaya suraꞌ memaꞌ nae, “Ana naꞌahahaiꞌ hedꞌi-nggarau tara. Ma Ana tanggon doidꞌoso tara.”
18 Having seen now Jesus (great *KO*) (crowd *N(k)O*) around Him He commanded to depart to the other side.
Basa naa ma, Yesus nita atahori hetar rema rereoꞌ rala E. Boe ma Ana denu ana mana tungga nara nae, “Ima ata lea laar fo lao tisiꞌ dano seriꞌ.”
19 And having come to [Him] one scribe said to Him; Teacher, I will follow You wherever if You shall go.
Boe ma meser agama sa nema de olaꞌ nae, “Ama Meser! Amaꞌ neu sudꞌiꞌ a sia bee o, au nau tungga ukundoo o Amaꞌ!”
20 And says to him Jesus; Foxes holes have and the birds of the air nests, but the Son of Man no has [place] where the head He may lay.
Te Yesus nataa nae, “Malole, boe! Te musunedꞌa taꞌo ia. Basa atahori ro banda ra raꞌena mamana leleo-luluꞌuꞌ. Busa fui a baliꞌ nisiꞌ ndolan. Mbuiꞌ ra baliꞌ risiꞌ nduna nara. Te Au, Atahori Tetebꞌes ia, nda uꞌena ume fo baliꞌ uu sa. Mamanaꞌ fo ndae langga ngga o, Au nda maꞌenaꞌ sa boe.”
21 Another now of the disciples of Him said to Him; Lord, do allow me first to go and to bury the father of mine.
Basa ma atahori sa fai, mana tunggaꞌ no E, nema noꞌe nae, “Papa! Au ae tungga Papa boe, te au baliꞌ fo mete-seꞌu ala ina-ama nggara dei. Mete ma ama ngga mate ena, na, dei fo au tungga.”
22 But Jesus (speaks *N(k)O*) to him; do follow Me, and do leave the dead to bury their own dead.
Te Yesus olaꞌ nae, “‘Taꞌo ia! Hela neu fo atahori nda mana namahere neu Lamatualain sa, mete seꞌu atahori mana mate nara. Te mete ma mae tungga Au, na, musi tungga no tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ!”
23 And having climbed He into the boat followed Him the disciples of Him.
Basa naa ma, Yesus hene ofaꞌ ata neu, no ana mana tungga nara.
24 And behold a storm great arose in the sea so that the boat being swamped by the waves; He Himself however was sleeping.
Leleꞌ ara lea laar de lao risiꞌ dano a seriꞌ, boe ma Ana sungguꞌ. Nda doo ꞌ sa ma, sanggu-anin fela boe. Ree ra poꞌa ofaꞌ, ma oeꞌ a ofaꞌ rala neu.
25 And having come to [Him] (the disciples of Him *k*) they awoke Him saying; Lord, do save (us *k*) we are perishing!
Ara Rita onaꞌ naa, ma ana mana tungga nara rafefela E rae, “Papa! Papa, e! Fela fo tulun tao musodꞌa nggita dei! Te taeꞌ a tena ena!”
26 And He says to them; Why fearful are you, O [you] of little faith? Then having arisen He rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a calm great.
Boe ma Yesus nataa nae, “Woi, taꞌo bee de hei mimitau? Hei nda mimihere Au sa, do?” Boe ma Ana fela. Basa de Ana ai sanggu-anin ma ree ra nae, “Miloeꞌ leo!” Boe ma ree ra no sanggu-anin linoꞌ neuꞌ ena.
27 And the men marveled saying; What kind [of man] is this that even the winds and the sea Him obey
Boe ma Yesus ana mana tungga nara heran. Ara rae, “Awii! Eni ia, seka, e? Taꞌo bee de Ana parenda anin no ree ra de ara tungga Hihii-nanaun?”
28 And (when was coming He *N(k)O*) to the other side to the region of the (Gadarenes *N(K)O*) met Him two being demonised out of the tombs coming forth, violent extremely, so that not to be able anyone to pass through the way that.
Nda dooꞌ sa ma, ara losa dano a seriꞌ, sia atahori Gadara ra nusan. Sia naa hambu atahori nitu taoꞌ rua leo sia lua fatuꞌ atahori mates ra mamanan. Ruꞌa se deꞌulaka nara seli, losa nda hambu atahori esa nambarani laoꞌ sia naa sa boe. Ara rita Yesus nema ma,
29 And behold they cried out saying; What to us and to you (Jesus *k*) Son of God? Are You come here before [the] time to torment us?
ara nggasi rae, “Woi, Lamatualain Anan! Taꞌo bee de uma ngganggu hai? Eni fain nda feꞌe losa sa, te mae tao doidꞌoso hai ena.”
30 There was now far off from them a herd of pigs many feeding.
Hambu fafi hetar sosoꞌa rae a sangga nanaat deka-deka naa.
31 And the demons were begging Him saying; If You cast out us, (do allow *K*) (do send away *N(K)O*) (us *N(k)O*) into the herd of pigs.
Boe ma nitu ra roꞌe Yesus rae, “Mete ma mae oi hai, na denu hai misiꞌ a fafi naa ra!”
32 And He said to them; do go. And having gone out they went away into (herd *k*) (pigs, *N(k)O*) and behold rushed all the herd (of the of pigs *k*) down the steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters.
Boe ma Yesus parenda se nae, “Mii leo!” Boe ma nitu ra rela lao hela atahori ka ruaꞌ ra, de risiꞌ fafi ra. Boe ma fafi ra rela leli onda tungga leteꞌ a suun de dano rala reu. Boe ma tena hendi basa se de mate.
33 Those now feeding [them] fled, and having gone away into the city they related everything including the [matter] of those being demonised.
Mete rita taꞌo naa ma, mana manea fafi ra rela baliꞌ kamboꞌ reu, de dui basa-bꞌasaꞌ e.
34 And behold all the city went out to (meet *N(k)O*) Jesus, And having seen Him they begged [Him] that He may depart from the region of them.
Rena rala dudꞌui nara, ma atahori hetar reu sia mamanaꞌ naa. Ara randaa ro Yesus, ma ara kokoe Yesus fo lao hela mamanaꞌ naa leo.

< Matthew 8 >