< Matthew 8 >

1 (When was coming down *N(k)O*) now (He *N(k)O*) from the mountain followed Him crowds great.
Wa yesu a krji rji ni ngblu a, indi gbugbuhu ba huu.
2 And behold a leper (having come near *N(k)O*) was worshipping Him saying; Lord, if You shall be willing, You are able me to cleanse.
U indi ri u lilo nkpurju ye ku kru niwu nda tre, “Baci, uta ny'me uka mla me tie tsratsra me.
3 And having stretched out the hand He touched of him (*k*) (Jesus *K*) saying; I am willing, do be cleansed. And immediately was cleansed his leprosy.
Yesu a rima wo hi ka kpre nda tre, “mi nyme. Katie tsratsra” Nikiyi me, wa aka fe den u lilo ka kle
4 And says to him Jesus; do see that to no one may you tell, But do go yourself do show to the priest and do offer the gift that commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
Yesu a hla wu, na tre u hla kpie ri ni ndio na. Hi kpame, ndi hi tsro tume ni Firist, ndi nno kpie wa Musa tre'a ndu hi ngban ni bawu.
5 (When was entering *N(k)O*) now (He *n(o)*) (Jesus *k*) into Capernaum came to Him a centurion imploring Him
Asi hi nimi kapanahum u jirmi ri ye niwu nda bre wu, nda tre,
6 and saying; Lord, the servant of mine has been laid in the house paralyzed grievously being tormented.
“Baci, igranmu a qukpa kru si tie ya ni koh mu.
7 And He says to him (Jesus: *ko*) I myself having come will heal him.
U yesu hla wu, “mihi denwu”
8 And answering (now *o*) the centurion was saying; Lord, not I am worthy that my under the roof You may come, but only do speak (a word, *N(k)O*) and will be healed the servant of mine.
U jirni a kasawu nda tre, “Baci, mi na mla wa u ye ni koh muna. Hla trea' megyen din ndu granmu fe den.
9 Also for I myself a man am under authority (appointed *O*) having under myself soldiers and I say to this [one]; do go, and he goes, and to another; do come, and he comes, and to the servant of mine; do enact this, and he enacts [it].
E ime ngame mihe ni wo ndi ri, me he ni soja bi ti ndu ni' womu. Mi hla ni ri, hi, waka yi uni ri mi hla wie, 'ye' waka ye, ndi hla ni granmu, tie kpieyi, waka tiewu.
10 Having heard now Jesus marveled and He said to those following; Amen I say to you; (such *no*) (no [one] *N(k)O*) so great faith in Israel have I found.
Wa yesu a wowuu, a hla ni bi hu'a, “Njanjimu me hla yiwu, mina to ndi u bii sron towa ni Israila na.
11 I say now to you that many from east and west will come and they will recline with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
Mi hla yiwu, indi gbugbu bu baye rji ni ko yalu nda rli biri ni ba Ibrahim mba Ishaku, ni Yakubu ni mulki shulu.
12 the however sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the darkness the outer; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
U mrli wa ba u mulkia, ba vuba tasru nimi kplakpa bwuu. Nikii ba yii nda tan nyinyren”
13 And said Jesus to the centurion; do go, (and *ko*) as you have believed it should be [done] to you. And was healed the servant of him in the hour that.
Yesu a hla ni jirmia, “Hi, ndu he niwu towa u yo sron a” ni nton ki me, igran ma a fe sikpa.
14 And having come Jesus to the house of Peter He saw the mother-in-law of him lain down and fevering
Wa yesu a ri ni koh Bitrua, a toh yi' Bitrua kru kpa.
15 And He touched the hand of her, and left her the fever. and she arose and was ministering (to him. *N(K)O*)
Yesu a kpyre wo' ma u lokpa ka kle waka wlunde nda tie ndu niwu.
16 When evening now having come they brought to Him being demonised many, and He cast out the spirits by a word, and all those sick being He healed,
Wa yalu tie a ba nji gbugbu ndi be he ni brji ye ni Yesu. Ni tre megyen a ju brji rju ni ndi ba nda den bi lilo ba wawuu.
17 so that it may be fulfilled that having been spoken through Isaiah the prophet saying; Himself the infirmities of us He took and [our] diseases bore.
Toyii itre anabi Ishaya ye ku ngyre me wa a hla, “Wawu yi vu krukpa mbu nda den mba lilo mbu ba.
18 Having seen now Jesus (great *KO*) (crowd *N(k)O*) around Him He commanded to depart to the other side.
Niwa Yesu a toh gbugbu ndi baa gaklen ma, a hla ni bawu ndu ba ru mah Galilia hi gran korima.
19 And having come to [Him] one scribe said to Him; Teacher, I will follow You wherever if You shall go.
U ndi u nha ri ye hla wu, “Mala, mi huu hi ko mame (ko ni ntsenyi)”
20 And says to him Jesus; Foxes holes have and the birds of the air nests, but the Son of Man no has [place] where the head He may lay.
Yesu a saa niwu, “Itsi' bahe ni juju mba cincen bahe ni koh mba, U ivren ndi yi na he ni bubu u yo tu'mana.
21 Another now of the disciples of Him said to Him; Lord, do allow me first to go and to bury the father of mine.
Ivren koh ma ri a hla wu, “Baci ndu mi hi rju' tieme rli.
22 But Jesus (speaks *N(k)O*) to him; do follow Me, and do leave the dead to bury their own dead.
U Yesu hla ni wu, “Hu me, don k'bon ba ndu ba rju k'bon mba”.
23 And having climbed He into the boat followed Him the disciples of Him.
Wa Yesu ri nimi jirgi (ghuu) a, mrli koh ma baka ri huu.
24 And behold a storm great arose in the sea so that the boat being swamped by the waves; He Himself however was sleeping.
U kikle nghunghu ri ka wlu fu nitu kikle maa, inda shi dakpyren kah ghuu a. Yesu si kruna kpye ma.
25 And having come to [Him] (the disciples of Him *k*) they awoke Him saying; Lord, do save (us *k*) we are perishing!
U mrli koh ma bahi ka sh'me u, nda tre, “kpata cuwo, Baci, kie qua!
26 And He says to them; Why fearful are you, O [you] of little faith? Then having arisen He rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a calm great.
Yesu a hla bawu, “Bi kpon sisri ngye towa biyi bi tsitsa sron? “A wlunde nda yra ha ni a wlunde nda kpa nha ni nghunghu a mba kikle maa. U bubua katie wieri me.
27 And the men marveled saying; What kind [of man] is this that even the winds and the sea Him obey
Indi ba ba mhanji ma wakran nda tre,” ahi ndi bitan toyi, wa nghunghu me ni wowuu a?”
28 And (when was coming He *N(k)O*) to the other side to the region of the (Gadarenes *N(K)O*) met Him two being demonised out of the tombs coming forth, violent extremely, so that not to be able anyone to pass through the way that.
Wa Yesu aye rji ni nhma ko rima u meme Garasinawa, indi harli bari bi meme brji ba rju ye niwu. Bata rju rji ni bubu be ba nda ta vravu kpukpome u indi bana ta zu nkan kima ngana.
29 And behold they cried out saying; What to us and to you (Jesus *k*) Son of God? Are You come here before [the] time to torment us?
Ba yragro na tre, “kie he ngye utie niwu, iwu vren Irji? Inton na tie me rlina u uye tie ta yah ni wa?
30 There was now far off from them a herd of pigs many feeding.
Gbugbu lede bari sia rli wiewiere ni ba nikii.
31 And the demons were begging Him saying; If You cast out us, (do allow *K*) (do send away *N(K)O*) (us *N(k)O*) into the herd of pigs.
U meme brji ba si bre Yesu nda tre uti zuta rjuu, uka truta ri ni mi gbugbu lede biyi.
32 And He said to them; do go. And having gone out they went away into (herd *k*) (pigs, *N(k)O*) and behold rushed all the herd (of the of pigs *k*) down the steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters.
Yesu ahla ni bawu, “Hi!” Ibrji ba barju nda ri nimi lede ba; u mle, gbugbu lede ba ba sra tsugrji ngblu'a nda ka kuhle nimi kickle ma nda quu wawuu bawu.
33 Those now feeding [them] fled, and having gone away into the city they related everything including the [matter] of those being demonised.
Indi bi kma lede ba, ba tsutsu hi ni migbu nda ka blatre a wawuu ni bawu u njima, ikpie wa atie bi meme brji ba.
34 And behold all the city went out to (meet *N(k)O*) Jesus, And having seen Him they begged [Him] that He may depart from the region of them.
U ndi bi gbuba baka rju wawu mba wu nda ye ni Yesu. Nitowu, ba brewu ndu hi don meme mba ni bawu

< Matthew 8 >