< Luke 15 >

1 Were now to Him drawing near all the tax collectors and the sinners to hear Him.
A SAUNOPWEI o me dipan akan karos ap kai dong i pwen rong i.
2 And were grumbling the (both *no*) Pharisees and the scribes saying that This [man] sinners receives and he eats with them.
A Parisär o saunkawewe kan lipaned indada: Ol men et kin kompokeki me dipan akan o iang irail sakasak.
3 He spoke then to them parable this saying;
A a kotin masani ong irail karaseras wet:
4 What man of you having a hundred sheep and (having lost *NK(o)*) of them one not leaves the ninety nine in the open field and goes after the [one] having been lost until he may find it?
Is aramas re omail me na sip epuki, a ma amen irail salongalar me so pan pwilikidi ir duekduemen nan wel ap raparapaki me salongalar, lao a pan diarada i?
5 And having found [it] he lays [it] on the shoulders (of him *N(k)O*) rejoicing,
A lao diarada i, a kidang pon pop a pereperen.
6 And having come to the house he calls together the friends and the neighbours saying to them; do rejoice with me, for I have found the sheep of mine the [one] having been lost!
A lao pure dong deu a, a kin eker pena kompokepa kan o men imp a kan indai ong irail: Komail iang ia perenda, pwe i diaradar nai sip me salongalar.
7 I say to you that in the same way joy in heaven there will be over one sinner repenting rather than over ninety nine righteous ones who no need have of repentance.
I indai ong komail, nan iduen peren pil pan mi nanlang pweki me dipan me ta men, me kalula, sang duekduemen me pung ap sota mau ong kalula.
8 Or what woman drachmas having ten, if she may lose drachma one, surely she lights a lamp and she sweeps the house and she seeks carefully until (it *N(k)O*) she may find?
O is li o me na denar eisok, eu ap salongala sang, me so pan isikada lamp o koke im o, o raparapaki mau, lao a pan diarada?
9 And having found [it] (she calls together *N(k)O*) the friends and (*k*) neighbours saying; do rejoice with me, for I have found the drachma that I lost.
A lao diaradar i, a kin eker pena kompokepa kan o men imp a kan indai ong irail: Komail iang ia perenda, pwe i diarada ai denar o, me salongalar.
10 Thus I say to you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner repenting.
Nan I indai ong komail, iduen peren mi ren tounlang en Kot akan, pweki me dipan me ta men, me kalula.
11 He said then; A man certain had two sons.
A kotin masani: Aramas amen mia, me na ol riamen.
12 And said the younger of them to the father; Father, do give to me what is due [to me] portion of the property. (*no*) (then *N(k)O*) he divided between them the property.
A me tikitik re’ra indai ong sam a: Sam ai, kotiki dong ia pwais ai en soso, me udan ai. I ari nene ong ira ara dipisou kan.
13 And after not many days having gathered together (all [things] *N(k)O*) the younger son went away into a country distant and there he wasted the estate of him living prodigally.
A murin ran akai me tikitik ren ol oko ki pena a dipisou karos, ap sailokalang sap doo, wasa a kasela mal a kapwa kan nin tiak sued.
14 When was spending however he everything there arose a famine (severe *N(k)O*) throughout the country that, and he himself began to be in need.
A lao kamuse weita a kapwa karos, lek lapalap ap pwaida sap o, i ari dupokalar.
15 And having gone he joined himself to one of the citizens the country of that, and he sent him into the fields of him to feed pigs.
I ap koieila dodok ren me pweledan sap o men. I ap kadarala i, pwen kamanga na pwik kan.
16 And he was longing (to be fed *N(k)O*) (the *ko*) (stomach of him *KO*) (from *N(k)O*) the pods that were eating the pigs, and no [one] was giving to him.
I ari inong iong, kangkang wantuka kai, me pwik kin namenam, a sota me mueid ong i.
17 To himself however having come (he was saying; *N(k)O*) How many hired servants of the father of mine (have abundance *N(k)O*) of bread, I myself however with hunger (here *NO*) am perishing!
A kadekadeo i lao lolekongalar, ap indada: Ladu me depa mi ren sam ai, me kan ar manga me rak, a ngai pan mekila so kan ai manga.
18 Having risen up I will go to the father of mine and I will say to him; Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you;
I pan uda purela ren sam ai indai ong i: Sam ai, i wiadar dip ong nanlang o ong komui.
19 (and *k*) no longer no longer am I worthy to be called son of you. do make me like one of the servants of you.
I solar warong adaneki noumui putak, komui ari wia kin ia ladu’mui men.
20 And having risen up he went to the father (of himself *NK(o)*) Still now he far being distant he saw him the father of him and was moved with compassion, and having run he fell upon the neck of him and he kissed him.
I ari uda purela ren sam a. A ni a mi wasa doo, sam a kilangada i, ap pokela, pitipiti dong i o polodi i, metik i.
21 Said then the son to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; (and *k*) no longer no longer am I worthy to be called son of you (do make me as one of the servants of you. *O*)
A putak o indai ong i: Sam ai, i wiadar dip ong nanlang o ong komui, i solar war ong adaneki noumui putak.
22 Said then the father to the servants of him; (Quickly *NO*) do bring out (*k*) robe the best and do clothe him and do give a ring for the hand of him and sandals for [his] feet,
A sam masani ong na ladu kan: Wado likau kasampwal o kalikauwia kida i, o ki ong ring ni sondin pa a, o sut ni nä a kan.
23 and (do bring *N(k)O*) the calf fattened, do kill [it], and having eaten let us be merry,
O wado kau pul wi o kamela, pwe kitail en kang o pereperen.
24 For this the son of mine dead was and is alive again, (and *k*) he was having been lost and is found. And they began to be merry.
Pwe nai putak men et melar ap mauredar, a salongalar ap diarokadar. Irail ari perendar.
25 Was now the son of him the elder in [the] field. and while coming [up] he drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing.
A na putak laud mi nan sap o. Ni a pure dong koren iong im o, ap rongadar kakaul o kakalek,
26 And having called near one of the servants (of him *k*) he was inquiring what (maybe *no*) would be these things.
Ap kalelapok ren ladu men duen ar wiawia.
27 And he said to him that The brother of you is come, and has killed the father of you the calf fattened, because in good health him he has received.
A indang i: Ri omui ol puredo, sam omui ap kamela kau pul wi o, pwe a diaradar i memaur o kelail.
28 He was angry however and not he was willing to go in. (And *N(K)O*) the father of him having gone he was begging him.
A ap makara kida o sota men pedelong, sam a ap pedoi dong re a poekipoeki.
29 And answering he said to the [the] father of him; Behold so many years I serve you and never a commandment of you I disobeyed, and to me myself never did you give a young goat that with the friends of mine I may make merry.
A a sapeng indang sam a: Kom mangi, par toto me i papa komui, o i saikenta kawela eu omui masan akan, a kom sota kotiki ong ia kisin kut amen, i en kamadipeki kompoke pai kan.
30 When however the son of you this the [one] having devoured your living with (*o*) prostitutes came, you have killed for him the fattened (*k*) calf.
A noumui putak men et lao kodo, murin a kamuse wei a dipisou ren me sued akan, komui ap isik ong i kau pul wi o.
31 And he said to him; Son, you yourself always with me are, and all that [is] mine yours is.
Sam a ap masani ong i: Nai seri, koe kin mimieta re i ansau karos, o ai meakaros me om.
32 To make merry however and to rejoice it was fitting, because the brother of you this dead was and (is alive, *N(K)O*) and having been lost (was *k*) and is found.
Me mau, koe en peren o insenemau. Pwe ri om ol men et melar, ap mauredar, a salongalar ap diarokadar.

< Luke 15 >