< Luke 1 >

1 Inasmuch as many undertook to draw up a narration concerning the accomplished among us things,
2 even as delivered [them] to us those from [the] beginning eyewitnesses and servants having been of the word,
3 it seemed good also to me also to me having been acquainted from the first with all things carefully with method to you to write, most excellent Theophilus,
4 so that you may know concerning which you were instructed [of the] things the certainty.
5 There was in the days of Herod (*k*) king of Judea a priest certain named Zechariah of [the] division of Abijah, and (the *k*) wife (of him *N(k)O*) of the daughters of Aaron and the name of her Elizabeth.
6 They were now righteous both (in front of *N(k)O*) God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
7 And no there was to them child, inasmuch as was Elizabeth barren and both having advanced in the years of them were.
エリサベツ石女なれば、彼らに子なし、また二人とも年 邁みぬ。
8 It came to pass now in the priestly serving of him in the order of the division of him before God,
9 according to the custom of the priesthood the lot picked [him as] the [one] to burn incense entering into the temple of the Lord;
10 And all the multitude were of the people praying outside at the hour of the incense.
11 Appeared then to him an angel of [the] Lord already standing at [the] right of the altar of the incense;
12 And was troubled Zechariah having seen [him], and fear fell upon him.
13 Said then to him the angel; Not do fear Zechariah; because has been heard the prayer of you, and the wife of You Elizabeth will bear a son to you, and you will call the name of him John.
14 And he will be joy to you and gladness, and many at the (birth *N(k)O*) of him will rejoice.
15 He will be for great before the Lord, and wine and strong drink certainly not shall he drink, and [of the] Spirit Holy he will be filled even from [the] womb of [the] mother of him.
この子、主の前に大ならん、また葡萄酒と濃き酒とを飮まず、母の胎を出づるや聖 靈にて滿されん。
16 And many of the sons of Israel he will turn to [the] Lord the God of them,
17 And he himself will go forth before Him in [the] spirit and power of Elijah to turn [the] hearts of [the] fathers to [the] children and [the] disobedient to [the] wisdom of [the] righteous, to make ready for [the] Lord a people prepared.
18 And said Zechariah to the angel; By what will I know this? I myself for am an old man, and the wife of mine having advanced in the years of her.
ザカリヤ御使にいふ『何に據りてか此の事あるを知らん。我は老人にて、妻もまた年 邁みたり』
19 And answering the angel said to him; I myself am Gabriel the [one] standing before God and I was sent to speak to you and to bring glad tidings to you these.
20 And behold you will be silent and not able to speak until that day may happen these things, in return for that not you did believe in the words of mine which will be fulfilled in the season of them.
視よ、時いたらば必ず成就すべき我が言を信ぜぬに因り、なんぢ物 言へずなりて、此らの事の成る日までは語ること能はじ』
21 And were the people expecting Zechariah and they were wondering at the delaying in the temple of him.
22 Having come out then not he was able to speak to them; and they recognized that a vision he has seen in the temple. And he himself was making signs to them and was remaining mute.
23 And it came to pass when were fulfilled the days of the service of him, he departed to the home of him.
かくて務の日 滿ちたれば、家に歸りぬ。
24 After then these days conceived Elizabeth the wife of him and was hiding herself months five saying
25 that Thus to me has done (the *k*) Lord in [the] days in which He looked upon [me] to take away (the *k*) disgrace of mine among men.
26 In now the month sixth was sent the angel Gabriel (by *N(k)O*) God to a city of Galilee whose name [was] Nazareth
27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name [was] Joseph of [the] house of David, and the name of the virgin [was] Mary.
28 And having come (*ko*) (angel *KO*) to her he said; Greetings! you graciously favored; The Lord [is] with you. (blessed [are] you yourself among women. *KO*)
29 And (having seen [him] *K*) at the statement she was troubled (of him *k*) and was pondering what kind would be salutation this.
30 And said the angel to her; Not do fear Mary, you have found for favor with God.
31 and behold you will conceive in womb and will bring forth a son and you will call the name of Him Jesus.
32 He will be great and Son of [the] Most High He will be called, and will give to Him [the] Lord God the throne of David of the father of Him,
33 and He will reign over the house of Jacob to the ages, and of the kingdom of Him not there will be an end! (aiōn g165)
ヤコブの家を永遠に治めん。その國は終ることなかるべし』 (aiōn g165)
34 Said then Mary to the angel; How will be this since a man not I know?
35 And answering the angel said to her; [the] Spirit Holy will come upon you and power of [the] Most High will overshadow you; therefore also the [one] being born Holy [One] will be called [the] Son of God.
御使こたへて言ふ『聖 靈なんぢに臨み、至高者の能力なんぢを被はん。此の故に汝が生むところの聖なる者は、神の子と稱へらるべし。
36 And behold Elizabeth the (relative *N(k)O*) of you also she (has conceived *N(k)O*) a son in old age of her, and this month [the] sixth is to her who [was] called barren
視よ、なんぢの親族エリサベツも、年 老いたれど、男子を孕めり。石女といはれたる者なるに、今は孕りてはや六月になりぬ。
37 For not will be impossible with (God *N(k)O*) every declaration.
38 Said then Mary; Behold the handmaid of [the] Lord; Would [that] it happen to me according to the declaration of you. And departed from her the angel.
39 Having risen up then Mary in days these she went into the hill country with haste to a town of Judah
40 and she entered into the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
41 And it came to pass as heard the greeting of Mary Elizabeth, leaped the baby in the womb of her, and was filled with [the] Spirit Holy Elizabeth
エリサベツその挨拶を聞くや、兒は胎内にて躍れり。エリサベツ聖 靈にて滿され、
42 and she cried out (in a shout *N(k)O*) loud and said; Blessed [are] you yourself among women, and blessed [is] the fruit of the womb of you.
聲 高らかに呼はりて言ふ『をんなの中にて汝は祝福せられ、その胎の實もまた祝福せられたり。
43 And from where to me this that may come the mother of the Lord of mine to me myself?
44 Behold for as came the voice of the greeting of you into the ears of mine, leaped in exultation the baby in the womb of mine.
45 And blessed [is] the [one] having believed that there will be a fulfillment to the [things] spoken to her from [the] Lord.
46 And said Mary: Magnifies the soul of Mine the Lord,
47 and rejoices the spirit of mine in God the Savior of mine,
48 For He has looked upon the humiliation of the handmaiden of Him. Behold for from henceforth will count blessed me all the generations
その婢女の卑しきをも顧み給へばなり。視よ、今よりのち萬 世の人われを幸福とせん。
49 For has done to me (great [things] *N(k)O*) the Mighty One; And holy [is] the name of Him;
50 And the mercy of Him [is] to generations (and *no*) (generations *N(k)O*) to those fearing Him;
51 He has shown strength with [the] arm of Him; He has scattered [the] proud in [the] thought of heart of them;
52 He has brought down rulers from thrones and exalted [the] humble;
53 [Those] hungering He has filled with good things and [those] being rich He has sent away empty;
54 He has helped Israel [the] servant of Him remembering mercy,
55 even as He spoke to the fathers of us, to Abraham and to the descendants of him to the age. (aiōn g165)
アブラハムとその裔とに對するあはれみを永遠に忘れじとて、僕イスラエルを助けたまへり』 (aiōn g165)
56 Dwelt then Mary with her (about *N(k)O*) months three and returned to the home of her.
57 Now Elizabeth was fulfilled the time to give birth for her and she bore a son.
58 And heard the neighbours and the relatives of her that magnified [the] Lord the mercy of Him with her, and they were rejoicing with her.
59 And it came to pass on day the eighth they came to circumcise the child and were calling it after the name of the father of him Zechariah.
60 And answering the mother of him said; No, but he will be called John.
61 And they said to her that No [one] is (among the relatives *N(k)O*) of you who is called the name by this.
62 They were making signs then to the father of him the what maybe he would wish to be called (him. *N(k)O*)
63 And having asked for a writing tablet he wrote saying; John is (the *ko*) name of him. And they marveled all.
64 Was opened then the mouth of him immediately and the tongue of him and he was speaking blessing God.
65 And came upon all fear those dwelling around them; and in all the hill country of Judea were being talked about all declarations these,
最寄に住む者みな懼をいだき、又すべて此 等のこと徧くユダヤの山里に言ひ囃されたれば、
66 And laid [them] up all those having heard in the heart of them saying; What then child this will be? And (for *no*) [the] hand of [the] Lord was with him.
67 And Zechariah the father of him was filled with [the] Spirit Holy and prophesied saying;
かくて父ザカリヤ聖 靈にて滿され預言して言ふ、
68 Blessed [be] [the] Lord the God of Israel, because He has visited and He has performed redemption [on] the people of Him,
69 and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in (the *k*) house of David (the *k*) servant of Him,
70 even as He spoke through [the] mouth of the holy (of the *k*) of [old] age prophets of Him; (aiōn g165)
これぞ古へより聖 預言者の口をもて言ひ給ひし如く、 (aiōn g165)
71 salvation from [the] enemies of us and from [the] hand of all those hating us,
72 to fulfill mercy toward the fathers of us, and to remember [the] covenant holy of Him,
73 [the] oath that He swore to Abraham the father of us,
74 to grant us without fear from [the] hand (of the *k*) enemies (of us *k*) having been saved to serve Him
75 in holiness and righteousness before Him (all the days *N(k)O*) (of the life *k*) of us.
76 And you yourself (now, *no*) child, prophet of [the] Most High will be called; you will go for (in front of *N(k)O*) ([the] face of *ko*) [the] Lord to prepare ways of Him,
77 to give knowledge of salvation to the people of Him in forgiveness of [the] sins of them
78 through [the] affections of compassion of God of us in which (will visit *N(k)O*) us [the] Sunrise from on high,
79 to shine upon those in darkness and in [the] shadow of death sitting, to direct the feet of us into [the] way of peace.
80 And the child was continuing to grow and he was strengthened in spirit and he was in the deserted places until [the] day of appearance of him to Israel.
かくて幼兒は漸に成長し、その靈 強くなり、イスラエルに現るる日まで荒野にゐたり。

< Luke 1 >