< Leviticus 7 >

1 And this [is] [the] legal [procedure] of the guilt offering [is] a holy thing of holy things it.
A ovo je zakon za žrtvu radi prijestupa; svetinja je nad svetinjama.
2 In [the] place where people cut [the] throat of the burnt offering people will cut [the] throat of the guilt offering and blood its he will sprinkle on the altar all around.
Na kojem se mjestu kolje žrtva paljenica, na onom neka se kolje i žrtva za prijestup; i krvlju njezinom neka se pokropi oltar ozgo unaokolo.
3 And all fat its he will present from it the fat tail and the fat which covers the entrails.
A sve salo njezino neka se prinese, i rep i salo što pokriva crijeva,
4 And [the] two the kidneys and the fat which [is] on them which [is] on the loins and the lobe on the liver on the kidneys he will remove it.
I oba bubrega, i salo što je na njima i na slabinama, i mrežicu na jetri neka izvadi s bubrezima,
5 And he will make smoke them the priest the altar towards a fire offering to Yahweh [is] a guilt offering it.
I neka zapali to sveštenik na oltaru na žrtvu ognjenu Gospodu; to je žrtva za prijestup.
6 Every male among the priests he will eat it in a place holy it will be eaten [is] a holy thing of holy things it.
Svako muško izmeðu sveštenika neka je jede; na svetom mjestu neka se jede; svetinja je nad svetinjama.
7 As the sin offering as the guilt offering a legal [procedure] one [belongs] to them the priest who he will make atonement by it to him it will belong.
Žrtva je za prijestup kao žrtva za grijeh, jedan je zakon za obje; koji sveštenik uèini njom oèišæenje, njegova je.
8 And the priest who presents a burnt offering of anyone [the] hide of the burnt offering which he presented to the priest to him it will belong.
A kad sveštenik prinese èiju žrtvu paljenicu, koža od žrtve koju prinese njegova je.
9 And every grain offering which it will be baked in oven and all [that] it has been made in baking pan and on a baking tray to the priest who presents it to him it will belong.
I svaki dar peèen u peæi ili zgotovljen u kotliæu ili u tavi, onoga je sveštenika koji ga prinese.
10 And every grain offering mixed with oil and dry to all [the] sons of Aaron it will belong each like brother his.
I svaki dar zamiješen s uljem ili suh, svijeh je sinova Aronovijeh, kako jednoga tako drugoga.
11 And this [is] [the] legal [procedure] of [the] sacrifice of the peace offering which someone will present to Yahweh.
A ovo je zakon za žrtvu zahvalnu, koja se prinese Gospodu:
12 If on thanksgiving he will present it and he will present - with [the] sacrifice of thanksgiving round perforated breads of unleavened bread mixed with oil and thin breads of unleavened bread smeared with oil and fine flour mixed round perforated breads mixed with oil.
Ako bi je ko prinosio da zahvali, neka prinese na žrtvu zahvalnu kolaèe bez kvasca zamiješene s uljem i pogaèe bez kvasca namazane uljem, i bijeloga brašna popržena s tijem kolaèima zamiješenim s uljem.
13 With round perforated breads bread of leaven he will present present his with [the] sacrifice of [the] thanksgiving of peace offering his.
Osim kolaèa hljeb kiseli neka prinese za prinos svoj sa žrtvom zahvalnom, kojom zahvaljuje.
14 And he will present from it one [loaf] from every present a contribution to Yahweh to the priest who sprinkles [the] blood of the peace offerings to him it will belong.
I od svega što prinosi neka prinese po jedno za žrtvu podignutu Gospodu; i to æe biti onoga sveštenika koji pokropi krvlju od žrtve zahvalne.
15 And [the] meat of [the] sacrifice of [the] thanksgiving of peace offering his on [the] day of present his it will be eaten not he will leave any of it until morning.
A meso od žrtve zahvalne, kojom se zahvaljuje, neka se pojede onaj dan kad se prinese; i neka ne ostaje ništa do jutra.
16 And if [is] a vow - or a freewill offering [the] sacrifice of present his on [the] day presents he sacrifice his it will be eaten and from [the] next day and the remainder of it it will be eaten.
Ako li prinese žrtvu radi zavjeta ili od volje, neka se jede onaj dan kad se prinese; ako što ostane, neka se pojede sjutradan.
17 And the remainder of [the] meat of the sacrifice on the day third with fire it will be burned.
Ako li što mesa od te žrtve ostane do treæega dana, neka se sažeže ognjem.
18 And if ever it will be eaten any of [the] meat of [the] sacrifice of peace offering his on the day third not he will be accepted the [one who] presents it not it will be reckoned to him unclean meat it will be and the person who eats any of it iniquity its it will bear.
Ako li bi ko treæi dan jeo mesa od žrtve zahvalne, neæe biti ugodan onaj koji je prinio, niti æe mu se ona primiti, nego æe biti mrska, i ko bi je god jeo, nosiæe grijeh svoj.
19 And the meat which it will touch any unclean [thing] not it will be eaten with fire it will be burned and the meat every pure [person] he will eat meat.
I meso koje bi se dotaklo èega neèistoga, da se ne jede, nego neka se sažeže ognjem; a drugo meso može jesti ko je god èist.
20 And the person who it will eat meat from [the] sacrifice of the peace offering which [belongs] to Yahweh and uncleanness his [is] on him and it will be cut off the person that from kinspeople its.
A ko bi jeo mesa od žrtve zahvalne prinesene Gospodu, a ne bi bio èist, taj da se istrijebi iz naroda svojega.
21 And anyone if it will touch any unclean [thing] [the] uncleanness of humankind or - livestock unclean or any detestable thing unclean and he will eat any of [the] meat of [the] sacrifice of the peace offering which [belongs] to Yahweh and it will be cut off the person that from kinspeople its.
I ko se dotakne èega neèistoga, ili neèista èovjeka ili neèista živinèeta, ili kojega mu drago gada neèistoga, pa jede mesa od žrtve zahvalne prinesene Gospodu, taj da se istrijebi iz naroda svojega.
22 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
I reèe Gospod Mojsiju govoreæi:
23 Speak to [the] people of Israel saying any fat of an ox and a young ram and a goat not you must eat.
Kaži sinovima Izrailjevim, i reci: ne jedite sala od vola ni od ovce ni od koze.
24 And [the] fat of a carcass and [the] fat a torn animal it will be used for any work and certainly not you must eat it.
Može se uzeti za svaku potrebu salo od živinèeta koje crkne ili ga zvjerka razdre; ali ga ne jedite;
25 If any [one who] eats fat from the animal which he will present from it a fire offering to Yahweh and it will be cut off the person who eats from kinspeople its.
Ko li bi jeo salo od stoke koju prinosi èovjek na žrtvu ognjenu Gospodu, neka se istrijebi iz naroda svojega onaj koji jede.
26 And any blood not you must eat in all of dwelling places your of bird[s] and of livestock.
Ni krvi ne jedite u stanovima svojim ni od ptice niti od kojega živinèeta.
27 Every person who it will eat any blood and it will be cut off the person that from kinspeople its.
Svaki koji bi jeo kakovu krv, neka se istrijebi iz naroda svojega.
28 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Opet reèe Gospod Mojsiju govoreæi:
29 Speak to [the] people of Israel saying the [one who] presents [the] sacrifice of peace offering his to Yahweh he will bring present his to Yahweh from [the] sacrifice of peace offering his.
Kaži sinovima Izrailjevim, i reci: ko prinosi žrtvu svoju zahvalnu Gospodu, neka donese Gospodu prinos svoj od žrtve zahvalne.
30 Own hands his they will bring [the] fire offerings of Yahweh the fat with the breast he will bring it the breast to wave it a wave-offering before Yahweh.
Svojim rukama neka donese što se sažiže Gospodu, salo s grudima neka donese, i grudi neka se obrnu tamo i amo na žrtvu pred Gospodom.
31 And he will make smoke the priest the fat the altar towards and it will belong the breast to Aaron and to sons his.
A sveštenik neka zapali salo na oltaru, grudi pak nek budu Aronu i sinovima njegovijem.
32 And [the] thigh of the right you will give a contribution to the priest from [the] sacrifices of peace offerings your.
I desno pleæe od svojih žrtava zahvalnih podajte svešteniku da bude žrtva podignuta.
33 The [one who] presents [the] blood of the peace offerings and the fat one of [the] sons of Aaron to him it will belong [the] thigh of the right to a portion.
A koji izmeðu sinova Aronovijeh prinese krv i salo od žrtve zahvalne, njemu neka bude desno pleæe.
34 For [the] breast of the wave-offering and - [the] thigh of the contribution I have taken from with [the] people of Israel from [the] sacrifices of peace offerings their and I have given them to Aaron the priest and to sons his to a prescribed portion of perpetuity from with [the] people of Israel.
Jer grudi što se obræu i pleæe što se podiže uzeh od sinova Izrailjevih od svijeh njihovijeh žrtava zahvalnih, i dadoh Aronu svešteniku i sinovima njegovijem zakonom vjeènim da se uzimaju od sinova Izrailjevih.
35 This [is] [the] share of Aaron and [the] share of sons his from [the] fire offerings of Yahweh on [the] day [when] he presented them to serve as priests Yahweh.
To je pomazanoga Arona i pomazanih sinova njegovijeh od ognjenih žrtava Gospodnjih od dana kad ih dovede da vrše službu sveštenièku Gospodu.
36 Which he commanded Yahweh to give to them on [the] day anointed he them from with [the] people of Israel a prescribed portion of perpetuity to generations their.
To zapovjedi Gospod da im od dana kad ih pomaza daju sinovi Izrailjevi zakonom vjeènim od koljena na koljeno.
37 This [is] the legal [procedure] to the burnt offering to the grain offering and to the sin offering and to the guilt offering and to the installation offering and to [the] sacrifice of the peace offering.
To je zakon za žrtvu paljenicu, za dar, za žrtvu radi grijeha i za žrtvu radi prijestupa, i za osveštanje i za žrtvu zahvalnu,
38 Which he commanded Yahweh Moses on [the] mountain of Sinai on [the] day commanded he [the] people of Israel to present presents their to Yahweh in [the] wilderness of Sinai.
Što je Gospod zapovjedio Mojsiju na gori Sinajskoj kad zapovjedi sinovima Izrailjevim u pustinji Sinajskoj da prinose žrtve svoje Gospodu.

< Leviticus 7 >