< Judges 15 >

1 And it was from days in [the] days of [the] harvest of wheat and he visited Samson wife his with a kid of goats and he said let me go into wife my the chamber towards and not he permitted him father her to go.
A poslije nekoliko dana, o pšeniènoj žetvi, doðe Samson da pohodi ženu svoju donesavši joj jare, i reèe: idem k ženi svojoj u ložnicu. Ali mu otac njezin ne dade da uðe.
2 And he said father her certainly I thought that certainly you hated her and I gave her to companion your ¿ not [is] sister her young good more than her let her belong please to you in place of her.
Jer reèe otac njezin: ja mišljah zacijelo da ti nije po volji, pa je dadoh drugu tvojemu; nego mlaða sestra njezina nije li ljepša od nje? uzmi nju mjesto one.
3 And he said to them Samson I will be free this time from [the] Philistines for [am] about to do I with them harm.
A Samson im reèe: ja neæu biti kriv Filistejima kad im uèinim zlo.
4 And he went Samson and he captured three hundred foxes and he took torches and he turned tail to tail and he put a torch one between [the] two the tails in the middle.
I otišavši Samson uhvati trista lisica, i uze luèa, i sveza po dvije za repove, i metnu po jedan luè meðu dva repa,
5 And he kindled fire on the torches and he sent [them] among [the] standing grain of [the] Philistines and it burned up from [the] heap of sheaves and unto [the] standing grain and unto [the] vineyard of olive tree[s].
Pa zapali luèeve, i pusti u ljetinu Filistejsku, i popali ljetinu požnjevenu i nepožnjevenu, i vinograde i maslinike.
6 And they said [the] Philistines who? did he do this [thing] and they said Samson [the] son-in-law of the Timnite for he has taken wife his and he has given her to companion his and they went up [the] Philistines and they burned her and father her with fire.
Tada Filisteji rekoše: ko je to uèinio? I odgovoriše: Samson zet Tamnaæaninov, jer mu uze ženu i dade je drugu njegovu. Tada doðoše Filisteji i spališe ognjem nju i oca njezina.
7 And he said to them Samson if you will do! like this that except I have avenged myself on you and after I will cease.
A Samson im reèe: ako ste i uèinili tako, opet æu vam se osvetiti, pa æu se onda okaniti.
8 And he struck them leg with thigh a defeat great and he went down and he dwelt in [the] cleft of [the] rock of Etam.
I polomi ih ljuto nogama po bedrima: potom otide i nastani se u peæini od stijene Itama.
9 And they went up [the] Philistines and they encamped in Judah and they were spread out at Lehi.
Tada izidoše Filisteji i stadoše u oko prema Judi, i raširiše se do Lehije.
10 And they said [the] man of Judah why? have you come up on us and they said to bind Samson we have come up to do to him just as he did to us.
A ljudi od Jude rekoše: što ste izašli na nas? I odgovoriše: izašli smo da svežemo Samsona i da mu uèinimo kako je on nama uèinio.
11 And they went down three thousand man from Judah to [the] cleft of [the] rock of Etam and they said to Samson ¿ not do you know that [are] ruling over us [the] Philistines and what? this have you done to us and he said to them just as they did to me so I have done to them.
Tada izide tri tisuæe ljudi iz Jude k peæini u stijeni Itamu, i rekoše Samsonu: ne znaš li da Filisteji vladaju nad nama? zašto si nam dakle to uèinio? A on im reèe: kako su oni meni uèinili tako ja uèinih njima.
12 And they said to him to bind you we have come down to give you in [the] hand of [the] Philistines and he said to them Samson swear to me lest you should fall! on me you.
Oni mu rekoše: došli smo da te svežemo i predamo u ruke Filistejima. A Samson im reèe: zakunite mi se da neæete vi uložiti na me.
13 And they said to him saying In-deed certainly we will bind you and we will give you in hand their and certainly not we will kill you and they bound him with two ropes new and they brought up him from the rock.
Oni mu odgovoriše i rekoše: neæemo; nego æemo te samo svezati i predati u njihove ruke, ali te neæemo pogubiti. I svezaše ga u dva nova uža i odvedoše ga iz stijene.
14 He [was] coming to Lehi (and [the] Philistines *L(abh)*) they shouted to meet him and it rushed on him [the] spirit of Yahweh and they became the ropes which [were] on arms his like flax which people have burned with fire and they dropped off bonds his from on hands his.
I kad on doðe do Lehije, Filisteji ga sretoše vièuæi od radosti; a duh Gospodnji siðe na nj, i uža na rukama njegovima postaše kao konci izgorjeli od vatre, i spadoše sveze s ruku njegovijeh.
15 And he found a jawbone of a donkey fresh and he stretched out hand his and he took it and he struck down with it a thousand man.
I on naðe èeljust magareæu još sirovu, i pruživ ruku svoju uze je, i pobi njom tisuæu ljudi.
16 And he said Samson with [the] jawbone of the donkey a heap two heaps with [the] jawbone of the donkey I struck down a thousand man.
Potom reèe Samson: èeljušæu magareæom jednu gomilu, dvije gomile, èeljušæu magareæom pobih tisuæu ljudi.
17 And it was when finished he to speak and he threw the jawbone from hand his and he called the place that Ramath Lehi.
A kad izreèe, baci èeljust iz ruke svoje, i nazva ono mjesto Ramat-Lehija.
18 And he was thirsty very and he called out to Yahweh and he said you you have given by [the] hand of servant your the victory great this and now [must] I die with thirst and I fall in [the] hand of the uncircumcised [men]?
I bijaše žedan jako, te zavapi ka Gospodu i reèe: ti si uèinio rukom sluge svojega ovo izbavljenje veliko; a sada hoæu li umrijeti od žeði, ili æu pasti u ruke neobrezanima?
19 And he split open God the deep hollow which [is] at Lehi and they came out from it waters and he drank and it returned spirit his and he lived there-fore - he called name its En Hakkore which [is] at Lehi until the day this.
Tada Bog rascijepi stijenu u Lehiji, i proteèe voda iz nje, te se napi, i povrati mu se duh i oživje. Zato se prozva onaj izvor En-Akore, koji je u Lehiji do današnjega dana.
20 And he judged Israel in [the] days of [the] Philistines twenty year[s].
I bi sudija Izrailju za vremena Filistejskoga dvadeset godina.

< Judges 15 >