< Judges 10 >

1 And he arose after Abimelech to deliver Israel Tola [the] son of Puah [the] son of Dodo man of Issachar and he [was] dwelling in Shamir in [the] hill country of Ephraim.
A poslije Avimeleha usta da izbavi Izrailja Tola sin Fuve sina Dodova, èovjek plemena Isaharova, koji sjeðaše u Samiru u gori Jefremovoj.
2 And he judged Israel twenty and three year[s] and he died and he was buried in Shamir.
I bi sudija Izrailju dvadeset i tri godine, pa umrije i bi pogreben u Samiru.
3 And he arose after him Jair the Gileadite and he judged Israel twenty and two year[s].
Poslije njega usta Jair od plemena Galadova, i bi sudija Izrailju dvadeset i dvije godine;
4 And it belonged to him thirty sons [who] rode on thirty donkeys and thirty cities [belonged] to them them people call - Havvoth Jair until the day this which [are] in [the] land of Gilead.
I imaše trideset sinova, koji jahahu na tridesetoro magaradi, i imahu trideset gradova, koji se zovu sela Jairova do danas i jesu u zemlji Galadovoj.
5 And he died Jair and he was buried in Kamon.
I umrije Jair, i bi pogreben u Kamonu.
6 And they repeated - [the] people of Israel to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and they served the Baals and the Ashtaroth and [the] gods of Aram and [the] gods of Sidon and - [the] gods of Moab and [the] gods of [the] people of Ammon and [the] gods of [the] Philistines and they forsook Yahweh and not they served him.
A sinovi Izrailjevi opet èiniše što je zlo pred Gospodom, i služiše Valima i Astarotama, i bogovima Sirskim, i bogovima Sidonskim, i bogovima Moavskim, i bogovima sinova Amonovijeh i bogovima Filistejskim; i ostaviše Gospoda i ne služiše mu.
7 And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he sold them in [the] hand of [the] Philistines and in [the] hand of [the] people of Ammon.
Zato se razgnjevi Gospod na Izrailja, te ih dade u ruke Filistejima i u ruke sinovima Amonovijem.
8 And they shattered and they crushed [the] people of Israel in the year that eight-teen year[s] all [the] people of Israel who [were] on [the] other side of the Jordan in [the] land of the Amorite[s] which [is] in Gilead.
A oni gaziše i satiraše sinove Izrailjeve od one godine osamnaest godina, sve sinove Izrailjeve koji bijahu s onu stranu Jordana, u zemlji Amorejskoj, koja je u Galadu.
9 And they passed over [the] people of Ammon the Jordan to fight also against Judah and against Benjamin and against [the] house of Ephraim and it was distress to Israel exceedingly.
I prijeðoše sinovi Amonovi preko Jordana da se biju i s Judom i s Venijaminom i s domom Jefremovijem; i bi Izrailj u velikoj nevolji.
10 And they cried out [the] people of Israel to Yahweh saying we have sinned to you and for we have forsaken God our and we have served the Baals.
Tada vapiše sinovi Izrailjevi ka Gospodu govoreæi: sagriješismo ti što ostavismo Boga svojega i služismo Valima.
11 And he said Yahweh to [the] people of Israel ¿ not from Egypt and from the Amorite[s] and from [the] people of Ammon and from [the] Philistines.
A Gospod reèe sinovima Izrailjevijem: od Misiraca i od Amoreja i od sinova Amonovijeh i od Filisteja,
12 And [the] Sidonians and Amalek and Maon they oppressed you and you cried out to me and I delivered! you from hand their.
I od Sidonjana i od Amalika i od Maonaca, koji vas muèiše, nijesam li vas izbavljao kad vapijaste k meni?
13 And you you have forsaken me and you have served gods other therefore not I will repeat to deliver you.
Ali vi ostaviste mene i služiste drugim bogovima; zato vas više neæu izbavljati.
14 Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen them they let them deliver you at [the] time of distress your.
Idite i vièite one bogove koje ste izabrali, neka vas oni izbave u nevolji vašoj.
15 And they said [the] people of Israel to Yahweh we have sinned do you to us according to all the good in view your only deliver us please the day this.
A sinovi Izrailjevi rekoše Gospodu: sagriješismo; èini s nama što ti je drago, samo nas sada izbavi.
16 And they removed [the] gods of foreignness from midst their and they served Yahweh and it was short self his at [the] trouble of Israel.
I pobacaše izmeðu sebe bogove tuðe, i stadoše služiti Gospodu; i sažali mu se radi muke sinova Izrailjevijeh.
17 And they were summoned [the] people of Ammon and they encamped in Gilead and they gathered [the] people of Israel and they encamped at Mizpah.
A sinovi Amonovi skupiše se i stadoše u oko u Galadu; skupiše se i sinovi Izrailjevi i stadoše u oko u Mispi.
18 And they said the people [the] leaders of Gilead each to neighbor his who? [is] the man who he will begin to fight against [the] people of Ammon he will become chief of all [the] inhabitants of Gilead.
A narod i knezovi Galadski rekoše jedan drugomu: ko æe poèeti boj sa sinovima Amonovijem? on neka bude poglavar svjema koji žive u Galadu.

< Judges 10 >