< Jude 1 >

1 Jude of Jesus Christ servant, brother then of James, To those in God [the] Father (loved *N(K)O*) and in Jesus Christ kept called; 2 Mercy to you and peace and love would be multiplied. 3 Beloved, all diligence using to write to you concerning shared (of us *NO*) salvation, necessity I had to write to you exhorting [you] to contend earnestly for the once for all having been delivered to the saints faith. 4 Came in stealthily for certain men, those long ago designated unto this condemnation, ungodly [ones], the of the God of us grace changing into sensuality and the only master (God *K*) and Lord of us Jesus Christ denying. 5 To remind now you I want, knowing you (everything, *N(K)O*) that (*NK*) (Lord *NK(O)*) once a people out of [the] land of Egypt having saved afterward those not having believed He destroyed. 6 [The] angels both not having kept their own domain but having left [their] own dwelling, unto [the] judgment of [the] great day in chains eternal under darkness He has kept; (aïdios g126) 7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the around them cities in like manner with them having indulged in sexual immorality and having gone after flesh strange, are set forth as an example of fire eternal [the] penalty undergoing. (aiōnios g166) 8 Likewise yet also these dreaming [ones] [the] flesh indeed defile, authority however they set aside, glorious [ones] however they blaspheme. 9 But Michael the archangel, when with the devil disputing he was reasoning about Moses’ body, not did dare a judgment to bring against [him] blasphemy but said; Would [that] he rebuke you [the] Lord. 10 These however as much as indeed not they understood they denigrate; as much as however naturally as the irrational animals they understand, in these things they corrupt themselves. 11 Woe to them, because in the way of Cain they went and to the error of Balaam for reward they rushed and in the rebellion of Korah they perished. 12 These are (the ones *no*) in the love feasts of you hidden reefs, feasting together [with you] fearlessly themselves shepherding; clouds without water, by winds (being carried away, *N(k)O*) trees autumnal without fruit, twice having died, having been uprooted; 13 waves wild of [the] sea foaming out their own shame, stars wandering to whom the gloom of darkness to (the *k*) age has been reserved. (aiōn g165) 14 He prophesied then also to these [the] seventh from Adam Enoch saying: Behold has come [the] Lord amidst holy [ones] myriads of His 15 to carry out judgment against all and (to convict *N(K)O*) (every *N(k)O*) (*ko*) (soul *N(K)O*) (of them *K*) concerning all the works of ungodliness of them in which they have been ungodly, and concerning all the harsh [things] that spoke against Him sinners ungodly. 16 These are grumblers discontented, after the lusts (of themselves *N(k)O*) following, and the mouth of them speaks great swelling [words], flattering faces of profit because. 17 You yourselves however beloved, do remember the declarations which spoken beforehand by the apostles of the Lord of us Jesus Christ, 18 for they were saying to you that (on [this] last *N(k)O*) (*n*) (time *N(k)O*) there will be scoffers after their own passions following of ungodlinesses. 19 These are those causing divisions, worldly-minded, [the] Spirit not having. 20 you yourselves however, beloved, building up yourselves in the most holy of you faith in [the] Spirit Holy praying, 21 yourselves in [the] love of God do keep, awaiting the mercy of the Lord of us Jesus Christ unto life eternal. (aiōnios g166) 22 And those who indeed (do have mercy on *NK(O)*) (are doubting, *N(k)O*) 23 others however do save from (the *k*) fire snatching, (to others then do show mercy *NO*) with fear, hating even the by the flesh stained clothing. 24 To Him now being able to keep (you *NK(O)*) from stumbling and to present [you] in the presence of the glory of Him blameless with exultation — 25 to [the] only (wise *K*) God Savior of us, (through Jesus Christ the Lord of us, *NO*) [be] glory (and *k*) majesty dominion and authority (before all the age *NO*) and now and to all the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Jude 1 >