< Job 42 >

1 And he answered Job Yahweh and he said.
Tada Jov odgovori Gospodu i reèe:
2 (I know *Q(K)*) that everything you are able and not it is withheld from you a purpose.
Znam da sve možeš, i da se ne može smesti što naumiš.
3 Who? this - [is] concealing counsel not knowledge therefore I have told and not I understood [things too] wonderful for me and not I knew.
Ko je to što zamraèuje savjet nerazumno? Zato kažem da nijesam razumijevao; èudesno je to za me, te ne mogu znati.
4 Listen please and I I will speak I will ask you and make known to me.
Slušaj kad uzgovorim, i kad zapitam, kaži mi.
5 To [the] hearing of [the] ear I had heard of you and now eye my it has seen you.
Ušima slušah o tebi, a sada te oko moje vidi.
6 There-fore I reject and I repent on dust and ash[es].
Zato porièem, i kajem se u prahu i pepelu.
7 And it was after he had spoken Yahweh the words these to Job and he said Yahweh to Eliphaz the Temanite it has burned anger my on you and on [the] two friends your for not you have spoken concerning me a reliable [thing] like servant my Job.
A kad Gospod izgovori one rijeèi Jovu, reèe Gospod Elifasu Temancu: raspalio se gnjev moj na tebe i na dva prijatelja tvoja što ne govoriste o meni pravo kao sluga moj Jov.
8 And therefore take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams and go - to servant my Job and you will offer up a burnt offering for yourselves and Job servant my he will pray on you that except face his I will lift up to not to do with you punishment for folly for not you have spoken concerning me a reliable [thing] like servant my Job.
Zato sada uzmite sedam telaca i sedam ovnova, i idite k sluzi mojemu Jovu i prinesite žrtve paljenice za se, i sluga moj Jov neka se pomoli za vas, jer æu doista pogledati na nj da ne uèinim s vama po vašoj ludosti, jer ne govoriste o meni pravo kao sluga moj Jov.
9 And they went Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite Zophar the Naamathite and they did just as he had spoken to them Yahweh and he lifted up Yahweh [the] face of Job.
I tako otide Elifas Temanac i Vildad Sušanin i Sofar Namaæanin, i uèiniše kako im zapovjedi Gospod. I pogleda Gospod na Jova.
10 And Yahweh he turned back ([the] captivity of *Q(k)*) Job when prayed he for friends his and he increased Yahweh all that [belonged] to Job to double.
I Gospod povrati što bješe uzeto Jovu pošto se pomoli za prijatelje svoje; i umnoži Gospod Jovu dvojinom sve što bješe imao.
11 And they came to him all brothers his and all (sisters his *Q(k)*) and all [those who] knew him before and they ate with him bread in house his and they showed sympathy to him and they comforted him on all the trouble which he had brought Yahweh on him and they gave to him each one a piece of money one and each one a ring of gold one.
I doðoše k njemu sva braæa njegova i sve sestre njegove i svi preðašnji znanci njegovi, i jedoše s njim u njegovoj kuæi i žaleæi ga tješiše ga za sve zlo što bješe Gospod pustio na nj, i dadoše mu svaki po novac i po grivnu zlatnu.
12 And Yahweh he blessed [the] latter part of Job more than beginning his and it belonged to him four-teen thousand sheep and six thousand camels and one thousand pair[s] of ox[en] and a thousand female donkeys.
I Gospod blagoslovi pošljedak Jovov više nego poèetak, te imaše èetrnaest tisuæa ovaca i šest tisuæa kamila i tisuæu jarmova volova i tisuæu magarica.
13 And it belonged to him seven sons and three daughters.
I imaše sedam sinova i tri kæeri.
14 And he called [the] name of the one Jemimah and [the] name of the second Keziah and [the] name of the third Keren-Happuch.
I prvoj nadje ime Jemima, a drugoj Kesija a treæoj Keren-apuha.
15 And not it was found women beautiful like [the] daughters of Job in all the land and he gave to them father their an inheritance in among brothers their.
I ne nahoðaše se u svoj zemlji tako lijepijeh djevojaka kao kæeri Jovove, i otac im dade našljedstvo meðu braæom njihovom.
16 And he lived Job after this one hundred and forty year[s] (and he saw *Q(k)*) children his and [the] children of children his four generations.
I poslije poživje Jov sto i èetrdeset godina, i vidje sinove i unuke do èetvrtoga koljena.
17 And he died Job old and satisfied of days.
I umrije Jov star i sit života.

< Job 42 >