< Job 18 >

1 And he answered Bildad the Shuhite and he said.
Отвещав же Валдад Савхейский, рече:
2 Until when? - will you make! ends of words you will consider and after we will speak.
доколе не престанеши? Пожди, да и мы возглаголем.
3 Why? are we regarded like cattle are we considered stupid? in view your.
И почто аки четвероножная умолчахом пред тобою?
4 O [one who] tears self his in anger his ¿ for sake your may it be abandoned [the] earth so it may move? a rock from place its.
Пребысть ти гнев. Что бо? Аще ты умреши, не населенна ли будет поднебесная? Или превратятся горы из оснований?
5 Also [the] light of wicked [people] it is extinguished and not it shines [the] flame of fire his.
И свет нечестивых угаснет, и не произыдет их пламень:
6 [the] light It grows dark in tent his and lamp his above him it is extinguished.
свет его тма в жилищи, светилник же в нем угаснет:
7 They are restricted [the] steps of vigor his and it throws down him own plan[s] his.
да уловят меншии имения его, погрешит же его совет:
8 For he is caught in a net by feet his and on a network he walks about.
ввержена же бысть нога его в пругло, мрежею да повиется:
9 It takes hold on a heel a trap it takes hold on him a snare.
да приидут же нань пругла, укрепит нань жаждущих:
10 [is] hidden On the ground rope his and trap his on [the] path.
скрыся в земли уже его, и ятие его на стези.
11 All around they terrify him sudden terror and they scatter him to feet his.
Окрест да погубят его болезни: мнози же окрест ног его обыдут во гладе теснем:
12 It is hungry trouble his and disaster [is] prepared for stumbling his.
падение же ему уготовано велико.
13 It consumes [the] parts of skin his it consumes parts his [the] firstborn of death.
Поядены же да будут плесны ног его, красная же его да пояст смерть.
14 He is torn away from tent his trust his and it makes march him to [the] king of sudden terror.
Отторжено же буди от жития его изцеление, да имет же его беда виною царскою.
15 It dwells in tent his because not [belonging] to him it is scattered over estate his sulfur.
Да вселится в храмине его в нощи его, посыпана да будут лепотная его жупелом:
16 Beneath roots his they are dried up and above it withers branch[es] his.
под ним корения его да изсохнут, свыше же нападет пожатие его.
17 Memory his it perishes from [the] earth and not a name [belongs] to him on [the] face of [the] street.
Память его да погибнет от земли, и (не) будет имя его на лицы внешнем:
18 People drive him from light into darkness and from [the] world they chase away him.
да отринет его от света во тму:
19 Not posterity [belongs] to him and not progeny [is] among people his and there not [is] a survivor in sojourning-places his.
не будет знаемь в людех его, ниже спасен в поднебесней дом его:
20 On day his they are appalled [those] behind and [those] before they take hold of a shudder.
но в своих ему поживут инии, над ним воздохнуша последнии, первых же объя чудо.
21 Surely these [are] [the] dwelling places of an evil-doer and this [is the] place of [one who] not he knows God.
Сии суть домове неправедных, сие же место неведущих Бога.

< Job 18 >