< Jeremiah 38 >

1 And he heard Shephatiah [the] son of Mattan and Gedaliah [the] son of Pashhur and Jucal [the] son of Shelemiah and Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah the words which Jeremiah [was] speaking to all the people saying.
A Sefatija sin Matanov i Godolija sin Pashorov i Juhal sin Selemijin i Pashor sin Malhijin èuše rijeèi koje govori Jeremija svemu narodu rekavši:
2 Thus he says Yahweh the [one who] remains in the city this he will die by the sword by famine and by pestilence and the [one who] goes out to the Chaldeans (and he will live *Q(K)*) and it will belong to him life his to plunder and he will live.
Ovako veli Gospod: ko ostane u tom gradu, poginuæe od maèa, od gladi ili od pomora; a ko otide ka Haldejcima, ostaæe živ, i duša æe mu njegova biti mjesto plijena, i biæe živ.
3 Thus he says Yahweh certainly it will be given the city this in [the] hand of [the] army of [the] king of Babylon and he will capture it.
Ovako veli Gospod: doista æe taj grad biti predan u ruke vojsci cara Vavilonskoga, i uzeæe ga.
4 And they said the officials to the king let him be put to death please the man this for since he [is] making drop [the] hands of [the] men of war who remain - in the city this and [the] hands of all the people by speaking to them according to the words these that - the man this not he [is] seeking for welfare for the people this that except for harm.
I rekoše knezovi caru: da se pogubi taj èovjek, jer on oslabljava ruke vojnicima koji ostaše u ovom gradu, i ruke svemu narodu govoreæi im take rijeèi, jer taj èovjek ne traži dobra ovom narodu nego zlo.
5 And he said the king Zedekiah there! he [is] in hand your for not the king he is able you anything.
A car Sedekija reèe: eto, u vašim je rukama; jer car ne može ništa suprot vama.
6 And they took Jeremiah and they threw him into the cistern of - Malkijah [the] son of the king which [was] in [the] courtyard of the guard and they let down Jeremiah with ropes and in the cistern there not [was] water that except mud and he sank Jeremiah in the mud.
Tada uzeše Jeremiju i baciše ga u jamu Malhije sina Amelehova, koja bijaše u trijemu od tamnice, i spustiše Jeremiju o užima; a u jami ne bješe vode, nego glib, i Jeremija se uvali u glib.
7 And he heard Ebed Melech the Cushite a man a court-official and he [was] in [the] house of the king that they had put Jeremiah into the cistern and the king [was] sitting in [the] gate of Benjamin.
Ali kad èu Avdemeleh Etiopljanin, dvoranin, koji bijaše u dvoru carevu, da su metnuli Jeremiju u onu jamu, a car sjeðaše na vratima Venijaminovijem,
8 And he went out Ebed Melech from [the] house of the king and he spoke to the king saying.
Izide Avdemeleh iz dvora careva i reèe caru govoreæi:
9 O lord my the king they have done evil the men these all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet whom they have thrown into the cistern and he died in it because of famine for there not [is] the food yet in the city.
Care gospodaru moj, zlo uèiniše ti ljudi u svemu što uèiniše Jeremiji proroku bacivši ga u jamu, jer bi i ondje gdje je bio od gladi umro, jer nema više hljeba u gradu.
10 And he commanded the king Ebed Melech the Cushite saying take in hand your from here thirty men and you will bring up Jeremiah the prophet from the cistern before he will die.
Zato car zapovjedi Avdemelehu Etiopljaninu govoreæi: uzmi odavde trideset ljudi i izvadi Jeremiju proroka iz jame dok nije umro.
11 And he took - Ebed Melech the men in hand his and he went [the] house of the king to under the storehouse and he took from there worn out things of (clothes *Q(K)*) and worn out things of rags and he let down them to Jeremiah into the cistern with ropes.
Tada uze Avdemeleh ljude, i doðe u dom carev pod riznicu, i uze odande iznošenijeh haljina i starijeh rita, i spusti ih Jeremiji u jamu o užima.
12 And he said Ebed Melech the Cushite to Jeremiah put please [the] worn out things of the clothes and the rags under [the] joints of hands your from under to [the] ropes and he did Jeremiah thus.
I reèe Avdemeleh Etiopljanin Jeremiji: podmetni te stare haljine i rite pod pazuha ispod uža. I uèini Jeremija tako.
13 And they drew out Jeremiah with ropes and they brought up him from the cistern and he remained Jeremiah in [the] courtyard of the guard.
I izvukoše Jeremiju na užima i izvadiše ga iz jame; i osta Jeremija u trijemu od tamnice.
14 And he sent the king Zedekiah and he brought Jeremiah the prophet to him to an entrance third which [was] in [the] house of Yahweh and he said the king to Jeremiah [am] about to ask I you a matter may not you hide from me anything.
Potom car Sedekija posla po Jeremiju proroka, te ga dovedoše preda nj u treæi ulazak koji bijaše u domu Gospodnjem; i reèe car Jeremiji: zapitaæu te nešto, nemoj mi zatajiti.
15 And he said Jeremiah to Zedekiah if I will tell to you ¿ not certainly will you put to death me and if I will counsel you not you will listen to me.
A Jeremija reèe Sedekiji: da ti kažem, neæeš li me pogubiti? a da te svjetujem, neæeš me poslušati.
16 And he swore the king Zedekiah to Jeremiah in secrecy saying [by] [the] life of Yahweh (*Q(K)*) who he has made for us the life this if I will put to death you and if I will give you in [the] hand of the men these who [are] seeking life your.
Tada se car Sedekija zakle Jeremiji nasamo govoreæi: tako da je živ Gospod, koji nam je stvorio ovu dušu, neæu te pogubiti niti æu te dati u ruke ljudima koji traže dušu tvoju.
17 And he said Jeremiah to Zedekiah thus he says Yahweh [the] God of hosts [the] God of Israel certainly [if] you will go out to [the] commanders of [the] king of Babylon and you will live self your and the city this not it will be burned with fire and you will live you and household your.
Tada Jeremija reèe Sedekiji: ovako veli Gospod Bog nad vojskama, Bog Izrailjev: ako otideš ka knezovima cara Vavilonskoga, živa æe ostati duša tvoja, i grad ovaj neæe izgorjeti ognjem, i tako æeš ostati u životu ti i dom tvoj.
18 And if not you will go out to [the] commanders of [the] king of Babylon and it will be given the city this in [the] hand of the Chaldeans and they will burn it with fire and you not you will escape from hand their.
Ako li ne otideš ka knezovima cara Vavilonskoga, ovaj æe grad biti predan u ruke Haldejcima, koji æe ga spaliti ognjem, i ti neæeš uteæi iz ruku njihovijeh.
19 And he said the king Zedekiah to Jeremiah I [am] dreading the Jews who they have fallen to the Chaldeans lest they should give me in hand their and they will deal wantonly with me.
A car Sedekija reèe Jeremiji: ja se bojim Judejaca koji su prebjegli ka Haldejcima, da me ne predadu u njihove ruke, te æe mi se narugati.
20 And he said Jeremiah not they will give listen please - to [the] voice of Yahweh to [that] which I [am] speaking to you so it may go well for you so it may live self your.
A Jeremija reèe: neæe te predati; poslušaj glas Gospodnji, koji ti ja govorim, i dobro æe ti biti i živa æe biti tvoja duša.
21 And if [are] refusing you to go out this [is] the thing which he has shown me Yahweh.
Ako li neæeš da izideš, ovo je što mi pokaza Gospod:
22 And there! all the women who they are left in [the] house of [the] king of Judah [are] about to be brought out to [the] commanders of [the] king of Babylon and they [will be] saying they misled you and they prevailed to you [the] people of peace your they are sunk in the mire feet your they have turned backwards.
Gle, sve žene koje su ostale u domu cara Judina, odvešæe se ka knezovima cara Vavilonskoga, i one æe reæi: nagovoriše te i prevariše te prijatelji tvoji; noge ti se uvališe u glib, a oni se povukoše natrag.
23 And all wives your and children your [people will] bring out to the Chaldeans and you not you will escape from hand their for by [the] hand of [the] king of Babylon you will be captured and the city this it will burn with fire.
Sve žene tvoje i sinovi tvoji odvešæe se Haldejcima, i ti neæeš uteæi iz ruku njihovijeh; nego æeš dopasti u ruke caru Vavilonskom, i ovaj æe grad izgorjeti ognjem.
24 And he said Zedekiah to Jeremiah anyone may not he know in the words these and not you will die.
Tada reèe Sedekija Jeremiji: niko da ne dozna za te rijeèi, da ne pogineš.
25 And if they will hear the officials that I have spoken with you and they will come to you and they will say to you tell! please to us what? did you say to the king may not you hide [it] from us and not we will put to death you and what? did he say to you the king.
Ako li knezovi èuvši da sam govorio s tobom doðu k tebi i reku ti: kaži nam šta si govorio caru, nemoj tajiti od nas, pa te neæemo pogubiti, i šta je car tebi govorio?
26 And you will say to them [was] making fall I supplication my before the king to not to send back me [the] house of Jonathan to die there.
Reci im: ja pripadoh k caru moleæi se da me ne pošlje natrag u dom Jonatanov da umrem ondje.
27 And they came all the officials to Jeremiah and they asked him and he told to them according to all the words these which he had commanded the king and they kept silent from him for not it had been heard the matter.
I doðoše svi knezovi k Jeremiji i pitaše ga; a on im odgovori sasvijem kako mu zapovjedi car. I okaniše ga se, jer ne doznaše ništa od toga.
28 And he remained Jeremiah in [the] courtyard of the guard until [the] day when it was captured Jerusalem. And it was just when it was captured Jerusalem.
A Jeremija osta u trijemu od tamnice do dana kad uzeše Jerusalim; i on bijaše ondje kad uzeše Jerusalim.

< Jeremiah 38 >