< Jeremiah 21 >

1 The word which it came to Jeremiah from with Yahweh when sent to him the king Zedekiah Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah and Zephaniah [the] son of Maaseiah the priest saying.
Rijeè koja doðe Jeremiji od Gospoda kad posla k njemu car Sedekija Pashora sina Melhijina i Sofoniju sina Masijina sveštenika, i poruèi:
2 Seek please for us Yahweh for Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon [is] waging war on us perhaps he will do Yahweh with us according to all wonders his and he may go up from on us.
Upitaj Gospoda za nas, jer Navuhodonosor car Vavilonski zavojšti na nas; eda bi nam uèinio Gospod po svijem èudesima svojim, da otide od nas.
3 And he said Jeremiah to them thus you will say! to Zedekiah.
A Jeremija im reèe: ovako recite Sedekiji:
4 Thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel here I [am] about to turn round [the] weapons of war which [are] in hand your which you [are] fighting by them with [the] king of Babylon and with the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you from [the] outside of the wall and I will gather them into [the] middle of the city this.
Ovako veli Gospod Bog Izrailjev: evo, ja æu okrenuti natrag oružje što je u vašim rukama, kojim se bijete s carem Vavilonskim i s Haldejcima koji su vas opkolili iza zidova, i skupiæu ih usred toga grada.
5 And I will fight I with you by a hand outstretched and by an arm strong and in anger and in rage and in wrath great.
I ja æu vojevati na vas rukom podignutom i mišicom krjepkom i gnjevom i jarošæu i žestinom velikom.
6 And I will strike down [the] inhabitants of the city this and the humankind and the animal[s] by a pestilence great they will die.
I pobiæu stanovnike toga grada, i ljude i stoku; od pomora velikoga pomrijeæe.
7 And after thus [the] utterance of Yahweh I will give Zedekiah [the] king of Judah and servants his - and the people and those [who] remain in the city this from the pestilence - from the sword and from the famine in [the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and in [the] hand of enemies their and in [the] hand of [those who] seek life their and he will strike down them to [the] mouth of [the] sword not he will have mercy on them and not he will show pity and not he will have compassion.
A poslije, veli Gospod, daæu Sedekiju cara Judina i sluge njegove i narod, one koji ostanu u tom gradu od pomora, od maèa i od gladi, u ruke Navuhodonosoru caru Vavilonskom i u ruke neprijateljima njihovijem i u ruke onima koji traže dušu njihovu, te æe ih pobiti maèem, neæe ih žaliti ni štedjeti niti æe se smilovati.
8 And to the people this you will say thus he says Yahweh here I [am] putting before you [the] way of life and [the] way of death.
A narodu tome reci: ovako veli Gospod: evo ja stavljam pred vas put k životu i put k smrti.
9 The [one who] remains in the city this he will die by the sword and by famine and by pestilence and the [one who] goes out and he will fall on the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you (and he will live *Q(K)*) and it will belong to him life his to plunder.
Ko ostane u tom gradu, poginuæe od maèa ili od gladi ili od pomora; a ko izaðe i preda se Haldejcima koji su vas opkolili, ostaæe živ, i duša æe mu biti mjesto plijena.
10 For I have set face my on the city this for harm and not for good [the] utterance of Yahweh in [the] hand of [the] king of Babylon it will be given and he will burn it with fire.
Jer okretoh lice svoje tome gradu na zlo a ne na dobro, govori Gospod; u ruke caru Vavilonskom biæe predan, i on æe ga spaliti ognjem.
11 And to [the] house of [the] king of Judah hear [the] word of Yahweh.
A za dom cara Judina èujte rijeè Gospodnju:
12 O house of David thus he says Yahweh judge to the morning justice and deliver [one who] has been robbed from [the] hand of an oppressor lest it should go forth like fire rage my and it will burn and there not [will be one who] extinguishes because of [the] wickedness of (deeds your. *Q(K)*)
Dome Davidov, tako veli Gospod, sudite svako jutro, i kome se otima izbavljajte ga iz ruku nasilnikovijeh da ne izaðe kao oganj gnjev moj i razgori se da ga niko ne može ugasiti za zloæu djela vaših.
13 Here I [am] against you O inhabitant of the valley O rock of the plain [the] utterance of Yahweh O those [who] say who? will he come down on us and who? will he come in hiding places our.
Evo me na tebe, koji sjediš u dolini, kao stijena u ravnici, govori Gospod, na vas, koji govorite: ko æe doæi na nas? i ko æe uæi u stanove naše?
14 And I will visit [judgment] on you according to [the] fruit of deeds your [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will kindle a fire in forest its and it will consume all around it.
Jer æu vas pokarati po plodu djela vaših, veli Gospod, i raspaliæu oganj u šumi njegovoj, koji æe proždrijeti sve što je oko njega.

< Jeremiah 21 >