< Jeremiah 21 >

1 The word which it came to Jeremiah from with Yahweh when sent to him the king Zedekiah Pashhur [the] son of Malkijah and Zephaniah [the] son of Maaseiah the priest saying. 2 Seek please for us Yahweh for Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon [is] waging war on us perhaps he will do Yahweh with us according to all wonders his and he may go up from on us. 3 And he said Jeremiah to them thus you will say! to Zedekiah. 4 Thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel here I [am] about to turn round [the] weapons of war which [are] in hand your which you [are] fighting by them with [the] king of Babylon and with the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you from [the] outside of the wall and I will gather them into [the] middle of the city this. 5 And I will fight I with you by a hand outstretched and by an arm strong and in anger and in rage and in wrath great. 6 And I will strike down [the] inhabitants of the city this and the humankind and the animal[s] by a pestilence great they will die. 7 And after thus [the] utterance of Yahweh I will give Zedekiah [the] king of Judah and servants his - and the people and those [who] remain in the city this from the pestilence - from the sword and from the famine in [the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and in [the] hand of enemies their and in [the] hand of [those who] seek life their and he will strike down them to [the] mouth of [the] sword not he will have mercy on them and not he will show pity and not he will have compassion. 8 And to the people this you will say thus he says Yahweh here I [am] putting before you [the] way of life and [the] way of death. 9 The [one who] remains in the city this he will die by the sword and by famine and by pestilence and the [one who] goes out and he will fall on the Chaldeans who are laying siege on you (and he will live *Q(K)*) and it will belong to him life his to plunder. 10 For I have set face my on the city this for harm and not for good [the] utterance of Yahweh in [the] hand of [the] king of Babylon it will be given and he will burn it with fire. 11 And to [the] house of [the] king of Judah hear [the] word of Yahweh. 12 O house of David thus he says Yahweh judge to the morning justice and deliver [one who] has been robbed from [the] hand of an oppressor lest it should go forth like fire rage my and it will burn and there not [will be one who] extinguishes because of [the] wickedness of (deeds your. *Q(K)*) 13 Here I [am] against you O inhabitant of the valley O rock of the plain [the] utterance of Yahweh O those [who] say who? will he come down on us and who? will he come in hiding places our. 14 And I will visit [judgment] on you according to [the] fruit of deeds your [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will kindle a fire in forest its and it will consume all around it.

< Jeremiah 21 >