< Isaiah 3 >

1 For here! the lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to remove from Jerusalem and from Judah support and support every support of food and every support of water.
主-萬軍之耶和華從耶路撒冷和猶大, 除掉眾人所倚靠的,所仗賴的, 就是所倚靠的糧,所仗賴的水;
2 Warrior and man of war judge and prophet and diviner and elder.
除掉勇士和戰士, 審判官和先知, 占卜的和長老,
3 Commander of fifty and [one] uplifted of face and counselor and skillful [one] of magic arts and understanding [one] of charming.
五十夫長和尊貴人, 謀士和有巧藝的, 以及妙行法術的。
4 And I will make youths leaders their and wantonness they will rule over them.
主說:我必使孩童作他們的首領, 使嬰孩轄管他們。
5 And it will oppress the people each a person and each neighbor his they will act insolently the youth[s] in the old [person] and the lightly esteemed in the honored.
百姓要彼此欺壓; 各人受鄰舍的欺壓。 少年人必侮慢老年人; 卑賤人必侮慢尊貴人。
6 For he will seize each brother his [the] house of father his a cloak [belongs] to you a ruler you will be of us and the heap of ruins this [will be] under hand your.
人在父家拉住弟兄,說: 你有衣服,可以作我們的官長。 這敗落的事歸在你手下吧!
7 He will lift up in the day that - saying not I will be a wrapper and in house my there not [is] food and there not [is] a cloak not you must appoint me a ruler of [the] people.
那時,他必揚聲說: 我不作醫治你們的人; 因我家中沒有糧食,也沒有衣服, 你們不可立我作百姓的官長。
8 For it has stumbled Jerusalem and Judah it has fallen for tongue their and deeds their [are] against Yahweh to rebel toward [the] eyes of glory his.
耶路撒冷敗落, 猶大傾倒; 因為他們的舌頭和行為與耶和華反對, 惹了他榮光的眼目。
9 [the] expression of Faces their it has testified against them and sin their like Sodom they have declared not they have hidden [it] woe! to self their for they have done to themselves harm.
他們的面色證明自己的不正; 他們述說自己的罪惡,並不隱瞞, 好像所多瑪一樣。 他們有禍了!因為作惡自害。
10 Tell [the] righteous that good for [the] fruit of deeds their they will eat.
你們要論義人說:他必享福樂, 因為要吃自己行為所結的果子。
11 Woe! to [the] wicked it will be bad for [the] dealing of hands his it will be done to him.
惡人有禍了!他必遭災難! 因為要照自己手所行的受報應。
12 People my oppressors its [is] acting like children and women they have ruled over it O people my guides your [are] misleading and [the] way of paths your they have confused.
至於我的百姓, 孩童欺壓他們, 婦女轄管他們。 我的百姓啊,引導你的使你走錯, 並毀壞你所行的道路。
13 [is] taking his stand To conduct a case Yahweh and [is] standing to judge peoples.
耶和華起來辯論, 站着審判眾民。
14 Yahweh in judgment he will come with [the] elders of people his and leaders its and you you have consumed the vineyard [the] plunder of the poor [is] in houses your.
耶和華必審問他民中的長老和首領,說: 吃盡葡萄園果子的就是你們; 向貧窮人所奪的都在你們家中。
15 (What [is] to you? *QK) you crush people my and [the] faces of poor [people] you grind [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts.
主-萬軍之耶和華說: 你們為何壓制我的百姓, 搓磨貧窮人的臉呢?
16 And he said Yahweh because that they are haughty [the] daughters of Zion and they have walked (stretched out *Qk) of neck and making seductive glances of eyes walking and mincing along they walk and on feet their they tinkle with anklets.
耶和華又說: 因為錫安的女子狂傲, 行走挺項,賣弄眼目, 俏步徐行,腳下玎璫,
17 And he will make scabby [the] Lord scalp of [the] daughters of Zion and Yahweh forehead their he will lay bare.
所以,主必使錫安的女子頭長禿瘡; 耶和華又使她們赤露下體。
18 In the day that he will remove [the] Lord [the] splendor of the anklets and the amulets and the ornaments.
19 The pendants and the bracelets and the veils.
20 The head-dresses and the ankle chains and the sashes and [the] houses of the breath and the amulets.
21 The signet-rings and [the] rings of the nose.
22 The robes and the over-tunics and the cloaks and the purses.
23 And the mirrors and the linen garments and the headdresses and the shawls.
24 And it will be in place of perfume rottenness it will be and in place of a belt a rope and in place of a work well-set hair baldness and in place of a robe a girding of sackcloth branding in place of beauty.
必有臭爛代替馨香, 繩子代替腰帶, 光禿代替美髮, 麻衣繫腰代替華服, 烙傷代替美容。
25 Men your by the sword they will fall and strength your in battle.
你的男丁必倒在刀下; 你的勇士必死在陣上。
26 And they will lament and they will mourn gates its and it will be emptied to the ground it will sit.
錫安的城門必悲傷、哀號; 她必荒涼坐在地上。

< Isaiah 3 >