< Hebrews 10 >

1 A shadow for having the law of the coming good things, not themselves the form of the things, each year with the same sacrifices which they offer to the continuous never (is able *NK+o) those drawing near to perfect;
2 Otherwise not would they have ceased being offered because of none having any longer conscience of sins those serving once (cleansed! *N+KO)
3 But in these [there is] a reminder of sins every year;
4 Impossible [it is] indeed [for the] blood of bulls and of goats to take away sins.
5 Therefore coming into the world He says: Sacrifice and offering not You have desired, a body however You have prepared me;
所以基督到世上来的时候,就说: 神啊,祭物和礼物是你不愿意的; 你曾给我预备了身体。
6 Burnt offerings and [offerings] for sin not You have delighted in;
7 Then I said; Behold I have come — in [the] scroll of [the] book it has been written of Me — to do, O God, the will of You.
那时我说: 神啊,我来了, 为要照你的旨意行; 我的事在经卷上已经记载了。
8 Above saying that (sacrifices *N+KO) and (offerings *N+KO) and burnt offerings and [offerings] for sin not You have desired nor You delighted in, which according to (the *k) Law are offered,
9 then He has said; Behold I have come to do (of the God *K) the will of You. He takes away the first that the second He may establish;
10 By that will sanctified we are through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11 And every indeed priest has stood every day ministering and the same repeatedly offering sacrifices, which never are able to take away sins;
凡祭司天天站着事奉 神,屡次献上一样的祭物,这祭物永不能除罪。
12 (This [One] *N+kO) however one for sins having offered sacrifice in perpetuity sat down at [the] right hand of God,
但基督献了一次永远的赎罪祭,就在 神的右边坐下了。
13 the henceforth awaiting until may be placed the enemies of Him [as] a footstool for the feet of Him.
14 By one for offering He has perfected for all time those being sanctified.
15 Bears witness now to us also the Spirit Holy; after for (to have said: *N+KO)
16 This [is] the covenant that I will make with them after the days those, says [the] Lord, putting [the] laws of Mine into [the] hearts of them and into (the mind *N+kO) of them I will inscribe them;
主说:那些日子以后, 我与他们所立的约乃是这样: 我要将我的律法写在他们心上, 又要放在他们的里面。
17 and The sins of them and the lawless acts of them certainly not (will I remember *N+kO) any more.
以后就说: 我不再记念他们的罪愆和他们的过犯。
18 Where now forgiveness of these [is], no longer no longer an offering for sin.
19 Having therefore, brothers, confidence for the entering to the Holy [Places] by the blood of Jesus,
20 which He dedicated for us a way new and living through the veil, That is through the flesh of Him,
21 and [having] a priest great over the house of God,
又有一位大祭司治理 神的家,
22 we may draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith sprinkled clean [our] hearts from a conscience evil and (having ourselves washed *N+kO) [our] body with water pure.
并我们心中天良的亏欠已经洒去,身体用清水洗净了,就当存着诚心和充足的信心来到 神面前;
23 We may hold fast to the confession of [our] hope firmly, faithful for [is] the [One] having promised,
24 And we may think one another toward stirring up to love and to good works
25 not forsaking the assembling together of ourselves even as [is the] custom with some, but encouraging [one another], and so much more as much as you see drawing near the Day.
26 [If] willingly for sin we after [we are] to receive the knowledge of the truth no longer no longer for sins remains a sacrifice,
27 terrifying however a certain expectation of judgment and of fire fury to devour being about the adversaries.
28 Having set aside anyone [the] law of Moses without mercies on the basis of two or three witnesses he dies;
29 How much think you worse will he deserve punishment the [one] the Son of God having trampled upon and the blood of the covenant ordinary having esteemed by which he was sanctified and the Spirit of grace having insulted?
何况人践踏 神的儿子,将那使他成圣之约的血当作平常,又亵慢施恩的圣灵,你们想,他要受的刑罚该怎样加重呢!
30 We know for the [One] having said; Mine [is] vengeance, I myself will repay (says Lord; *K) and again: Will judge [the] Lord the people of Him.
31 [It is] a fearful thing to fall into [the] hands of God [the] living.
落在永生 神的手里,真是可怕的!
32 do remember however the former days in which having been enlightened a great conflict you endured of sufferings,
33 this indeed by revilings both and by tribulations being made a spectacle, this however partners of those thus passing through [them] having become;
34 Both for with the (prisoners *N+KO) you sympathized and the plundering of the possessions of you with joy you accepted knowing to have (in *k) (yourselves *N+kO) (a better *NK+o) possession (in heavens *K) and abiding.
35 Not may throw away therefore the boldness of you, which has a great reward.
36 Of endurance for You have need, so that the will of God having done you may receive the promise.
你们必须忍耐,使你们行完了 神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。
37 Yet for A little very while, the [One] who is coming will come and not will delay.
因为还有一点点时候, 那要来的就来,并不迟延;
38 The one however righteous (of Mine *NO) by faith will live; and if he shall shrink back, not takes pleasure the soul of Mine in him.
只是义人必因信得生。 他若退后,我心里就不喜欢他。
39 We ourselves however not are of [those] drawing back to destruction but of faith to [the] preserving [of the] soul.

< Hebrews 10 >