< Genesis 9 >

1 And he blessed God Noah and sons his and he said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
I Bog blagoslovi Noja i sinove njegove, i reèe im: raðajte se i množite se, i napunite zemlju;
2 And fear your and dread your will be on every animal of the earth and on every bird of the heavens on all that creeps the ground and on all [the] fish of the sea in hand your they are given.
I sve zvijeri zemaljske i sve ptice nebeske i sve što ide po zemlji i sve ribe morske neka vas se boje i straše; sve je predano u vaše ruke.
3 Every creeping thing which it [is] alive for you it will become food like [the] greenery of plant[s] I give to you everything.
Što se god mièe i živi, neka vam bude za jelo, sve vam to dadoh kao zelenu travu.
4 Nevertheless flesh with life its blood its not you must eat.
Ali ne jedite mesa s dušom njegovom, a to mu je krv.
5 And nevertheless blood of your of lives you I will seek from [the] hand of every animal I will seek it and from [the] hand of humankind from [the] hand of each brother his I will seek [the] life of humankind.
Jer æu i vašu krv, duše vaše, iskati; od svake æu je zvijeri iskati; iz ruke samoga èovjeka, iz ruke svakoga brata njegova iskaæu dušu èovjeèiju.
6 [the] [one who] sheds [the] blood of Humankind by humankind blood his will be shed for in [the] image of God he made humankind.
Ko prolije krv èovjeèiju, njegovu æe krv proliti èovjek; jer je Bog po svojemu oblièju stvorio èovjeka.
7 And you be fruitful and multiply swarm on the earth and multiply on it.
Raðajte se dakle i množite se; narodite se veoma na zemlji i namnožite se na njoj.
8 And he said God to Noah and to sons his with him saying.
I reèe Bog Noju i sinovima njegovijem s njim, govoreæi:
9 And I here [am] I about to establish covenant my with you and with offspring your after you.
A ja evo postavljam zavjet svoj s vama i s vašim sjemenom nakon vas,
10 And with every creature living which [is] with you among the bird[s] among the livestock and among every animal of the earth with you from all [those which] came out of the ark to every animal of the earth.
I sa svijem životinjama, što su s vama od ptica, od stoke i od svega zvijerja zemaljskoga što je s vama, sa svaèim što je izašlo iz kovèega, i sa svijem zvijerjem zemaljskim.
11 And I will establish covenant my with you and not will be cut off all flesh again from [the] waters of the flood and not will be again a flood to destroy the earth.
Postavljam zavjet svoj s vama, te otsele neæe nijedno tijelo poginuti od potopa, niti æe više biti potopa da zatre zemlju.
12 And he said God this [is] [the] sign of the covenant which I [am] making between me and between you and between every creature living which [is] with you for generations of perpetuity.
I reèe Bog: evo znak zavjeta koji postavljam izmeðu sebe i vas i svake žive tvari, koja je s vama dovijeka:
13 Bow my I set in the cloud[s] and it will become a sign of a covenant between me and between the earth.
Metnuo sam dugu svoju u oblake, da bude znak zavjeta izmeðu mene i zemlje.
14 And it will be when bring cloud I cloud over the earth and it will be seen the bow in the cloud[s].
Pa kad oblake navuèem na zemlju, vidjeæe se duga u oblacima,
15 And I will remember covenant my which [is] between me and between you and between every creature living among all flesh and not will become again the water a flood to destroy all flesh.
I opomenuæu se zavjeta svojega koji je izmeðu mene i vas i svake duše žive u svakom tijelu, i neæe više biti od vode potopa da zatre svako tijelo.
16 And it will be the bow in the cloud[s] and I will see it to remember [the] covenant of perpetuity between God and between every creature living among all flesh which [is] on the earth.
Duga æe biti u oblacima, pa æu je pogledati, i opomenuæu se vjeènoga zavjeta izmeðu Boga i svake duše žive u svakom tijelu koje je na zemlji.
17 And he said God to Noah this [is] [the] sign of the covenant which I have established between me and between all flesh which [is] on the earth.
I reèe Bog Noju: to je znak zavjeta koji sam uèinio izmeðu sebe i svakoga tijela na zemlji.
18 And they were [the] sons of Noah who came out from the ark Shem and Ham and Japheth and Ham he [was] [the] father of Canaan.
A bijahu sinovi Nojevi koji izidoše iz kovèega: Sim i Ham i Jafet; a Ham je otac Hanancima.
19 Three these [were] [the] sons of Noah and from these dispersed all the earth.
To su tri sina Nojeva, i od njih se naseli sva zemlja.
20 And he began Noah [the] man of the ground and he planted a vineyard.
A Noje poèe raditi zemlju, i posadi vinograd.
21 And he drank some of the wine and he became drunk and he uncovered himself in [the] middle of (tent his. *Q(K)*)
I napiv se vina opi se, i otkri se nasred šatora svojega.
22 And he saw Ham [the] father of Canaan [the] nakedness of father his and he told to [the] two brothers his on the outside.
A Ham, otac Hanancima, vidje golotinju oca svojega, i kaza obojici braæe svoje na polju.
23 And he took Shem and Japheth the garment and they put [it] on [the] shoulder of both of them and they walked backwards and they covered [the] nakedness of father their and faces their [were] backwards and [the] nakedness of father their not they saw.
A Sim i Jafet uzeše haljinu, i ogrnuše je obojica na ramena svoja, i iduæi natraške pokriše njom golotinju oca svojega, licem natrag okrenuvši se da ne vide golotinje oca svojega.
24 And he awoke Noah from wine his and he knew [that] which he had done to him son his young.
A kad se Noje probudi od vina, dozna šta mu je uèinio mlaði sin,
25 And he said [be] cursed Canaan a slave of slaves he will be of brothers his.
I reèe: proklet da je Hanan, i da bude sluga slugama braæe svoje!
26 And he said [be] blessed Yahweh [the] God of Shem and let him be Canaan a slave to them.
I još reèe: blagosloven da je Gospod Bog Simov, i Hanan da mu bude sluga!
27 May he make spacious God Japheth and let him dwell in [the] tents of Shem and let him be Canaan a slave to them.
Bog da raširi Jafeta da živi u šatorima Simovijem, a Hanan da im bude sluga!
28 And he lived Noah after the flood three hundred year[s] and fifty year[s].
I poživje Noje poslije potopa trista i pedeset godina.
29 And they were all [the] days of Noah nine hundred year[s] and fifty year[s] and he died.
A svega poživje Noje devet stotina i pedeset godina; i umrije.

< Genesis 9 >