< Genesis 25 >

1 And he repeated Abraham and he took a wife and name her [was] Keturah.
A Avram uze drugu ženu, po imenu Heturu.
2 And she bore to him Zimran and Jokshan and Medan and Midian and Ishbak and Shuah.
I ona mu rodi Zomrana i Joksana i Madana i Madijama i Jesvoka i Soijena.
3 And Jokshan he fathered Sheba and Dedan and [the] sons of Dedan they were Asshurites and Letushites and Leummites.
A Joksan rodi Savana i Dedana. A Dedanovi sinovi biše Asurim i Latusim i Laomim.
4 And [the] sons of Midian [were] Ephah and Epher and Hanoch and Abida and Eldaah all these [were] [the] sons of Keturah.
A sinovi Madijamovi: Efar i Afir i Enoh i Avida i Eldaga. Svi bjehu djeca Heturina.
5 And he gave Abraham all that [belonged] to him to Isaac.
A Avram dade sve što imaše Isaku;
6 And to [the] sons of the concubines who [belonged] to Abraham he gave Abraham gifts and he sent away them from with Isaac son his while still [was] he alive east-ward to [the] land of [the] east.
A sinovima svojih inoèa dade Avram dare, i opravi ih od Isaka sina svojega još za života svojega na istok, u istoèni kraj.
7 And these [are] [the] days of [the] years of [the] life of Abraham which he lived one hundred year[s] and seventy year[s] and five years.
I vijeka Avramova što poživje bješe sto i sedamdeset i pet godina.
8 And he expired and he died Abraham in old age good old and satisfied and he was gathered to kinspeople his.
I onemoæav umrije Avram u dobroj starosti, sit života, i bi pribran k rodu svojemu.
9 And they buried him Isaac and Ishmael sons his into [the] cave of Machpelah to [the] field of Ephron [the] son of Zohar the Hittite which [is] on [the] face of Mamre.
I pogreboše ga Isak i Ismailo u peæini Makpelskoj na njivi Efrona sina Sara Hetejina, koja je prema Mamriji;
10 The field which he had acquired Abraham from with [the] sons of Heth there he was buried Abraham and Sarah wife his.
Na njivi koju kupi Avram od sinova Hetovijeh, ondje je pogreben Avram sa Sarom ženom svojom.
11 And it was after [the] death of Abraham and he blessed God Isaac son his and he dwelt Isaac near Beer Lahai Roi.
I po smrti Avramovoj blagoslovi Bog Isaka sina njegova; a Isak življaše kod studenca živoga koji me vidi.
12 And these [are] [the] accounts of Ishmael [the] son of Abraham whom she bore Hagar the Egyptian [the] maidservant of Sarah to Abraham.
A ovo je pleme Ismaila sina Avramova, kojega rodi Avramu Agara Misirka robinja Sarina,
13 And these [are] [the] names of [the] sons of Ishmael by names their to descendants their [the] firstborn of Ishmael [was] Nebaioth and Kedar and Adbeel and Mibsam.
I ovo su imena sinova Ismailovijeh, kako se zvahu u plemenima svojim; prvenac Ismailov Navajot, pa Kidar i Navdeilo i Masam,
14 And Mishma and Dumah and Massa.
I Masma i Duma i Masa,
15 (Hadad *LA(BH)*) and Tema Jetur Naphish and Kedemah.
I Hadar i Teman i Jetur i Nafes i Kedma.
16 These they [were] [the] sons of Ishmael and these [are] names their by villages their and by encampments their two [plus] ten princes to tribes their.
To su sinovi Ismailovi, i to su im imena po selima i gradovima njihovijem, dvanaest knezova nad svojim narodima.
17 And these [are] [the] years of [the] life of Ishmael one hundred year[s] and thirty year[s] and seven years and he expired and he died and he was gathered to kinspeople his.
A godine su vijeka Ismailova sto i trideset i sedam godina. Poslije onemoæav umrije, i bi pribran k rodu svojemu.
18 And they dwelt from Havilah to Shur which [is] on [the] face of Egypt going you Asshur towards on [the] face of all relatives his he fell.
I življahu od Evilata do Sura prema Misiru, kako se ide u Asiriju; i dopade mu prema svoj braæi svojoj da živi.
19 And these [are] [the] accounts of Isaac [the] son of Abraham Abraham he fathered Isaac.
A ovo je pleme Isaka sina Avramova: Avram rodi Isaka;
20 And he was Isaac a son of forty year[s] when took he Rebekah [the] daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram [the] sister of Laban the Aramean for himself to a wife.
A Isaku bješe èetrdeset godina kad se oženi Revekom, kæerju Vatuila Sirina iz Mesopotamije, sestrom Lavana Sirina.
21 And he prayed Isaac to Yahweh to before wife his for [was] barren she and he was entreated by him Yahweh and she conceived Rebekah wife his.
I Isak se moljaše Gospodu za ženu svoju, jer bješe nerotkinja; i umoli Gospoda, te zatrudnje Reveka žena njegova.
22 And they struggled together the children in inward part[s] her and she said if thus why? this [am] I and she went to consult Yahweh.
Ali udarahu jedno o drugo djeca u utrobi njezinoj, te reèe: ako je tako, našto sam? I otide da pita Gospoda.
23 And he said Yahweh to her two (nations *Q(k)*) [are] in womb your and two peoples from inward parts your they will separate and a people more than a people it will be strong and [the] great [one] it will serve [the] young [one].
A Gospod joj reèe: dva su plemena u utrobi tvojoj, i dva æe naroda izaæi iz tebe; i jedan æe narod biti jaèi od drugoga naroda, i veæi æe služiti manjemu.
24 And they were completed days her to give birth and there! twins [were] in womb her.
I kad doðe vrijeme da rodi, a to blizanci u utrobi njezinoj.
25 And he came out the first red all of him [was] like a cloak of hair and they called name his Esau.
I prvi izaðe crven, sav kao runo rutav; i nadješe mu ime Isav.
26 And after thus he came out brother his and hand his [was] holding on [the] heel of Esau and he called name his Jacob and Isaac [was] a son of sixty year[s] when fathered them.
A poslije izaðe brat mu, držeæi rukom za petu Isava; i nadješe mu ime Jakov. A bješe Isaku šezdeset godina, kad ih rodi Reveka.
27 And they grew up the lads and he was Esau a man [who] knew hunting a man of [the] open country and Jacob [was] a man quiet [who] dwelt tents.
I djeca odrastoše, i Isav posta lovac i ratar, a Jakov bješe èovjek krotak i bavljaše se u šatorima.
28 And he loved Isaac Esau for wild game [was] in mouth his and Rebekah [was] loving Jacob.
I Isak milovaše Isava, jer rado jeðaše lova njegova; a Reveka milovaše Jakova.
29 And he had cooked Jacob cooked food and he came Esau from the field and he [was] exhausted.
Jednom Jakov skuha jelo, a Isav doðe iz polja umoran.
30 And he said Esau to Jacob let swallow me please some of the red [stew] the red [stew] this for [am] exhausted I there-fore someone called name his Edom.
I reèe Isav Jakovu: daj mi da jedem toga jela crvenoga, jer sam umoran. Otuda se prozva Edom.
31 And he said Jacob sell! as the day birthright your to me.
A Jakov mu reèe: prodaj mi danas prvenaštvo svoje.
32 And he said Esau here! I [am] going to die and for what? this to me [is] a birthright.
A Isav odgovori: evo, hoæu da umrem, pa što æe mi prvenaštvo?
33 And he said Jacob swear! to me as the day and he swore to him and he sold birthright his to Jacob.
A Jakov reèe: zakuni mi se danas. I on mu se zakle; tako prodade svoje prvenaštvo Jakovu.
34 And Jacob he gave to Esau bread and cooked food of lentils and he ate and he drank and he arose and he went and he despised Esau the birthright.
I Jakov dade Isavu hljeba i skuhanoga leæa, i on se najede i napi, pa usta i otide. Tako Isav nije mario za prvenaštvo svoje.

< Genesis 25 >