< Genesis 25 >

1 And he repeated Abraham and he took a wife and name her [was] Keturah.
Abraham sao seluꞌ inaꞌ esa, naran Ketura.
2 And she bore to him Zimran and Jokshan and Medan and Midian and Ishbak and Shuah.
De Ketura bꞌonggi fee ne, anaꞌ nara nara: Simran, Yoksan, Medan, Midian, Isbak, ma Sua.
3 And Jokshan he fathered Sheba and Dedan and [the] sons of Dedan they were Asshurites and Letushites and Leummites.
Yoksan ana nara, Seba no Dedan. Dedan tititi-nonosi nara, naeni atahori Asyur, atahori Letus, ma atahori Leum ra.
4 And [the] sons of Midian [were] Ephah and Epher and Hanoch and Abida and Eldaah all these [were] [the] sons of Keturah.
Midian ana nara, Efa, Efer, Henok, Abida ma Elda. Basa naa ra, Ketura tititi-nonosin.
5 And he gave Abraham all that [belonged] to him to Isaac.
Leleꞌ Abraham feꞌe masodꞌaꞌ, ana bꞌanggi fee sudꞌi a saa neu Hagar no Ketura ana nara. Ana denu se reu leo sia Kanaꞌan seriꞌ rulu, fo raꞌadꞌodꞌooꞌ ro anan Isak. Te basa hata-hetoꞌ ra, ana fee neu Isak.
6 And to [the] sons of the concubines who [belonged] to Abraham he gave Abraham gifts and he sent away them from with Isaac son his while still [was] he alive east-ward to [the] land of [the] east.
7 And these [are] [the] days of [the] years of [the] life of Abraham which he lived one hundred year[s] and seventy year[s] and five years.
Abraham too natun esa hitu nulu lima ma, ana mate.
8 And he expired and he died Abraham in old age good old and satisfied and he was gathered to kinspeople his.
9 And they buried him Isaac and Ishmael sons his into [the] cave of Machpelah to [the] field of Ephron [the] son of Zohar the Hittite which [is] on [the] face of Mamre.
Ana nara Isak no Ismael raꞌoi e sia luat Makpela, deka no Mamre. Abraham hasa etu osi naa mia atahori Het esa, naran Efron, fo Sohar anan. Maꞌahulu na, ana naꞌoi Sara sia luat naa.
10 The field which he had acquired Abraham from with [the] sons of Heth there he was buried Abraham and Sarah wife his.
11 And it was after [the] death of Abraham and he blessed God Isaac son his and he dwelt Isaac near Beer Lahai Roi.
Abraham mate ma, Lamatualain fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu Isak, de ana nasodꞌa no mole-dame. Leleꞌ naa, ana leo deka oe mataꞌ, naran Beer Lahai Roi.
12 And these [are] [the] accounts of Ishmael [the] son of Abraham whom she bore Hagar the Egyptian [the] maidservant of Sarah to Abraham.
Ismael dudꞌui na, taꞌo ia. Eni ia, Abraham no sao tias na Hagar ana na. Ma Hagar ia, Sara ate na mia Masir.
13 And these [are] [the] names of [the] sons of Ishmael by names their to descendants their [the] firstborn of Ishmael [was] Nebaioth and Kedar and Adbeel and Mibsam.
Ismael ana nara touꞌ sanahulu rua. Nara nara batutunggaꞌ mia uluꞌ a losa odꞌi muriꞌ a: Nebayot, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Misma, Duma, Masa, Hadad, Tema, Yetur, Nafis, ma Kedma. Anaꞌ naa ra, dadꞌi bei-baiꞌ mia leo sanahulu rua, esa-esaꞌ no nusa na. Ara babꞌae nusaꞌ naa ra, esa-esa tungga bei-baꞌiꞌ ra naran.
14 And Mishma and Dumah and Massa.
15 (Hadad *LA(BH)*) and Tema Jetur Naphish and Kedemah.
16 These they [were] [the] sons of Ishmael and these [are] names their by villages their and by encampments their two [plus] ten princes to tribes their.
17 And these [are] [the] years of [the] life of Ishmael one hundred year[s] and thirty year[s] and seven years and he expired and he died and he was gathered to kinspeople his.
Ismael too natun esa telu nulu hitu ma, ana mate.
18 And they dwelt from Havilah to Shur which [is] on [the] face of Egypt going you Asshur towards on [the] face of all relatives his he fell.
Te tititi-nonosi nara, esa namusuꞌ no esa. Basa se leo saranggaa mia Hawila losa Syur, fo natoo no nusa Masir, nakandoo losa Asyur.
19 And these [are] [the] accounts of Isaac [the] son of Abraham Abraham he fathered Isaac.
Abraham anan Isak dudꞌui na, taꞌo ia.
20 And he was Isaac a son of forty year[s] when took he Rebekah [the] daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram [the] sister of Laban the Aramean for himself to a wife.
Isak too haa nulu ma, ana sao Ribka. Ribka ia, aman, Betuel. Ma naa na, Labꞌan. Sira, atahori Aram, mia Padan Aram.
21 And he prayed Isaac to Yahweh to before wife his for [was] barren she and he was entreated by him Yahweh and she conceived Rebekah wife his.
Huu Ribka nda hambu anaꞌ sa, de Isak hule-oꞌe neu LAMATUALAIN noꞌe soi Ribka mamana ana na. Boe ma LAMATUALAIN rena hule-oꞌe na, de Ribka nairu.
22 And they struggled together the children in inward part[s] her and she said if thus why? this [am] I and she went to consult Yahweh.
Tao-tao te, ana nairu ana duaꞌ. Ana kara ratimba-rasamba rakandooꞌ a sia inan ambu na. De Ribka natatane sia rala na nae, “Taꞌo bee de ruꞌa se, taꞌo ia, e?” De natane LAMATUALAIN.
23 And he said Yahweh to her two (nations *Q(k)*) [are] in womb your and two peoples from inward parts your they will separate and a people more than a people it will be strong and [the] great [one] it will serve [the] young [one].
LAMATUALAIN nataa nae, “Sia ambu ma rala, hambu nusaꞌ rua. Dei fo ara ramusuꞌ rakandooꞌ a. Mete te, muriꞌ a maꞌadereꞌ lenaꞌ uluꞌ a. Ma aꞌa ka tao ues fee odꞌiꞌ a.”
24 And they were completed days her to give birth and there! twins [were] in womb her.
Fai na losa ma, Ribka bꞌonggi ana touꞌ rua.
25 And he came out the first red all of him [was] like a cloak of hair and they called name his Esau.
Aꞌa ka ao na mbilas, ma mafuluꞌ. Naa de, ara babꞌae e, Esau (lii na onaꞌ dedꞌea feaꞌ esa, sosoa na ‘mafuluꞌ’).
26 And after thus he came out brother his and hand his [was] holding on [the] heel of Esau and he called name his Jacob and Isaac [was] a son of sixty year[s] when fathered them.
Basa de, odꞌi na feꞌe dea nema. Te ana toꞌu aꞌan ei tinggan. Naa de, ara babꞌae e, Yakob (lii na naeꞌ a onaꞌ dedꞌea feaꞌ esa, sosoa na ‘ei tinggaꞌ’). Leleꞌ Ribka bꞌonggi ruꞌa se, Isak too nee nulu ena.
27 And they grew up the lads and he was Esau a man [who] knew hunting a man of [the] open country and Jacob [was] a man quiet [who] dwelt tents.
Ana karuaꞌ ra raꞌamoko ma, Esau dadꞌi mana sombu banda fui. Ana hiiꞌ a leo sia lasi. Te Yakob, mana neneeꞌ ma hii leo siaꞌ a ume.
28 And he loved Isaac Esau for wild game [was] in mouth his and Rebekah [was] loving Jacob.
Isak hii naa sisi banda fui. Naa de, ana sue Esau nalenaꞌ. Te Ribka sue Yakob nalenaꞌ.
29 And he had cooked Jacob cooked food and he came Esau from the field and he [was] exhausted.
Lao esa, Yakob tao kua fufue mbilas ma, Esau feꞌe sombu baliꞌ naa. Ana bengge ma ndoe nala seli.
30 And he said Esau to Jacob let swallow me please some of the red [stew] the red [stew] this for [am] exhausted I there-fore someone called name his Edom.
Nafadꞌe Yakob nae, “Odꞌiꞌ e! Au ndoe ae mate ena. Fee au kua fufue mbilas mbei dei.” (Naa de, ara roꞌe e rae, Edom. Lii na, naeꞌ a onaꞌ dedꞌeat esa, fo sosoa na ‘mbilas’.)
31 And he said Jacob sell! as the day birthright your to me.
Boe ma Yakob nataa nae, “Malole, aꞌa. Te fee au hak ulu ma dei!”
32 And he said Esau here! I [am] going to die and for what? this to me [is] a birthright.
Esau nataa nae, “Parsetan no hak uluꞌ naa! Soa e leo! Au ndoe ena! Sodꞌe mendi leo, te au ae ua.”
33 And he said Jacob swear! to me as the day and he swore to him and he sold birthright his to Jacob.
Te Yakob olaꞌ fai nae, “Aꞌa helafiꞌ dei! Aꞌa sumba dei mae, aꞌa fee au hak naa.” Boe ma Esau sumba.
34 And Jacob he gave to Esau bread and cooked food of lentils and he ate and he drank and he arose and he went and he despised Esau the birthright.
Basa de, Yakob sodꞌe fee ne kua fufue no roti. Esau naa-ninu basa ma, ana fela lao. No tao naa, Esau fee hieꞌ hendi hak ulu na.

< Genesis 25 >