< Genesis 16 >

1 And Sarai [the] wife of Abram not she had borne children to him and [belonged] to her a maidservant Egyptian and name her [was] Hagar.
Sarai, istri Abram, belum juga mendapat anak. Tetapi ia mempunyai seorang hamba dari Mesir, seorang gadis yang bernama Hagar.
2 And she said Sarai to Abram here! please he has restrained me Yahweh from bearing children go please into maidservant my perhaps I will be built up (from her *LBH(a)*) and he listened Abram to [the] voice of Sarai.
Sarai berkata kepada Abram, "TUHAN tidak memungkinkan saya melahirkan anak. Sebab itu, sebaiknya engkau tidur dengan hamba saya ini. Barangkali dia dapat melahirkan anak untuk saya." Abram setuju dengan usul Sarai.
3 And she took Sarai [the] wife of Abram Hagar the Egyptian maidservant her from [the] end of ten years of [the] dwelling of Abram in [the] land of Canaan and she gave her to Abram husband her of him to a wife.
Demikianlah Sarai memberikan Hagar kepada Abram untuk dijadikan selir. Pada waktu itu Abram sudah sepuluh tahun di Kanaan.
4 And he went into Hagar and she conceived and she saw that she had conceived and she became insignificant mistress her in view her.
Abram tidur dengan Hagar, lalu mengandunglah wanita itu. Tetapi ketika Hagar tahu bahwa ia hamil, ia menjadi sombong dan meremehkan Sarai.
5 And she said Sarai to Abram injustice my [is] on you I I put maidservant my in bosom your and she has seen that she had conceived and I have become insignificant in view her may he judge Yahweh between me and between you.
Lalu Sarai berkata kepada Abram, "Saya sudah memberikan Hagar hamba saya kepadamu, dan sejak ia tahu bahwa ia mengandung, ia meremehkan saya. Itu salahmu. Semoga TUHAN memutuskan perkara ini antara engkau dan saya."
6 And he said Abram to Sarai there! maidservant your [is] in hand your do to her the good in view your and she afflicted her Sarai and she fled from before her.
Jawab Abram, "Baiklah, dia hambamu dan engkau berkuasa atas dia; perlakukanlah dia semaumu." Lalu Sarai memperlakukan Hagar dengan sangat kejam, sehingga ia melarikan diri.
7 And he found her [the] angel of Yahweh at [the] spring of water in the wilderness at the spring on [the] way of Shur.
Malaikat TUHAN menjumpai Hagar di dekat mata air di padang gurun, di jalan yang menuju ke padang gurun Sur.
8 And he said O Hagar [the] maidservant of Sarai where? from this have you come and where? are you going and she said from before Sarai mistress my I [am] fleeing.
Kata malaikat itu, "Hagar, hamba Sarai, engkau dari mana dan mau ke mana?" Jawab Hagar, "Saya lari dari Sarai nyonya saya."
9 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh return to mistress your and humble yourself under hands her.
Malaikat itu berkata, "Kembalilah kepadanya dan layanilah dia."
10 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh certainly I will increase offspring your and not it will be counted from multitude.
Lalu kata malaikat itu lagi, "Aku akan memberikan kepadamu begitu banyak anak cucu, sehingga tidak seorang pun dapat menghitung mereka.
11 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh here you [are] pregnant and you will bear a son and you will call name his Ishmael for he has listened Yahweh to affliction your.
Tidak lama lagi engkau akan melahirkan anak laki-laki; namakanlah dia Ismael, karena TUHAN telah mendengar tangismu.
12 And he he will be a wild donkey of a man hand his [will be] on everyone and [the] hand of everyone [will be] on him and on [the] face of all brothers his he will dwell.
Tetapi anakmu itu akan hidup seperti keledai liar; ia akan melawan setiap orang, dan setiap orang akan melawan dia. Ia akan hidup terpisah dari semua sanak saudaranya."
13 And she called [the] name of Yahweh who spoke to her you [are] a God of seeing for she said ¿ also here have I seen [the] back of [the] [one who] sees me.
Hagar bertanya dalam hatinya, "Benarkah saya telah melihat Allah yang memperhatikan saya?" Maka ia menyebut TUHAN, yang telah berkata-kata kepadanya, "Allah Yang Memperhatikan".
14 There-fore someone called the well Beer Lahai Roi there! [it is] between Kadesh and between Bered.
Itulah sebabnya orang menyebut sumur di antara Kades dan Bered itu, "Sumur Dia Yang Hidup Yang Memperhatikan Aku".
15 And she bore Hagar to Abram a son and he called Abram [the] name of son his whom she had borne Hagar Ishmael.
Lalu Hagar melahirkan anak laki-laki, dan Abram ayahnya, menamakan anak itu Ismael.
16 And Abram [was] a son of eighty year[s] and six years when bore Hagar Ishmael to Abram.
Pada waktu itu Abram berumur delapan puluh enam tahun.

< Genesis 16 >