< Ezra 8 >

1 And these [are] [the] heads of fathers their and recording genealogy they who came up with me in [the] reign of Artaxerxes the king from Babylon.
A ovo su glavari domova otaèkih i pleme onijeh što poðoše sa mnom iz Vavilona za vlade cara Artakserksa:
2 Of [the] descendants of Phinehas Gershom. Of [the] descendants of Ithamar Daniel. Of [the] descendants of David Hattush.
Od sinova Finesovijeh Girsom; od sinova Itamarovijeh Danilo; od sinova Davidovijeh Hatus;
3 Of [the] descendants of Shecaniah. Of [the] descendants of Parosh Zechariah and with him a genealogical list of males one hundred and fifty.
Od sinova Sehanije, koji bješe od sinova Farosovijeh, Zaharija i s njim na broj muškinja sto i pedeset;
4 Of [the] descendants of Pahath-Moab Eliehoenai [the] son of Zerahiah and with him [were] two hundred the males.
Od sinova Fat-Moavovijeh Elioinaj sin Zerajin i s njim muškinja dvjesta;
5 Of [the] descendants of (Zattu *X*) Shecaniah [the] son of Jahaziel and with him [were] three hundred the males.
Od sinova Sehanijinih sin Jasilov i s njim muškinja tri stotine;
6 And of [the] descendants of Adin Ebed [the] son of Jonathan and with him [were] fifty the males.
I od sinova Adinovijeh Eved sin Jonatanov i s njim muškinja pedeset;
7 And of [the] descendants of Elam Jeshaiah [the] son of Athaliah and with him [were] seventy the males.
I od sinova Elamovijeh Isaija sin Atalijin i s njim muškinja sedamdeset;
8 And of [the] descendants of Shephatiah Zebadiah [the] son of Michael and with him [were] eighty the males.
I od sinova Sefatijinih Zevadija sin Mihailov i s njim muškinja osamdeset;
9 Of [the] descendants of Joab Obadiah [the] son of Jehiel and with him [were] two hundred and eight-teen the males.
Od sinova Joavovijeh Ovadija sin Jehilov i s njim muškinja dvjesta i osamdeset;
10 And of [the] descendants of (Bani *X*) Shelomith [the] son of Josiphiah and with him [were] one hundred and sixty the males.
I od sinova Selomitovijeh sin Josifijin i s njim muškinja sto i šezdeset;
11 And of [the] descendants of Bebai Zechariah [the] son of Bebai and with him [were] twenty and eight the males.
I od sinova Vivajevih Zaharija sin Vivajev i s njim muškinja dvadeset i osam;
12 And of [the] descendants of Azgad Johanan [the] son of Hakkatan and with him [were] one hundred and ten the males.
I od sinova Azgadovijeh Joanan sin Akatanov i s njim muškinja sto i deset;
13 And of [the] descendants of Adonikam [the] last [ones] and these [are] names their Eliphelet Jeiel and Shemaiah and with them [were] sixty the males.
I od sinova Adonikamovijeh pošljednjih po imenu Elifelet, Jeilo i Semaja i s njima muškinja šezdeset;
14 And of [the] descendants of Bigvai Uthai (and Zaccur *Q(K)*) and with him [were] seventy the males.
I od sinova Vigvajevijeh Gutaj i Zavud, i s njima muškinja sedamdeset.
15 And I assembled them to the river which goes to Ahava and we encamped there days three and I considered! the people and the priests and any of [the] descendants of Levi not I found there.
I sabrah ih kod rijeke koja teèe u Avu, i ondje stajasmo u okolu tri dana; poslije pregledah narod i sveštenike, ali ne naðoh ondje nijednoga od sinova Levijevih.
16 And I sent! for Eliezer for Ariel for Shemaiah and for Elnathan and for Jarib and for Elnathan and for Nathan and for Zechariah and for Meshullam chiefs and for Joiarib and for Elnathan teachers.
Zato poslah Elijezera, Arila, Semaju i Elnatana i Jariva i Elnatana i Natana i Zahariju i Mesulama glavare, i Jojariva i Elnatana uèitelje,
17 (And I commanded *Q(K)*) them to Iddo the chief in Casiphia the place and I put! in mouth their words to speak to Iddo brother his (the temple servants *Q(K)*) in Casiphia the place to bring to us servants for [the] house of God our.
I opravih ih k Idu poglavaru u mjestu Kasifiji, i nauèih ih šta æe govoriti Idu i braæi njegovoj Netinejima u mjestu Kasifiji da bi nam doveli sluge za dom Boga našega.
18 And they brought to us according to [the] hand of God our good on us a man of insight one of [the] descendants of Mahli [the] son of Levi [the] son of Israel and Sherebiah and sons his and brothers his eight-teen.
I dovedoše nam, jer dobra ruka Božija bješe nad nama, èovjeka razumna izmeðu sinova Malija sina Levija sina Izrailjeva, Sereviju sa sinovima njegovijem i braæom njegovom, njih osamnaest;
19 And Hashabiah and with him Jeshaiah one of [the] descendants of Merari brothers his and sons their twenty.
I Asaviju i s njim Isaiju od sinova Merarijevih, s braæom njegovom i njihovijem sinovima, njih dvadeset,
20 And some of the temple servants whom he had appointed David and the officials for [the] work of the Levites temple servants two hundred and twenty all of them they had been designated by names.
I od Netineja, koje odredi David i knezovi da služe Levitima, dvjesta i dvadeset Netineja, koji svi biše imenovani poimence.
21 And I proclaimed there a fast at the river Ahava to humble ourselves before God our to seek from him a journey straight for us and for little one[s] our and for all property our.
Tada oglasih ondje na rijeci Avi post, da bismo se ponizili pred Bogom svojim i izmolili u njega sreæan put sebi i djeci svojoj i svemu blagu svojemu.
22 For I was ashamed to ask from the king an escort and horsemen to help us from an enemy on the journey for we had said to the king saying [the] hand of God our [is] on all [those who] seek him for good and strength his and anger his [are] towards all [those who] forsake him.
Jer me bijaše stid iskati od cara vojske i konjika da nas brane od neprijatelja putem, jer bijasmo rekli caru govoreæi: ruka je Boga našega na dobro nad svima koji ga traže, i jaèina je njegova i gnjev na sve koji ga ostavljaju.
23 And we fasted! and we sought! from God our on this and he was entreated by us.
Tako postismo i molismo Boga svojega za to, i umolismo ga.
24 And I set apart! of [the] leaders of the priests two [plus] ten to Sherebiah Hashabiah and with them of brothers their ten.
Tada odvojih izmeðu glavara sveštenièkih dvanaest, Sereviju, Asaviju i s njima desetoricu braæe njihove.
25 (And I weighed out! *Q(k)*) to them the silver and the gold and the vessels [the] contribution of [the] house of God our which they had offered the king and counselors his and officials his and all Israel who were found.
I izmjerih im srebro i zlato i sudove, priloge domu Boga našega što priloži car i savjetnici njegovi i knezovi njegovi i sav narod Izrailjev koji se naðe;
26 And I weighed out! on hand their silver talents six hundred and fifty and vessels of silver one hundred of talents gold one hundred talent[s].
Izmjerih im u ruke šest stotina i pedeset talanata srebra, i sudova srebrnijeh sto talanata, i sto talanata zlata,
27 And bowls of gold twenty of darics a thousand and vessels of bronze gleaming fine two precious like gold.
I dvadeset èaša zlatnijeh od tisuæu drama, i dva suda od mjedi dobre i skupocjene kao zlato.
28 And I said! to them you [are] holy person[s] to Yahweh and the vessels [are] holy thing[s] and the silver and the gold [are] a freewill offering to Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your.
I rekoh im: vi ste sveti Gospodu i ovi su sudovi sveti, i ovo srebro i zlato dragovoljan je prilog Gospodu Bogu otaca vaših.
29 Watch and keep [them] until you will weigh [them] out before [the] leaders of the priests and the Levites and [the] leaders of the fathers of Israel in Jerusalem the rooms of [the] house of Yahweh.
Pazite i èuvajte dokle ne izmjerite pred glavarima sveštenièkim i Levitima i glavarima otaèkih domova Izrailjevijeh u Jerusalimu u klijetima doma Gospodnjega.
30 And they received the priests and the Levites [the] weight of the silver and the gold and the vessels to bring [them] to Jerusalem to [the] house of God our.
I tako primiše sveštenici i Leviti izmjereno srebro i zlato i sudove da odnesu u Jerusalim u dom Boga našega.
31 And we set out! from [the] river of Ahava on [day] two [plus] ten of the month first to go Jerusalem and [the] hand of God our it was on us and he delivered us from [the] hand of an enemy and from an ambusher on the journey.
I poðosmo od rijeke Ave dvanaestoga dana prvoga mjeseca da idemo u Jerusalim, i ruka Boga našega bijaše nad nama i izbavi nas iz ruku neprijateljskih i zasjedaèkih na putu.
32 And we came Jerusalem and we remained there days three.
I doðosmo u Jerusalim i stajasmo ondje tri dana.
33 And on the day fourth it was weighed out the silver and the gold and the vessels in [the] house of God our on [the] hand of Meremoth [the] son of Uriah the priest and with him Eleazar [the] son of Phinehas and with them Jozabad [the] son of Jeshua and Noadiah [the] son of Binnui the Levites.
A èetvrti dan izmjeri se srebro i zlato i sudovi u domu Boga našega u ruke Merimotu sinu Urijinu svešteniku, s kojim bijaše Eleazar sin Finesov, i s njima Jozavad sin Isusov i Noadija sin Venujev, Leviti.
34 By number by weight for everything and it was written down all the weight at the time that.
Sve na broj i na mjeru, i mjera bi zapisana od svega u isto vrijeme.
35 Those [who] had come from the captivity [the] children of the exile they brought near burnt offerings - to [the] God of Israel bulls two [plus] ten on all Israel rams - ninety and six lambs seventy and seven he-goats of sin offering two [plus] ten everything [was] a burnt offering to Yahweh.
I koji biše u ropstvu pa se vratiše iz ropstva prinesoše na žrtvu paljenicu Bogu Izrailjevu dvanaest junaca za svega Izrailja, devedeset i šest ovnova, sedamdeset i sedam jaganjaca, dvanaest jaraca za grijeh, sve to na žrtvu paljenicu Gospodu.
36 And they gave - [the] decrees of the king to [the] satraps of the king and [the] governors of beyond the River and they supported the people and [the] house of God.
I predaše zapovijesti careve namjesnicima carevijem i knezovima s ove strane rijeke, i oni potpomogoše narod i dom Božji.

< Ezra 8 >