< Ezekiel 40 >

1 In twenty and five year of exile our at [the] beginning of the year on the ten of the month in four-teen year after that it was struck down the city on [the] substance of - the day this it was on me [the] hand of Yahweh and he brought me there towards.
Na mokolo ya zomi ya sanza ya liboso, sima na biso kokokisa mibu tuku mibale na mitano wuta tango tokendeki na bowumbu, na ebandeli ya mobu, ezalaki mobu ya zomi na minei sima na kobebisama ya engumba Yelusalemi, kaka na mokolo wana, loboko ya Yawe ezalaki likolo na ngai, mpe amemaki ngai kuna.
2 In visions of God he brought me to [the] land of Israel and he set down me to a mountain high very and [was] on it like [the] structure of a city from [the] south.
Na nzela ya bimoniseli, Nzambe amemaki ngai kati na Isalaele mpe atiaki ngai na likolo ya ngomba moko ya molayi makasi; mpe na likolo ya ngomba yango, na ngambo ya sude, ezalaki na bandako batonga lokola engumba.
3 And he brought me there towards and there! a man appearance his [was] like [the] appearance of bronze and a cord of linen [was] in hand his and [the] reed of measurement and he [was] standing in the gate.
Tango amemaki ngai kuna, namonaki moto moko oyo lolenge na ye ezalaki lokola ebende ya bronze: atelemaki na ekuke ya engumba mpe asimbaki na loboko na ye singa moko ya lino mpe libaya oyo bamekelaka molayi.
4 And he spoke to me the man O son of humankind see with eyes your and with ears your hear and set heart your to all that I [am] about to show you for so as to show you you have been brought hither tell all that you [are] about to see to [the] house of Israel.
Moto yango alobaki na ngai: « Mwana na moto, tala na miso na yo mpe yoka na matoyi na yo! Sala keba na makambo nyonso oyo nakolakisa yo, pamba te ezali mpo na kolakisa yo yango nde namemaki yo na esika oyo. Yebisa libota ya Isalaele makambo nyonso oyo okomona. »
5 And there! a wall [was] from [the] outside of the house all around - all around and in [the] hand of the man [the] reed of the measurement [was] six cubits by the cubit and a hand breadth and he measured [the] breadth of the structure a reed one and [the] height a reed one.
Tala makambo oyo namonaki: mir moko ezingelaki lopango mobimba ya Tempelo. Kati na loboko ya moto yango, ezalaki na libaya oyo bamekelaka molayi: ezalaki na bametele pene misato na molayi. Tango amekaki yango, amonaki ete monene na yango mpe bosanda na yango ezalaki ya kokokana, ezalaki na bametele pene misato.
6 And he went to [the] gate which face its [was] [the] direction the east towards and he went up (on steps its *Q(K)*) and he measured - [the] threshold of the gate a reed one breadth and [the] threshold one a reed one breadth.
Akendeki na ekuke oyo etala na ngambo ya este, amataki na bibutelo na yango mpe amekaki molayi ya ekotelo ya ekuke: mokuse mpe molayi na yango ezalaki na bametele pene misato.
7 And the chamber a reed one length and a reed one breadth and between the chambers five cubits and [the] threshold of the gate from beside [the] porch of the gate from the inside a reed one.
Longwa na ekotelo kino na Tempelo, ezalaki na bandako mike ya bakengeli: misato na ngambo ya loboko ya mwasi mpe misato na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali; molayi na yango mpe mokuse na yango ezalaki na bametele pene misato. Molayi oyo ekabolaki ndako moko ya bakengeli mpe ndako mosusu ezalaki na bametele pene misato. Longwa na ekotelo ya ekuke oyo elandaki kino na ndako moke ya kokotela oyo etalana na Tempelo, ezalaki na bametele pene misato.
8 And he measured [the] porch of the gate from the inside a reed one.
Amekaki molayi ya ndako moke ya kokotela na ekuke na libaya oyo bamekelaka molayi:
9 And he measured [the] porch of the gate eight cubits (and pillars its *Q(K)*) two cubits and [the] porch of the gate [was] from the inside.
ezalaki na bametele pene minei. Makonzi na yango ezalaki pene na metele moko na monene; ndako moke ya kokotela ezalaki etala na ngambo ya Tempelo.
10 And [the] chambers of the gate [the] direction of the east three from here and three from here a measurement one [belonged] to [the] three of them and a measurement one [belonged] to the pillars from here and from here.
Ezalaki na bandako mike misato ya bakengeli, ngambo na ngambo, na ngambo ya ekuke ya este; bandako mike nyonso misato ezalaki ekokana, mpe molayi oyo ekabolaki ndako moko ya bakengeli na ndako mosusu, ngambo na ngambo, ezalaki mpe ekokana.
11 And he measured [the] breadth of [the] entrance of the gate ten cubits [the] length of the gate thir-teen cubits.
Amekaki molayi ya ekuke: mokuse na yango ezalaki na bametele pene mitano, mpe molayi na yango ezalaki na bametele pene motoba na basantimetele tuku mitano.
12 And a barrier before the chambers [was] a cubit one and [was] a cubit one a barrier from here and the chamber [was] six cubits from here and six cubits from here.
Liboso ya ndako moko na moko ya bakengeli, na bangambo nyonso mibale, ezalaki na mwa mir moko oyo ezalaki na bosanda ya basantimetele pene tuku mitano, mpe ngambo moko na moko ya bandako nyonso ya bakengeli ezalaki na bametele pene misato.
13 And he measured the gate from [the] roof of the chamber to roof its breadth twenty and five cubits entrance before entrance.
Amekaki molayi ya ekuke, longwa na suka ya mir ya sima ya ndako moko ya bakengeli kino na suka ya mir ya sima ya ndako ya bakengeli mosusu oyo etalana na yango, molayi na yango ezalaki na bametele pene zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano, longwa na suka moko kino na suka mosusu.
14 And he made pillars sixty cubit[s] and [was] to a pillar the courtyard the gate all around - all around.
Amekaki lisusu molayi ya bandako mike nyonso misato ya bakengeli elongo na molayi oyo ezalaki kokabola ndako moko ya moke mpe ndako mosusu: nyonso esalaki bametele pene zomi na mitano, longola veranda na yango.
15 And on [the] face of the gate (the entrance *Q(K)*) on before [the] porch of the gate inner fifty cubit[s].
Longwa na ebandeli ya ekuke kino na suka ya ndako moke ya kokotela, ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano.
16 And windows closed [were] to the chambers and to pillars their to within to the gate all around - all around and thus to the porches and windows [were] all around - all around to within and [were] to a pillar palm trees.
Bandako mike ya bakengeli elongo na makonzi na yango ezalaki na maninisa ya milayi mpo na kotalela libanda. Na likonzi moko na moko, basalaki bililingi ya banzete ya mbila.
17 And he brought me into the courtyard the outer and there! rooms and a pavement made for the courtyard all around - all around thirty rooms to the pavement.
Amemaki ngai lisusu kati na lopango ya libanda. Kuna, namonaki bashambre mpe mabanga moko babongisa malamu penza, na mabele ya lopango mobimba; na likolo ya mabanga oyo babongisa malamu, ezalaki na bashambre tuku misato.
18 And the pavement [was] to [the] side of the gates corresponding to [the] length of the gates the pavement lower.
Mabanga yango ezalaki suka na suka ya bikuke, mpe molayi na yango ezalaki ekokana na molayi ya bikuke.
19 And he measured [the] breadth from to before the gate lower to [the] front of the courtyard inner from outside a hundred cubit[s] the east and the north.
Amekaki molayi ya liboso ya ekuke ya se kino na liboso ya ekuke ya lopango ya kati: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mitano na ngambo ya este.
20 And the gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the north of the courtyard outer he measured length its and breadth its.
Bongo na ngambo ya nor, amekaki molayi mpe mokuse ya ekuke oyo etala na ngambo ya nor, ekuke oyo ememaka kino na lopango ya libanda.
21 (And chambers its *Q(K)*) three from here and three from here (and pillars its and porches its *Q(K)*) it was like [the] measurement of the gate first [was] fifty cubit[s] length its and [the] breadth [was] five and twenty by the cubit.
Ezalaki na bandako na yango ya mike ya bakengeli: misato na ngambo moko mpe misato na ngambo mosusu. Makonzi na yango mpe ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela ezalaki ndenge moko na ekuke ya liboso, na molayi mpe na mokuse: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi, mpe bametele pene zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
22 (And windows its and porches its and palm trees its *Q(K)*) [were] like [the] measurement of the gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the east and by steps seven people go up in it (and porches its *Q(K)*) [were] before them.
Maninisa na yango, ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela mpe bililingi na yango ya banzete ya mbila ezalaki ndenge moko na oyo ya ekuke ya ngambo ya este, na molayi mpe na mokuse. Mpo na kokota na ekuke yango, bazalaki komata na ematelo ya bibutelo sambo oyo ezalaki etalana na ndako moke ya kokotela.
23 And a gate to the courtyard inner [was] before the gate to the north and to the east and he measured from gate to gate a hundred cubit[s].
Ezalaki mpe lisusu na ekuke moko kati na lopango oyo ezalaki etalana na ekuke ya ngambo ya nor, ndenge kaka ezalaki na ngambo ya este. Amekaki molayi, longwa na ekuke ya liboso kino na ekuke oyo ezalaki etalana na yango: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mitano.
24 And he led me [the] direction of the south and there! a gate [the] direction of the south and he measured (pillars its and porches its *Q(K)*) according to the measurements these.
Amemaki ngai lisusu na ngambo ya sude, mpe namonaki ekuke moko oyo etala na ngambo ya sude; amekaki molayi ya makonzi mpe ya ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela: ezalaki ndenge moko na bikuke mosusu, na molayi mpe mokuse.
25 And windows [belonged] to it (and to porches its *Q(K)*) all around - all around like the windows these [was] fifty cubit[s] [the] length and [the] breadth [was] five and twenty cubit[s].
Ekuke mpe ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela ezalaki na maninisa ya milayi mpo na kotalela libanda lokola maninisa ya bikuke mosusu: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi mpe bametele pene zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
26 And [was] steps seven (stairways its and porches its *Q(K)*) [were] before them and palm trees [belonged] to it one from here and one from here to (pillars its. *Q(K)*)
Mpo na kokota na ekuke yango, bazalaki komata na ematelo ya bibutelo sambo oyo etalana na ndako moke ya kokotela. Bililingi ya nzete ya mbila ezalaki na makonzi na yango na bangambo nyonso.
27 And a gate [belonged] to the courtyard inner [the] direction of the south and he measured from gate to the gate [the] direction of the south a hundred cubits.
Lopango ya kati ezalaki na ekuke moko etala na ngambo ya sude. Boye, amekaki molayi na yango, longwa na ekuke wana kino na ekuke ya libanda na ngambo ya sude: ezalaki bametele pene tuku mitano.
28 And he brought me into a courtyard inner by [the] gate of the south and he measured the gate the south according to the measurements these.
Amemaki ngai na kati ya lopango ya kati, na nzela ya ekuke ya sude; amekaki molayi mpe mokuse ya ekuke ya ngambo ya sude: ezalaki ndenge moko kaka na bikuke mosusu.
29 (And chambers its and pillars its and porches its *Q(K)*) [were] according to the measurements these and windows [belonged] to it (and to porches its *Q(K)*) all around - all around [was] fifty cubit[s] [the] length and [the] breadth [was] twenty and five cubits.
Bandako na yango ya mike ya bakengeli, makonzi na yango mpe bandako na yango ya mike ya kokotela ezalaki ndenge moko na bikuke mosusu, na molayi mpe na mokuse. Ekuke mpe ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela ezalaki na maninisa ya milayi mpo na kotalela libanda: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi, mpe zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
30 And porches [were] all around - all around [the] length [was] five and twenty cubit[s] and [the] breadth [was] five cubits.
Bandako moke ya kokotela ya bikuke, zingazinga ya lopango, ezalaki na bametele pene zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na molayi, mpe bametele pene mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
31 (And porches its *Q(K)*) [was] to a courtyard outer and palm trees [were] to (pillars its *Q(K)*) and [was] steps eight (ascents its. *Q(K)*)
Ndako na yango ya kokotela ezalaki etalana na lopango ya libanda. Batiaki bililingi ya banzete ya mbila na makonzi na yango mpe ematelo na yango ezalaki na bibutelo mwambe.
32 And he brought me into the courtyard inner [the] direction of the east and he measured the gate according to the measurements these.
Amemaki ngai lisusu na lopango ya kati, na ngambo ya este, mpe amekaki molayi ya ekuke na yango: ezalaki ndenge moko na bikuke mosusu, na molayi mpe na mokuse.
33 (And chambers its and pillars its and porches its *Q(K)*) [were] according to the measurements these and windows [belonged] to it (and to porches its *Q(K)*) all around - all around [the] length [was] fifty cubit[s] and [the] breadth [was] five and twenty cubit[s].
Bandako na yango ya mike ya bakengeli, makonzi na yango mpe ndako na yango moke ya kokotela ezalaki ndenge moko na bikuke mosusu, na molayi mpe na mokuse. Ekuke mpe ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela ezalaki na maninisa ya milayi mpo na kotalela libanda: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi, mpe zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
34 (And porches its *Q(K)*) [were] to the courtyard outer and palm trees [were] to (pillars its *Q(K)*) from here and from here and [was] eight steps (ascents its. *Q(K)*)
Ndako na yango ya kokotela ezalaki etalana na lopango ya libanda na yango; ezalaki na bililingi ya banzete ya mbila na makonzi na yango, na bangambo nyonso, mpe ematelo na yango ezalaki na bibutelo mwambe.
35 And he brought me into [the] gate of the north and he measured according to the measurements these.
Amemaki ngai na ekuke ya ngambo ya nor mpe amekaki molayi na yango: ezalaki ndenge moko na bikuke mosusu, na molayi mpe na mokuse.
36 (Chambers its pillars its and porches its *Q(K)*) and windows [belonged] to it all around - all around [the] length [was] fifty cubit[s] and [the] breadth [was] five and twenty cubit[s].
Bandako na yango ya mike ya bakengeli, makonzi na yango mpe ndako na yango ya moke ya kokotela ezalaki mpe na maninisa ya milayi mpo na kotalela libanda: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi, mpe bametele pene zomi na mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na mokuse.
37 (And pillars its *Q(K)*) [were] to the courtyard outer and palm trees [were] to (pillars its *Q(K)*) from here and from here and [was] eight steps (ascents its. *Q(K)*)
Ndako na yango ya kokotela ezalaki etalana na lopango ya libanda; batiaki bililingi ya banzete ya mbila na makonzi na yango mpe ematelo na yango ezalaki na bibutelo mwambe.
38 And a room and entrance its [was] at pillars the gates there people rinse the burnt offering.
Bandako nyonso ya mike ya kokotela ezalaki na shambre moko epai wapi bazalaki kosukola mbeka ya kotumba; shambre yango ezalaki etalana na makonzi ya ekuke.
39 And [were] in [the] porch of the gate two tables from here and two tables from here to slaughter to them the burnt offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering.
Kati na ndako moke ya kokotela na ekuke, ezalaki na bamesa mibale, ngambo na ngambo, epai wapi bazalaki kobomela banyama mpo na mbeka ya kotumba, mbeka ya masumu mpe mbeka mpo na kozongisa boyokani.
40 And [were] to the side from outside for [one who] goes up to [the] entrance of the gate north-ward two tables and [were] to the side other which [was] to [the] porch of the gate two tables.
Pene ya mir ya libanda ya ndako moke ya kokotela na ekuke, pene ya ematelo ya ekotelo ya ekuke ya nor, ezalaki na bamesa minei na ngambo moko ya ematelo.
41 Four tables from here and four tables from here [were] to [the] side of the gate eight tables [which] to them people slaughter.
Liboso ya ekuke, ezalaki na bamesa mwambe oyo bazalaki kobomela bambeka: minei na ngambo moko mpe minei na ngambo mosusu.
42 And four tables for the burnt offering [were] stones of hewn [stone] [the] length [was] a cubit one and a half and [the] breadth [was] a cubit one and a half and [the] height [was] a cubit one to them so people may set down the equipment which people slaughtered the burnt offering by them and the sacrifice.
Ezalaki na bamesa minei oyo basala na mabanga bakata mpo na bambeka ya kotumba; bazalaki kosalela yango mpo na kotia bisalelo oyo babomelaka bambeka ya kotumba mpe bambeka mosusu. Bamesa yango nyonso ezalaki ndenge moko: na molayi, na mokuse mpe na bosanda; molayi na yango ezalaki na basantimetele pene tuku sambo na mitano, mokuse na yango ezalaki na basantimetele pene tuku sambo na mitano mpe bosanda na yango ezalaki na basantimetele tuku mitano.
43 And the hooks a hand breadth one [were] established in the inside all around - all around and [was] to the tables [the] flesh of the offering.
Batobolaki nzela moko ya basantimetele pene mwambe na zingazinga ya bamesa moko na moko; bazalaki kotia misuni ya bambeka na likolo ya bamesa yango.
44 And from [the] outside of the gate inner rooms of singers [were] in the courtyard inner which [was] to [the] side of [the] gate of the north and faces their [was] [the] direction of the south one [was] to [the] side of [the] gate of the east [the] faces of [the] direction of the north.
Na libanda ya ekuke ya kati, kati na lopango ya kati, ezalaki na bashambre mibale mpo na bayembi: moko ezalaki na ngambo ya ekuke ya nor, etalana na ngambo ya sude, mpe mosusu ezalaki na ngambo ya ekuke ya sude, etalana na ngambo ya nor.
45 And he spoke to me this the room which face its [is] [the] direction the south [is] for the priests [who] keep [the] charge of the house.
Moto yango alobaki na ngai: « Shambre oyo etala na ngambo ya sude ezali mpo na Banganga-Nzambe oyo basalaka mosala na Tempelo;
46 And the room which face its [is] [the] direction of the north [is] for the priests [who] keep [the] charge of the altar they [are] [the] sons of Zadok approaching from [the] sons of Levi to Yahweh to serve him.
mpe shambre oyo etala na ngambo ya nor ezali mpo na Banganga-Nzambe oyo basalaka mosala ya etumbelo. Kati na bakitani ya Levi, bana mibali ya Tsadoki kaka nde bakoki kokota na Tempelo mpo na kosala mosala liboso ya Yawe. »
47 And he measured the courtyard [the] length - [was] a hundred cubit[s] and [the] breadth [was] a hundred cubit[s] a square and the altar [was] before the house.
Amekaki molayi ya lopango: ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mitano na molayi mpe na mokuse. Etumbelo ezalaki liboso ya Tempelo.
48 And he brought me to [the] porch of the house and he measured a pillar of a porch five cubits from here and five cubits from here and [the] breadth of the gate [was] three cubits from here and three cubits from here.
Amemaki ngai na ndako moke ya kokotela na Tempelo mpe amekaki molayi ya makonzi na yango: ezalaki na bametele pene mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na bangambo nyonso; mokuse ya ekotelo ezalaki na bametele pene sambo, mpe bamir na yango ya mipanzi ezalaki na metele pene moko na basantimetele tuku mitano, ngambo na ngambo.
49 [the] length of The porch [was] twenty cubit[s] and [the] breadth [was] one [plus] ten cubit[s] and on the steps which people go up to it and columns to the pillars one from here and one from here.
Ndako moke ya kokotela ezalaki na bametele pene zomi na molayi, mpe motoba na mokuse. Bazalaki komata na ematelo ya bibutelo zomi mpo na kokota na ndako moke ya kokotela, na bangambo nyonso mibale. Batelemisaki likonzi moko na ngambo moko na moko ya ekotelo.

< Ezekiel 40 >