< Ezekiel 19 >

1 And you take up a lamentation because of [the] princes of Israel.
A ti narièi za knezovima Izrailjevijem;
2 And you will say what? [was] mother your a lioness between lions she lay down in among young lions she reared cubs her.
I reci: šta bješe mati tvoja? lavica; meðu lavovima ležaše, mlad svoju meðu lavovima hranjaše.
3 And she brought up one of cubs her a young lion it was and it learned to tear prey human[s] it devoured.
I othrani jedno mlade svoje, i posta laviæ, i nauèiv se loviti žderaše ljude.
4 And they heard concerning it nations in pit their it was caught and they brought it with hooks to [the] land of Egypt.
I èuše narodi za nj; uhvati se u jamu njihovu, i odvedoše ga u verigama u zemlju Misirsku.
5 And she saw that she waited it was lost hope her and she took one of cubs her a young lion she made it.
A ona kad vidje gdje se nada ali joj nad propade, uze jedno mlade svoje, i uèini od njega laviæa.
6 And it went about in among lions a young lion it was and it learned to tear prey human[s] it devoured.
I on iduæi meðu lavovima posta laviæ, i nauèi se loviti i žderaše ljude.
7 And it knew widows its and cities their it laid waste and it was desolate [the] land and what fills it from [the] sound of roaring its.
I pozna dvore njihove, i pustošaše gradove njihove tako da opustje zemlja i što je u njoj od rike njegove.
8 And they set on it nations all around from provinces and they spread out over it net their in pit their it was caught.
I ustaše na nj narodi iz okolnijeh zemalja, i razapeše mu mrežu svoju, i uhvati se u jamu njihovu.
9 And they put it in cage with hooks and they brought it to [the] king of Babylon they brought it in strongholds so that not it will be heard voice its again to [the] mountains of Israel.
I metnuše ga u krletku u verigama, i odvedoše ga caru Vavilonskom, i metnuše ga u grad da mu se više ne èuje glas po gorama Izrailjevijem.
10 Mother your like vine in blood your at water planted fruitful and full of branches it was from waters many.
Dok bijaše miran, mati tvoja bijaše kao vinova loza, posaðena kraj vode, rodna i granata bijaše od mnoge vode.
11 And they belonged to it branches of strength to scepters of rulers and it was lofty stature its above between branches and it was seen by height its by [the] abundance of branches its.
I bijahu na njoj jaki prutovi za palicu vladalaèku, i rastom svojim uzvisi se iznad gustijeh grana, i bi naoèita visinom svojom, mnoštvom grana svojih.
12 And it was plucked up in rage to the ground it was thrown down and [the] wind of the east it dried up fruit its they were torn off and they became dry [the] branch of strength its a fire it consumed it.
Ali bi išèupana u gnjevu i na zemlju baèena, i ustoka osuši rod njezin; polomiše se i posušiše se jaki prutovi njezini; oganj ih proždrije.
13 And now [it is] planted in the wilderness in a land dry and thirst.
A sada je posaðena u pustinji, u zemlji suhoj i bezvodnoj.
14 And it went out fire from [the] branch of shoots its fruit its it consumed and not it was in it a branch of strength a scepter to rule [is] a lamentation it and it has become a lamentation.
I izaðe oganj iz pruta grana njezinijeh i proždrije rod njezin da nema na njoj pruta jaka za palicu vladalaèku. To je naricanje, i biæe naricanje.

< Ezekiel 19 >