< Ezekiel 16 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 O son of humankind make known to Jerusalem abominations its.
Sine èovjeèji, pokaži Jerusalimu gadove njegove,
3 And you will say thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh to Jerusalem origins your and birth your [were] from [the] land of the Canaanite[s] father your [was] Amorite and mother your [was] a Hittite.
I reci: ovako veli Gospod Gospod Jerusalimu: postanjem i rodom ti si iz zemlje Hananske; otac ti bješe Amorejac a mati Hetejka.
4 And birth your on [the] day were born you not it was cut off umbilical cord your and with water not you were washed for cleansing and certainly not you were rubbed with salt and certainly not you were wrapped.
A o roðenju tvom, kad si se rodila, nije ti pupak odrezan i nijesi okupana vodom da bi bila èista, niti si solju natrvena ni pelenama povita.
5 Not it looked with compassion on you an eye to do for you one of these [things] for compassion on you and you were thrown out to [the] surface of the field in [the] loathing of life your on [the] day were born you.
Oko te ne požali da ti uèini što od toga i da ti se smiluje; nego ti bi baèena u polje, jer bijaše mrska duša tvoja onoga dana kad si se rodila.
6 And I passed by at you and I saw you kicking about in blood your and I said to you in blood your live and I said to you in blood your live.
I iduæi mimo tebe i vidjevši te gdje se valjaš u svojoj krvi, rekoh ti: da si živa u svojoj krvi! i opet ti rekoh: da si živa u svojoj krvi!
7 Ten thousand like [the] growth of the field I made you and you grew and you grew up and you came into adornment ornaments breasts they were firm and hair your it had grown and you [were] nakedness and bareness.
I uèinih da rasteš na tisuæe kao trava u polju; i ti naraste i posta velika i doðe do najveæe ljepote; dojke ti napupiše, i dlake te probiše; ali ti bijaše gola naga.
8 And I passed by at you and I saw you and there! time your [was] a time of love and I spread out [the] skirt of garment my over you and I covered nakedness your and I swore an oath to you and I came in a covenant with you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh and you belonged to me.
I iduæi mimo tebe pogledah te, i gle, godine ti bijahu godine za ljubljenje; i raširih skut svoj na te, i pokrih golotinju tvoju, i zakleh ti se i uèinih vjeru s tobom, govori Gospod Gospod, i ti posta moja.
9 And I washed you with water and I washed off blood your from on you and I anointed you with oil.
I okupah te vodom, i sprah s tebe krv tvoju, i pomazah te uljem.
10 And I clothed you multicolored cloth and I shod you leather and I wrapped head your with fine linen and I covered you silk.
I obukoh ti vezenu haljinu, i obuh ti crevlje od jazavca, i opasah te tankim platnom i zastrijeh te svilom.
11 And I ornamented you ornament[s] and I put! bracelets on hands your and a chain on neck your.
I nakitih te nakitom, i metnuh ti narukvice na ruke i grivnu oko vrata.
12 And I put a ring on nose your and earrings on ears your and a crown of beauty on head your.
I grivnu oko èela metnuh ti, i oboce u uši, slavan vijenac na glavu.
13 And you ornamented yourself gold and silver and clothing your ([was] fine linen *Q(K)*) and silk and multicolored cloth fine flour and honey and oil (you ate *Q(k)*) and you were beautiful with muchness muchness and you prospered into kingship.
I ti bijaše okiæena zlatom i srebrom, i odijelo ti bijaše od tankoga platna i od svile i vezeno, jeðaše bijelo brašno i med i ulje, i bijaše vrlo lijepa, i prispje do carstva.
14 And it went out of you name among the nations on beauty your for - [was] perfect it on splendor my which I had put on you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
I razide se glas o tebi po narodima radi ljepote tvoje, jer bješe savršena krasotom mojom, koju metnuh na te, govori Gospod Gospod.
15 And you trusted in beauty your and you acted as a prostitute on name your and you poured out prostitution your on every [one who] passed by to him let it belong.
Ali se ti osloni na ljepotu svoju, i prokurva se s glasa svojega, te si prosipala kurvarstvo svoje svakome koji prolažaše, i bivala si njegova.
16 And you took some of clothes your and you made for yourself high places multicolored and you acted as a prostitute on them not coming and not it will be.
I uzevši od haljina svojih naèinila si šarene visine, i kurvala si se na njima, kako nigda nije bilo niti æe biti.
17 And you took [the] articles of beauty your some of gold my and some of silver my which I had given to you and you made for yourself images of a male and you acted as a prostitute with them.
I uzevši krasni nakit svoj od moga zlata i od moga srebra što ti dadoh, naèinila si sebi muške likove, i kurvala si se s njima.
18 And you took [the] clothes of multicolored cloth your and you covered them and oil my and incense my (you put *Q(k)*) before them.
I uzevši vezene haljine svoje zaodjela si ih, i ulje moje i kad moj stavila si pred njih.
19 And food my which I had given to you fine flour and oil and honey [which] I had given to eat you and you put it before them to an odor of soothing and it was [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
I hljeb moj, koji ti dadoh, bijelo brašno i ulje i med, èim te hranjah, postavila si pred njih za miris ugodni. Tako je bilo, govori Gospod Gospod.
20 And you took sons your and daughters your whom you had borne to me and you sacrificed them to them to devour ¿ little (from prostitution your. *Q(K)*)
I uzimala si sinove svoje i kæeri svoje koje si rodila, i njih si im prinosila da se spale. Malo li bješe kurvarstva tvojega,
21 And you slaughtered children my and you gave them when made pass through them to them.
Te si i sinove moje klala i davala si ih da im se provedu kroz oganj?
22 And with all abominations your and prostitution your not (you remembered *Q(k)*) [the] days of youth your when were you nakedness and bareness kicking about in blood your you were.
I uza sve gadove svoje i kurvarstva svoja nijesi se opominjala dana mladosti svoje kad si bila gola i naga i valjala se u krvi svojoj.
23 And it was after all wickedness your woe! woe! to you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
I poslije sve zloæe svoje, teško, teško tebi! govori Gospod Gospod, )
24 And you built for yourself a mound and you made for yourself a high place in every open place.
Sagradila si sebi kuæu kurvarsku, i naèinila si sebi visine na svakoj ulici,
25 To every head of a road you built high place your and you made abominable beauty your and you opened wide feet your for every [one who] passed by and you increased (prostitution your. *Q(K)*)
Na svakoj rasputici naèinila si sebi visinu, i nagrdila si svoju ljepotu, i razmetala si noge svoje svakome koji prolažaše, i umnožila si kurvarstvo svoje.
26 And you acted as a prostitute to [the] people of Egypt neighbors your becoming great of flesh and you increased prostitution your to provoke to anger me.
Kurvala si se sa sinovima Misirskim, susjedima svojim velika tijela, i umnožila si kurvarstvo svoje da bi me razgnjevila.
27 And there! I stretched out hand my on you and I diminished allotment your and I gave you in [the] will of [those who] hate you [the] daughters of [the] Philistines who were ashamed from conduct your licentiousness.
Zato, gle, digoh ruku svoju na te i umalih obrok tvoj, i dadoh te na volju nenavidnicima tvojima, kæerima Filistejskim, koje bješe stid od sramotnoga puta tvojega.
28 And you acted as a prostitute to [the] people of Assyria from not satiety your and you acted as a prostitute with them and also not you were satisfied.
Kurvala si se sa sinovima Asirskim, jer se ne mogaše nasititi; kurvala si se s njima, i opet se nijesi nasitila.
29 And you increased prostitution your to a land of merchant[s] Chaldea towards and also by this not you were satisfied.
I umnožila si kurvarstvo svoje u zemlji Hananskoj dori do Haldejske, i ni tako se nijesi nasitila.
30 How! hot [is] anger your [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh when do you all these [things] [the] deed[s] of a woman a prostitute imperious.
Kako je iznemoglo srce tvoje, govori Gospod Gospod, kad èiniš sve što èini najgora kurva,
31 When built you mound your at [the] head of every road and high place your (you made *Q(k)*) in every open place and not (you were *Q(k)*) like prostitute to scorn [the] hire of a prostitute.
Kad si gradila kurvarsku kuæu na svakoj rasputici i èinila visinu na svakoj ulici! A ni kao kurva nijesi, jer nijesi marila za platu;
32 O wife adulterous [who] in place of husband her she takes strangers.
Nego kao žena preljuboèinica, koja mjesto muža svoga prima druge.
33 To all prostitutes men give a gift and you you have given gift your to all lovers your and you have bribed them to come to you from round about by prostitution your.
Svijem kurvama daje se plata, a ti si davala platu svijem milosnicima svojim i darivala si ih da dolaze k tebi sa svijeh strana da se kurvaju s tobom.
34 And it was in you contrariness from the women in prostitution your and after you not it was approached for prostitution and because gave you [the] hire of a prostitute and [the] hire of a prostitute not it was given to you and you became contrariness.
I tako je u tebe naopako prema ženama u tvom kurvarstvu: jer niko ne ide za tobom da se kurva, i ti daješ platu, a ne daje se tebi plata; to je naopako.
35 Therefore O prostitute hear [the] word of Yahweh.
Zato, kurvo, èuj rijeè Gospodnju.
36 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because was poured out lust your and it was uncovered nakedness your in prostitution your with lovers your and on all [the] idols of abominations your and according to [the] blood of children your which you gave to them.
Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: što se otrov tvoj prosu, i što se u kurvanju tvom otkrivala golotinja tvoja tvojim milosnicima i svijem gadnijem idolima tvojim, i za krv sinova tvojih, koje si im dala,
37 Therefore here I [am] about to gather all lovers your whom you were pleasing to them and all [those] whom you loved to all [those] whom you hated and I will gather them on you from round about and I will uncover nakedness your to them and they will see all nakedness your.
Zato, evo, ja æu skupiti sve milosnike tvoje, s kojima si se milovala, i sve koje si ljubila, i sve na koje si mrzila, skupiæu ih sve oko tebe, i otkriæu im golotinju tvoju da vide svu golotinju tvoju.
38 And I will judge you judgments of adulteresses and [women who] shed blood and I will put on you blood of rage and jealousy.
I sudiæu ti kako se sudi onima koje èine preljubu i onima koje krv proljevaju, i daæu te na smrt gnjevu i revnosti.
39 And I will give you in hand their and they will tear down mound your and they will be broken down high places your and they will strip off you clothes your and they will take [the] articles of beauty your and they will leave you nakedness and bareness.
I predaæu te u njihove ruke, te æe razoriti tvoju kuæu kurvarsku i raskopati visine tvoje, i svuæi æe haljine s tebe, i uzeæe ti krasni nakit i ostaviæe te golu nagu.
40 And they will bring up on you a company and they will stone you with stone[s] and they will cut to pieces you with swords their.
I dovešæe na te ljudstvo, te æe te zasuti kamenjem, i izbošæe te maèevima svojim.
41 And they will burn houses your with fire and they will bring about on you judgments to [the] eyes of women many and I will cause to cease you from a prostitute and also [the] hire of a prostitute not you will give again.
I popaliæe kuæe tvoje ognjem, i izvršiæe na tebi sud pred mnogim ženama, i uèiniæu te æeš se okaniti kurvanja i neæeš više davati plate.
42 And I will give rest to rage my on you and it will turn aside jealousy my from you and I will be at peace and not I will be angry again.
I namiriæu gnjev svoj nad tobom, i revnost æe se moja ukloniti od tebe, i umiriæu se, i neæu se više gnjeviti.
43 Because that not (you remembered *Q(k)*) [the] days of youth your and you were enraged to me in all these [things] and also I there! conduct your - on [the] head I will requite [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh and not (did you do? *Q(k)*) the licentiousness to all abominations your.
Zato što se nijesi opominjala dana mladosti svoje, nego si me dražila svijem tijem, zato, evo, i ja æu obratiti put tvoj na tvoju glavu, govori Gospod Gospod, te neæeš èiniti grdila niti kakvih gadova svojih.
44 There! every [one who] speaks a proverb on you he will speak a proverb saying [is] like mother her daughter her.
Gle, ko god govori prièe, govoriæe o tebi prièu, i reæi æe: kaka mati, taka joj kæi.
45 [are] [the] daughter of Mother your you [who] loathed husband her and children her and [are] [the] sister of sister your you who they loathed husbands their and children their mother your [was] a Hittite and father your [was] an Amorite.
Ti si kæi matere svoje, koja se odmetnula muža svojega i djece svoje, i sestra si sestara svojih, koje se odmetnuše muževa svojih i djece svoje, mati vam je Hetejka a otac Amorejac.
46 And sister your old [was] Samaria she and daughters her who dwelt on north your and sister your young more than you who dwelt from south your [was] Sodom and daughters her.
A starija ti je sestra Samarija s kæerima svojim, koja ti sjedi s lijeve strane, a mlaða ti je sestra koja ti sjedi s desne strane Sodom sa kæerima svojim.
47 And not in ways their did you walk? and in abominations their (did you do? *Q(k)*) like a little only and you behaved corruptly more than them in all ways your.
A ti ni njihovijem putem nijesi hodila, niti si èinila po njihovijem gadovima, kao da ti to bješe malo, nego si bila gora od njih na svijem putovima svojim.
48 [by] [the] life Of me [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh if she did Sodom sister your she and daughters her just as you have done you and daughters your.
Tako ja živ bio, govori Gospod Gospod, sestra tvoja Sodom i kæeri njezine nijesu èinile kako si èinila ti i tvoje kæeri.
49 Here! this it was [the] iniquity of Sodom sister your pride surfeit of food and ease of quietness it belonged to her and to daughters her and [the] hand of [the] poor and [the] needy not she strengthened.
Evo, ovo bješe bezakonje sestre tvoje Sodoma: u ponosu, u izobilju hljeba i bezbrižnom miru bješe ona i kæeri njezine, a ne pomagahu siromahu i ubogome;
50 And they were haughty and they did abomination before me and I removed them just when I saw.
Nego se ponašahu i èinjahu gadove preda mnom, zato ih zatrh kad vidjeh.
51 And Samaria according to [the] half of sins your not it sinned and you have increased abominations your more than them and you have made appear righteous (sisters your *Q(K)*) by all abominations your which (you have done. *Q(k)*)
Samarija nije zgriješila ni pola koliko ti, jer si poèinila gadova svojih više nego one, te si opravdala sestre svoje svijem gadovima svojim koje si uèinila.
52 Also you - bear disgrace your that you have mediated for sister your by sins your which you have acted abominably more than them they are righteous more than you and also you be ashamed and bear disgrace your because have made appear righteous you sisters your.
I ti dakle, koja si sudila sestrama svojim, nosi sramotu svoju za grijehe svoje, kojima si postala grða od njih; one su pravednije od tebe; i ti se dakle stidi i nosi sramotu, kad si opravdala sestre svoje.
53 And I will turn back captivity their ([the] captivity of *Q(k)*) Sodom and daughters her and ([the] captivity of *Q(k)*) Samaria and daughters her (and [the] captivity of *Q(k)*) captivities your in midst of them.
Ako dovedeš natrag njihovo roblje, roblje Sodomsko i kæeri njezinijeh, i roblje Samarijsko i kæeri njezinijeh, dovešæu i tvoje roblje iz ropstva meðu njima,
54 So that you may bear disgrace your and you will be ashamed from all that you have done when comfort you them.
Da nosiš sramotu svoju i da se stidiš za sve što si èinila, i da im budeš utjeha.
55 And sisters your Sodom and daughters her they will return to former state their and Samaria and daughters her they will return to former state their and you and daughters your you will return to former state your.
Ako se sestre tvoje, Sodom i kæeri njezine povrate kao što su bile, i ako se Samarija i kæeri njezine povrate kao što su bile, povratiæeš se i ti i kæeri tvoje kao što ste bile.
56 And not did she become? Sodom sister your a mention in mouth your in [the] day of pride your.
Jer usta tvoja ne pominjaše Sodoma sestre tvoje u vrijeme oholosti tvoje,
57 Before it was uncovered wickedness your like [the] time of [the] reproach of [the] daughters of Aram and all around it [the] daughters of [the] Philistines who despise you from round about.
Prije nego se otkri zloæa tvoja kao u vrijeme sramote od kæeri Sirskih i od svijeh što su oko njih, kæeri Filistejskih, koje te sramoæahu sa svijeh strana.
58 Licentiousness your and abominations your you you will bear them [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Nosi nevaljalstvo svoje i gadove svoje, govori Gospod.
59 That thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh (and I will deal with *Q(K)*) with you just as you have done [you] who you despised an oath by breaking a covenant.
Jer ovako veli Gospod Gospod: uèiniæu ti kako si ti uèinila prezrevši zakletvu i prestupivši zavjet.
60 And I will remember I covenant my with you in [the] days of youth your and I will establish for you a covenant of perpetuity.
Ali æu se ja opomenuti zavjeta svojega koji sam uèinio s tobom u vrijeme mladosti tvoje, i utvrdiæu ti vjeèan zavjet.
61 And you will remember ways your and you will be ashamed when receive you sisters your old more than you to young more than you and I will give them to you to daughters and not from covenant your.
Tada æeš se opomenuti putova svojih i postidjeæeš se kad primiš sestre svoje starije od sebe i mlaðe, koje æu ti dati za kæeri, ali ne po tvom zavjetu.
62 And I will establish I covenant my with you and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
I ja æu utvrditi svoj zavjet s tobom, i poznaæeš da sam ja Gospod.
63 So that you may remember and you will be ashamed and not it will belong to you again an opening of a mouth because of disgrace your when make atonement I for you for all that you have done [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Da se opomeneš i postidiš i da ne otvoriš više usta od sramote, kad ti oprostim sve što si uèinila, govori Gospod Gospod.

< Ezekiel 16 >