< Ezekiel 13 >

1 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
Opet mi doðe rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 O son of humankind prophesy against [the] prophets of Israel who are prophesying and you will say to [the] prophets from own heart their hear [the] word of Yahweh.
Sine èovjeèji, prorokuj protiv proroka Izrailjevijeh koji prorokuju, i reci tijem koji prorokuju iz svoga srca: èujte rijeè Gospodnju.
3 Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh woe! on the prophets the fools who [are] walking after own spirit their and to not they have seen.
Ovako govori Gospod Gospod: teško ludijem prorocima koji idu za svojim duhom a ništa nijesu vidjeli.
4 Like foxes among ruins prophets your O Israel they have been.
Proroci su tvoji, Izrailju, kao lisice po pustinjama.
5 Not you have gone up in the breaches and you have walled up a wall on [the] house of Israel to stand in the battle on [the] day Yahweh.
Ne izlazite na prolome i ne ograðujete doma Izrailjeva da bi se održao u boju u dan Gospodnji.
6 They have seen worthlessness and divination of falsehood those [who] say [the] utterance of Yahweh and Yahweh not he has sent them and they have waited to fulfill a word.
Vide taštinu i gatanje lažno, pa govore: Gospod kaže, a Gospod ih nije poslao, i daju nad da æe se rijeè ispuniti.
7 ¿ Not a vision of worthlessness have you seen and divination of falsehood have you said? and [you were] saying [the] utterance of Yahweh and I not I have spoken.
Ne viðate li taštu utvaru i ne govorite li lažno gatanje? a opet kažete: Gospod reèe; a ja ne rekoh.
8 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh because have spoken you worthlessness and you have seen falsehood therefore here I [am] against you [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: zato što govorite taštinu i vidite laž, zato evo mene na vas, govori Gospod Gospod.
9 And it will be hand my against the prophets who see worthlessness and who divine falsehood in [the] council of people my not they will be and in [the] register of [the] house of Israel not they will be written down and into [the] land of Israel not they will go and you will know that I [am the] Lord Yahweh.
I ruka æe moja biti protiv proroka koji vide taštinu i gataju laž; neæe ih biti u zboru naroda moga, i u prijepisu doma Izrailjeva neæe biti zapisani, niti æe doæi u zemlju Izrailjevu; i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod Gospod.
10 Because and by cause they have led astray people my saying peace and there not [is] peace and he [is] building a wall and there they [are] plastering it whitewash.
Zato, zato što prelastiše narod moj govoreæi: mir je, a mira ne bješe; i jedan ozida zid, a drugi ga namazaše kreèem nevaljalijem;
11 Say to [the] plasterers of whitewash so it may fall it will come - rain overflowing and you O stones of hail you will fall and a wind of tempests it will break through [the wall].
Reci onijem što mažu nevaljalijem kreèem da æe pasti; doæi æe silan dažd, i vi, kamenje velikoga grada, pašæete i oluja æe razvaliti.
12 And there! it has fallen the wall ¿ not will it be said to you where? [is] the plaster which you plastered.
I gle, kad padne zid, neæe li vam se reæi: gdje je kreè kojim mazaste?
13 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh and I will make break out a wind of tempests in rage my and rain overflowing in anger my it will come and stones of hail in rage for complete destruction.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: razvaliæu olujom u gnjevu svom, i silan æe dažd doæi u gnjevu mom, i kamenje velikoga grada u jarosti mojoj da potre.
14 And I will tear down the wall which you plastered whitewash and I will make touch it the ground and it will be uncovered foundation[s] its and it will fall and you will come to an end in [the] midst of it and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
I razvaliæu zid koji namazaste nevaljalijem kreèem, i oboriæu ga na zemlju da æe mu se otkriti temelj, i pašæe, i vi æete izginuti usred njega, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.
15 And I will complete rage my on the wall and on [those who] plastered it whitewash so I may say to you there not [is] the wall and there [are] not those [who] plastered it.
I tako æu navršiti gnjev svoj na zidu i na onima koji ga mažu kreèem nevaljalijem, i reæi æu vam: nema zida, niti onijeh koji ga mazaše,
16 [the] prophets of Israel who prophesied concerning Jerusalem and who saw for it a vision of peace and there not [was] peace [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
Proroka Izrailjevijeh koji prorokuju Jerusalimu i vide mu utvare za mir, a mira nema, govori Gospod Gospod.
17 And you O son of humankind set face your against [the] daughters of people your who prophesy from own heart their and prophesy on them.
A ti, sine èovjeèji, okreni lice svoje prema kæerima naroda svojega, koje prorokuju iz svoga srca, i prorokuj protiv njih.
18 And you will say thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh woe! to [women who] sew bands on - all [the] joints of hands my and [women who] make the long veils on [the] head of every stature to hunt persons ¿ persons will you hunt of people my and persons of yourself will you preserve alive?
I reci: ovako veli Gospod Gospod: teško onima koje šiju uzglavlja pod sve laktove i grade pokrivala na glavu svakoga rasta da love duše. Lovite duše mojega naroda, a svoje li æete duše saèuvati?
19 And you have profaned me to people my for handfuls of barley and for fragments of bread by putting to death persons who not they will die and by preserving alive persons who not they will live when speak falsehood you to people my [who] listen to falsehood.
I skvrnite me kod naroda mojega za grst jeèma i za zalogaj hljeba ubijajuæi duše, koje ne bi trebalo da umru, i èuvajuæi u životu duše koje ne treba da žive, lažuæi narodu mojemu, koji sluša laž.
20 Therefore thus he says - [the] Lord Yahweh here I [am] against bands your which you [are] hunting there the persons for birds and I will tear away them from on arms your and I will set free the persons whom you [are] hunting persons for birds.
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: evo mene na vaša uzglavlja, na koja lovite duše da vam dolijeæu, i poderaæu ih ispod lakata vaših, i pustiæu duše koje lovite da vam dolijeæu.
21 And I will tear away long veils your and I will deliver people my from hand your and not they will become again in hand your prey and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
I poderaæu pokrivala vaša i izbaviæu svoj narod iz vaših ruku, i neæe više biti u vašim rukama da vam budu lov, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.
22 Because disheartened [the] heart of [the] righteous falsehood and I not I caused pain him and to strengthen [the] hands of [the] wicked to not to turn back from way his evil to preserve alive him.
Jer žalostiste lažju srce pravedniku, kojega ja ne ožalostih, i krijepiste ruke bezbožniku da se ne vrati sa svoga zloga puta da se saèuva u životu.
23 Therefore worthlessness not you will see and divination not you will divine again and I will deliver people my from hand your and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Zato neæete viðati taštine i neæete više gatati, nego æu izbaviti narod svoj iz vaših ruku, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.

< Ezekiel 13 >