< Exodus 3 >

1 And Moses he was pasturing [the] flock of Jethro father-in-law his [the] priest of Midian and he drove the flock behind the wilderness and he came to [the] mountain of God Horeb towards.
A Mojsije pasijaše stado Jotoru tastu svojemu, svešteniku Madijamskomu, i odvede stado preko pustinje, i doðe na goru Božiju Horiv.
2 And he appeared [the] angel of Yahweh to him in a flame of fire from [the] middle of the bush and he saw and there! the bush [was] burning with fire and the bush not it [was] consumed.
I javi mu se anðeo Gospodnji u plamenu ognjenom iz kupine. I pogleda, a to kupina ognjem gori a ne sagorijeva.
3 And he said Moses I will turn aside please so I may see the sight great this why? not is it burning the bush.
I Mojsije reèe: idem da vidim tu utvaru veliku, zašto ne sagorijeva kupina.
4 And he saw Yahweh that he had turned aside to look and he called to him God from [the] middle of the bush and he said O Moses Moses and he said here [am] I.
A Gospod kad ga vidje gdje ide da vidi, viknu ga Bog iz kupine, i reèe: Mojsije! Mojsije! A on odgovori: evo me.
5 And he said may not you draw near here take off sandals your from on feet your for the place which you [are] standing on it [is] ground of holiness it.
A Bog reèe: ne idi ovamo. Izuj obuæu svoju s nogu svojih, jer je mjesto gdje stojiš sveta zemlja.
6 And he said I [am] [the] God of father your [the] God of Abraham [the] God of Isaac and [the] God of Jacob and he hid Moses face his for he was afraid from looking to God.
Još reèe: ja sam Bog oca tvojega, Bog Avramov, Bog Isakov i Bog Jakovljev. A Mojsije zakloni lice svoje, jer ga strah bijaše gledati u Boga.
7 And he said Yahweh certainly I have seen [the] affliction of people my which [is] in Egypt and cry of distress their I have heard because of taskmasters its for I know pains its.
I reèe Gospod: dobro vidjeh nevolju naroda svojega u Misiru, i èuh viku njegovu od zla koje mu èine nastojnici, jer poznah muku njegovu.
8 And I have come down to deliver it - from [the] hand of Egypt and to bring up it from the land that into a land good and spacious into a land flowing of milk and honey to [the] place of the Canaanite[s] and the Hittite[s] and the Amorite[s] and the Perizzite[s] and the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s].
I siðoh da ga izbavim iz ruku Misirskih, i da ga izvedem iz one zemlje u zemlju dobru i prostranu, u zemlju gdje mlijeko i med teèe, na mjesto gdje su Hananeji i Heteji i Amoreji i Ferezeji i Jeveji i Jevuseji.
9 And now there! [the] cry of distress of [the] people of Israel it has come to me and also I have seen the oppression which Egypt [are] oppressing them.
I sada evo vika sinova Izrailjevijeh doðe preda me, i vidjeh muku, kojom ih muèe Misirci.
10 And therefore go! and I will send you to Pharaoh and bring out people my [the] people of Israel from Egypt.
Sada hajde da te pošljem k Faraonu, da izvedeš narod moj, sinove Izrailjeve, iz Misira.
11 And he said Moses to God who? [am] I that I will go to Pharaoh and that I will bring out [the] people of Israel from Egypt.
A Mojsije reèe Bogu: ko sam ja da idem k Faraonu i da izvedem sinove Izrailjeve iz Misira?
12 And he said that I will be with you and this for you [will be] the sign that I I sent you when bringing out you the people from Egypt you will serve! God on the mountain this.
A Bog mu reèe: ja æu biti s tobom, i ovo neka ti bude znak da sam te ja poslao: kad izvedeš narod iz Misira, služiæete Bogu na ovoj gori.
13 And he said Moses to God here! I [am] about to go to [the] people of Israel and I will say to them [the] God of ancestors your he has sent me to you and they will say to me what? [is] name his what? will I say to them.
A Mojsije reèe Bogu: evo, kad otidem k sinovima Izrailjevijem, pa im reèem: Bog otaca vaših posla me k vama, ako mi reku: kako mu je ime? šta æu im kazati?
14 And he said God to Moses I am [that] which I am and he said thus you will say to [the] people of Israel I am he has sent me to you.
A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: ja sam onaj što jest. I reèe: tako æeš kazati sinovima Izrailjevijem: koji jest, on me posla k vama.
15 And he said again God to Moses thus you will say to [the] people of Israel Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your [the] God of Abraham [the] God of Isaac and [the] God of Jacob he has sent me to you this [is] name my for ever and this [is] memorial my to a generation generation.
I opet reèe Bog Mojsiju: ovako kaži sinovima Izrailjevijem: Gospod Bog otaca vaših, Bog Avramov, Bog Isakov i Bog Jakovljev posla me k vama; to je ime moje dovijeka, i to je spomen moj od koljena na koljeno.
16 Go and you will gather [the] elders of Israel and you will say to them Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your he appeared to me [the] God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob saying certainly I have observed you and the [thing] done to you in Egypt.
Idi, i skupi starješine Izrailjske, pa im reci: Gospod Bog otaca vaših javi mi se, Bog Avramov, Isakov i Jakovljev, govoreæi: doista obidoh vas, i vidjeh kako vam je u Misiru.
17 And I have said I will bring up you from [the] affliction of Egypt into [the] land of the Canaanite[s] and the Hittite[s] and the Amorite[s] and the Perizzite[s] and the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s] into a land flowing of milk and honey.
Pa rekoh: izvešæu vas iz nevolje Misirske u zemlju Hananejsku i Hetejsku i Amorejsku i Ferezejsku i Jevejsku i Jevusejsku, u zemlju gdje teèe mlijeko i med.
18 And they will listen to voice your and you will go you and [the] elders of Israel to [the] king of Egypt and you will say to him Yahweh [the] God of the Hebrews he has met with us and therefore let us go please a journey of three days in the wilderness and let us sacrifice to Yahweh God our.
I oni æe poslušati glas tvoj; pa æeš ti i starješine Izrailjske otiæi k caru Misirskom, i reæi æete mu: Gospod Bog Jevrejski srete nas, pa ti se molimo da izidemo tri dana hoda u pustinju da prinesemo žrtvu Gospodu Bogu svojemu.
19 And I I know that not he will permit you [the] king of Egypt to go and not by a hand strong.
A ja znam da vam neæe dopustiti car Misirski da izidete bez ruke krjepke.
20 And I will stretch out hand my and I will strike Egypt with all wonders my which I will do in midst its and after thus he will let go you.
Ali æu pružiti ruku svoju, i udariæu Misir svijem èudesima svojim, koja æu uèiniti u njemu: i poslije æe vas pustiti.
21 And I will give [the] favor of the people this in [the] eyes of Egypt and it will be that you will go! not you will go empty.
I uèiniæu da narod naðe ljubav u Misiraca, pa kad poðete, neæete poæi prazni;
22 And she will ask [each] woman from [female] neighbor her and from [the] [female] sojourner of house her articles of silver and articles of gold and clothes and you will put [them] on sons your and on daughters your and you will plunder Egypt.
Nego æe svaka žena zaiskati u susjede svoje i u domaæice svoje nakita srebrnoga i nakita zlatnoga i haljina; i metnuæete na sinove svoje i na kæeri svoje, i oplijeniæete Misir.

< Exodus 3 >