< Exodus 10 >

1 And he said Yahweh to Moses go to Pharaoh for I I have made heavy heart his and [the] heart of servants his so as to perform I signs my these in midst his.
A Gospod reèe Mojsiju: idi k Faraonu, jer sam ja uèinio da otvrdne srce njegovo i srce sluga njegovijeh, da uèinim ove znake svoje meðu njima,
2 And so that you may recount in [the] ears of son your and [the] son of son your how I have dealt ruthlessly with Egypt and signs my which I performed among them and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
I da pripovijedaš sinovima svojim i unucima svojim šta uèinih u Misiru i kakve znake svoje pokazah na njima, da biste znali da sam ja Gospod.
3 And he went Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and they said to him thus he says Yahweh [the] God of the Hebrews until when? have you refused to humble yourself from before me let go people my so they may serve me.
I otide Mojsije i Aron k Faraonu, i rekoše mu: ovako veli Gospod Bog Jevrejski: dokle æeš se protiviti da se ne poniziš preda mnom? Pusti narod moj da mi posluži.
4 That except [are] refusing you to let go people my here I [am] about to bring tomorrow locust[s] in territory your.
Jer ako neæeš pustiti naroda mojega, evo sjutra æu nanijeti skakavce na zemlju tvoju;
5 And it will cover [the] eye of the land and not anyone will be able to see the ground and it will eat - [the] remainder of the escaped thing which remains to you from the hail and it will eat every tree that is sprouting for you from the field.
I pokriæe svu zemlju da se neæe vidjeti zemlje, i poješæe ostatak što se saèuvao, koji vam je ostao iza grada, i poješæe sva drveta što vam rastu u polju.
6 And they will be full houses your and [the] houses of all servants your and [the] houses of all Egypt which not they saw ancestors your and [the] ancestors of ancestors your from [the] day were they on the land until the day this and he turned and he went out from with Pharaoh.
I napuniæe ih se kuæe tvoje i kuæe svijeh sluga tvojih i kuæe svijeh Misiraca, što nijesu vidjeli oci tvoji ni oci otaca tvojih, otkako su postali na zemlji do danas. I okrenuv se otide od Faraona.
7 And they said [the] servants of Pharaoh to him until when? will he become this [man] for us a snare let go the people so they may serve Yahweh God their ¿ not yet do you know that it will perish Egypt.
A sluge rekoše Faraonu: dokle æe nas taj muèiti? Pusti ih neka posluže Gospodu Bogu svojemu. Zar još ne vidiš gdje propade Misir?
8 And he was brought back Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and he said to them go serve Yahweh God your who? and who? [are] the [ones] going.
I dozvaše opet Mojsija i Arona pred Faraona, i reèe im: idite, poslužite Gospodu Bogu svojemu. A koji su što æe iæi?
9 And he said Moses with young men our and with old [men] our we will go with sons our and with daughters our with flock[s] our and with herds our we will go for festival of Yahweh [will belong] to us.
A Mojsije reèe: s djecom svojom i sa starcima svojim iæi æemo, sa sinovima svojim i sa kæerima svojim, sa stokom svojom sitnom i krupnom iæi æemo, jer imamo praznik Gospodnji.
10 And he said to them may he be thus Yahweh with you just as I will let go you and little one[s] your see that evil [is] before faces your.
A on im reèe: tako bio Gospod s vama, kako æu vas ja pustiti s djecom vašom! Vidite da zlo mislite.
11 Not so go please the men and serve Yahweh for it you [are] requesting and someone drove out them from with [the] face of Pharaoh.
Neæe biti tako; nego vi ljudi idite i poslužite Gospodu, jer to ištete. I otjera ih od sebe Faraon.
12 And he said Yahweh to Moses stretch out hand your over [the] land of Egypt for the locust[s] so may it come up on [the] land of Egypt so it may eat all [the] vegetation of the land all that it left over the hail.
Tada reèe Gospod Mojsiju: pruži ruku svoju na zemlju Misirsku, da doðu skakavci na zemlju Misirsku i pojedu sve bilje po zemlji, što god osta iza grada.
13 And he stretched out Moses staff his over [the] land of Egypt and Yahweh he drove a wind of [the] east in the land all the day that and all the night the morning it was and [the] wind of the east it carried the locust[s].
I pruži Mojsije štap svoj na zemlju Misirsku, i Gospod navede ustoku na zemlju, te duva cijeli dan i cijelu noæ; a kad svanu, donese ustoka skakavce.
14 And it came up the locust[s] on all [the] land of Egypt and it settled down in all [the] territory of Egypt heavy very before it not it had been thus locust[s] like it and after it not it will be thus.
I doðoše skakavci na svu zemlju Misirsku, i popadaše po svijem krajevima Misirskim silni veoma, kakih prije nigda nije bilo niti æe kad biti onakih.
15 And it covered [the] eye of all the land and it grew dark the land and it ate all [the] vegetation of the land and all [the] fruit of the tree[s] which it had left over the hail and not it was left behind any greenery on the tree[s] and on [the] vegetation of the field in all [the] land of Egypt.
I pokriše svu zemlju, da se zemlja ne viðaše, i pojedoše svu travu na zemlji i sav rod na drvetima, što osta iza grada, i ne osta ništa zeleno od drveta i od bilja poljskoga u svoj zemlji Misirskoj.
16 And he hurried Pharaoh to summon Moses and Aaron and he said I have sinned to Yahweh God your and to you.
Tada Faraon brže dozva Mojsija i Arona, i reèe: zgriješih Gospodu Bogu vašemu i vama.
17 And therefore forgive please sin my only this time and pray to Yahweh God your so may he remove from on me only the death this.
Ali mi još sada samo oprosti grijeh moj, i molite se Gospodu Bogu svojemu da ukloni od mene samo ovu smrt.
18 And he went out from with Pharaoh and he prayed to Yahweh.
I otide Mojsije od Faraona, i pomoli se Gospodu.
19 And he turned Yahweh a wind west strong very and it carried away the locust[s] and it blew it [the] sea of towards reed[s] not it remained a locust one in all [the] territory of Egypt.
I okrenu Gospod vjetar od zapada vrlo jak, koji uze skakavce i baci ih u Crveno More, i ne osta nijedan skakavac u cijeloj zemlji Misirskoj.
20 And he made strong Yahweh [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he let go [the] people of Israel.
Ali Gospod uèini te otvrdnu srce Faraonu, i ne pusti sinova Izrailjevijeh.
21 And he said Yahweh to Moses stretch out hand your to the heavens so may it be darkness over [the] land of Egypt so they may feel darkness.
I reèe Gospod Mojsiju: pruži ruku svoju k nebu, i biæe tama po zemlji Misirskoj taka da æe je pipati.
22 And he stretched out Moses hand his to the heavens and it was darkness of darkness in all [the] land of Egypt three days.
I Mojsije pruži ruku svoju k nebu, i posta gusta tama po svoj zemlji Misirskoj za tri dana.
23 Not they saw each brother his and not they rose anyone from under him three days and to all [the] people Israel it be[longed] light in dwelling places their.
Ne viðahu jedan drugoga, i niko se ne maèe s mjesta gdje bješe za tri dana; ali se kod svijeh sinova Izrailjevijeh vidjelo po stanovima njihovijem.
24 And he summoned Pharaoh Moses and he said go serve Yahweh only flock[s] your and herd[s] your it will be detained also little one[s] your it will go with you.
Tada Faraon dozva Mojsija, i reèe: idite, poslužite Gospodu; samo stoka vaša sitna i krupna neka ostane, a djeca vaša neka idu s vama.
25 And he said Moses also you you will give in hand our sacrifices and burnt offerings and we will offer [them] to Yahweh God our.
A Mojsije reèe: treba da nam daš i što æemo prinijeti i sažeæi na žrtvu Gospodu Bogu svojemu;
26 And also livestock our it will go with us not it will remain a hoof for some of it we will take to serve Yahweh God our and we not we will know what? will we serve Yahweh until go we there.
Zato i stoka naša nek ide s nama, da ne ostane ni papka, jer izmeðu nje treba da uzmemo èim æemo poslužiti Gospodu Bogu svojemu, a ne znamo kojim æemo poslužiti Gospodu dokle ne doðemo onamo.
27 And he made strong Yahweh [the] heart of Pharaoh and not he was willing to let go them.
Ali Gospod uèini te otvrdnu srce Faraonu, i ne htje ih pustiti.
28 And he said to him Pharaoh go from with me take heed to yourself to may you repeat to see face my for on [the] day seeing you face my you will die.
I reèe mu Faraon: idi od mene, i èuvaj se da mi više ne doðeš na oèi, jer ako mi doðeš na oèi, poginuæeš.
29 And he said Moses right you have spoken not I will repeat again to see face your.
A Mojsije reèe: pravo si kazao; neæu ti više doæi na oèi.

< Exodus 10 >