< Deuteronomy 1 >

1 These [are] the words which he spoke Moses to all Israel on [the] other side of the Jordan in the wilderness in the desert plain opposite to Suph between Paran and between Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth and Di Zahab.
Ovo su rijeèi koje govori Mojsije svemu Izrailju s onu stranu Jordana, u pustinji, u polju prema Crvenome Moru, izmeðu Farana i Tofola i Lovona i Asirota i Dizava,
2 [is] one [plus] Ten day[s] from Horeb [the] way of [the] mountain of Seir to Kadesh Barnea.
Jedanaest dana hoda od Horiva preko gore Sira do Kadis-Varnije.
3 And it was in forty year in [the] one [plus] ten month on [day] one of the month he spoke Moses to [the] people of Israel according to all that he had commanded Yahweh him to them.
A bješe èetrdesete godine prvi dan jedanaestoga mjeseca, kad Mojsije kaza sinovima Izrailjevijem sve što mu bješe zapovjedio Gospod da im kaže,
4 After had defeated he Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] who [was] dwelling in Heshbon and Og [the] king of Bashan who [was] dwelling in Ashtaroth in Edrei.
Pošto ubi Siona cara Amorejskoga koji življaše u Esevonu, i Oga cara Vasanskoga koji življaše u Astarotu i u Edrainu.
5 On [the] other side of the Jordan in [the] land of Moab he undertook Moses he made clear the law this saying.
S onu stranu Jordana u zemlji Moavskoj poèe Mojsije kazivati ovaj zakon govoreæi:
6 Yahweh God our he spoke to us at Horeb saying [is] enough for you remaining at the mountain this.
Gospod Bog naš reèe nam na Horivu govoreæi: dosta ste bili na ovoj gori.
7 Turn - and set out for yourselves and go [the] hill country of the Amorite[s] and to all neighbors its in the desert plain in the hill country and in the Shephelah and in the Negev and on [the] coast of the sea [the] land of the Canaanite[s] and Lebanon to the river great [the] river of Euphrates.
Obrnite se i podignite se i idite ka gori Amorejskoj i u svu okolinu njezinu, u ravnice i u brda i u doline, i na jug i na bregove morske, u zemlju Hanansku i na Livan i do rijeke velike, rijeke Efrata.
8 See I set before you the land go and take possession of the land which he swore Yahweh to ancestors your to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob to give to them and to offspring their after them.
Eto, dao sam vam zemlju, uðite u nju, i uzmite zemlju, za koju se zakleo Gospod ocima vašim, Avramu, Isaku i Jakovu, da æe im je dati i sjemenu njihovu nakon njih.
9 And I said to you at the time that saying not I am able to alone me to bear you.
I rekoh vam onda govoreæi: ne mogu vas nositi sam.
10 Yahweh God your he has increased you and here you this day [are] like [the] stars of the heavens for multitude.
Gospod Bog vaš umnožio vas je, i eto vas danas ima mnogo kao zvijezda nebeskih.
11 Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your may he add to you like you a thousand times and may he bless you just as he spoke to you.
Gospod Bog otaca vaših da vas umnoži još tisuæu puta više, i da vas blagoslovi kao što vam je kazao.
12 How? will I bear to alone me burden your and burden your and dispute[s] your.
Kako bih ja sam nosio muke vaše, bremena vaša i raspre vaše?
13 Provide for yourselves men wise and understanding and known to tribes your so I may appoint them chiefs your.
Dajte iz plemena svojih ljude mudre i vješte i poznate da vam ih postavim za starješine.
14 And you answered me and you said [is] good the word which you have spoken to do.
Tada mi odgovoriste i rekoste: dobro je da se uèini što si kazao.
15 And I took [the] chiefs of tribes your men wise and known and I appointed them chiefs over you leaders of thousands and leaders of hundreds and leaders of fifties and leaders of tens and officials of tribes your.
Tada uzevši starješine od plemena vaših, ljude mudre i poznate, postavih vam ih za starješine, za tisuænike i stotinare i pedesetare i desetare i upravitelje po plemenima vašim.
16 And I commanded judges your at the time that saying hear between countrymen your and you will judge righteousness between anyone and between countryman his and between sojourner his.
I zapovjedih onda sudijama vašim govoreæi: saslušavajte raspre meðu braæom svojom i sudite pravo izmeðu èovjeka i brata njegova i izmeðu došljaka koji je s njim.
17 Not you will pay regard to faces in judgment as the small as the great you will listen! not you will be afraid of anyone for the judgment [belongs] to God it and the matter which it will be [too] hard for you you will bring near! to me and I will hear it.
Ne gledajte ko je ko na sudu, saslušajte i maloga i velikoga, ne bojte se nikoga, jer je sud Božji, a stvar koja bi vam bila teška iznesite preda me da je èujem.
18 And I commanded you at the time that all the things which you will do!
I zapovjedih vam onda sve što æete èiniti.
19 And we set out from Horeb and we walked all the wilderness great and awesome that which you saw [the] way of [the] hill country of the Amorite[s] just as he had commanded Yahweh God our us and we came to Kadesh Barnea.
Potom otišavši od Horiva prijeðosmo svu onu pustinju veliku i strašnu, koju vidjeste, iduæi ka gori Amorejskoj, kao što nam zapovjedi Gospod Bog naš, i doðosmo do Kadis-Varnije.
20 And I said to you you have come to [the] hill country of the Amorite[s] which Yahweh God our [is] about to give to us.
Tada vam rekoh: doðoste do gore Amorejske, koju nam daje Gospod Bog naš.
21 See he sets Yahweh God your before you the land go up take possession of [it] just as he spoke Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your to you may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed.
Gle, dao ti je Gospod Bog tvoj tu zemlju, idi i uzmi je, kao što ti je rekao Gospod Bog otaca tvojih; ne boj se, i ne plaši se.
22 And you drew near! to me all of you and you said let us send out men before us so they may spy out for us the land so they may bring back us word the way which we will go up on it and the cities which we will go to them.
A vi svi doðoste k meni i rekoste: da pošljemo ljude pred sobom da nam uhode zemlju, i da nam jave za put kojim æemo iæi i za gradove u koje æemo doæi,
23 And it was good in view my the thing and I took from you two [plus] ten men a man one to the tribe.
I to mi bi po volji, i uzeh izmeðu vas dvanaest ljudi, iz svakoga plemena po jednoga;
24 And they turned and they went up the hill country towards and they came to [the] wadi of Eshcol and they spied out it.
I oni se podigoše i izašavši na goru doðoše do potoka Eshola, i uhodiše zemlju;
25 And they took in hand their some of [the] fruit of the land and they brought [it] down to us and they brought back us word and they said [is] good the land which Yahweh God our [is] about to give to us.
I nabraše roda one zemlje i donesoše nam, i javiše nam govoreæi: dobra je zemlja, koju nam daje Gospod Bog naš.
26 And not you were willing to go up and you rebelled toward [the] mouth of Yahweh God your.
Ali ne htjeste iæi nego se suprotiste zapovijesti Gospoda Boga svojega.
27 And you murmured in tents your and you said in [the] hatred of Yahweh us he brought out us from [the] land of Egypt to give us in [the] hand of the Amorite[s] to destroy us.
I vikaste u šatorima svojim govoreæi: mrzi na nas Gospod, zato nas izvede iz zemlje Misirske, da nas da u ruke Amorejcima i da nas potre.
28 Where? - [are] we going up countrymen our they have made melt heart our saying [the] people [is] great and lofty more than us [the] cities [are] large and fortified in the heavens and also [the] descendants of [the] Anakites we saw there.
Kuda da idemo? braæa naša uplašiše srce naše govoreæi: narod je veæi i viši od nas, gradovi su veliki i ograðeni do neba, pa i sinove Enakove vidjesmo ondje.
29 And I said to you not you must be terrified! and not you must be afraid! from them.
A ja vam rekoh: ne plašite se i ne bojte ih se.
30 Yahweh God your [is] the [one who] goes before you he he will fight for you according to all that he did with you in Egypt to eyes your.
Gospod Bog vaš, koji ide pred vama, on æe se biti za vas onako kako vam je uèinio u Misiru na vaše oèi,
31 And in the wilderness where you saw that he carried you Yahweh God your just as he carries anyone child his on all the journey which you walked until came you to the place this.
I u pustinji, gdje si vidio kako te je nosio Gospod Bog tvoj, kao što èovjek nosi sina svojega, cijelijem putem kojim ste išli dokle doðoste do ovoga mjesta.
32 And in the thing this not you [were] trusting in Yahweh God your.
Ali zato opet ne vjerovaste Gospodu Bogu svojemu,
33 Who went before you on the journey to seek out for you a place to camp you in the fire - night to show you the way which you will go on it and in the cloud by day.
Koji iðaše pred vama putem tražeæi vam mjesto gdje biste stali, iðaše noæu u ognju da vam svijetli putem kojim biste išli, a danju u oblaku.
34 And he heard Yahweh [the] sound of words your and he was angry and he swore an oath saying.
I èu Gospod glas rijeèi vaših, i razgnjevi se i zakle se govoreæi:
35 If he will see anyone among the men these the generation evil this the land good which I swore to give to ancestors your.
Nijedan od ovoga roda zloga neæe vidjeti ove dobre zemlje, za koju se zakleh da æu dati vašim ocima,
36 Except Caleb [the] son of Jephunneh he he will see it and to him I will give the land which he has trodden on it and to sons his because that he filled after Yahweh.
Osim Haleva sina Jefonijina; on æe je vidjeti, i njemu æu dati zemlju po kojoj je išao, i sinovima njegovijem, jer se sasvijem držao Gospoda.
37 Also with me he was angry Yahweh on account of you saying also you not you will go there.
Pa i na mene se razgnjevi Gospod s vas; i reèe: ni ti neæeš uæi onamo.
38 Joshua ([the] son of *L(abh)*) Nun who stands before you he he will go there towards him encourage for he he will give as an inheritance it Israel.
Isus sin Navin, koji te služi, on æe uæi onamo, njega utvrdi; jer æe je on razdijeliti sinovima Izrailjevijem u našljedstvo.
39 And little one[s] your who you said plunder he will become and children your who not they know this day good and evil they they will go there towards and to them I will give it and they they will take possession of it.
A djeca vaša, za koju rekoste da æe postati roblje, sinovi vaši, koji danas ne znaju ni šta je dobro ni šta je zlo, oni æe uæi onamo, i njima æu je dati i oni æe je naslijediti.
40 And you turn yourselves and set out the wilderness towards [the] way of [the] sea of reed[s].
Vi pak vratite se i idite u pustinju k Crvenome Moru.
41 And you answered - and you said to me we have sinned to Yahweh we we will go up and we will fight according to all that he has commanded us Yahweh God our and you girded on everyone [the] weapons of war his and you regarded as easy to go up the hill country towards.
A vi odgovoriste i rekoste mi: sagriješismo Gospodu; iæi æemo i biæemo se sasvijem kako nam je zapovjedio Gospod Bog naš. I uzevši svaki svoje oružje htjeste izaæi na goru.
42 And he said Yahweh to me say to them not you must go up and not you must fight for not I [will be] in midst your and not you will be defeated before enemies your.
A Gospod mi reèe: kaži im: ne idite i ne bijte se, jer nijesam meðu vama, da ne izginete pred neprijateljima svojim.
43 And I spoke to you and not you listened and you rebelled against [the] mouth of Yahweh and you acted presumptuously and you went up the hill country towards.
I ja vam rekoh; ali ne poslušaste, nego se oprijeste zapovijesti Gospodnjoj, i navaliste na goru.
44 And he came out the Amorite[s] who was dwelling in the hill country that to meet you and they pursued you just as they do bees and they scattered you in Seir to Hormah.
Tada izidoše pred vas Amoreji, koji sjeðahu u onoj planini, i pognaše vas kao što èine pèele, i pobiše vas na Siru pa do Orme.
45 And you returned and you wept before Yahweh and not he listened Yahweh to voice your and not he gave ear to you.
I vrativši se plakaste pred Gospodom, ali Gospod ne posluša glasa vašega niti okrete uha svojega k vama.
46 And you remained at Kadesh days many like the days which you remained.
I ostadoste u Kadisu dugo vremena dokle ondje stajaste.

< Deuteronomy 1 >