< Daniel 1 >

1 In year three of [the] reign of Jehoiakim [the] king of Judah he came Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon Jerusalem and he laid siege on it.
No ano terceiro do reinado de Joaquim, rei de Judá, veio Nabucodonozor, rei de Babilônia, a Jerusalém, e a sitiou.
2 And he gave [the] Lord in hand his Jehoiakim [the] king of Judah and some of [the] end of [the] vessels of [the] house of God and he brought them [the] land of Shinar [the] house of god his and the vessels he brought [the] house of [the] treasury of god his.
E o Senhor entregou nas suas mãos a Joaquim, rei de Judá, e uma parte dos vasos da casa de Deus, e os levou para a terra de Shinar, para a casa do seu deus, e pôs os vasos na casa do tesouro do seu deus.
3 And he said the king to Ashpenaz [the] chief of officials his to bring some of [the] people of Israel and some of [the] offspring of royalty and some of the nobles.
E disse o rei a Aspenaz, chefe dos seus eunucos, que trouxesse alguns dos filhos de Israel, e da semente real e dos príncipes,
4 Youths whom not [was] in them any (blemish *Qk) and good of appearance and having insight in all wisdom and knowing knowledge and understanding knowledge and whom ability [was] in them to stand in [the] palace of the king and to teach them [the] writing and [the] tongue of [the] Chaldeans.
Mancebos em quem não houvesse defeito algum, e formosos de parecer, e instruídos em toda a sabedoria, e sábios em ciência, e entendidos no conhecimento, e que tivessem habilidade para assistir no palácio do rei, e que os ensinassem nas letras e na língua dos caldeus.
5 And he assigned to them the king [the] matter of a day in day its some of [the] deli-caci[es] of the king and some of [the] wine of drink his and to bring up them years three and from [the] end their they will stand before the king.
E o rei lhes ordenou a ração de cada dia, da porção do manjar do rei, e do vinho que ele bebia, e que assim fossem criados por três anos, para que no fim deles assistissem diante do rei
6 And he was among them from [the] people of Judah Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah.
E entre eles se achavam, dentre os filhos de Judá, Daniel, Hananias, Misael e Azarias:
7 And he assigned to them [the] chief of the officials names and he assigned to Daniel Belteshazzar and to Hananiah Shadrach and to Mishael Meshach and to Azariah Abed-nego.
E o chefe dos eunucos lhes pôs outros nomes, a saber: a Daniel pôs o de Belteshazzar, e a Hananias o de Sadrach, e a Misael o de Mesach, e a Azarias o de Abed-nego.
8 And he set Daniel on heart his that not he defiled himself with [the] delicaci[es] of the king and with [the] wine of drink his and he requested from [the] chief of the officials that not he will defile himself.
E Daniel assentou no seu coração não se contaminar com a porção do manjar do rei, nem com o vinho que ele bebia; portanto pediu ao chefe dos eunucos para não se contaminar.
9 And he gave God Daniel favor and compassion before [the] chief of the officials.
Ora deu Deus a Daniel graça e misericórdia diante do chefe dos eunucos.
10 And he said [the] chief of the officials to Daniel [am] fearing I master my the king who he has assigned food your and drink your that why? will he see faces your looking thin more than the youths who [are] about age your and you will endanger head my to the king.
E disse o chefe dos eunucos a Daniel: Tenho medo do meu senhor, o rei, que ordenou a vossa comida e a vossa bebida; pois porque veria ele os vossos rostos mais tristes do que os dos mancebos que são vossos iguaes? assim arriscareis a minha cabeça para com o rei.
11 And he said Daniel to the guardian whom he had assigned [the] chief of the officials over Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah.
Então disse Daniel ao dispenseiro a quem o chefe dos eunucos havia constituido sobre Daniel, Hananias, Misael e Azarias:
12 Put to [the] test please servants your days ten so let people give to us some of the vegetables so we may eat and water so we may drink.
Experimenta, peço-te, os teus servos dez dias, e que se nos dêem legumes a comer, e água a beber.
13 And they may appear before you appearance our and [the] appearance of the youths who are eating [the] delicaci[es] of the king and just as you will see deal with servants your.
Então se veja diante de ti o nosso parecer, e o parecer dos mancebos que comem a porção do manjar do rei, e, conforme vires, te hajas com os teus servos.
14 And he listened to them to the thing this and he put to [the] test them days ten.
E lhes consentiu isto, e os experimentou dez dias.
15 And from [the] end of days ten it appeared appearance their good and fat of flesh more than all the youths who were eating [the] delicaci[es] of the king.
E, ao fim dos dez dias, apareceram os seus semblantes melhores, e eles estavam mais gordos de carne do que todos os mancebos que comiam porção do manjar do rei.
16 And he was the guardian taking away delicaci[es] their and [the] wine of drink their and giving to them vegetables.
Então sucedeu que o dispenseiro tirava a porção do manjar deles, e o vinho de que deviam beber, e lhes dava legumes.
17 And the youths these [the] four of them he gave to them God knowledge and insight in all writing and wisdom and Daniel he understood every vision and dreams.
Quanto a estes quatro mancebos, Deus lhes deu o conhecimento e a inteligência em todas as letras, e sabedoria; mas a Daniel deu entendimento em toda a visão e sonhos.
18 And from [the] end of the days which he had said the king to bring them and he brought them [the] chief of the officials before Nebuchadnezzar.
E ao fim dos dias, em que o rei tinha dito que os trouxessem, o chefe dos eunucos os trouxe diante de Nabucodonozor.
19 And he spoke with them the king and not he was found any of all of them like Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah and they stood before the king.
E o rei falou com eles; porém entre todos eles não foram achados outros tais como Daniel, Hananias, Misael e Azarias; e assistiam diante do rei.
20 And every matter of wisdom of understanding which he sought from them the king and he found them ten hands above all the soothsayer-priests the conjurers who [were] in all kingdom his.
E em toda a matéria de sabedoria e de inteligência, que o rei lhes perguntou, os achou dez vezes mais doutos do que todos os magos ou astrólogos que havia em todo o seu reino.
21 And he was Daniel until year one of Cyrus the king.
E Daniel esteve até ao primeiro ano do rei Cyro.

< Daniel 1 >