< 2 Peter 1 >

1 (Simon *NK(o)*) Peter a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ To those equally precious with ours having obtained a faith through [the] righteousness of the God of us and Savior Jesus Christ.
Simoni Petro, muranda nemuapositori waJesu Kristu, kune avo vakawana rutendo rwunokosha rwakafanana nerwedu mukururama kwaMwari wedu neMuponesi wedu Jesu Kristu:
2 Grace to you and peace would be multiplied in [the] knowledge of God and of Jesus the Lord of us.
Nyasha nerugare ngazviwanzwe kwamuri paruzivo rwaMwari nerwaJesu Ishe wedu.
3 Accordingly all things to us by the divine power of Him toward life and godliness having himself given through the knowledge of the [One who] having called us ([by His] own *N(K)O*) (glory *N(k)O*) and (excellence, *N(k)O*)
Sesimba rake reuMwari rakatipa zvinhu zvese zveupenyu nekunamata Mwari kubudikidza neruzivo rwaiye wakatidana kubudikidza nekubwinya uye kunaka;
4 through which the precious and magnificent to us promises He has himself given, so that through these you may become of [the] divine partakers nature having escaped the in (the *no*) world in desire decay.
akatipa nazvo zvivimbiso zvikurusa uye zvinokosha; kuti naizvozvi muve vagovani vechizvarirwo cheuMwari, mapukunyuka kuora kuri panyika kubudikidza nekuchiva.
5 And very [reason] for this now earnestness all having brought in do supplement into the faith of you virtue, into and virtue knowledge,
Zvino nekuda kweizviwo maita kushingaira kwese, wedzerai parutendo rwenyu kunaka, nepakunaka ruzivo,
6 into then knowledge self-control, into then self-control endurance, into then endurance godliness,
neparuzivo kuzvidzora, nepakuzvidzora moyo murefu, nepamoyo murefu kunamata Mwari,
7 in then godliness brotherly affection, in then brotherly affection love.
nepakunamata Mwari rudo rwehama, neparudo rwehama, rudo.
8 These things for in you being and abounding neither idle nor unfruitful make [you] as to the of the Lord of us Jesus Christ knowledge.
Nokuti kana zvinhu izvi zviri mamuri, uye zvichiwanda, hazvikuitii vasingashandi kana vanoshaiwa zvibereko pakuziva Ishe wedu, Jesu Kristu.
9 In whomever for not are present these things, blind he is being short sighted, forgetfulness having received of the purification the former of him (sins. *NK(o)*)
Nokuti asina zvinhu izvi, ibofu, anoonera pedo, wakanganwa kunatswa kwezvivi zvake zvekare.
10 Therefore rather, brothers, do be diligent sure your calling and election to make; these things for practicing certainly not shall you stumble at any time.
Naizvozvo, hama, shingairai zvikuru kusimbisa kudanwa nekusanangurwa kwenyu; nokuti kana muchiita zvinhu izvi hamungatongogumburwi narinhi.
11 In this way for richly will be supplied to you the entrance into the eternal kingdom of the Lord of us and Savior Jesus Christ. (aiōnios g166)
Nokuti saizvozvo muchawedzerwa zvakanyanya kupinda muushe husingaperi hwaIshe wedu neMuponesi Jesu Kristu. (aiōnios g166)
12 Therefore (I will be ready *N(K)O*) always you to remind concerning these things though knowing [them] and strengthened in the being present [in you] truth.
Naizvozvo handingashaiwi hanya nekukuyeudzirai zvinhu izvi nguva dzese, kunyange muchiziva, uye makasimbiswa pachokwadi chiripo.
13 Right now I esteem it, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir up you by putting [you] in remembrance;
Uye ndinoona zvakanaka kuti kana ndichingori mutabhenakeri ino chete ndikumutsei nechiyeuchidzo;
14 knowing that imminent is the putting off of the tabernacle of mine, even as also the Lord of us Jesus Christ has made clear to me.
ndichiziva kuti kunokurumidza kubviswa kwetabhenakeri yangu, Ishe wedu Jesu Kristuwo sezvaakandiratidza.
15 I will be diligent now also at every time to have for you after my departure these things a lasting remembrance to make.
Asi neni ndichashingaira kuti nguva dzese shure kwekuenda kwangu muve nechiyeuchidzo chezvinhu izvi.
16 Not for contrived fables having followed we have made known to you the of the Lord of us Jesus Christ power and coming, but eyewitnesses having been of His majesty.
Nokuti hatina kutevera ngano dzakarukwa nenjere patakakuzivisai simba nekuuya kwaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, asi takange tiri vakazvionera kubwinya kwake.
17 Having received for from God [the] Father honor and glory a voice was brought to Him such as follows by the Majestic Glory: The Son of Mine beloved (of Mine *NO*) this is, in whom I myself found delight.
Nokuti wakagamuchira kubva kuna Mwari Baba rukudzo nekubwinya, inzwi rakadai parakasvika kwaari pakubwinya kukuru-kuru richiti: Uyu Mwanakomana wangu anodika, wandinofara maari ini;
18 And this voice we ourselves heard from heaven having been brought with Him being in the holy (*ko*) mountain.
uye inzwi iri isu takarinzwa richibva kudenga pataiva naye mugomo dzvene.
19 And we have more certain the prophetic word, to which well you do taking heed as to a lamp shining in [a] dark place until this day may have shone through may have shone through and [the] morning star may have arisen in the hearts of you;
Uye tine shoko rakasimba kwazvo rechiporofita, ramunoita zvakanaka muchirichenjerera sekumwenje unovhenekera panzvimbo ine rima, kusvikira utonga huchitsvuka, nenyamasase ichibudira mumoyo yenyu;
20 this first knowing that any prophecy of Scripture of its own interpretation not is.
muchiziva izvi pakutanga, kuti hakuna chiporofita cherugwaro chinobva mududziro yemwene wacho.
21 Not for by [the] will of man was brought prophecy at any time but by [the] Spirit Holy being carried spoke (*k*) (from *N(K)O*) of God men.
Nokuti hakuna kumbouyiswa chiporofita nechido chemunhu, asi vanhu vatsvene vaMwari vakataura vachisundwa neMweya Mutsvene.

< 2 Peter 1 >