< 2 Kings 14 >

1 In year two of Joash [the] son of Jehoahaz [the] king of Israel he became king Amaziah [the] son of Joash [the] king of Judah.
Druge godine carovanja Joasa sina Joahazova nad Izrailjem zacari se Amasija sin Joasov nad Judom.
2 A son of twenty and five year[s] he was when became king he and twenty and nine year[s] he reigned in Jerusalem and [the] name of mother his ([was] Jehoaddan *Q(K)*) from Jerusalem.
Bijaše mu dvadeset i pet godina kad poèe carovati, i carova dvadeset i devet godina u Jerusalimu. Materi mu bješe ime Joadana, iz Jerusalima.
3 And he did the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh only not like David ancestor his according to all that he had done Joash father his he did.
I èinjaše što je pravo pred Gospodom, ali ne kao David otac njegov; sasvijem èinjaše onako kako je èinio otac njegov Joas.
4 Only the high places not they were removed still the people [were] sacrificing and [were] making smoke at the high places.
Jer visine ne biše oborene: narod još prinošaše žrtve i kaðaše na visinama.
5 And it was just when it was secure the kingdom in hand his and he struck down servants his who had struck down the king father his.
A kad se utvrdi carstvo u ruci njegovoj, on pobi sluge svoje koje su ubile cara oca njegova.
6 And [the] sons of those [who] had struck down not he put to death according to [what] is written in [the] book of [the] law of Moses which he commanded Yahweh saying not they will be put to death fathers on sons and sons not they will be put to death on fathers that except each for own sin his (he will be put to death. *Q(K)*)
Ali sinova tijeh krvnika ne pobi, kao što piše u knjizi zakona Mojsijeva, gdje je zapovjedio Gospod govoreæi: ocevi da ne ginu za sinove niti sinovi za oceve, nego svaki za svoj grijeh neka gine.
7 He he struck down Edom in [the] Valley of (Salt *Q(K)*) ten thousand and he seized Sela in battle and he called name its Joktheel until the day this.
On pobi deset tisuæa Edomaca u slanoj dolini, i uze Selu ratom, i prozva je Jokteil, koje osta do danas.
8 Then he sent Amaziah messengers to Jehoash [the] son of Jehoahaz [the] son of Jehu [the] king of Israel saying come! let us look at one another faces.
Tada posla Amasija poslanike k Joasu sinu Joahaza sina Jujeva, caru Izrailjevu, i reèe: doði da se ogledamo.
9 And he sent Jehoash [the] king of Israel to Amaziah [the] king of Judah saying thornbush which [was] in Lebanon it sent to cedar which [was] in Lebanon saying give! daughter your to son my to a wife and it passed by [the] animal of the field which [was] in Lebanon and it trampled the thornbush.
A Joas car Izrailjev posla k Amasiji caru Judinu i poruèi mu: trn na Livanu posla ka kedru na Livanu, i poruèi: daj svoju kæer sinu mojemu za ženu; ali naiðe zvijerje Livansko, i izgazi trn.
10 Certainly you have struck down Edom and it has lifted you heart your be honored and remain at home your and why? will you engage in strife with harm and you will fall you and Judah with you.
Pobio si Edomce, pa se ponese srce tvoje; hvali se, i sjedi kod kuæe svoje; zašto bi se zapletao u zlo da padneš i ti i Juda s tobom?
11 And not he listened Amaziah and he went up Jehoash [the] king of Israel and they looked at one another faces he and Amaziah [the] king of Judah at Beth Shemesh which [belonged] to Judah.
Ali ne posluša Amasija; i podiže se Joas car Izrailjev, i ogledaše se, on i Amasija car Judin, u Vetsemesu Judinu.
12 And it was defeated Judah before Israel and they fled everyone (to tents his. *Q(K)*)
Ali Judu razbi Izrailj, te pobjegoše svaki k svojemu šatoru.
13 And Amaziah [the] king of Judah [the] son of Jehoash [the] son of Ahaziah he seized Jehoash [the] king of Israel at Beth Shemesh (and he came *Q(K)*) Jerusalem and he made a breach in [the] wall of Jerusalem at [the] gate of Ephraim to [the] gate of the corner four hundred cubit[s].
A Amasiju cara Judina, sina Joasa sina Ohozijina, uhvati Joas car Izrailjev u Vetsemesu; potom doðe u Jerusalim i obori zid Jerusalimski od vrata Jefremovijeh do vrata na uglu, èetiri stotine lakata.
14 And he took all the gold and the silver and all the articles which were found [the] house of Yahweh and in [the] treasuries of [the] house of the king and [the] sons of the pledges and he returned Samaria towards.
I uze sve zlato i srebro i sve posuðe što se naðe u domu Gospodnjem i u riznicama doma careva, i taoce, pa se vrati u Samariju.
15 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jehoash which he did and might his and which he waged war with Amaziah [the] king of Judah ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
A ostala djela Joasova, što je uèinio, i junaštva njegova, i kako je vojevao s Amasijom carem Judinijem, nije li to zapisano u dnevniku careva Izrailjevijeh?
16 And he lay down Jehoash with ancestors his and he was buried in Samaria with [the] kings of Israel and he became king Jeroboam son his in place of him.
I poèinu Joas kod otaca svojih, i bi pogreben u Samariji kod careva Izrailjevijeh, a na njegovo se mjesto zacari Jerovoam sin njegov.
17 And he lived Amaziah [the] son of Joash [the] king of Judah after [the] death of Jehoash [the] son of Jehoahaz [the] king of Israel fif-teen year[s].
Amasija pak sin Joasov car Judin poživje petnaest godina po smrti Joasa sina Joahazova, cara Izrailjeva.
18 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Amaziah ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Judah.
A ostala djela Amasijina nijesu li zapisana u dnevniku careva Judinijeh?
19 And people conspired on him a conspiracy in Jerusalem and he fled Lachish towards and they sent after him Lachish towards and they put to death him there.
I digoše bunu na nj u Jerusalimu, te pobježe u Lahis, a oni poslaše za njim u Lahis i ubiše ga ondje.
20 And they carried him on horses and he was buried in Jerusalem with ancestors his in [the] city of David.
A odande ga donesoše na konjma, i bi pogreben u Jerusalimu kod otaca svojih u gradu Davidovu.
21 And they took all [the] people of Judah Azariah and he [was] a son of six-teen year[s] and they made king him in place of father his Amaziah.
Tada sav narod Judin uze Azariju, kome bijaše šesnaest godina, i zacariše ga na mjesto oca njegova Amasije.
22 He he built Elath and he restored it to Judah after lay down the king with ancestors his.
On sazida Elat povrativ ga Judi pošto car poèinu kod otaca svojih.
23 In year fif-teen year of Amaziah [the] son of Joash [the] king of Judah he became king Jeroboam [the] son of Joash [the] king of Israel in Samaria forty and one year[s].
Godine petnaeste carovanja Amasije sina Joasova nad Judom zacari se Jerovoam sin Joasov nad Izrailjem u Samariji, i carova èetrdeset i jednu godinu.
24 And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh not he turned aside from all [the] sins of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat which he caused to sin Israel.
I èinjaše što je zlo pred Gospodom i ne otstupi ni od jednoga grijeha Jerovoama sina Navatova kojima navede na grijeh Izrailja.
25 He he restored [the] border of Israel from Lebo Hamath to [the] sea of the Arabah according to [the] word of Yahweh [the] God of Israel which he spoke by [the] hand of servant his Jonah [the] son of Amittai the prophet who [was] from Gath Hepher.
On povrati meðe Izrailjeve od Emata do mora uz polje, po rijeèi Gospoda Boga Izrailjeva, koju reèe preko sluge svojega Jone sina Amatijina, proroka iz Gatefera.
26 For he saw Yahweh [the] affliction of Israel rebellious very and there not [was] shut up and there not [was] freed and there not [was] a helper for Israel.
Jer Gospod vidje da je u ljutoj nevolji Izrailj, i da nema ništa ni od uhvaæenoga ni od ostavljenoga, i da nema nikoga da pomože Izrailju.
27 And not he had spoken Yahweh to wipe out [the] name of Israel from under the heavens and he delivered them by [the] hand of Jeroboam [the] son of Joash.
I ne bješe rekao Gospod da zatre ime Izrailjevo pod nebom; zato ih izbavi preko Jerovoama sina Joasova.
28 And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jeroboam and all that he did and might his which he waged war and which he restored Damascus and Hamath to Judah in Israel ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
A ostala djela Jerovoamova, i sve što je èinio, i junaštva njegova, kako je vojevao i kako je povratio Damasak i Emat od Jude Izrailju, nije li to zapisano u dnevniku careva Izrailjevijeh?
29 And he lay down Jeroboam with ancestors his with [the] kings of Israel and he became king Zechariah son his in place of him.
Potom poèinu Jerovoam kod otaca svojih, careva Izrailjevijeh, a na njegovo se mjesto zacari Zaharija sin njegov.

< 2 Kings 14 >