< 2 Corinthians 2 >

1 I judged (for *N(k)O*) within myself this not again in grief to you to come.
Lekin mǝn iqimdǝ, ⱪexinglarƣa barsam yǝnǝ azar elip barmaymǝn degǝn ⱪararƣa kǝldim.
2 If for I myself grieve you again who (is *k*) the [one] gladdening me except not the [one] being grieved by me?
Qünki ǝgǝr mǝn silǝrgǝ azar bǝrsǝm, mening tüpǝylimdin azar yegǝnlǝrdin baxⱪa ⱪaysibiri meni xadlanduralisun?
3 And I wrote (to you *k*) this same thing, so that not having come grief (I may have *N(k)O*) from [those] of whom it was necessary me to rejoice having trusted in all you that my joy of all of you is.
Mǝn ǝsli meni xadlanduruxi tegixlik bolƣanlardin ǝksiqǝ azar yǝp ⱪalmay degǝn mǝⱪsǝttǝ xu hǝtni yazdim; qünki mening xadliⱪim silǝr ⱨǝmminglarningmu xadliⱪidur dǝp silǝr ⱨǝmminglarƣa ixǝnq baƣlidim.
4 Out of for much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you through many tears, not that you may be grieved, but the love that you may know that I have more abundantly toward you.
Qünki ǝslidǝ ɵzüm eƣir azab iqidǝ ⱪǝlbimdiki dǝrd-ǝlǝmdin kɵp kɵz yaxlirimni tɵkküzüp turup silǝrgǝ xu hǝtni yazƣanidim; mǝⱪsitim silǝrgǝ azar berix ǝmǝs, bǝlki silǝrgǝ qongⱪur baƣlanƣan, exip taxⱪan muⱨǝbbitimni bilixinglar üqün idi.
5 If however anyone has caused grief, not me myself has he grieved but in part — that not I may burden all you.
Əmma birǝrsi azar yǝtküzgǝn bolsa, uning azar yǝtküzgini mǝn ǝmǝs dǝymǝn, u bǝlki mǝlum dǝrijidǝ (bu ixni ziyadǝ eƣir ⱪilƣum yoⱪ) ⱨǝmminglarƣa azar yǝtküzdi.
6 Sufficient to such a one [is] the punishment this which [is] by the majority,
Bundaⱪ adǝmning kɵpinqinglar tǝripidin tǝnbiⱨlǝngini yetǝrliktur;
7 so that on the contrary rather for you to forgive and to comfort [him], lest perhaps by more excessive sorrow may be overwhelmed such a one.
Xunga ⱨazir ǝksiqǝ, silǝr uningƣa meⱨir-xǝpⱪǝt kɵrsitip riƣbǝt-tǝsǝlli berixinglarƣa toƣra kelidu; bolmisa bundaⱪ bir kixi bǝlkim ƣayǝt zor dǝrd-ǝlǝmdin ɵzini yoⱪitiximu mumkin.
8 Therefore I exhort you to confirm toward him love.
Xunga mǝn silǝrgǝ uningƣa muⱨǝbbitinglarni ispatlixinglarni jekilǝymǝn.
9 For this indeed also did I write, so that I may know the proof of you, whether to everything obedient you are.
Xu hetimni yǝnǝ bir mǝⱪsǝttǝ, yǝni silǝrning ⱨǝmmǝ ixlarda itaǝtmǝn yaki itaǝtmǝn ǝmǝslikinglarni sinap bilixim üqün yazdim.
10 To whomever now anything you forgive, I also myself; I also myself; and for I myself (to whom *N(k)O*) I have forgiven, if anything I have forgiven, [it is] for you in [the] presence of Christ,
Lekin silǝr ⱪaysibirini mǝlum ix üqün kǝqürüm ⱪilƣan bolsanglar, mǝnmu ⱨǝm uni xundaⱪ ⱪilƣan bolimǝn; mǝnmu mǝlum bir ixni kǝqürüm ⱪilƣinimda (birǝr ixni kǝqürüm ⱪilƣan bolsam), mǝn silǝrni dǝp Mǝsiⱨning ⱨuzurida xundaⱪ ⱪildim.
11 so that not we may be outwitted by Satan; not for of his schemes we are ignorant.
Xuning bilǝn Xǝytan bizdin ⱨeq üstünlükkǝ erixǝlmǝydu; qünki biz uning ⱨiylǝ-mikirliridin bihǝwǝr ǝmǝsmiz.
12 Having come now to Troas for the gospel of Christ also a door to me having been opened in [the] Lord,
Əmdi Mǝsiⱨning hux hǝwirini jakarlaxⱪa Troas xǝⱨirigǝ kǝlginimdǝ wǝ xundaⱪla Rǝb tǝripidin [pursǝt] ixiki manga eqilƣini bilǝn,
13 not I have had rest in the spirit of mine in the not finding my Titus the brother of mine, instead having taken leave of them I went out to Macedonia.
ⱪerindixim Titusni tapalmiƣinim tüpǝylidin roⱨim aram tapmidi; xuning bilǝn mǝn xu yǝrdikilǝr bilǝn hoxlixip, Makedoniyǝgǝ sǝpǝr aldim.
14 However to God [be] thanks to the [One] always leading in triumph us in Christ and the fragrance of the knowledge of Him making manifest through us in every place,
Əmma bizni Mǝsiⱨdǝ ⱨǝmixǝ tǝntǝnǝ bilǝn ƣalibanǝ baxlaydiƣan, biz arⱪiliⱪ ⱨǝr yǝrdǝ Ɵzigǝ dost tartⱪuqi huxpuraⱪni qaqⱪuqi Hudaƣa tǝxǝkkür!
15 For of Christ a sweet perfume we are to God in those being saved and in those perishing,
Qünki biz Hudaƣa yǝtküzüliwatⱪan Mǝsiⱨning huxpuriⱪidurmiz, ⱨǝm ⱪutⱪuzuluwatⱪanlar arisida ⱨǝm ⱨalakǝtkǝ ketiwatⱪanlar arisida xundaⱪmiz;
16 to one indeed an odor (from *no*) death to death, to one however a fragrance (from *no*) life to life. And for these things who [is] sufficient?
keyinkilǝrgǝ ɵlümgǝ bolƣan ɵlümning puriⱪi, aldinⱪilarƣa ⱨayatliⱪⱪa bolƣan ⱨayatliⱪning puriⱪidurmiz; ǝmdi muxundaⱪ ixlarning ⱨɵddisidin kim qiⱪalaydu?
17 Not for we are like the (many *NK(O)*) peddling the word of God, but as of sincerity, but as of God, (before *N(k)O*) (*k*) God in Christ we speak.
Qünki biz kɵp kixilǝrning ⱪilƣinidǝk Hudaning kalam-sɵzini soda-setiⱪ ixi ⱪilmaymiz; ǝksiqǝ biz sǝmimiylik bilǝn Huda aldida Hudadin [ǝwǝtilgǝnlǝr] süpitidǝ Mǝsiⱨdǝ sɵzlǝymiz.

< 2 Corinthians 2 >