< 2 Corinthians 2 >

1 I judged (for *N(k)O*) within myself this not again in grief to you to come.
Te dongah nangmih taengah kothaenah la koep lo pawt ham ka ko ka taam coeng.
2 If for I myself grieve you again who (is *k*) the [one] gladdening me except not the [one] being grieved by me?
Kai loh nangmih te kang kothet sak cakhaw kamah loh kan kothet sak rhoek pawt atah u long kai n'uum?
3 And I wrote (to you *k*) this same thing, so that not having come grief (I may have *N(k)O*) from [those] of whom it was necessary me to rejoice having trusted in all you that my joy of all of you is.
Ka pawk vaengah kothaenah ka khueh pawt ham ni hekah he ka daek. Amih kah a omngaih ham ni ka kuek. Nangmih boeih kah omngaihnah te kai kah omngaihnah ni tila nangmih boeih te kan ngaitang thil coeng.
4 Out of for much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you through many tears, not that you may be grieved, but the love that you may know that I have more abundantly toward you.
Phacip phabaem neh thinko ngaisaknah boeih lamloh mikphi puem neh nangmih ham kan daek te, nangmih te kothet sak ham pawt tih lungnah muep ka khueh te na ming uh van ham ni.
5 If however anyone has caused grief, not me myself has he grieved but in part — that not I may burden all you.
Tahae ah khat khat loh n'kothet sak cakhaw kai n'kothet sak moenih. Tedae cungvang ah pataeng nangmih boeih te kan thinrhih sak moenih.
6 Sufficient to such a one [is] the punishment this which [is] by the majority,
Hlang a yet kah toelnah he amih taengah cung mai coeng.
7 so that on the contrary rather for you to forgive and to comfort [him], lest perhaps by more excessive sorrow may be overwhelmed such a one.
Te dongah nangmih loh khodawkngai neh a khuplat la lat hloep uh mai. Amih tah kothaenah muep dolh mai boel saeh.
8 Therefore I exhort you to confirm toward him love.
Te dongah tebang hlang taengah lungnah cak sak ham nangmih kan hloep.
9 For this indeed also did I write, so that I may know the proof of you, whether to everything obedient you are.
Cungkuem dongah olngai la na om uh nim tila nangmih kah khinngainah te ming ham ni he khaw ka daek.
10 To whomever now anything you forgive, I also myself; I also myself; and for I myself (to whom *N(k)O*) I have forgiven, if anything I have forgiven, [it is] for you in [the] presence of Christ,
Amih khat khat na rhen bangla ka rhen van. Kai loh khodawk ka ngai te tah nangmih ham ni mebang hlang khaw Khrih mikhmuh ah khodawk ka ngai.
11 so that not we may be outwitted by Satan; not for of his schemes we are ignorant.
Te daengah ni Satan rhangneh n'omtoem uh pawt eh. Anih kah poeknah soah mangvawt boel sih.
12 Having come now to Troas for the gospel of Christ also a door to me having been opened in [the] Lord,
Khrih kah olthangthen ham Troas la ka pawk. Te vaengah Boeipa loh kai ham thohka a ong.
13 not I have had rest in the spirit of mine in the not finding my Titus the brother of mine, instead having taken leave of them I went out to Macedonia.
Ka mana Titu ka hmuh pawt dongah ka mueihla hilhoemnah om pawh. Tedae amih te ka phih tih Makedonia la ka cet.
14 However to God [be] thanks to the [One] always leading in triumph us in Christ and the fragrance of the knowledge of Him making manifest through us in every place,
Tedae Khrih ah mamih khophoeng aka pha sak taitu tih, mamih ah amah mingnah a bova la hmuen takuem ah aka ul sak Pathen te lungvatnah sih.
15 For of Christ a sweet perfume we are to God in those being saved and in those perishing,
A khang rhoek lakli neh aka poci rhoek lakli ah khaw Pathen taeng lamloh Khrih kah botui la n'om uh.
16 to one indeed an odor (from *no*) death to death, to one however a fragrance (from *no*) life to life. And for these things who [is] sufficient?
Amih te dueknah taengah dueknah kah a hoipai la bet, khat rhoek tah hingnah taengah hingnah kah a hoipai la om uh. Te dongah he neh ulae aka ting eh.
17 Not for we are like the (many *NK(O)*) peddling the word of God, but as of sincerity, but as of God, (before *N(k)O*) (*k*) God in Christ we speak.
Pathen kah olka aka yoi la muep ka om uh moenih. Tedae Pathen taeng lamkah vanbangla, cimcaihnah neh Khrih khuiah ni Pathen hmaiah ka thui uh.

< 2 Corinthians 2 >