< 1 Samuel 8 >

1 And it was when he was old Samuel and he made sons his judges for Israel.
A kad Samuilo ostarje, postavi sinove svoje za sudije Izrailju.
2 And it was [the] name of son his the firstborn Joel and [the] name of second his [was] Abijah judges in Beer Sheba.
A ime sinu njegovu prvencu bješe Joilo, a drugomu Avija, i suðahu u Virsaveji.
3 And not they walked sons his (in ways his *Q(K)*) and they turned aside after unjust gain and they took a bribe and they turned aside justice.
Ali sinovi njegovi ne hoðahu putovima njegovijem, nego udariše za dobitkom, i primahu poklone i izvrtahu pravdu.
4 And they gathered together all [the] elders of Israel and they came to Samuel Ramah towards.
Tada se skupiše sve starješine Izrailjeve i doðoše k Samuilu u Ramu.
5 And they said to him here! you you have become old and sons your not they have walked in ways your now appoint! for us a king to judge us like all the nations.
I rekoše mu: eto, ti si ostario, a sinovi tvoji ne hode tvojim putovima: zato postavi nam cara da nam sudi, kao što je u svijeh naroda.
6 And it was displeasing the matter in [the] eyes of Samuel just when they said give! to us a king to judge us and he prayed Samuel to Yahweh.
Ali Samuilu ne bi po volji što rekoše: daj nam cara da nam sudi. I Samuilo se pomoli Gospodu.
7 And he said Yahweh to Samuel listen to [the] voice of the people to all what they will say to you for not you they have rejected for me they have rejected from reigning over them.
A Gospod reèe Samuilu: poslušaj glas narodni u svemu što ti govore; jer ne odbaciše tebe, nego mene odbaciše da ne carujem nad njima.
8 According to all the deeds which they have done from [the] day brought up I them from Egypt and until the day this and they have forsaken me and they have served gods other so they [are] doing also to you.
Kako èiniše od onoga dana kad ih izvedoh iz Misira do danas, i ostaviše me i služiše drugim bogovima, po svijem tijem djelima èine i tebi.
9 And now listen to voice their nevertheless for certainly you will warn them and you will tell to them [the] right[s] of the king who he will reign over them.
Zato sada poslušaj glas njihov; ali im dobro zasvjedoèi i kaži naèin kojim æe car carovati nad njima.
10 And he spoke Samuel all [the] words of Yahweh to the people who were asking from with him a king.
I kaza Samuilo sve rijeèi Gospodnje narodu koji iskaše od njega cara;
11 And he said this it will be [the] right[s] of the king who he will reign over you sons your he will take and he will appoint [them] for himself in chariot[s] his and among horsemen his and they will run before chariot his.
I reèe: ovo æe biti naèin kojim æe car carovati nad vama: sinove vaše uzimaæe i metati ih na kola svoja i meðu konjike svoje, i oni æe trèati pred kolima njegovijem;
12 And to appoint [them] for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties and to plow plowing his and to harvest harvest his and to make [the] weapons of warfare his and [the] equipment of chariotry his.
I postaviæe ih da su mu tisuænici i pedesetnici, i da mu oru njive i žnju ljetinu, i da mu grade ratne sprave i što treba za kola njegova.
13 And daughters your he will take to perfumers and to cooks and to bakers.
Uzimaæe i kæeri vaše da mu grade mirisne masti i da mu budu kuharice i hljebarice.
14 And fields your and vineyards your and olive groves your good he will take and he will give [them] to servants his.
I njive vaše i vinograde vaše i maslinike vaše najbolje uzimaæe i razdavati slugama svojim.
15 And seed your and vineyards your he will take a tenth and he will give [them] to officials his and to servants his.
Uzimaæe desetak od usjeva vaših i od vinograda vaših, i davaæe dvoranima svojim i slugama svojim.
16 And [male] servants your and female servants your and young men your good and donkeys your he will take and he will use [them] for work his.
I sluge vaše i sluškinje vaše i mladiæe vaše najljepše i magarce vaše uzimaæe, i obrtati na svoje poslove.
17 Flock[s] your he will take a tenth and you you will become of him servants.
Stada æe vaša desetkovati i vi æete mu biti robovi.
18 And you will cry out in the day that because of king your whom you have chosen for yourselves and not he will answer Yahweh you in the day that.
Pa æete onda vikati radi cara svojega, kojega izabraste sebi; ali vas Gospod neæe onda uslišiti.
19 And they refused the people to listen to [the] voice of Samuel and they said No! for except a king he will be over us.
Ali narod ne htje poslušati rijeèi Samuilovijeh, i rekoše: ne, nego car neka bude nad nama,
20 And we will be also we like all the nations and he will judge us king our and he will go out before us and he will fight battles our.
Da budemo i mi kao svi narodi; i neka nam sudi car naš i ide pred nama i vodi naše ratove.
21 And he heard Samuel all [the] words of the people and he spoke them in [the] ears of Yahweh.
A Samuilo èuvši sve rijeèi narodne, kaza ih Gospodu.
22 And he said Yahweh to Samuel listen to voice their and you will make king for them a king and he said Samuel to [the] people of Israel go each man to own city his.
A Gospod reèe Samuilu: poslušaj glas njihov, i postavi im cara. I Samuilo reèe Izrailjcima: idite svaki u svoj grad.

< 1 Samuel 8 >