< 1 Samuel 17 >

1 And they gathered [the] Philistines armies their for battle and they were gathered Socoh which [belongs] to Judah and they encamped between Socoh and between Azekah in Ephes Dammim.
Tada Filisteji skupiše vojsku svoju da vojuju, i skupiše se u Sokotu Judinu, i stadoše u oko izmeðu Sokota i Azike na meði Damimskoj.
2 And Saul and [the] man of Israel they were gathered and they encamped in [the] valley of Elah and they deployed battle to meet [the] Philistines.
A Saul i Izrailjci skupiše se i stadoše u oko u dolini Ili, i uvrstaše se prema Filistejima.
3 And [the] Philistines [were] standing to the mountain from this and Israel [were] standing to the mountain from this and the valley [was] between them.
I Filisteji stajahu na brdu odonuda a Izrailjci stajahu na brdu odovuda, a meðu njima bješe dolina.
4 And he came out [the] man of the champions from [the] camps of [the] Philistines [was] Goliath name his from Gath height his [was] six cubits and a span.
I izide iz okola Filistejskoga jedan zatoènik po imenu Golijat iz Gata, visok šest lakata i ped.
5 And a helmet of bronze [was] on head his and body armor of scales he [was] clothed and [the] weight of the body armor [was] five thousand shekels bronze.
I na glavi mu bješe kapa od mjedi, i oklop ploèast na njemu od mjedi; i bijaše oklop težak pet tisuæa sikala.
6 And leg armor of bronze [was] on feet his and a javelin of bronze [was] between shoulders his.
I nogavice od mjedi bjehu mu na nogu, i štit od mjedi na ramenima.
7 (And [the] wood of *Q(K)*) spear his [was] like a beam of weavers and [the] blade of spear his [was] six hundred shekels iron and [the] bearer of the body shield [was] walking before him.
A kopljaèa od koplja mu bješe kao vratilo, a gvožða u koplju mu bješe šest stotina sikala; i koji mu oružje nošaše iðaše pred njim.
8 And he stood and he called out to [the] battle lines of Israel and he said to them why? do you come out to deploy battle ¿ not [am] I the Philistine and [are] you? servants of Saul commission for yourselves a man so he may come down to me.
On stavši vikaše vojsku Izrailjsku, i govoraše im: što ste izašli uvrstavši se? nijesam li ja Filistejin a vi sluge Saulove? izberite jednoga izmeðu sebe, pa neka izaðe k meni.
9 If he will be able to fight with me and he will strike down me and we will become of you slaves and if I I will prevail to him and I will strike down him and you will become of us slaves and you will serve us.
Ako me nadjaèa i pogubi me, mi æemo vam biti sluge; ako li ja njega nadjaèam i pogubim ga, onda æete vi biti nama sluge, i služiæete nam.
10 And he said the Philistine I I defy [the] battle lines of Israel the day this give to me a man so let us fight together.
Još govoraše Filistejin: ja osramotih danas vojsku Izrailjsku; dajte mi èovjeka da se bijemo.
11 And he heard Saul and all Israel [the] words of the Philistine these and they were dismayed and they were afraid exceedingly.
A kad Saul i sav Izrailj èu šta reèe Filistejin, prepadoše se i uplašiše se vrlo.
12 And David [was] a son of a man an Ephrathite this from Beth-lehem Judah and name his [was] Jesse and [belonged] to him eight sons and the man in [the] days of Saul he was old he had gone among men.
A bijaše David sin jednoga Efraæanina, iz Vitlejema Judina, kojemu ime bješe Jesej, koji imaše osam sinova i bijaše u vrijeme Saulovo star i vremenit meðu ljudima.
13 And they had gone [the] three [the] sons of Jesse old they had gone after Saul to battle and [the] name of - [the] three of sons his who they had gone in the battle [was] Eliab the firstborn and second his [was] Abinadab and the third [was] Shammah.
I tri najstarija sina Jesejeva otidoše za Saulom na vojsku; a imena trojici sinova njegovijeh koji otidoše na vojsku bijahu prvencu Elijav a drugome Avinadav a treæemu Sama.
14 And David he [was] the young and three old they had gone after Saul.
A David bijaše najmlaði. I ona tri najstarija otidoše za Saulom.
15 And David [was] going and [was] returning from with Saul to shepherd [the] flock of father his Beth-lehem.
A David otide od Saula i vrati se u Vitlejem da pase ovce oca svojega.
16 And he drew near the Philistine rising early and [the] evening darkened and he took his stand forty day[s].
A Filistejin izlažaše jutrom i veèerom, i staja èetrdeset dana.
17 And he said Jesse to David son his take please to brothers your [the] ephah of roasted grain this and ten bread[s] this and bring [them] quickly the camp to brothers your.
A Jesej reèe Davidu sinu svojemu: uzmi sada za braæu svoju efu ovoga prženoga žita i ovijeh deset hljebova, i odnesi brže u oko braæi svojoj.
18 And [the] ten [the] portions of milk these you will bring to [the] commander of the thousand and brothers your you will pay attention to welfare and pledge their you will take.
A ovijeh deset mladijeh siraca odnesi tisuæniku, i vidi braæu svoju kako su, i donesi od njih znak.
19 And Saul and they and every man of Israel [are] in [the] valley of Elah fighting with [the] Philistines.
A Saul i oni i sav Izrailj bijahu u dolini Ili ratujuæi s Filistejima.
20 And he rose early David in the morning and he left the flock with a watchman and he lifted up and he went just as he had commanded him Jesse and he came the camp towards and the army which was going out to the battle line and they shouted a war cry in the battle.
I tako David usta rano i ostavi ovce na èuvaru; pa uze i otide kako mu zapovjedi Jesej; i doðe na mjesto gdje bješe oko, i vojska izlažaše da se vrsta za boj, i podizaše ubojnu viku.
21 And it deployed Israel and [the] Philistines battle line to meet battle line.
I stajaše vojska Izrailjska i Filistejska jedna prema drugoj.
22 And he left David the baggage from with him on [the] hand of [the] keeper of the baggage and he ran the battle line and he came and he asked of brothers his to welfare.
Tada ostavi David svoj prtljag kod èuvara, koji èuvaše prtljag, i otrèa u vojsku, i doðe i zapita braæu svoju za zdravlje.
23 And he - [was] speaking with them and there! [the] man of the champions [was] coming up [was] Goliath the Philistine name his from Gath (from [the] battle lines of *Q(K)*) [the] Philistines and he spoke according to the words these and he heard David.
I dokle govoraše s njima, gle, onaj zatoènik po imenu Golijat Filistejin iz Gata, izide iz vojske Filistejske i govoraše kao prije, i David èu.
24 And every man of Israel when saw they the man and they fled from before him and they were afraid exceedingly.
A svi Izrailjci kad vidješe toga èovjeka, uzbjegoše od njega, i bješe ih strah veoma.
25 And he said - [the] man of Israel ¿ have you seen the man who comes up this for to defy Israel [he is] coming up and it will be the man who he will strike down him he will make rich him the king - rich[es] great and daughter his he will give to him and [the] house of father his he will make free in Israel.
I govorahu Izrailjci: vidjeste li toga èovjeka što izide? Jer izide da sramoti Izrailja. A ko bi ga pogubio, car bi mu dao silno blago, i kæer svoju dao bi mu; i oslobodio bi dom oca njegova u Izrailju.
26 And he said David to the men who were standing with him saying what? will it be done for the man who he will strike down the Philistine this and he will remove reproach from on Israel that who? [is] the Philistine uncircumcised this that he has defied [the] battle lines of God living.
Tada reèe David ljudima koji stajahu oko njega govoreæi: šta æe se uèiniti èovjeku koji pogubi toga Filistejina i skine sramotu s Izrailja? Jer ko je taj Filistejin neobrezani da sramoti vojsku Boga živoga?
27 And it said to him the people according to the manner this saying thus it will be done for the man who he will strike down him.
A narod mu odgovori iste rijeèi govoreæi: to æe se uèiniti onome ko ga pogubi.
28 And he heard Eliab brother his old when spoke he to the men and it burned [the] anger of Eliab on David and he said - why? this have you come down and with whom? have you left [the] fewness of the sheep those in the wilderness I I know arrogance your and [the] wickedness of heart your that so as to see the battle you have come down.
A kad èu Elijav brat njegov najstariji kako se razgovara s tijem ljudima, razljuti se Elijav na Davida, i reèe mu: što si došao? i na kom si ostavio ono malo ovaca u pustinji? znam ja obijest tvoju i zloæu srca tvojega; došao si da vidiš boj.
29 And he said David what? have I done now ¿ not a word [was] it.
A David reèe: šta sam sad uèinio? zapovjeðeno mi je.
30 And he turned away from beside him to [the] front of another [person] and he said according to the manner this and they brought back him the people word according to the word the former.
Potom okrenu se od njega k drugome i zapita kao prije; i narod mu odgovori kao prije.
31 And they were heard the words which he spoke David and people told before Saul and he sent for him.
I kad se èuše rijeèi koje govoraše David, javiše ih Saulu, a on ga dozva k sebi.
32 And he said David to Saul may not it fall [the] heart of anyone on him servant your he will go and he will fight with the Philistine this.
I David reèe Saulu: neka se niko ne plaši od onoga; sluga æe tvoj izaæi i biæe se s Filistejinom.
33 And he said Saul to David not you will be able to go against the Philistine this to fight with him for [are] a youth you and he [is] a man of war since youth his.
A Saul reèe Davidu: ne možeš ti iæi na Filistejina da se biješ s njim, jer si ti dijete a on je vojnik od mladosti svoje.
34 And he said David to Saul shepherding he was servant your for father his the flock and it came the lion and with the bear and it carried off a sheep from the flock.
A David reèe Saulu: sluga je tvoj pasao ovce oca svojega; pa kad doðe lav ili medvjed i odnese ovcu iz stada,
35 And I went out after it and I struck it and I rescued [it] from mouth its and it rose up on me and I took hold on beard its and I struck it and I killed it.
Ja potrèah za njim, i udarih ga i oteh mu iz èeljusti; i kad bi skoèio na me, uhvatih ga za grlo, te ga bih i ubih.
36 Both the lion as well as the bear he has struck down servant your and he will be the Philistine uncircumcised this like one from them for he has defied [the] battle lines of God living.
I lava i medvjeda ubijao je tvoj sluga, pa æe i taj Filistejin neobrezani proæi kao oni; jer osramoti vojsku Boga živoga.
37 And he said David Yahweh who he delivered me from [the] hand of the lion and from [the] hand of the bear he he will deliver me from [the] hand of the Philistine this. And he said Saul to David go and Yahweh he will be with you.
Još reèe David: Gospod koji me je saèuvao od lava i medvjeda, on æe me saèuvati i od ovoga Filistejina. Tada reèe Saul Davidu: idi, i Gospod neka bude s tobom.
38 And he clothed Saul David garments his and he put a helmet of bronze on head his and he clothed him body armor.
I Saul dade Davidu svoje oružje, i metnu mu na glavu kapu svoju od mjedi i metnu oklop na nj.
39 And he girded David sword his over garments his and he fell short to walk for not he had put to [the] test and he said David to Saul not I will be able to walk in these [things] for not I have put to [the] test and he removed them David from on himself.
I pripasa David maè njegov preko svojega odijela i poðe, ali ne bješe navikao, pa reèe David Saulu: ne mogu iæi s tijem, jer nijesam navikao. Pa skide David sa sebe.
40 And he took stick his in hand his and he chose for himself five smooth [ones] of stones - from the wadi and he put them in [the] bag of shepherds which [belonged] to him and in the pouch and sling his [was] in hand his and he drew near to the Philistine.
I uze štap svoj u ruku, i izabra na potoku pet glatkih kamena i metnu ih u torbu pastirsku, koju imaše, i uze praæu svoju u ruku, i tako poðe ka Filistejinu.
41 And he came the Philistine coming and approaching to David and the man [the] bearer of the body shield [was] before him.
A i Filistejin iðaše sve bliže k Davidu, a èovjek koji mu nošaše oružje, iðaše pred njim.
42 And he looked the Philistine and he saw David and he despised him for he was a youth and red with handsome of appearance.
A kad Filistejin pogleda i vidje Davida, potsmjehnu mu se, što bješe mlad i smeð i lijepa lica.
43 And he said the Philistine to David ¿ a dog [am] I that you [are] coming against me with sticks and he cursed the Philistine David by gods his.
I reèe Filistejin Davidu: eda li sam pseto, te ideš na me sa štapom? I proklinjaše Filistejin Davida bogovima svojim.
44 And he said the Philistine to David come! to me so let me give flesh your to [the] bird[s] of the heavens and to [the] animal[s] of the field.
I reèe Filistejin Davidu: hodi k meni da dam tijelo tvoje pticama nebeskim i zvijerima zemaljskim.
45 And he said David to the Philistine you [are] coming against me with sword and with spear and with javelin and I [am] coming against you in [the] name of Yahweh of hosts [the] God of [the] battle lines of Israel whom you have defied.
A David reèe Filistejinu: ti ideš na me s maèem i s kopljem i sa štitom; a ja idem na te u ime Gospoda nad vojskama, Boga vojske Izrailjeve, kojega si ružio.
46 The day this he will deliver up you Yahweh in hand my and I will strike down you and I will remove head your from on you and I will give [the] corpse[s] of [the] army of [the] Philistines the day this to [the] bird[s] of the heavens and to [the] animal[s] of the earth so they may know all the earth that there a God [belongs] to Israel.
Danas æe te Gospod dati meni u ruke, i ubiæu te, i skinuæu glavu s tebe, i daæu danas tjelesa vojske Filistejske pticama nebeskim i zvijerima zemaljskim, i poznaæe sva zemlja da je Bog u Izrailju.
47 So they may know all the assembly this that not by sword and by spear he saves Yahweh for [belongs] to Yahweh the battle and he will give you in hand our.
I znaæe sav ovaj zbor da Gospod ne spasava maèem ni kopljem, jer je rat Gospodnji, zato æe vas dati nama u ruke.
48 And it was that he arose the Philistine and he came and he drew near to meet David and he hurried David and he ran the battle line to meet the Philistine.
A kad se Filistejin podiže i doðe bliže k Davidu, David brže istrèa na bojište pred Filistejina.
49 And he sent David hand his into the bag and he took from there a stone and he slung [it] and he struck the Philistine to forehead his and it sank the stone in forehead his and he fell on face his [the] ground towards.
I David turi ruku svoju u torbu svoju, i izvadi iz nje kamen, i baci ga iz praæe, i pogodi Filistejina u èelo i uðe mu kamen u èelo, te pade nièice na zemlju.
50 And he was strong David more than the Philistine with the sling and with the stone and he struck down the Philistine and he killed him and [was] a sword there not in [the] hand of David.
Tako David praæom i kamenom nadjaèa Filistejina, i udari Filistejina i ubi ga; a nemaše David maèa u ruci.
51 And he ran David and he stood to the Philistine and he took sword his and he drew out it from sheath its and he killed him and he cut off with it head his and they saw the Philistines that he had died mighty [man] their and they fled.
I pritrèav David stade na Filistejina, i zgrabi maè njegov i izvuèe ga iz korica i pogubi ga i otsijeèe mu glavu. A Filisteji kad vidješe gdje pogibe junak njihov pobjegoše.
52 And they arose [the] men of Israel and Judah and they shouted a war cry and they pursued the Philistines until coming you [to] Gath and to [the] gates of Ekron and they fell [those] slain of [the] Philistines on [the] way of Shaaraim and to Gath and to Ekron.
A Izrailjci i Judejci ustaše i povikaše i potjeraše Filisteje do doline i do vrata Akaronskih; i padaše pobijeni Filisteji po putu Sarajimskom do Gata i do Akarona.
53 And they returned [the] people of Israel from hotly pursuing after [the] Philistines and they plundered camps their.
Potom se vratiše sinovi Izrailjevi tjeravši Filisteje, i oplijeniše oko njihov.
54 And he took David [the] head of the Philistine and he brought it Jerusalem and weapons his he put in own tent his.
A David uze glavu Filistejinovu, i odnese je u Jerusalim, a oružje njegovo ostavi u svojoj kolibi.
55 And just as saw Saul David going out to meet the Philistine he said to Abner [the] commander of the army son of whom? this [is] the youth O Abner and he said Abner [by] [the] life of self your O king if I knew.
A kad Saul vidje Davida gdje ide pred Filistejina, reèe Aveniru vojvodi: èiji je sin taj mladiæ, Avenire? A Avenir reèe: kako je živa duša tvoja, care, ne znam.
56 And he said the king ask you son of whom? this [is] the youth.
A car reèe: pitaj èiji je sin taj mladiæ.
57 And just as returned David from striking down the Philistine and he took him Abner and he brought him before Saul and [the] head of the Philistine [was] in hand his.
A kad se vrati David pogubivši Filistejina, uze ga Avenir i izvede ga pred Saula, a u ruci mu bješe glava Filistejinova.
58 And he said to him Saul son of whom? [are] you O youth and he said David [the] son of servant your Jesse [the] Beth-lehemite.
I Saul reèe mu: èiji si sin, dijete? A David reèe: ja sam sin sluge tvojega Jeseja Vitlejemca.

< 1 Samuel 17 >