< 1 Samuel 12 >

1 And he said Samuel to all Israel here! I have listened to voice your to all that you have said to me and I have made king over you a king.
Tada reèe Samuilo svemu Izrailju: eto, poslušao sam glas vaš u svemu što mi rekoste, i postavih cara nad vama.
2 And now here! the king - [is] walking about before you and I I am old and I am gray haired and sons my here they [are] with you and I I have walked about before you since youth my until the day this.
I sada eto, car ide pred vama, a ja sam ostario i osijedio; i sinovi moji eto su meðu vama; i ja sam išao pred vama od mladosti svoje do danas.
3 Here [am] I testify against me before Yahweh and before anointed his [the] ox of - whom? have I taken and [the] donkey of whom? have I taken and whom? have I oppressed whom? have I crushed and from [the] hand of whom? have I taken a ransom so I may hide eyes my by it so I may restore [it] to you.
Evo me; odgovorite mi pred Gospodom i pred pomazanikom njegovijem. Kome sam uzeo vola ili kome sam uzeo magarca? kome sam uèinio nasilje? kome sam uèinio krivo? ili iz èije sam ruke uzeo poklon, da bih stiskao oèi njega radi? pak æu vam vratiti.
4 And they said not you have oppressed us and not you have crushed us and not you have taken from [the] hand of anyone anything.
A oni rekoše: nijesi nam uèinio sile niti si kome uèinio krivo, niti si uzeo što iz èije ruke.
5 And he said to them [is] a witness Yahweh on you and [is] a witness anointed his the day this that not you have found in hand my anything and someone said [he is] a witness.
Jošte im reèe: svjedok je Gospod na vas, i svjedok je pomazanik njegov danas, da nijeste našli ništa u mojim rukama. I rekoše: svjedok je.
6 And he said Samuel to the people Yahweh who he appointed Moses and Aaron and who he brought up ancestors your from [the] land of Egypt.
Tada reèe Samuilo narodu: Gospod je koji je postavio Mojsija i Arona, i koji je izveo oce vaše iz zemlje Misirske.
7 And therefore present yourselves so let me enter into judgment with you before Yahweh all [the] righteousness of Yahweh which he did with you and with ancestors your.
Sada dakle stanite da se prem s vama pred Gospodom za sva dobra što je èinio Gospod vama i vašim ocima.
8 Just when he went Jacob Egypt and they cried out ancestors your to Yahweh and he sent Yahweh Moses and Aaron and they brought out ancestors your from Egypt and they caused to dwell them in the place this.
Pošto doðe Jakov u Misir, vikaše oci vaši ka Gospodu, i Gospod posla Mojsija i Arona, koji izvedoše oce vaše iz Misira i naseliše ih na ovom mjestu.
9 And they forgot Yahweh God their and he sold them in [the] hand of Sisera [the] commander of [the] army of Hazor and in [the] hand of [the] Philistines and in [the] hand of [the] king of Moab and they fought against them.
Ali zaboraviše Gospoda Boga svojega, te ih dade u ruke Sisari vojvodi Asorskom, i u ruke Filistejima, i u ruke caru Moavskomu, koji vojevaše na njih.
10 And they cried out to Yahweh (and they said *Q(K)*) we have sinned for we have forsaken Yahweh and we have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth and now deliver us from [the] hand of enemies our so we may serve you.
Ali vikaše ka Gospodu i rekoše: sagriješismo što ostavismo Gospoda i služismo Valima i Astarotama; ali sada izbavi nas iz ruku neprijatelja naših, pa æemo ti služiti.
11 And he sent Yahweh Jerub-Baal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel and he delivered you from [the] hand of enemies your from round about and you dwelt security.
I Gospod posla Jerovala i Vedana i Jeftaja i Samuila, i ote vas iz ruku neprijatelja vaših unaokolo, te živjeste bez straha.
12 And you saw that Nahash [the] king of [the] people of Ammon [was] coming on you and you said to me In-deed a king he will reign over us and Yahweh God your [was] king your.
Ali kad vidjeste Nasa cara Amonskoga gdje doðe na vas, rekoste mi: ne, nego car neka caruje nad nama, premda Gospod Bog vaš bješe car vaš.
13 And now here! the king whom you have chosen whom you asked for and here! he has set Yahweh over you a king.
Sada dakle, eto cara kojega izabraste, kojega iskaste; evo, Gospod je postavio cara nad vama.
14 If you will fear Yahweh and you will serve him and you will listen to voice his and not you will rebel against [the] mouth of Yahweh and you will be both you as well as the king who he has become king over you after Yahweh God your.
Ako se uzbojite Gospoda, i njemu uzaslužite, i uzaslušate glas njegov i ne usprotivite se zapovijesti Gospodnjoj, tada æete i vi i car vaš koji caruje nad vama iæi za Gospodom Bogom svojim.
15 And if not you will listen to [the] voice of Yahweh and you will rebel against [the] mouth of Yahweh and it will be [the] hand of Yahweh on you and on ancestors your.
Ako li ne uzaslušate glasa Gospodnjega, nego se usprotivite zapovijesti Gospodnjoj, tada æe biti ruka Gospodnja protiv vas kao što je bila protiv otaca vaših.
16 Also now stand and see the thing great this which Yahweh [is] about to do to eyes your.
Ali stanite sada jošte, i vidite ovu stvar veliku koju æe uèiniti Gospod pred vašim oèima.
17 ¿ Not [is] [the] harvest of wheat this day I will call out to Yahweh so he may give thunder claps and rain and know and see that evil your [is] great which you have done in [the] eyes of Yahweh by asking for yourselves a king.
Nije li danas žetva pšenièna? Ja æu prizvati Gospoda, i spustiæe gromove i dažd, da razumijete i vidite koliko je zlo što uèiniste pred Gospodom iskavši sebi cara.
18 And he called out Samuel to Yahweh and he gave Yahweh thunder claps and rain on the day that and it feared all the people exceedingly Yahweh and Samuel.
Tada Samuilo zavapi ka Gospodu, i Gospod spusti gromove i dažd u taj dan; i sav se narod poboja vrlo Gospoda i Samuila.
19 And they said all the people to Samuel pray for servants your to Yahweh God your and may not we die for we have added to all sins our an evil thing by asking for ourselves a king.
I reèe sav narod Samuilu: moli se za sluge svoje Gospodu Bogu svojemu da ne pomremo; jer dodasmo k svijem grijesima svojim zlo ištuæi sebi cara.
20 And he said Samuel to the people may not you be afraid you you have done all the evil this nevertheless may not you turn aside from after Yahweh and you will serve Yahweh with all heart your.
Tada reèe Samuilo narodu: ne bojte se, vi ste uèinili sve ovo zlo; ali ne otstupajte od Gospoda, nego služite Gospodu svijem srcem svojim.
21 And not you must turn aside for - after emptiness which not they will benefit and not they will rescue for [are] emptiness they.
Ne otstupajte; jer biste pošli za ništavim stvarima, koje ne pomažu, niti izbavljaju, jer su ništave.
22 For not he will abandon Yahweh people his for sake of name his great for he was determined Yahweh to make you for himself into a people.
Jer Gospod neæe ostaviti naroda svojega radi velikoga imena svojega; jer Gospodu bi volja da vas uèini svojim narodom.
23 Also I far be it to me from sinning to Yahweh from ceasing to pray for you and I will teach you [the] way of the good and the upright.
A meni ne dao Bog da zgriješim Gospodu i prestanem moliti se za vas; nego æu vas upuæivati na put dobar i prav.
24 Only - fear Yahweh and you will serve him in faithfulness with all heart your for consider this: he has done great things with you.
Samo se Bojte Gospoda i služite mu istinito, svijem srcem svojim, jer vidite, kakve je velike stvari uèinio za vas.
25 And if still you will do evil both you as well as king your you will be swept away.
Ako li zlo ušèinite, propašæete i vi i car vaš.

< 1 Samuel 12 >