< 1 Peter 3 >

1 Likewise You wives be subject to [their] own husbands, so that even if any are disobedient to the word, through the of the wives conduct without word (they will be gained, *N(k)O*) 2 having witnessed the in respect pure conduct of you; 3 whose should be not outward of braiding of hair and putting around of gold or putting on of garments adorning, 4 but the hidden of the heart man in the imperishable of the gentle and quiet spirit, which is before the God of great worth. 5 In this way for formerly also the holy women those hoping (in *N(k)O*) (*k*) God were adorning themselves being subject to [their] own husbands; 6 as Sarah (obeyed *NK(o)*) Abraham lord him calling, of whom you have become children doing good and not fearing not one consternation. 7 you who [are] Husbands likewise, dwelling with [them] according to knowledge as with a weaker vessel with the female rendering honor since [they are] also (joint-heirs *N(k)O*) of [the] grace of life so as this not ([cause to] be impeded *N(k)O*) the prayers of you. 8 Now the end All [be] single-minded, sympathetic, loving as brothers, tender-hearted, (humble, *N(K)O*) 9 not repaying evil for evil or insult for insult, on the contrary however blessing (knowing *K*) because to this you were called so that blessing you may inherit. 10 The [one] for desiring life to love and to see days good he should keep the tongue (of him *k*) from evil and lips (of him *k*) not to speak deceit. 11 he should turn away (also *no*) from evil and he should do good, he should seek peace and he should pursue it. 12 Because (the *k*) eyes of [the] Lord [are] on [the] righteous, and [the] ears of Him toward prayer of them, [The] face however of [the] Lord [is] against those doing evil. 13 And who [is] he who will harm you, if for that which [is] good (zealous *N(K)O*) you shall be? 14 But if even you would suffer because of righteousness, [you are] blessed. And the threats of them not shall you be afraid of neither shall you be troubled; 15 [As] Lord however (Christ *N(K)O*) do sanctify in the hearts of you. ready (now *k*) always for a defense to everyone who is asking you an account concerning the in you hope, (yet *NO*) with gentleness and fear, 16 a conscience having good, so that in this (you are spoken against *N(k)(o)*) (you as to evildoers *KO*) they may be ashamed those reviling your good in Christ manner of life. 17 [It is] better for doing good if (one would desire *N(k)O*) the will of God, to suffer than doing evil; 18 because also Christ once for sins (suffered, *NK(O)*) [the] righteous for [the] unrighteous, so that (you *N(K)O*) He may bring to God, having been put to death indeed in [the] flesh, having been made alive however (in the *k*) spirit, 19 in which also to the in prison spirits having gone He preached 20 having disobeyed at one time, when (he was expecting *N(k)O*) the of God longsuffering in [the] days of Noah when is being prepared [the] ark, in which (few *N(k)O*) That is eight souls — were saved through water; 21 which also (you *N(K)O*) prefigures now saving baptism, not of flesh a putting away of [the] filth, but of a conscience good [the] demand toward God, through [the] resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who is at [the] right hand of God having gone into heaven, when were being subjected to Him angels and authorities and powers.

< 1 Peter 3 >