< 1 Peter 2 >

1 Having put aside therefore all malice and all deceit and (hypocrisies *NK(O)*) and envies and all evil speakings
Naizvozvo bvisai uipi hwese nemano-mano ese neunyepedzeri negodo neucheri hwese,
2 like newborn babies reasonable pure milk do crave so that by it you may grow up (in respect to salvation, *NO*)
savacheche vachangoberekwa, pangai mukaka usina kunyengera wakarongeka, kuti mukure nawo;
3 (if *N(k)O*) you have tasted that [is] good the Lord.
zvimwe kana makaravira kuti Ishe ane moyo munyoro.
4 To whom coming a stone living, by men indeed rejected in the sight of however God chosen [and] precious,
Wamunouya kwaari, ibwe benyu, rakarambwa zvirokwazvo nevanhu, asi pana Mwari rakasarudzwa, rinokosha,
5 also you yourselves as stones living are being built up as a house spiritual (into *no*) a priesthood holy to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable (*NK*) to God through Jesus Christ.
imwiwo semabwe mapenyu makavakwa muve imba yemweya, upristi utsvene, kuti mubaire zvibairo zvemweya, zvinogamuchirika kuna Mwari kubudikidza naJesu Kristu.
6 (Therefore *N(k)O*) it is contained in (*k*) Scripture: Behold I lay in Zion a stone cornerstone a chosen precious, and the [one] who is believing on Him certainly not may be put to shame.
Naizvozvo murugwaro zvirimowo, zvinoti: Tarira, ndinoisa muZiyoni ibwe repakona, rakasanangurwa, rinokosha; neanotenda kwaari haangatongonyadziswi.
7 To you therefore [is] the preciousness of those believing; ([for those] disbelieving *N(K)O*) however ([the] stone *N(k)O*) which rejected those building, this has become into [the] head of [the] corner
Naizvozvo kwamuri munotenda anokosha; asi kune vasingateereri: Ibwe vavaki ravakaramba, ndiro rakazova musoro wekona,
8 and A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, [They] stumble at on the word being disobedient, to which also they were appointed;
uye ibwe rekugumbusa nedombo rekupinga; vanogumburwa pashoko vasingariteereri; ndizvo zvavakaisirwawo.
9 You yourselves however [are] a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for [His] possession, so that the excellencies you may proclaim of the [One] out of darkness you having called to the marvelous of Him light;
Asi imwi muri dzinza rakasarudzwa, upristi hweumambo, rudzi rutsvene, vanhu vakawanikwa, kuti muparidze kwese kunaka kwaiye wakadana imwi kubva parima muuye kuchiedza chake chinoshamisa;
10 who once [were] not a people, now however [the] people of God, those [who] not received mercy, now however having received mercy.
imwi maimbova musi vanhu, asi ikozvino muri vanhu vaMwari; makange musina kunzwirwa tsitsi, asi ikozvino manzwirwa tsitsi.
11 Beloved, I exhort [you] as aliens and sojourners to abstain from fleshly desires, which war against the soul;
Vadiwa, ndinokukumbirisai sevatorwa nevapfuuri, kuti muzvidzore pakuchiva kwenyama, kunorwa nemweya;
12 the conduct of you among the Gentiles keeping honorable, so that wherein which they speak against you as evildoers, through the good deeds (having witnessed *N(k)O*) they may glorify God in [the] day of visitation.
mune mufambiro wenyu wakanaka pakati pevahedheni; kuti pavanokumhurai sevaiti vezvakaipa, pamabasa akanaka avanoona varumbidze Mwari nezuva rekushanyirwa.
13 do be subjected (therefore *K*) to every human institution for the sake of the Lord; whether to [the] king as being supreme;
Naizvozvo muzviise pasi pechimiso chimwe nechimwe chevanhu nekuda kwaIshe; kana ari mambo, saiye anotonga;
14 or to governors as through him being sent for vengeance (indeed *k*) to evildoers, praise however to well-doers;
kana kuvatungamiriri, sekune vakatumwa naye pakurangwa zvirokwazvo kwevaiti vezvakaipa, asi ive rumbidzo yevanoita zvakanaka.
15 because this is the will of God doing good to put to silence the of foolish men ignorance;
Nokuti ndizvo zvinoita chido chaMwari, kuti nekuita zvakanaka munyaradze kusaziva kwevanhu mapenzi;
16 as free and not as a cover-up having for evil the freedom, but as of God servants.
sevakasununguka, asi musava nekusungunuka sechifukidzo chezvakaipa, asi sevaranda vaMwari.
17 Everyone do honor, The brotherhood (do love, *NK(o)*) God do fear, the king do honor.
Kudzai vese. Idai ukama. Ityai Mwari. Kudzai mambo.
18 you who [are] Servants be subject with all fear to masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the unreasonable.
Varanda, zviisei pasi pemadzitenzi nekutya kwese, kwete kune vakanaka nevanyoro chete, asiwo kune vasakarurama.
19 This for [is] acceptable, if for sake of conscience toward God endures anyone griefs suffering unjustly.
Nokuti idzi inyasha, kana nekuda kwehana kuna Mwari munhu achitsungirira kurwadziwa, achitambudzika zvisakafanira.
20 What kind of for credit [is it] if sinning and being struck you will endure? But if doing good and suffering you will endure, this [is] commendable before God.
Nokuti zvine rumbidzo yei, kana muchitadza ndokurohwa muchitsungirira? Asi kana muchiita zvakanaka uye muchitambudzika muchitsungirira, izvi inyasha kuna Mwari.
21 To this hereunto for you have been called, because also Christ suffered for (for you, *N(K)O*) you leaving an example that you may follow after the steps of Him:
Nokuti makadanirwa izvi, nokuti Kristuwo wakatambudzikira isu, akasiira isu muenzaniso, kuti mutevere makwara ake;
22 Who sin not committed, neither was found trickery in the mouth of Him,
iye asina kuita chivi, nekunyengera hakuna kuwanikwa mumuromo make;
23 Who being reviled not was not reviling back suffering not was threatening He was delivering [Himself] however to the [One] judging justly;
iye wakati achituka haana kutukawo; achitambudzika haana kutyityidzira; asi wakazvikumikidza kune anotonga zvakarurama;
24 Who the sins of us Himself bore in the body of Him on the tree so that to sins having been dead to righteousness we may live; Of whom by the wounds (of him *k*) you have been healed.
iye amene wakatakura zvivi zvedu pamuviri wake pamuti, kuti tafa kuzvivi tiraramire kururama; iye wamakaporeswa nemavanga ake.
25 You were for like sheep (going astray *N(k)O*) but you have returned now to the Shepherd and Overseer of the souls of you.
Nokuti makange makaita semakwai akarasika; asi ikozvino madzokera kuMufudzi neMutariri wemweya yenyu.

< 1 Peter 2 >