< 1 Kings 7 >

1 And own house his he built Solomon thir-teen year[s] and he completed all house his.
Potom zida Solomun sebi dom trinaest godina, i svrši ga.
2 And he built [the] House of - [the] Forest of Lebanon [was] one hundred cubit[s] length its and [was] fifty cubit[s] breadth its and [was] thirty cubit[s] height its on four rows of pillars of cedar and beams of cedar [were] on the pillars.
Sazida i dom iz šume Livanske, sto lakata dug i pedeset lakata širok i trideset lakata visok, na èetiri reda stupova kedrovijeh, s gredama kedrovijem svrh stupova.
3 And [it was] paneled with cedar from above above the side-chambers which [were] on the pillars forty and five fif-teen the row.
I bješe pokriven drvetom kedrovijem gore na gredama, koje bijahu na èetrdeset i pet stupova, po petnaest u jednom redu.
4 And window frames three rows and window [was] to window three times.
I prozora bijahu tri reda, prozor nad prozorom u tri reda.
5 And all the openings and the doorposts [were] square frame-work and [the] front window [was] to window three times.
I sva vrata i pragovi bjehu na èetiri ugla, i prozori, i jedan prozor bješe prema drugom u tri reda.
6 And [the] porch of the pillars he made [was] fifty cubit[s] length its and [was] thirty cubit[s] breadth its and a porch [was] on face their and pillars and a threshold [were] on face their.
I naèini trijem od stupova, pedeset lakata dug i trideset lakata širok; i taj trijem bješe sprijed, i stupovi i grede bijahu sprijed.
7 And [the] porch of the throne where he gave judgment there [the] porch of judgment he made and [it was] paneled with cedar from the floor to the floor.
I naèini trijem u kojem bješe prijesto, gdje suðaše, trijem sudski, koji bijaše obložen kedrom od poda do vrha.
8 And own house his where he dwelt there [the] court other from inside to the porch like the workmanship this it was and a house he made for [the] daughter of Pharaoh whom he had taken Solomon like the porch this.
I u njegovoj kuæi gdje življaše bijaše drugi trijem iza onoga trijema, posao bijaše isti. Naèini dom i kæeri Faraonovoj, kojom se oženi Solomun, kao taj trijem.
9 All these [were] stones costly according to measurements of hewn [stone] sawn with saw from inside and from outside and from [the] foundation to the coping stone and from [the] outside to the court great.
Sve ovo bješe od skupocjenoga kamena, tesanoga na mjeru i pilom sjeèenoga, iznutra i spolja od poda do krova, i spolja do velikoga trijema.
10 And [it was] founded stones costly stones large stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits.
I temelj bijaše od kamenja skupocjenoga, kamenja velikoga, od deset lakata i od osam lakata.
11 And [were] from to above stones costly according to measurements of hewn [stone] and cedar.
A ozgo bijaše kamenje skupocjeno na mjeru tesano i daske kedrove.
12 And [the] court great [were] all around three rows hewn [stone] and a row of beams of cedar and to [the] court of [the] house of Yahweh inner and to [the] porch of the house.
I veliki trijem unaokolo imaše tri reda kamenja tesanoga i jedan red kedrovijeh brvana, kao trijem unutrašnji doma Gospodnjega i kao trijem istoga doma.
13 And he sent the king Solomon and he brought Hiram from Tyre.
I posla car Solomun i pozva Hirama iz Tira.
14 [was] a son of A woman a widow he from [the] tribe of Naphtali and father his [was] a man Tyrian a worker of bronze and he was filled the wisdom and the skill and the knowledge to do any work with bronze and he came to the king Solomon and he did all work his.
A on bijaše sin jedne udovice od plemena Neftalimova a otac mu bješe iz Tira, umjetnik mjedarski, vrlo vješt i razuman, te umijaše svašta graditi od mjedi; on došav k caru Solomunu izradi mu sav posao.
15 And he fashioned [the] two the pillars bronze [was] eight-teen cubit[s] [the] height of the pillar one and a line of two [plus] ten cubit[s] it went round the pillar second.
Sali dva stupa od mjedi, jedan stup bješe od osamnaest lakata u visinu a unaokolo od dvanaest lakata; taki bješe i drugi stup.
16 And two capitals he made to put on [the] tops of the pillars casting of bronze [was] five cubits [the] height of the capital one and [was] five cubits [the] height of the capital second.
I naèini dva oglavlja da se metnu ozgo na stupove, salivena od mjedi; pet lakata bješe visoko jedno oglavlje i pet lakata bješe visoko drugo oglavlje.
17 Networks work of a network festoons work of chains [belonged] to the capitals which [were] on [the] top of the pillars seven for the capital one and seven for the capital second.
I pletenice isprepletane i vrvce kao verige naèini na oglavlja, koja bijahu navrh stupova, sedam na jedno oglavlje i sedam na drugo oglavlje.
18 And he made the pillars and two rows [were] all around on the network one to cover the capitals which [were] on [the] top of the pomegranates and thus he did for the capital second.
Tako naèini na stupove i dva reda šipaka na jednu pletenicu unaokolo da pokrivaju oglavlje koje bijaše na vrhu; tako naèini i na drugom oglavlju.
19 And [the] capitals which [were] on [the] top of the pillars [were] a work of lili[es] in the porch four cubits.
I na ta dva oglavlja navrh stupova u trijemu bijahu naèinjeni ljiljani od èetiri lakta.
20 And [the] capitals [were] on [the] two the pillars also from above from to near the bulge which [was] to [the] side of (the network *Q(K)*) and the pomegranates two hundred rows [were] all around on the capital second.
I na dva oglavlja na dva stupa bijahu ozgo i prema sredini pod pletenicama šipci, kojih bijaše dvjesta u dva reda unaokolo na jednom i na drugom oglavlju.
21 And he set up the pillars of [the] porch of the temple and he set up the pillar south and he called name its Jakin and he set up the pillar north and he called name its Boaz.
I postavi te stupove u trijemu crkvenom, i postavivši desni stup nazva ga Jahin, potom postavivši stup lijevi nazva ga Voas.
22 And [was] on [the] top of the pillars a work of lili[es] and it was complete [the] work of the pillars.
I navrh stupova namjesti izraðeno cvijeæe ljiljanovo. I tako se svršiše stupovi.
23 And he made the sea cast [metal] [was] ten by the cubit from lip its to lip its round - all around and [was] five by the cubit height its (and a measuring-line *Q(K)*) thirty by the cubit it went round it all around.
I sali more; deset lakata bješe mu od jednoga kraja do drugoga, okruglo unaokolo, a pet lakata bješe visoko, a unaokolo mu bješe trideset lakata.
24 And gourds [were] from under to lip its - all around [they were] surrounding it ten by the cubit [they were] surrounding the sea all around [were] two rows the gourds [they were] cast in casting its.
I ispod kraja njegova bijahu ispupèene kao jabuke svuda unaokolo po deset na jedan lakat, kojima bješe optoèeno more unaokolo, dva reda jabuka bješe saliveno s njim.
25 [it was] standing On two [plus] ten ox[en] three [were] turning - north-ward and three [were] turning - west-ward and three - [were] turning [the] south towards and three [were] turning east-ward and the sea [was] on them from to above and all hindquarters their [were] inside towards.
I stajaše na dvanaest volova; tri gledahu na sjever, tri gledahu na zapad, tri gledahu na jug, a tri gledahu na istok; a more stajaše na njima ozgo, i zadnja strana svijeh njih bijaše unutra.
26 And thickness its [was] a hand breadth and lip its [was] like [the] work of [the] lip of a cup [the] blossom of lili[es] two thousand bath[s] it contained.
Debljina mu bijaše s podlanice, a kraj mu bijaše kao kraj u èaše, kao cvijet ljiljanov, a primaše dvije tisuæe vata.
27 And he made the stands ten bronze [was] four by the cubit [the] length of the stand one and [was] four by the cubit breadth its and [was] three by the cubit height its.
I naèini deset podnožja od mjedi, u dužinu od èetiri lakta bješe svako podnožje, a u širinu od èetiri lakta, a u visinu od tri lakta.
28 And this [was] [the] work of the stand rims [belonged] to them and rims [were] between the cross bars.
A naprava bješe u svakoga podnožja ovaka: oplata bijaše u njih unaokolo, i oplata bijaše izmeðu uglova.
29 And [were] on the rims which - [were] between the cross bars lions - ox[en] and cherubim and [was] on the cross bars a base from above and [were] from under to [the] lions and to the ox[en] garlands [the] work of hanging.
A na oplati meðu uglovima bijahu lavovi i volovi i heruvimi; a na uglovima bijaše stupac ozgo, a ispod lavova i volova bijaše vijenac kovan.
30 And four wheels of bronze [belonged] to the stand one and axles of bronze and four feet its supports [belonged] to them from under to the laver the supports [were] cast [were] from [the] side of each garlands.
I pod svakim podnožjem bijahu po èetiri toèka od mjedi s ploèama mjedenijem, i na èetiri ugla bijahu kao ramena, i pod svakom umivaonicom bijahu ta ramena salivena prema svakom vijencu.
31 And opening its [was] from inside to the capital and up-wards by the cubit and opening its [was] round [the] work of a base a cubit and [the] half of cubit and also [were] on opening its carvings and rims their [were] square not round.
Dubina umivaonici od vrha do dna nad stupcem bijaše s lakta, i u vrhu bijaše okrugla kao i stupac koji bijaše od podrug lakta, i po vrhu joj bijaše rezano, a oplata joj bijaše na èetiri ugla, ne okrugla.
32 And [the] four the wheels [were] to from under to the rims and [the] hands of the wheels [were] on the stand and [the] height of the wheel one [was] a cubit and [the] half of cubit.
I tako po èetiri toèka bijahu pod tom oplatom, i osovine toèkovima izlažahu na podnožju, i svaki toèak bijaše visok podrug lakta.
33 And [the] work of the wheels [was] like [the] work of wheel of chariot hands their and rims their and spokes their and hubs their everything [was] cast.
I naprava u tijeh toèkova bijaše kao naprava u toèkova kolskih; osovine njihove, glavèine, naplaci i paoci, sve bješe liveno.
34 And four supports [were] to [the] four [the] corners of the stand one [were] from the stand supports its.
I èetiri ramena bijahu na èetiri ugla u svakoga podnožja, iz podnožja izlažahu njegova ramena.
35 And at [the] top of the stand half of cubit height round - all around and [were] on [the] top of the stand hands its and rims its [were] from it.
A ozgo u podnožja bijaše visine po lakta, koja bješe svuda okrugla, i ozgo na podnožju bjehu strane njegove i oplate koje izlažahu iz njega.
36 And he engraved on the plates of hands its and on (rims its *Q(K)*) cherubim lions and palm trees according to [the] clear space of each and garlands [were] all around.
I po stranama njegovijem i po oplatama njegovijem izreza heruvime, lavove i palme, jedno do drugoga uz vijence unaokolo.
37 Like this he made [the] ten the stands a casting one a measurement one a shape one for all of them.
Na taj naèin naèini deset podnožja; sva bijahu jednako salivena, jedne mjere i jedne naprave.
38 And he made ten lavers bronze forty bath[s] it contained - the laver one [was] four by the cubit the laver one a laver one [was] on the stand one for [the] ten the stands.
I naèini deset umivaonica od mjedi; po èetrdeset vata uzimaše jedna umivaonica, i svaka umivaonica bijaše od èetiri lakta; po jedna umivaonica stajaše na svakom podnožju od deset podnožja.
39 And he put the stands five on [the] side of the house from [the] south and five on [the] side of the house from left its and the sea he put from [the] side of the house south east-ward from in front of [the] south.
I namjesti pet podnožja na desnoj strani doma, a pet na lijevoj strani doma, a more namjesti na desnu stranu doma prema istoku s juga.
40 And he made Hiram the lavers and the shovels and the bowls and he finished Hiram to do all the work which he did for the king Solomon [the] house of Yahweh.
Tako naèini Hiram umivaonice i lopate i kotliæe; i svrši Hiram sav posao koji radi caru Solomunu za dom Gospodnji:
41 Pillars two and [the] bowls of the capitals which [were] on [the] top of the pillars two and the networks two to cover [the] two [the] bowls of the capitals which [were] on [the] top of the pillars.
Dva stupa i dva oglavlja okrugla navrh dva stupa, i dvije pletenice da pokrivaju ona dva oglavlja okrugla navrh stupova;
42 And the pomegranates four hundred for [the] two the networks two rows pomegranates [belonged] to the network one to cover [the] two [the] bowls of the capitals which [were] on [the] face of the pillars.
I èetiri stotine šipaka na dvije pletenice; dva reda šipaka na svakoj pletenici, da pokrivaju dva oglavlja okrugla navrh stupova;
43 And the stands ten and the lavers ten on the stands.
I deset podnožja, i deset umivaonica na njima;
44 And the sea one and the ox[en] two [plus] ten under the sea.
I more jedno, i volova dvanaest pod morem;
45 And the pots and the shovels and the bowls and all the utensils (the these *Q(K)*) which he made Hiram for the king Solomon [the] house of Yahweh bronze polished.
I lonce i lopate i kotliæe; a svi sudovi što naèini Hiram caru Solomunu za dom Gospodnji bjehu od mjedi uglaðene.
46 In [the] valley of the Jordan he cast them the king in [the] mold of the ground between Succoth and between Zarethan.
To je car salivao u ravnici Jordanskoj u zemlji ilovaèi izmeðu Sohota i Sartana.
47 And he left Solomon all the utensils from abundance very very not it was ascertained [the] weight of the bronze.
I Solomun ne izmjeri tijeh sudova, jer ih bješe vrlo mnogo, ne tražiše težine mjedi.
48 And he made Solomon all the utensils which [were] [the] house of Yahweh [the] altar of gold and the table which [was] on it [the] bread of the presence gold.
Naèini Solomun i sve drugo posuðe za dom Gospodnji: zlatni oltar, i zlatni sto, na kom stajahu hljebovi postavljeni,
49 And the lampstands five from [the] right and five from [the] left before the innermost room gold pure gold and the blossom and the lamps and the tongs gold.
I pet svijetnjaka s desne strane i pet s lijeve strane pred svetinjom od èistoga zlata, i cvjetove i žiške i usekaèe od zlata,
50 And the basins and the snuffers and the bowls and the pans and the fire-pans gold pure gold and the sockets for [the] doors of the house inner to [the] holy place of the holy places for [the] doors of the house of the temple gold.
I èaše i viljuške i kotliæe i kadionice i mašice od èistoga zlata; i èepovi na vratima unutrašnjega doma, svetinje nad svetinjama, i èepovi na vratima crkvenijem bijahu od zlata.
51 And it was complete all the work which he did the king Solomon [the] house of Yahweh and he brought Solomon [the] holy things of - David father his the silver and the gold and the utensils he put [them] in [the] treasuries of [the] house of Yahweh.
I tako se svrši sav posao, koji uradi car Solomun domu Gospodnjemu; i unese Solomun što bješe posvetio David otac njegov, srebro i zlato i sudove, i ostavi u riznicu doma Gospodnjega.

< 1 Kings 7 >