< 1 Kings 20 >

1 And Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram he gathered all army his and thirty and two king[s] [were] with him and horse[s] and chariotry and he went up and he laid siege on Samaria and he fought against it.
A Ven-Adad car Sirski skupi vojsku svoju, i imaše sa sobom trideset i dva cara, i konje i kola; i otišavši opkoli Samariju i stade je biti.
2 And he sent messengers to Ahab [the] king of Israel the city towards. And he said to him thus he says Ben Hadad
I posla poslanike k Ahavu caru Izrailjevu u grad,
3 silver your and gold your [belongs] to me it and wives your and children your good [belong] to me they.
I poruèi mu: ovako veli Ven-Adad: srebro tvoje i zlato tvoje moje je, tako i žene tvoje i tvoji lijepi sinovi moji su.
4 And he answered [the] king of Israel and he said according to word your O lord my the king [belong] to you I and all that [belongs] to me.
A car Izrailjev odgovori i reèe: kao što si rekao, gospodaru moj care, ja sam tvoj i sve što imam.
5 And they returned the messengers and they said thus he says Ben Hadad saying that I sent to you saying silver your and gold your and wives your and children your to me you will give.
A poslanici opet doðoše i rekoše: ovako veli Ven-Adad: poslao sam k tebi i poruèio: srebro svoje i zlato svoje i žene svoje i sinove svoje da mi daš.
6 That - except about this time tomorrow I will send servants my to you and they will search house your and [the] houses of servants your and it will be every desirable thing of eyes your they will put in hand their and they will take [it].
Zato æu sjutra u ovo doba poslati sluge svoje k tebi da pregledaju kuæu tvoju i kuæe sluga tvojih, i što ti je god milo, oni æe uzeti i odnijeti.
7 And he summoned [the] king of Israel all [the] elders of the land and he said know please and see that trouble this [man] [is] seeking for he sent to me for wives my and for children my and for silver my and for gold my and not I withheld [them] from him.
Tada dozva car Izrailjev sve starješine zemaljske i reèe: gledajte i vidite kako ovaj traži zlo; jer posla k meni po mene i po sinove moje i po srebro moje i po zlato moje, i ja mu ne branih.
8 And they said to him all the elders and all the people may not you listen and not you must be willing.
A sve starješine i sav narod rekoše mu: ne slušaj ga i ne pristaj.
9 And he said to [the] messengers of Ben Hadad say to lord my the king all that you sent to servant your at the first I will do and the thing this not I am able to do and they went the messengers and they brought back him word.
I reèe poslanicima Ven-Adadovijem: kažite caru gospodaru mojemu: što si prvo poruèio sluzi svojemu sve æu uèiniti; ali ovo ne mogu uèiniti. Tako otidoše poslanici i odnesoše mu taj odgovor.
10 And he sent to him Ben Hadad and he said thus may they do! to me [the] gods and thus may they add if it will suffice [the] dust of Samaria for handfuls for all the people which [is] at feet my.
A Ven-Adad posla k njemu i poruèi: tako da mi uèine bogovi i tako da dodadu! neæe biti dosta praha od Samarije da svemu narodu koji ide za mnom dopadne po jedna grst.
11 And he answered [the] king of Israel and he said speak may not he boast [one who] girds on like [one who] loosens.
A car Izrailjev odgovori i reèe: kažite: neka se ne hvali onaj koji se opasuje kao onaj koji se raspasuje.
12 And it was when heard the word this and he [was] drinking he and the kings in the booths and he said to servants his set yourselves and they set themselves on the city.
A kad on to èu pijuæi s carevima pod šatorima, reèe slugama svojim: dižite se. I digoše se na grad.
13 And there! - a prophet one he drew near to Ahab [the] king of Israel and he said thus he says Yahweh ¿ do you see all the multitude great this here I [am] about to give it in hand your this day and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Tada gle, pristupi jedan prorok k Ahavu caru Izrailjevu, i reèe: ovako veli Gospod: vidiš li sve ovo mnoštvo? evo, ja æu ti ga dati u ruke danas da poznaš da sam ja Gospod.
14 And he said Ahab by whom? and he said thus he says Yahweh by [the] young men of [the] officials of the provinces and he said who? will he begin the battle and he said you.
A Ahav reèe: preko koga? A on reèe: ovako veli Gospod: preko momaka knezova zemaljskih. Opet reèe: ko æe zametnuti boj? A on reèe: ti.
15 And he mustered [the] young men of [the] officials of the provinces and they were two hundred two and thirty and after them he mustered all the people all [the] people of Israel [were] seven thousand.
Tada prebroji momke knezova zemaljskih, i bješe ih dvjesta i trideset i dva; poslije njih prebroji sav narod, sve sinove Izrailjeve, i bješe ih sedam tisuæa.
16 And they went out at the noontide and Ben Hadad [was] drinking drunken in the booths he and the kings thirty and two king[s] [who] was helping him.
I izidoše u podne; a Ven-Adad pijuæi opi se u šatorima s trideset i dva cara koji mu doðoše u pomoæ.
17 And they went out [the] young men of [the] officials of the provinces at the first and he sent Ben Hadad and people told to him saying men they have come out from Samaria.
I izidoše prvo momci knezova zemaljskih; a Ven-Adad posla, i javiše mu i rekoše: izidoše ljudi iz Samarije.
18 And he said if for peace they have come out seize them alive and if for battle they have come out alive seize them.
A on reèe: ako su izašli mira radi, pohvatajte ih žive; ako su izašli na boj, pohvatajte ih žive.
19 And these [men] they went out from the city [the] young men of [the] officials of the provinces and the army which [was] behind them.
I izidoše iz grada momci knezova zemaljskih, i vojska za njima.
20 And they struck down everyone man his and they fled Aram and it pursued them Israel and he escaped Ben Hadad [the] king of Aram on a horse and horsemen.
I svaki ubi s kojim se sukobi, te Sirci pobjegoše a Izrailjci ih potjeraše. I Ven-Adad car Sirski pobježe na konju s konjicima.
21 And he went out [the] king of Israel and he struck down the horse[s] and the chariotry and he struck down among Aram a slaughter great.
I car Izrailjev izide i pobi konje i kola, i uèini velik pokolj meðu Sircima.
22 And he drew near the prophet to [the] king of Israel and he said to him go strengthen yourself and know and see [that] which you will do for to [the] return of the year [the] king of Aram [is] coming up on you.
Potom doðe prorok k caru Izrailjevu i reèe mu: idi, budi hrabar; i promisli i vidi šta æeš èiniti, jer æe do godine opet doæi car Sirski na te.
23 And [the] servants of [the] king of Aram they said to him [is] a god of mountains God their there-fore they were strong more than us and but let us do battle with them on the level ground if not we will be strong more than them.
A caru Sirskom rekoše sluge njegove: njihovi su bogovi gorski bogovi, zato nas nadjaèaše; nego da se bijemo s njima u polju, zacijelo æemo ih nadjaèati.
24 And the thing this do remove the kings each from place his and appoint governors in place of them.
Uèini dakle ovako: ukloni te careve s mjesta njihovijeh, i postavi vojvode mjesto njih.
25 And you you will muster for yourself - an army like the army which fell from you and a horse like the horse - and chariotry like the chariotry and let us fight them on the level ground if not we will be strong more than them and he listened to voice their and he did thus.
Pa skupi vojsku kakva je bila ona koja ti je izginula, i konje kakvi su bili oni konji, i kola kao ona kola; pa da se pobijemo s njima u polju; zacijelo æemo ih nadjaèati. I posluša ih, i uèini tako.
26 And it was to [the] return of the year and he mustered Ben Hadad Aram and he went up Aphek towards for battle with Israel.
A kad proðe godina, Ven-Adad prebroji Sirce, i poðe u Afek da vojuje na Izrailja.
27 And [the] people of Israel they were mustered and they were supplied and they went to meet them and they encamped [the] people of Israel before them like two little flocks of goats and Aram they filled the land.
I sinovi Izrailjevi prebrojiše se, i ponesavši hrane izidoše pred njih. I stadoše u oko sinovi Izrailjevi prema njima, kao dva mala stada koza, a Sirci bijahu prekrilili zemlju.
28 And he drew near [the] man of God and he said to [the] king of Israel and he said thus he says Yahweh because that they have said Aram [is] a god of mountains Yahweh and not [is] a god of valleys he and I will give all the multitude great this in hand your and you will know that I [am] Yahweh.
Tada doðe èovjek Božji, i progovori caru Izrailjevu i reèe: ovako veli Gospod: što Sirci rekoše da je Gospod gorski Bog a nije Bog poljski, zato æu ti dati u ruke sve ovo mnoštvo veliko da znate da sam ja Gospod.
29 And they encamped these opposite to these seven days and it was - on the day seventh and it drew near the battle and they struck down [the] people of Israel Aram one hundred thousand foot soldier[s] in a day one.
I stajahu u okolu jedni prema drugima sedam dana; a sedmoga dana pobiše se, i sinovi Izrailjevi pobiše Siraca sto tisuæa pješaka u jedan dan.
30 And they fled the [ones who] remained - Aphek towards into the city and it fell the wall on twenty and seven thousand man who remained and Ben Hadad he fled and he went into the city a room in a room.
A ostali pobjegoše u grad Afek, i pade zid na dvadeset i sedam tisuæa ljudi koji bijahu ostali. I Ven-Adad pobjegav u grad uðe u najtajniju klijet.
31 And they said to him servants his here! please we have heard that [the] kings of [the] house of Israel that [are] kings of covenant loyalty they let us put please sackcloth on loins our and ropes on head our and let us go out to [the] king of Israel perhaps he will let live life your.
A sluge mu rekoše: evo èuli smo da su carevi doma Izrailjeva milostivi carevi; da vežemo kostrijet oko sebe i da metnemo uzice sebi oko vratova, pa da izidemo pred cara Izrailjeva, da ako ostavi u životu dušu tvoju.
32 And they girded sackcloth on loins their and ropes on heads their and they went to [the] king of Israel and they said servant your Ben Hadad he says let it live please life my and he said ¿ [is] still he alive [is] brother my he.
I vezaše kostrijet oko sebe, i metnuše uzice sebi oko vratova, i doðoše k caru Izrailjevu i rekoše: sluga tvoj Ven-Adad veli: ostavi u životu dušu moju. A on reèe: je li još živ? brat mi je.
33 And the men they observed [the] signs and they hastened and they caught ¿ from him and they said [is] brother your Ben Hadad and he said go fetch him and he came out to him Ben Hadad and he brought up him on the chariot.
A ljudi uzeše to za dobar znak, i odmah da bi ga uhvatili za rijeè rekoše: brat je tvoj Ven-Adad. A on reèe: idite, dovedite ga. Tada Ven-Adad izide k njemu; a on ga posadi na svoja kola.
34 And he said to him the cities which he took father my from with father your I will return and streets you will make for yourself in Damascus just as he made father my in Samaria and I with the covenant I will let go you and he made to him a covenant and he let go him.
Tada mu reèe Ven-Adad: gradove koje je uzeo otac moj tvome ocu, vratiæu, i naèini sebi ulice u Damasku kao što je otac moj uèinio u Samariji. A on odgovori: s tom vjerom otpustiæu te. I uèini vjeru s njim, i otpusti ga.
35 And a man one one of [the] sons of the prophets he said to companion his at [the] word of Yahweh strike me please and he refused the man to strike him.
Tada jedan izmeðu sinova proroèkih reèe drugome po rijeèi Gospodnjoj: bij me. Ali ga onaj ne htje biti.
36 And he said to him because that not you listened to [the] voice of Yahweh here you [are] about to go from with me and it will strike down you the lion and he went from beside him and it met him the lion and it struck down him.
A on mu reèe: što ne posluša glasa Gospodnjega, zato, evo kad otideš od mene, lav æe te zaklati. I kad otide od njega, sukobi ga lav i zakla ga.
37 And he found a man another and he said strike me please and he struck him the man completely and wounded.
Opet našav drugoga reèe mu: bij me. A onaj ga izbi i izrani ga.
38 And he went the prophet and he stood for the king (beside *LAB(H)*) the way and he disguised himself with ashes over eyes his.
Tada otide prorok i stade na put kuda æe car proæi, i nagrdi se pepelom po licu.
39 And he was the king passing by and he he cried out to the king and he said servant your - he went out in [the] midst of the battle and there! a man he turned aside and he brought to me a man and he said guard the man this if indeed he will be missing and it will be life your in place of life his or a talent of silver you will weigh out.
A kad car prolažaše, on viknu cara i reèe: tvoj sluga bijaše izašao u boj, a jedan došavši dovede mi èovjeka i reèe: èuvaj ovoga èovjeka; ako li ga nestane, biæe tvoja duša za njegovu dušu, ili æeš platiti talanat srebra.
40 And he was servant your doing them and them and he there not [was] he and he said to him [the] king of Israel [is] thus sentence your you you have decided.
A kad tvoj sluga imaše posla tamo amo, njega nesta. Tada mu reèe car Izrailjev: to ti je sud, sam si otsudio.
41 And he hastened and he removed the bandage (from over *Q(k)*) eyes his and he recognized him [the] king of Israel that [was] one of the prophets he.
A on brže ubrisa pepeo s lica, i car Izrailjev pozna ga da je jedan od proroka.
42 And he said to him thus he says Yahweh because you have let go [the] man of total destruction my from a hand and it will be life your in place of life his and people your in place of people his.
A on mu reèe: ovako veli Gospod: što si pustio iz ruku èovjeka kojega sam ja osudio da se istrijebi, duša æe tvoja biti za njegovu dušu i narod tvoj za njegov narod.
43 And he went [the] king of Israel to house his sullen and furious and he went Samaria towards.
I otide car Izrailjev kuæi svojoj zlovoljan i ljutit, i doðe u Samariju.

< 1 Kings 20 >